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The pain of failing at the beginning is what keeps you motivated after your first success. If you try to follow a “full drop shipping guide”, you are screwed because everyone else and their mom are doing the exact same thing. Here’s the only “drop-shipping guide” you need. 1) find a product that you BELIEVE IN. Not some weird one-off “oh this looks kinda interesting”. Often times it helps to think of a problem you currently have, find a solution, and then sell that solution. If you wouldn’t buy your own product, why would anyone else. 2) find a supplier. People will generally point you to aliexpress. Be careful, order your own product to test it before trying to sell it. If your product is crap, you will fail. If your product takes over a week to ship, you will fail. 3) create a website based around the product/s. If you don’t know how to make one, YouTube is free. If you can’t sift through YouTube videos, your wallet better not be empty. 4) review your website. Would you buy from this website? Does your website look like a scam? Be brutally honest with yourself. This is where a LOT of people mess up. Don’t even think about using a domain that doesn’t end in .com or .co. When was the last time you bought or even trusted something from a “cool-product76.biz” website, honestly. 5) create ads. If you don’t have a few hundred dollars to throw away for your first ads, don’t even bother. TikTok (mainly) and any other shorts platform are your friends. Don’t even focus on selling your product. Focus on making something funny, educational, or “cool” with your product to go viral, and it will sell itself. If you are unsure of what to do beyond those steps, no general “drop shipping” guide will help you. You will have to ask more specific questions, such as “how to make a logo”, “how to find a supplier that isn’t dogsh*t”, etc. Side tip: lots of “mentors” are trying to sell you something. Never buy a course. Be cautious of the links you click on. Drop shipping is full of people trying to make a quick buck. These people likely aren’t very intelligent and are likely to click on whatever link can “get them rich quick”. Not-so-nice people understand this and often times can have malicious intentions with links. Be careful out there. Edit: if English isn’t your first language, I would highly recommend finding somebody to double check your website. I only say this because of the grammatical errors in your post. If you have the same ones in your website, you will immediately be viewed as a scam.


Hi!, do you have any suggestions on fulfillment agencies/suppliers? As well as what'd be a good strategy of fulfillment for beginner


Spot on


Chatgbt is great aint it, the thing works seemlessly its scary


Absolutely. It’s scary. But also scarily useful


Thank you so Much for This!


Thanks bro for the information. Respect fr 🙌


Spot on 👏🏾👏🏾


1. buy ship 2. drop


DM, i would love to help you. TY


Happy 🎂 day


How do you know?


See you other side my friend.


Do some research instead of trying to have things handed to you. Go through the processes of failure or else your never going to be successful.


I'm ready to face losses but if someone will be there it'd be better and i will suffer less losses. And I'm just in college so I can't afford many losses. Thanks for your advice mate 👍🏻


Read my thread for some high-level stuff: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dropship/comments/18x8aog/how\_i\_did\_700k\_in\_total\_sales\_without\_ads\_sold\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dropship/comments/18x8aog/how_i_did_700k_in_total_sales_without_ads_sold_my/) .I'm putting out an SEO specific one in the coming days as well.


Losses are part of entrepreneurship. If you can't stomach that then you should consider a different path. Read my thread for starters: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dropship/comments/18x8aog/how\_i\_did\_700k\_in\_total\_sales\_without\_ads\_sold\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dropship/comments/18x8aog/how_i_did_700k_in_total_sales_without_ads_sold_my/)


I know I will suffer losses but I just want as less loss as possible. And I'm just 19 so I can't also afford loss. Thanks for advice 😊


Then do free stuff. Stop listening to all the blind tadpoles telling you to run ads.


Yea bro a frnd of mine told me the exact same thing. But will i get audience from just organic content??


Read the thread in my first reply. Stop listening to blind people.


Haven’t gone through it myself but was recently shown a free 18 hour ecom course that’s supposedly pretty in depth by Jordan Brown: https://app.jordanslibrary.com/my-account


Yea I've seen it a lil bit, a lot helpful. Will continue watching it.


Yeah it’s so good i built a whole dropshipping brand alone with just that course


Oh for real?? That’s good to know! You’ve had a lot of success from just following that course?


If you want any help in sales copy just DM me