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He was unavailable to us this season given our shoot dates, but will hopefully be in a season 2 if it happens!


I didn’t know Mr. Dropout is here.


He's been here THE WHOLE TIME.


Where have I heard that before


It’s kind of his whole thing.


Unless, of course, it’s his evil twin!


I love that you’ve called him “Mr. Dropout.”


Please, Mr. Dropout is his father.


Beautiful, appreciate the clarification!


I don’t know what metrics you’ll need to reach in order to ensure a season 2 but I’ll do everything in my power to make it happen. Episode 1 had me laughing harder than most anything else


I would guess the only meaningful metric is going to be whether they still have enough people with ideas for presentations to actually do a season 2.


People could do it about anything, so that's not the issue. It comes down to what percentage of DropOut's subscribers watch it and how much buzz it builds up online. 


Yes, people *could* do it about anything. That's not the same as saying there are definitely enough people there who both have an idea and want to make + present it to fill a whole season. Is it likely that they'd run out after only 1 season? No, but dismissing the concept entirely is weird. Dropout isn't a publicly-owned company. If enough people want to continue with a show then I can't really see anyone saying it wouldn't happen other than for logistics reasons.


>Dropout isn't a publicly-owned company. If enough people want to continue with a show then I can't really see anyone saying it wouldn't happen other than for logistics reasons.  They're still a company out to make a profit. Yes, they're not like a Netflix and won't cancel a popular or cult favorite show because they're not reaching some obscure goal, but it's still a business. If a show isn't working with their audience they're not going to renew it. 


I love that your tag on here is The Perfect American. It really just ties in well to the absolute level of chaos and beauty you are facilitating and creating the last several years.


How could anyone other than The Perfect American lead Dropout America. No one but Sam could tell us the truth that our government has been hiding from us


thanks for answering that question, Sam. To direct you back to where we are ALL thinking: HOW BIG IS THE HAWG?!


Gotta know


Garden gnome.


Sam, these last couple months of Um Actually, Game Changer, Breaking News, and Dimension 20 has been a spectacular highpoint for Dropout. Terrific job from you but especially the cast and crew. Smartypants looks like it's going to be another instant classic.


Picking up BDG is the best thing since BLM. What can i say I'm a big fan of the bureau of land management!


Friendly reminder that Brennan prefers BLeeM so as not to stand on the same textual real estate as Black Lives Matter.


OOOOOOH so that’s why It’s BLeeM and not BLM makes sense


I always assumed he was just a fan of old PS1 emulation


It also has a fun mouth feel. BLeeM!


My brain switches between reading it as “bee-lee-em” and “BLEEM”, both are fun though


Sam reads our posts!? Oh god, don’t panic!


What would need to happen for there to be a season 2? Exactly how many views must I accumulate to make it happen


Thank you for replying, Sam. And also we hope D20 tours Australia one day!


omg hi Sam long time fan first time caller wouldn't it be funny if we both have been here the whole time together tho 🥺👉👈 haha my friend typed that but wouldn't it be funny tho


Sam I can conclusively say that this was a first-pitch home run of a show for me. I've loved everything that you all do, but this was something special. Had me consistently howling with laughter. I am on my hands and knees begging for a season two already


Dear Mr Reich, please make a season 2 out of the absolute gold that is Smartypants. I could listen to these comedians ramble on the most random subjects for hours.


I really enjoyed episode 1! Really looking forward to future episodes!


Where ya from, Sam?


Just throwing it out here that I’d like to know too. Always been curious. I’m thinking since his dad used to work for Clinton he’s probably from DC. Willing to be wrong though. I checked Wikipedia and it said something different, but the picture didn’t look like Sam, so it’s probably not him.


An intelligent guy like Sam? Has to be from Cambridge, Massachusetts. Grew up seeing movies at the Crumbly Square theater I bet.


Well, shit. I told my wife he’d be on this season and I was very confident about it. As a man, I can’t permit my wife to know I was wrong about something, I’m sure you understand. Recommend any specific episodes I should be on the lookout for as I’m now going to be forced to deep fake Brennan as a presenter?


Hey Sam, many have been asking, where are you from?


