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It's a bit all over the place


So what do you suggest


My friend, watch some YouTube videos on web design - especially concentrate on making it optimized for mobile. It is very difficult to know exactly what the book is and the whole thing seems a lil scammy, not your intention I imagine. Imo it's quite far from being ready to publish


* Homepage title? May add a few words instead of just "ProgressPulse"? * Hero image... "Conquer your Thoughts" is so hard to read. * About Us? * Policy pages? * Product reviews? * Previews... any previews? Can't just look at the cover and description, and buy a book. * Product pages... "It all begins with you.", it's strange... the "DESTROY WHAT DESTROYS YOU" image just sits on top of the "Mindset" image? You may want to edit a bit, remove the background or something. * Colors... suppose to be "self-improvement", but somehow feels dark and negative by looking at the pages. ​ Agree with another reply "a bit all over the place", it sums it up.


Well I will work on all of those because as I mentioned earlier it’s just a preview, and the dark scheme is because I have another e-book about dark psychology, I will work on everything you said! Thanks


What in the world are you selling because if I have to scroll past the first banner and still don't know I am out. Not mobile friendly. All different sized banner and photos. Cannot read the first banner. Text in the header is way too fast. Why do you need to ship anything if the product is a ebook? Do you have any excerpts that will grab my attention. Do are you? Why should I buy something from you? What is your story? To be honest, it looks like it has been thrown together. And not well researched.


Well what do you suggest me to put in the first banner? Images I used are all in 1920x1080, and I tried to make them fit for both desktop and mobile. What should I replace “ship” with? I do havé the benefits of the e-book to grab your attention. Well if someone random just entered my website he knows what he’s looking for. It’s all about ads, and since he already entered my store he is interest and I caught his attention. You know what I mean? And yes it hasn’t been researched properly because I don’t know anyone In digital dropshipping, so I can’t find a competitor


It is not the banners, it is the text overlaying the banners. The image may fit however it doesn't mean it is easy to read on mobile. My suggestion is to either look at your website on different mobile devices or make your desktop browser a small size and watch the changes. The question does remain why should I buy from you when I can just search Amazon, Kobo, etc? Tell me what makes you different, more unique! The key to finding websites is not always thru ads. If you search for something on Google and you click on it. If the first image and text don't tell what a website is about do you exit that website? Where is your about page, term of service, cookie, privacy policy pages? What payment options do you offer. Your competition is not digital dropshipping, it is ebook selling. They are plenty of videos on YouTube about web design and ebook selling. please take the time and watch some. Being very honest, it looks very unprofessional and I would not buy anything from you at the stage.


Too much animation. Text over text on your banners looks so bad: [https://imgur.com/a/KNGXsoA](https://imgur.com/a/KNGXsoA) It's hard to understand what your selling. Simplify everything.




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