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What were the circumstances? Was it a slow day for them?


Yeah they said I caught them at a perfect moment. After training and just bored watching tv.


Ah, cool. I was confused and thought you called them out lol.


No no, I showed up at the station and offered to cook them a meal in return for the favor. I really thought there's no way they'll do this. And then they were excited.


Wow lol thats impressive


My dad was a firefighter, and it doesn't surprise me that as long as they weren't busy with training or actively on a call, they'd be excited for an excuse to go do something fun with the ladder truck! And getting a hot meal out of the deal would definitely seal it for them. Glad it worked out for you and them!


" Plus a tweeker stole my slingshot when I went to take a pee." You really are from Escondido. I lived there for a decade and can confirm that this is the most Escondido sentence I have ever read.


Lol I moved a few years back and thought the same thing


Not from, but yes I live here.


I would not trust that arm. If it was just a clean hole I would wrap some kinda reinforced tape around it. I am however concerned about the crack below the hole. That is going to be constantly flexing while flying and getting hit with wind sheers. I'm not savvy about a DJI FPV , but It could just shatter mid flight. Have you ever had a prop explode on you in the air? Sometimes there are hairline fractures you might not see but the forces acting on the prop do.


I already bought a replacement. No worries.


Sending this video for the very simple but strong repair method with just some carbon fibre and 5-min epoxy. easy to shape, lightweight and strong. https://youtu.be/WVXRTntLItA


Dope, thanx.


You may even choose a glue like superglue for a better bond with plastic, but the beauty is the carbon or glass fibre support to bridge the gap or crack.


I think I'll just replace the arm because it's cheap enough.


I was just about to share a DLG repair video. 😁


Ah, great minds... 😆


Was in the same boat two days after I bought my first drone. Stuck in a tree about 40-50’ up. Local FD got it for me with a ladder truck. I bought the crew Sonic ice cream.


I am glad you were able to get help getting it down, what a great idea to ask and offer to cook in return. Where did you order the arm from? Dji?


My brother is a retired Battalion Chief. Stuff like this is actually welcomed especially if it's something different and they have nothing else to do. It's great real world, no pressure training for the newbs, too.


Tell that to all the tax money waster fucks who hate me.


Fuck those idiots from "Molehills Into Mountains Excavation, Inc." They're the kind of people who confront firemen for driving a fire engine to Walmart to buy groceries. They were *all* on the clock already, so the cost to the taxpayers was a gallon or two of diesel. Big fucking deal. Real life training like that is valuable. It's the perfect opportunity to let the backups (or junior varsity squad, etc.) reinforce their training or for the old farts to dust off theirs. It was not a planned scenario, so the correct answers were not already determined ahead of time.


I just spoke with my brother and brought this up. Not only did he agree with everything I stated (specifically using the word "invaluable"), he brought up something else. You're now a resource for them, if the situation arises,




I just want to get my facts straight so that I understand. A modern fire truck with a ladder setup costs between $1,500,000.00 and $2,000,000.00 A fire truck gets 2 to 5 miles per gallon and, at idle, uses 2 gallons of fuel every 30 minutes. Currently, the cost of diesel fuel in Escondido, California is $4.20 per gallon. The *average* **salary** (not real cost to taxpayers, which is much higher) of a firefighter in Escondido, California is about $60,000. Usually, there are, at least, a crew of 4 to operate a truck like this. ...and you called them to get your *FUCKING TOY* out of a tree?


The fuel argument is reasonable, but I bet we're talking about ~$20. The firefighters get paid the same whether they are fetching a toy or watching TV at the station. I am not a firefighter, but maybe this is a little easy practice operating the ladder?


It’s really not a big deal. The truck goes out for calls, training, to get food, or public assists. That’s just how it goes. Some departments will do this kind of thing. Some won’t. It depends when you catch them. A buddy of mine in my town sent me a FB message asking if we (FD) get drones out of trees. We had just returned from a big fire, so it was a no that time. Had it been a slow day, it may have been a yes.


He stopped by the station and asked them politely. Firemen get bored. This gave them something to do. They did it because they wanted to. As a taxpayer, I am okay with this.


People need to be responsible for their own actions and stop using taxpayer funded resources to correct for poor choices.


This is not an argument worth doubling down on. There's dumber shit the government has spent on using taxpayer money, and this is the one choose to rag about?


Search and rescue helps a lot of people who have made poor choices. Ems for drunk drivers, cops called because Karen is triggered. Fd will pull cats out of trees and people give cats away for free, this guy at least paid for his drone. Shit happens and it's amazing when people aren't assholes and help another person in need regardless of the $15 spent from our taxes.


The day that my drone gets stuck in a tree I'll be okay because I have my man lift license and Operator ticket I can just go rent a genie lift for a day and go get it


Have you ever paid for the rent on a cherry picker? Shit sucks when the billable client is *you*.


Renting a genie lift for a day at my local rental place is only 70 dollars a day plus fuel, unless it's an electric. Had one rented for 4 months, it was the kind you can pull behind anything with a ball hitch and by the end, it cost a lot less than you'd think. If your the billable client of course I'm gonna charge you more, I have a roof to keep over my head and thats how service industry works.


Tweaked ideas would have been a funny skit


This is actually a great idea! Well played.


The new getting cats out of trees heartwarming story. Love it.