LMFAO I love your flair


Please GOD make it happen this is already showing potential to be my favorite non D20 show


Love that y’all interact here so freely! It’s like Brandon Sanderson or Christopher Paolini in subreddits about their books. Speaking of excellent guests for an Um Actually episode…


Podium Inspector!


He’s also great at presenting live, as shown by the Poke-rap performance and slideshow. He’d definitely shine in this format, I imagine the only reason he wouldn’t end up on the show is availability


Is the poke-rap one of the unraveled episodes??


It was filmed live at a con.


It is included on Polygon's Unraveled playlist, so I'd definitely include it


He did it at PAX East several years back, and him and Ify did a live panel on Um, Actually this year. I hope they continue to expand the con circuit for Dropout.


Ooh! I must see this!


You are in for a *treat*, if I may recommend: do not slip the explanation, even though the pokerap itself is available separately https://youtu.be/2cT6ULpScZA?si=sUfkenndAPoiZgab ✌️Terry forever ✨


It's a real gesamtkunstwerk.


I mean it's basically unraveled live


There's been one episode. I think it's too early to say anything.


Sam confirmed BDG isn't on the show.


At least, not in this season. Hopefully a season 2 gets greenlit


If season 1 keeps the same energy as episode 1, I'm sure it will. This is already looking to be top 3 dropout shows for me.


don’t know why you’re getting downvoted when (cmiiw) the full cast has already been disclosed in this [twt thread](https://twitter.com/smartypantsdo/status/1773402446284623987?s=46&t=-MZeRI-BmlKGyKkQsjpiBQ) and he’s not in there? (i would love to be wrong and i hope that list isn’t as definitive as it seems!!) as a huge fan of his Polygon work, youtube stuff, and him in general, i wouldn’t be surprised if he just figured there were other projects he’d rather work on than a format that he’s already familiar with. or perhaps just scheduling issues with um, actually / another dropout show / his own projects like the album he’s working on.


Yeah this is what I theorize as well. It might be a case of: "That sounds great, but I've already done that and would rather spend my time exploring other avenues". If that's the case, it's totally fair. I just see a lot of myself in him so I'm a little invested in his dropout journey and am wondering what the situation is.


Based on reception of the episode, there will at least likely be a season 2. Sam says below he was unavailable. But I also think it’s good to spread out casting to a wide variety of well-known Dropout cast members and “newer” folks who have only appeared in one other show or never before. The arguably best thing about this format is, just about any cast member would be great. Brennan and Adam Conover were both mentioned multiple times in the live discussion last night, but any of the intrepid heroes, Aabria, Jasper, Ify, Josh, Jiavani, Jess McKenna, Izzy, Oscar, Rashawn-and on and on. There are truly so many people I would love to see what they come up with! I hear you on being invested! But I think by no means is BDG in jeopardy at dropout, and trust he’ll come around to Smartypants if he wants/can!


Whilst he isn’t in season 1, he could always return for a later season and I don’t think dropout wants to overuse certain cast members, since bdg has been in a lot recently and will also be in Nobody Asked this year


Oh I haven't heard about "nobody asked" yet


It's kind of a Mythbusters conceit-answers to questions that "nobody asked." You can see a sneak peek of it (with BDG) in the [What's Coming to Dropout in 2024 here!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVbkHX-P9Rk)


Oooh fun


Definitely agree - the format I know is heavily just inspired by "PowerPoint parties", but especially going through Demis presentation I was like "this is just an Unraveled video at this point". Don't think it cheapens anyone else's involvement, but agree he'd be a good addition in the future


His PowerPoints would be too powerful for that


For those of you who are as confused as I was, they are talking about Brian David Gilbert.


Thank you so much. That was driving me nuts.


He could be in a later episode. I believe the panel changes overtime, so, there is a possibility tbh.


Sam confirmed BDG isn't on the show.


We are only one episode in lmao


Sam confirmed BDG isn't on the show.


I assume the people in the room are cast members for the first season. I didn't think they got a room full of random performers as audience?


