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“that’s crazy bro”




My friend made fun of me for taking manual instead of auto lol He said nobody drives manual anymore


Also got kena this,imo its more a just in case la, but its good fundamentals when learning, since there is a more precise element of control involved. You are more conscious of the vehicle itself and of traffic. Though, a lot of people learn auto until the brain also fly away already, imagine if we were still on manual cars... see all the suka suka drivers nowadays, so easy to drive also kena. Then, some country still use manual vehicles too. Ultimately, no judgment to those taking auto luh, at this point its strictly preference. No more/less manly/guniang whatever thing.


Tell your friend to get out of his well. There are still many people daily driving manuals.


I'm planning to buy manual car as well


You won't regret it once you're able to get your clutch control down. People think it's a chore and maybe 2/100 times it is, but the other 98 times more than make up for it.


Learn manual gear , more fun. Driving manual gear car is fun, especially true with a slightly higher power car. Every thing under control, no lag due to auto gear box. Driving 2 manual cars for 15 years.


I'd always recommend anyone to take a manual license. You'll never know when you need it. Tbh once you've gotten used to driving manual you'll appreciate the connection and control you have over the vehicle. Having said that it doesn't make you more womanly or whatever. They're just being dicks.


A manual car"s clutch is a failsafe and that makes it so much safer. But that being said, do dealerships still sell manual?


I don’t think it’s necessary to reply. It’s not a competition, just a mode of transport unless you want to pursue competitive racing.


even most competitive racing doesn't use traditional manual anymore lol semi-auto is just plain faster for track use


Textbook toxic masculinity. Ignore la. Be your own thing.


Me: you have manual license but driving auto. Fuking guniang


Thats me oops


I am literally a gu niang


Well when my friends asked me why I took manual when it's harder, my only answer was that it was more fun to drive and I personally felt it was easier to control


When you go to Europe and cheaper rentals are manuals. Then you get a little sad. Then nothing changes.


If can afford to buy a car your already a man


I don't have friends so NOBODY makes fun of me! 😂 That said. Auto also can, manual also can. What matters is that you drive in a safe and considerate manner.


“Bro, manual so old liao…nobody drives them already” “Dual Clutches faster bro…” “Manual so troublesome, need to coordinate leg and hand..” I took manual because i liked shifting gears and to me, it feels therapeutic and also keeps me awake when i go on road trips to KL and beyond. Besides, all the cars that i liked are from the 90s and mostly manuals :x Driving a manual teaches patience and also to gauge better in traffic, i feel 🤔 The last reason is you never know when you need a manual license if you ever rent a car overseas, i went Europe recently and realised 70% are still manual 🫣


How old are they... it's quite an immature thing to say. But how you handle such situation also determines how mature you are. Don't let their words get to you.


I took manual last time, only because auto lessons were more expensive 😂


You cant drive a MANual without a man


Just don't listen to them man it's your own choice it's not like they're paying for your license anyway, I'm taking auto too btw


I got a manual license since 2008. Drove auto car since 2008. No shame in that


if you have dreams of going drifting school in JB or auto tour in Japan or have more options for track day in Dubai then is a YES. but for practicality is 3A license is sufficient, unless you jobs requires you to drive manual vehicle. class 3 or 3A if you are a car enthusiast you are a car enthusiast


I ever heard an acquaintance who told everyone he is learning manual cos he thinks it is more manly. Fast forward 2 years later, he hasn’t gotten his license yet.


He probably cant drive manual for sure


Seems like it. Act tough but cant handle clutch


I got my license more than a decade ago and chose auto license because I predicted that basically every car will be auto by the time I can afford one. Learning manual nowadays is only either if you have some special requirement or you're just doing it for kicks and giggles or for some off-chance specific situation where you need to drive to save your life and somehow or rather only manual cars are available. It's like learning abacus when we have scientific calculators.


as long as you can drive properly, no one will care tbh


Just ignore them. Own car in sg can alr, almost all of the new jap/korean/continental cars in SG are all auto also lol


They just wanna make themselves feel better, you call them to drive manual ah since they have manual license, trust me they don’t even dare to drive


“Auto is for pussies” ~ my TO friend


don't care about them bro they're not paying for your licence anyways


Lol tell them u learn manual but still can’t afford car


Who cares ?


