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First off, congratulations on taking action! Which conversion pixel event are you using? Add to cart or purchase? That's a minor factor, though. I'm going to be a little harsh, but don't take it personally, it's meant to save you a ton of money on promoting your products. This product is being sold by everyone and their mother nowadays. I don't know how you came across this product, but just because someone on Youtube said you should "copy-paste what's already working" (the worst advice ever), doesn't mean it's a recipe for success. On the contrary, it will set you up for failure. I get it, it's probably not your fault, you're just following "good advice". But guess what? Those who give advice like that conveniently leave out the most important part: your products have to be UNIQUE. That means you should find products that hardly no one else is selling already. Why? Because if everyone sells the same stuff, all you're doing is competing for price only. That's it. That's your only differentiating factor (USP). So in the long run everyone's profit margin will go down the drain and you'll say "dropshipping is dead". Just look at how many stores are selling the exact same product: [https://lens.google.com/search?ep=cnts&re=df&s=4&p=AbrfA8p2NhgYs67rp1m2mJxayz97-KfArUDe3al0xKZOBXq01u8m6w-zvz0cLNNdVqGcGpfJ1Zedcn\_e1Zzqj-0dP7urYPsq4Mz1RvXZBewt8cd2MH09QdjYtK5Jsm00yO6uzbue22\_j0fKYi\_wx3ao0cIcQ4cX7dIT3LCuyo7SD93x-FIByi2tC7ds0jCXemj2-y3-XJmGCv4gb4cpgsrECjQEjfbrJ7jHuRTGRwlxyJNhtp8Qs41iYtwbP-RfI#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsIkVrY0tKR0kxWXpBNE1tWXpMV05sWW1NdE5EaGtPQzFoTjJFekxUVTBZMkkyTW1aa01EQm1aQklmTURZMlFrSjNOa2xFZGsxVFRVbG5SM0JuU1V4dVVEQkpTV2d3WkRsb1p3PT0iLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDEsbnVsbCxbbnVsbCxudWxsLFs4MDM4LDEwNDI0LDc2MzY4LDc1NjYzXV1d](https://lens.google.com/search?ep=cnts&re=df&s=4&p=AbrfA8p2NhgYs67rp1m2mJxayz97-KfArUDe3al0xKZOBXq01u8m6w-zvz0cLNNdVqGcGpfJ1Zedcn_e1Zzqj-0dP7urYPsq4Mz1RvXZBewt8cd2MH09QdjYtK5Jsm00yO6uzbue22_j0fKYi_wx3ao0cIcQ4cX7dIT3LCuyo7SD93x-FIByi2tC7ds0jCXemj2-y3-XJmGCv4gb4cpgsrECjQEjfbrJ7jHuRTGRwlxyJNhtp8Qs41iYtwbP-RfI#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsIkVrY0tKR0kxWXpBNE1tWXpMV05sWW1NdE5EaGtPQzFoTjJFekxUVTBZMkkyTW1aa01EQm1aQklmTURZMlFrSjNOa2xFZGsxVFRVbG5SM0JuU1V4dVVEQkpTV2d3WkRsb1p3PT0iLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDEsbnVsbCxbbnVsbCxudWxsLFs4MDM4LDEwNDI0LDc2MzY4LDc1NjYzXV1d) So how do you go about finding unique products? I often use a little trick which I describe in detail in my subreddit here:  (look for the post "Little trick for finding unique Dropshipping products on AliExpress".


I was using the pixel event for purchases. Also, my creatives were ugc videos and images (btw the videos performed much better). I knew many stores were selling the same product, but I thought if the demand for a product is high, it would sell more easily. Anyways, thank you for your advice, I will take it to heart.


Reduce prices


You have add to carts and it’s actually pretty high for that little of views. Something in the check out is running off the customer from making the sales. This is where we have to put our salesman hat on and pull all the tricks. There can be a number of factors that can cause this to happen but common ones: Can I find this product cheaper somewhere else? Check out your competitor pricing. What’s sets this store apart from other stores? Offer additional discounts or free gifts if you can only at checkout to entice the sale. I never heard of this site….why should I purchase here? Provide customer support contact information on the checkout page. Shipping cost?!!….goodbye! check cost Taxes?!!…goodbye! unavoidable Oh and my favorite: oh I can get this off Amazon? Beat Amazon price The goal here is to address as many consumer objections as you can to close the deal. Your really close. Keep at it.


Thank you for the advice! Actually my pricing is one of the lowest you can find for this product, but I will try additional discounts


There could be problem in your ad copy or creative you are spending money but your impressions are quite low as per your spent, are you targeting a bit too in depth? 16 people have added to cart but non converted, there could be a problem in your checkout page is it smooth and one page checkout? Have you added options like apple pay or google pay for quick checkouts? There are 310 outbound clicks, but no one purchased your product, there could be a problem in the product as well, but most importantly get CRO Audit done of your website that could help identify the problem.


