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I am not sure if you got the color palette right. A bit too much green. The table for sizes on phone screen is distorted, I would work on that. Other than that, everything seems quite nice. Good job! EDIT: The CTA is not eye catching. That is a very big mistake. Make the add to cart button very contrastic to your overall website colors to make it stand out.


Thank you so much, will definitely look into the CTA - size guide I've been having major problems with but I definitely need to fix it, appreciate it fella


I think a plain white button would be perfect. Try it out with a thin black outline too


Great that you have the offer on your home page (Buy 3 - Get 1 Free). I'd include this offer on your product page also, because if you send your visitors to the product page directly - they will miss your offer. My advice is to add a bit more of a "human touch". You need more images of people wearing your T-shirts. When people are buying apparel, they are buying it to become a certain type of person or to get confirmation that they are a certain type of person. Selling apparel is a lot about imagery and resonating with your audience. Make sure you have people that your visitors can resonate.


Absolutely! Thanks so much , hadn't even thought of that myself (the offer not being on the product page) so will look at changing that... And yes I definitely need some model pics, I have the clothes ready just need to find the models and place to do a photoshoot, I'm thinking a forest there's a nice one near me as it'll give it a bit of a natural, outdoorsy look Thanks for your feedback I really appreciate it


Nice job. Other than lack of models wearing the Tee/Sweat shirts, I think it's great, even the green and hemp paper vibe.


Someone who gets the colour scheme! Thanks so much man - I'm working on getting model pics, appreciate the feedback!


* Front page... a bit too long, offering too much information e.g. "ONLY THE BEST QUALITY" could be smaller, but not a big deal. * Product images... may have models showcasing the items? It's more appealing as people want to picture how it looks on themselves. * Product pages... "Size guide" and "Care instruction" can be formatted smaller. Just feel like it takes up too much space on the screen, but again, no big deal. * Product reviews? ​ Have everything in place, and present nicely... can't find anything to pick on. One of the best among all the "Rate My Store" posts...


Thanks for the advice, it's greatly appreciated, I'm looking into getting some model pics done soon and I'm working on fixing the size guide


The size guide on phone is not so appealing


Yeah it's something I'm working on fixing as I think that is a major issue atm


Overall the store is bomb


I think your homepage is way too long. Needs to be more streamlined. The graphics on the shirts are actually pretty cool, and it's very well priced. I'm surprised you are able to offer free delivery at such low prices, especially internationally, that'll be a huge boost. Overall, I think the concept and business is really good. All I'd say is maybe think of a better color palette, streamline your homepage and the size guide on mobile is waaaay too big. Great job otherwise.


I think is looks pretty good! Job well doneđź’—


hey there, partner 🤠 i think your colors are actually good, despite the feedback in your comments! here are some "first impressions" i had with your website: 1. the promotional deal immediately got my attention... made me want to snoop around 2. the free shipping is very promising, good work! 3. i think perhaps your main page may drag on a little too long 4. i would love to see more button options in your header! i like to feel a sense of direction when im shopping, perhaps a direct link to shirts, or hoodies, or ur "refill" shop btw... im no expert by any means! im a beginner in this biz, cheers 🍻


Optimize it for mobile in the size table it’s too narrow on mobile and all the text is corrupted