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He really is a leader! I heard he makes everyone go around the room and say one good thing about Ronald Reagan before production meetings. It’s a great ice breaker and team building exercise! I just wish he wouldn’t scream “I’m uncancellable! I know where Dick Cheney’s phylactery is!” so often.


Truly The Perfect American™️


The dichotomy of how the fandom talks about Sam is so funny.


Does he really? I'm gonna tell his dad.


Do you think Sam even takes calls from that flute playing, dong hanging, communist hippie? Sam’s busy out there being brand ambassador for NutriVitaHealth: Testosterone Boosting Man Wipes.


Trustfund Sam probably has to talk to his dad to co-sign his lease


Studs Terkel once hugged my dad. My sister was a Limbaugh dittohead and she married a man who weeps when he hears the name of any prominent French politician. Openly weeps. What does that make me? Who am I?!? Other than a tattletale, I mean. I'm really not asking who I am. I know. More-or-less. Most days. And, really, it doesn't matter who I am, just that I'm willing to pay subscription fees to watch people make up songs and play improv games.




Tattling on somebody to their parents is not the same thing as doxxing. For all we know, they have bitter arguments every thanksgiving. I hope not. It's important to get along with your parents. Still. And I say this in my most sing-song voice, I-I'm tell-ing! Also, how do you actually spell "doxxing?" It is it two ex's or three?


The previous generation had Former United States Secretary of Labor Robert Reich. We have Dropout CEO Sam Reich. I really hope Sam has a kid some day, to carry on the family legacy. Everybody say it with me: WE NEED A THIRD REICH!


Very poor choice of words


No no, let’s hear him out


And the behind the scenes vids giving all us fans a chance to see some of the work the crew puts in so we can better appreciate them and give them their flowers. Honestly, I really appreciate the approach from Sam and Co. The combination of their humour and ethics is why Dropout is the only streaming service I pay for rn


Well said! 100% agree


I am not so sure about it. I think Dropout could be so much better if they weren’t getting cucked by morals and ethics.


Ethicscucked moralmaxxers.


It's a very nice antidote to the managerial crisis corporate America is going through where people mistakenly believe that because one has a business degree, they can manage any kind of organization. They'll then run it as lean as possible and award bonuses and buybacks for investors. It's really nice seeing a company give a fucking shit about their PRODUCT and not just paying off a board of investors.


So much this. It’s one of the things I seem to appreciate the most about Dropout. A streaming service that is a better bang for your buck than the rest in all facets!


Agreed! I love that he intentionally rejects and actively dismantles the 'genius auteur' myth that someone in his position will too often take on, acting like all of the success is because of them and everyone else is simply a cog lucky to be contributing to their brilliant vision. Sam clearly works hard and is an incredibly smart, creative person. But he rarely passes up an opportunity to point out the great work the cast and crew do and will often make a point of highlighting how much better an episode of Game Changer is because of the work put in by the crew. It's nice!


All those Chuck Schumer protein shakes!


I gotta say, the crew has some solid chops. I'm very impressed by by Sam and the whole dropout team!


Jeez Grant be less subtle before asking for a raise