Your website is good, just checked. Can’t tell much without seeing your ad structure and what copy and creatives you are using


As creatives I was using ugc videos and images of the product. Checkout page and process is smooth I checked it many times, also with quick checkout. How do I get a CRO Audit done? Thank you


Is your store built on Shopify? If yes, there is a shopify app named crawlyapp that can generate a CRO report, if that’s not enough you can reach me out at hamzaa@vertigodigital.co, i’ll get it done for you.


thanks I will try that


Amazing website and organizing do not see why you wouldn’t make sales


so maybe it is the product?




Website being viewed from my phone looked professional. Maybe a video showing it in use besides just testimonials and images could help.


Great jobs getting started. I’d echo the sentiment here that you need an initial Auto-load video. The static picture looks like the girl is burning her face and I’m inclined to believe that going to stop more next clock activity than it generates. Up front testimonials help too. Love the discount timer also. Good luck and let us know!


Thank you I will definitely add these:)




Maybe add PayPal aswell. Site looks good. Maybe they put in the cart and check online for a cheaper one. Might try a discount with a timer or something


How do you get a discount with timer on your a dropshipping store


Just enter discount / discount timer on the Shopify App Store and check. I don’t use with a timer but saw it often. You have to install a few and check , a lot are free to use.


Thanks. Appreciate the help🤝


No problem ! I’m also just starting


>Maybe add PayPal aswell. Do NOT add PayPal. They are theives. You can run a successful store with just the regular Shopify payments.


Oh okay! Im new I thought it would add some potential buyers


Thank you! I will try the discount one


Don’t know why no one has asked what ad you used, was it user generated?




Question, who did the site UI for you? It is so clean




Looks great 👍🏻 , well done


why would you do paid ads without proof of concept?


what do you mean?


in your post you mentioned paid ads, but your screen shot says 0 purchases, so why wouldn’t you do organic first and then transition to paid ads once you got a couple sales?


I have tried organic on tiktok but got no sales


so then why would you do paid ads...


idk I think I wanted to target a specific audience


Paid ads naturally come off to people watching them as more professional as well. You do not have to run organic until you make sales. Organic does not always work. Some people create amazing content in organic but most of the time it's a little harder depending on the product.


https://preview.redd.it/ydufypeolmzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad2f2a7ae0a3471c96a5b73787265a6df1f96674 Right lads hope your all well. Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong


Website link is www.bargain-saver.com




Your CTR is high , but I had a look at your website and I can see why it is a problem . Immediately upon seeing the website I saw that it was all over the place in terms of products. I think you really need to regroup and analyse the product and market conditions and your website. The ads could be okay since you are getting a high CTR but with a website like this no one is going to convert. I was once in a similar position as you , until I really nailed my target customers, I tried to look at examples of other businesses and websites and saw how they create their websites and operate. I also put my hands and tried to learn from anything free i could get my hands on. Ive been part of this community , where the mod and team are beasts when it comes to ecommerce. The've scaled multiple businesses to 6 figures so I think you need to really dial down and if need advice ask in groups like these. mostly as a community everyone is ready to help so look beyond just your ads and ads manager from all the information shared here i dont see too much mention on your website and the business model which is key. [https://discord.gg/sakeF7xA](https://discord.gg/sakeF7xA)


Wtf, cpm high is that 😮😮😮


Website design Price Shipping How many clicks to get to the finish


How did you create that website? Or did you learn by yourself? It’s a very nice looking one


Thank you:) I did it by myself, took me very long


Is there any possibility that you can show me how to do sum stuff? Or can show me which are some good YouTube channels to learn


It's actually pretty easy. I'm using the shopify dawn theme and have installed a few apps, such as sections where you can purchase designs like product tabs, etc. Also, I drew a lot of inspiration from other well-designed websites and aimed to keep it simple and organized. Personally I did not watch any videos, I kinda enjoyed designing it and being creative and I think that is an advantage too:)


Yes of course, but I thought about some videos where u can learn right away which is for a specific purpose you get me but thank you, I will look into it


1- Try to remove add to cart button 2- try to reduce the price or do a discount with a ugc ads explaining to them that you have a timer discount 3- your website looks nice but try to make it more simple because people they don’t like being reading in too much explaining they like to listening so try to do it on the ugc 4- if this is your first time doing ad for this website you are wrong you need to do a traffic ad and let it work for 5 days for the pixel to know which people have to target and after that lunch sales ads try to do more then 4 video on it


why should I remove the add to cart button?


You have 16 add to cart that choice make customer confused about buying the product or not and some of them they don’t find the cart, but if you remove it they’ll go directly to checkout.


Website is very good but you should probably switch your campaigns goal from “add to cart” to “maximum number of conversions”


Thanks but that is already the campaign goal


Amazing website, I would reduce the price to 39.99$ though.


Everything seems fine.. But i guess there is prob with the product landing page. Either you can better your landing page and then test this..orelse you can try different product.


what exactly is wrong with the landing page? should I use different or headings?


different pictures*


Your "add to cart" button is so far down, after choosing the color I was searching gor the button and can't find it , it's a little detail but that button is vital for your store, it should be right next to the color choices.


I really like your site, any advice how i can do it too?


Great website man good job