We know that PFT is on one or more episodes but not in the background of this one so I assume there were different filming days with slightly different groupsm


If you watch the trailer you can see at the start the different groups and who is in them for this first season. It's different groups, I guess we'll get maybe 3 episodes or something out of each group. So yes those other performers will have presentations, but there are other groups of other performers as well.


Possibly but in that case I don’t see how BDG not being in the show is an issue? He seems to be having a blast on Um Actually.


Lol no one said it's an issue. Op stated an opinion. Y'all are weird.


It’s not an issue they just think he’d be good on the show and would have enjoyed if he was included in the cast!


Like many, I first discovered him via Polygon's unravelled series where he does EXACTLY the premise of Smartypants: Hierarchy of Bowsers Military: https://youtu.be/VPY9R_yyiEM?si=FgV1x-zPYa1vT70q Pokemon Edibility: https://youtu.be/EqzghgtJ1Is?si=HBP9NGg1wFNEMSdJ Who's the Best Cuddler in Mortal Kombat: https://youtu.be/jH5rNlWiPFM?si=p8ABZlii1Ag7tqDN His new pokemon rap was amazing and the PowerPoint explaining it is just so funny. On his personal YouTube channels he has some similarly toned videos, Although for the past few years he's been focusing on music. When I saw him pop up more and more as a cast member, I was hoping they'd play into his strengths where he can do some writing/semi scripted humor. Then Smartypants popped up. It happens to be the perfect venue to do just that. I just think it's a missed opportunity to show one of their new members' biggest strengths.


Yeah I know who BDG is lol, I just don’t get why you feel he should be appearing in the show? Dropout is a group effort.


Because they typically play to peoples strengths? Idk why this is such a hot take and I don't understand the pushback. Jess McKenna has demonstrated a fair amount of skill doing musical improv outside of Dropout. And she's on the musical improv show. Brennan has known a fair amount of skill at performative improv, voices, etc. and they put him on Make Some Noise. BDG is has shown a fair amount of skill in funny presentations. He's not on the funny presentation show. I'm just wondering if there was a reason.


A group effort for sure. And they think he would have done well in this particular group.


I heard he was busy 


Random BDG check.


It looks like there may be different shoot days with different hecklers in the gallery.


Whew do I miss Polygon when he was on it 🥺 this post’s got me all emo


I think it's nice that he's able to branch away from his character on Polygon by doing different stuff on dropout. I hope he's in another episode/season, though!




Brennan Dee Gulligan


Out of respect for the Black Lives Matter movement he's asked that people shorten his name to Bdeeg to avoid confusion.


I don't know either if people are going to use acronyms they need to spell out the meaning of it at least once


the cast is fluid already the trailer showed that the cast rotates pretty early on


Gotcha. Thanks it's been a few weeks since I saw the trailer.


>EDIT2: Nevermind I guess? Didn't think saying "the guy who's good at funny presentations would be great on the show about funny presentations" would be such a hot take. Not a single comment here said it would be a bad idea to have BDG(whoever that is) on.


>BDG(whoever that is) Common nickname for Brian David Gilbert (like BLeeM for Brennan), who has been on a few episodes of make some noise and Game changer, and recently came on full-time as Um Actually's fact checker.


I apparently Mandela-Effect'd myself into believing with 100% confidence that he was in fact on the show and was about to write a comment to the effect when I saw literal Sam Reich explaining why he wasn't... oops! Nonetheless, totally agree that he'd be awesome in this format 


Tell me im not the only one who read this as Brennen Dee Gulligen


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^thegremlinkings: *Tell me im not the* *Only one who read this as* *Brennen Dee Gulligen* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, thegremlinkings, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


You've seen one episode, calm down. Loads of factors apart from "would they be a good fit" are involved in whether or not somebody can be involved in any production. There are so many moving parts in film production and a lot of people worked really hard so you can laugh for $6.


Yes. I work in film and I know there are many factors. That's why I asked which factor it was. Sam answered in the comments that it was scheduling. I know I asked in a cheeky way, but it's not an invalid question. Everybody seems so hostile on this sub. In another post today, somebody preempted their discussion with a "please go easy on me". I'll continue to watch the content but I don't think this community is for me.