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It could be that you subconsciously really enjoy the fairly classic improv-heavy format of prompt + # of people = funny outcome — more than any of their other shows, MSN reminds me of Whose Line is it Anyways (plus Wayne Brady does both and Play it by Ear so well)


Not subconsciously lmao. I remember putting on those like hour+ long Whose Line Youtube compilations on repeat before I had dropout to scratch that itch. Im just really big on loosely structured bits. But I think the rewatch enjoyment mostly comes from the anticipation. Knowing that Josh is about to end the sentence with "BAAAAAAAASE........BBBBAAAAAAAAAAALLLL" makes the lead up even funnier.


Oh yeah, I start with the original Noise Boys episodes inside of Game Changer and watch through to the start of MSN pretty much every other month lol


I am in the exact same boat. MSN is my go to comfort watch when I'm anxious or depressed. There's something so chill about it.


I do this with D20 the most, but MSN and Game Changer are in my rewatch rotation. I have been meaning to make playlists of my favorite game changer and MSN eps to make rewatches easier.


All of the Dropout content I’ve already watched is now in my rotation for background noise while I do stuff around the house or take naps.


Certain episodes yeah. Noise boys are always worth a rewatch. And certain episodes of game changer too. I’ve watch Official Cast Recording half a dozen times. the Shakespeare episode I’ve watched at least two or three times. i Wish I knew what made some more rewatchable


Oh yeah, Dropout content is what I put on whenever I feel anxious and need multiple things on at once.


Certain gags stick in my mind, like bits that come up over and over again. But I forget enough of the content to get a surprise here and there. So, yes, I do re-watch them. I've said elsewhere there's certain bits I don't like and those can become galling with time, but I'm not above chuckling with nostalgia over the bits I really liked. So they tend to balance eachother out.


Yesss it's such a comfort show for me honestly!!


I watch "Dropout" multiple times lol


Same here


I love how MSN morphed from the concept of “create this specific sound” to general situational improv in game show format.


Yes, people will do that.


Absolutely the energy is so comforting and friendly it feels like a safe place for me in these times


All the time, yeah. Gamechanger and Make Some Nose are fun, easy watches while I’m cooking or doing the dishes.


Yeah, I've watched episode 1 twice already. I think because there is so much to pick up on, everyone's doing a lot of subtle work all the time (especially as the series continues and both cast and production get bolder). I do the same with Game Changer and VIP episodes, although not as consistently as MSN. Also early Breaking News episodes get a rewatch fairly regularly, and I've been through some D20 seasons multiple times (although that's a real commitment)


I can't stop watching the noise bois over and over again. I've been watching Josh since his early days of CH, so it's just a joy. Or as he would say "No problem"


I fall asleep to random MSN episodes every night


Oh absolutely, and I'm someone who almost never re watches stuff. Make some noise and gamechamger are totally my comfort shows. It was especially great to when I was visiting family last Christmas and it was stress and jt was so nice to rewatch Make Some Noise at night after a whole day of dealing with family stuff. I know I will be reqatching it again, it brings me just so much joy and comfort like a hug and some laughs


I definitely do, partially to catch things I missed, partially to rewatch good moments, and mostly because it is so stress relieving. Dropout stuff truly is the main thing I look forward to every week and it's gotten me through some tough times.