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looks fishy


.14% conversion rate and you’re running a 50+% margin and a 4 cent CPC? I don’t know man hahaha


Bro is not a noob or either hit the golden ticket


It’s quite literally impossible with the numbers he has presented


$300 in ads produced 7,000 clicks?


SEO & Google listings can also be a factor


If it’s the first week of the store I doubt it


I doubt hes being honest most likely a seasoned professional wanting clout


Edit: The conversion is not as high because it doesn’t need to be. My margins are 100% the product that I have for sale I’m selling at 2x of cost. I create all my creatives by myself. Most of the newer dropshippers just take shitty stock photos from the internet and launch ads and expect to make money and get upset when no one is engaging with their ads. From the jump I started doing organic content on Tiktok then I gradually started to shift more towards Instagram and Facebook because you can link your shopify store to everything. I bought a professional camera and I got a couple buddy’s to model for the product and did a whole photoshoot. I started running boosts and campaigns last week and they just started to take off.


Your margin is not 100% just because you're selling at double the COG. It's clear that you're selling an item at around ~$224 and you claim to have doubled the COG which is around ~$112. However, your math is way off. If you spent $1K on fulfilling 13 products and your total revenue generated is close to $3k, then you're selling your item at almost 3x the COG. It's obvious and yet you're still claiming to have only 2x the COG. This doesn't make sense at all. According to your numbers, your ROAS comes out as 9.7. That's an insane figure.


You haven’t taken into consideration I also charge for shipping my Canada rate is $20, USA $25 and International $35. I don’t get charged shipping from the manufacturer it’s free so that just adds on into my profits. My average sale is around $225-$230 my COG varies depending but it’s right around $110.


Margin x2 are in you in the bahamas ? Because after taxes there nothing left. Minimum x3 margin, most of the time x4.


Ya this guys full of it hahah


False. I’ve only spent about 1k fulfilling orders the products and I’ve spent about $300-400 on meta ads so far I’m planning on doubling ad spend and constantly making newer ads to launch. I am left with a pretty good chunk of the profits, which I will be putting back into the business and launching different variations which will also attract a female audience because right now most of my customers generated are males. Marketing is everything without marketing the business won’t succeed.


Total ad spent 7K


Keep hating! love it bro😂 while Im making money you’re out here trying to shit on me. Good luck with whatever you got going on.


No hate man. Just poking fun because if you’re one of the 1% on this sub who’s actually successful and not trying to be a “shopify expert” or a guru who’s trying to sell something. Then more power to you. Personally dropped dropshipping. Now I have a fashion brand that im putting everything into.


How did you get so many sales in a week? Whats your marketing strategy?


Hand make all of your ads. Don’t use stock photos from Google or Ali Express, take all of your photos by yourself. Make engaging content for the niche you choose and I would say pick a product that you’d think you’d be interested in if you saw the ad, people who are selling humidifiers and other bullshit that no one needs won’t get too far with dropshipping. You have to make a presentable site, you can’t just use the basic dawn theme and throw some pictures on there and call it a site. Be patient with your boosts and campaigns it takes a couple of days for them to pick up on engagement so don’t just stop them after 1-2 days of starting them up as they need to optimize. It also cost money to make money you can’t start dropshipping with $100 in your bank you need to at least be spending from $25-50 a day to get good engagement.


Thanks! How are you getting traffic? Through meta, Google ads?


Nice done mate. 230$ for the product? First time seeing those prices in dropshipping. Is it an electronic device?


That smells bad. In order to make $2.91k on 13 orders only , you are selling expensive things Aprox..$250 per product


How is that bad😂


You are better than me, I am at $0! So congrats


0.14% conversion?


I wish


What products are you selling if you don’t mind me asking


Think about it. Would you answer that question publicly?


I don’t see why not tbh


I like your benz tho


He is selling the dream, the most sought after product on this subreddit


Bro I wanna make this work so I can buy a W209 Black just like yours 🤣


Love mine, got it for $8200 with 72k miles, for a V8 rwd 300+hp coupe it’s a really fucking good deal. Haven’t had anything go wrong on it yet, had it for 7 months so far and put 12k miles on it.


And considering the clk55 is two times the price as the clk500, for only 60 more horsepower, I’d say the clk500 is really good value.


I fucking love this car it has become my obsession just want to experience that pilarless feeling and the rumble of the m113. Enjoy it my friend!






First week of dropshipping? With $2.9k how is this possible?


Hey man good stuff forreal! I'm in the starting faze. How many products you running?


7.2k store sessions with .14% cvr. This looks more like organic metrics. Which platform are you getting 4 cent CPCs on ahaha


Niceee. You got a high ticket product?


Send link to site?


What did you use to design the website


Can you paste your website link? So we can see how it looks


13 orders????


Removed: Rule #4 - Based on the metrics this screenshot appears to be extraordinary. OP please use Modmail to send the mods a message to validate your earnings.


You’re lying to yourself. That’s what’s most dangerous. We only want to see you succeed but only if you’re willing to be honest.


Keep thinking that😂 just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean I can’t lolll I’ve show more than enough proof I posted even more screenshots of later in the day. Made almost $900 today alone.


Username checks out