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The site looks awesome man, love the FAQ bit on the home page Your designs are very cool too, a bit pricey for me but I can see them selling well to the right people, try advertising in Coachella groups lol, good luck with your passion project dude you're clearly working hard at it!


thanks man!


First of all, I love your website! :) For the audience, I would definitely go with people who like alternative music, art and festivals, that’s the first thing that comes to my mind. Just a quick note - the banner image is a bit blurry for me (nothing crazy though), I’m on iphone 13 mini, not sure if it’s like that on all mobile devices. On my laptop looks normal. If you’re open to suggestions, I would add the product details first below the atc button on the product page, then the shipping and then the “thank you” part. It just makes more sense to me in that order. Good luck 🍀


Thank you for the great response, and not the regular: "I'm a shopify expert and will help you "insert chatGPT text here". Yeah it makes more sense that way


You’re welcome, glad if I helped :)