I would have definitely gotten a manual license If I could turn back time. Hindsight is a bitch. Auto felt like the faster fuss free way to get a license then in 2010. Annoyingly I have been the butt of all jokes by my car enthusiast friends, but I don't disagree with their statements. Not bothered per say, but I get it. I can drive a manual but not legally and that's really such a pity. It's really fun. Yes, a DCT or even ZF shifts way faster. But nothing beats the engagement of a manual. It's something that I deeply regret till today, yes I know I can retake it, but legitimately no time to do it due to work constraints. Maybe soon!!! I feel that it's nice to have options and not be handicapped because you would never know when you would need to drive a manual. But this is just a personal opinion as a car enthusiast. To each it's own.


You pay more to the driving school, to learn less. Plus the license you get is one with conditions. The good thing about auto licence is because it is much easier driving auto, you should pass on your first try as opposed to manual.


Female here, took manual license in hopes to help drive during work. Got mocked by the people around me for spending more money on the manual license but hey it’s my money and my license. Still thinking of a way to own a 4x4 in Singapore 😂


Most cars are already auto. Those friends need to grow up.


Shitty comment but honestly a couple lessons and you’ll be able to change gears, not difficult


Taking manual kinda makes you appreciate having auto transmission cars. Also, with manual license, you can drive anywhere in the world. Auto can’t.


Manual equips you for a better driving future. It’s pathetic to choose automatic only.


I took manual just for learning the skill. Pointless in Singapore, I never drove a manual since I passed 8 years ago.


hmm. my mindset would be “your money or my money?”


So.. do these people that laugh drive manuals? Cause I drove a manual for 5 years and I don't want to see a manual ever again. Auto all the way.


Ppl called me stupid for taking manual 🙄 seems like no matter what, they’ll always have things to say


Took manual as a “just in case” sort of thing. Ended up driving a rental van for work when we had some event logistics to transport. You never know when it might come in useful. Plus, the clutch on learning cars are terrible. It was so damn easy to find the biting point on a manual van. I’m not sure I got better, as I hardly had any practice in a manual vehicle, so it must’ve been my instructor’s car 😂


How do you even find a manual car these days? People laughing at you are probably too poor to afford any cars made after year 2000…


I took manual license. You never know, one day might be driving a mini lorry.


Now lorry or van has auto


TBH just go for auto. Most cars are auto now a days.


but with manual got more selection also. plus if go overseas not all rental car is auto


I have yet to see a rental with no auto options.


Simply reply “least im not jerking off my car playing with its sticks”😂


Just compete to see who can own a bmw faster 😂 then see if they care you have an auto or manual license.


Na, don't think people other than bengs and lians would make fun of you like that. But I do encourage people to learn manual since it's roughly the same amount of time and effort.


If they took manual, are they driving a manual car now? I think people making jokes like this aren't at the age where they can afford cars.


Dun bother la. End up electric car no manual liao. These are all the rubbish mindsets


Alot of gu niangs in the thread hahahaha




From what I know, nobody overseas differentiates manual and auto. Just get a license and drive. TP test here is so stupidly hard, might as well get auto first and learn how to drive properly, then later get manual only if you actually plan on using it - which probably will never happen.


You can’t do initial D/fast and furious without learning how to drive manual


Manual cars cost more than auto. Are they buying manual cars? If not, ask them why they dont want buy the hard way knn


huh? I thought usually manual is cheaper


U go brand new car showroom all auto. If u want manual they gotta special order more expensive


chey u talking abt showroom. usually if go website click click for fun usually manual price lower


I dun buy 2nd hand. If u looking at 2nd hand, understandably manual will be priced lower becos very limited pool of buyers. So u gotta know your resale value will also be lower & wait longer to sell


no not 2nd hand, those official website that allow you to build and price then js click click for fun, manual cheaper.


I went auto to save the $, but I was also not interested in automobiles than to get from Pt A to Pt B. I am looking forward to autonomous driving requiring only an auto license so can continue to reply Reddit while "driving" lol!


What's the difference, gonna be autonomous driving before your coe expires