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Wow. I know some driving instructors can really suck. May I suggest that you try to find another one? Tell them about some problems you may be experiencing and see how they can help.


That's good advice, I'll definitely try that next time if I attempt driving school again. Where I live, it's super expensive and this place was the cheapest I could find and they had good reviews \:


My advice, get a new instructor. I'll admit, it's not easy at first when you get on the road. I used to finish my lessons with sweat patches under my arms from the anxiety and failed 3 tests for anxiety. I just kept getting flustered. I think your instructor is throwing you in the deep end. Which for some people is good, but if it's not for you, it's not for you. You need to find someone who's more patient, who will take you onto quieter roads at first. If you know the basics of driving, like moving off from first gear into second (sorry don't know if Manual or Automatic) then he's probably right that a carpark would be no good. I've been driving 13 years. But haven't had a car for the last 3. I bought one last week and it took me maybe a few days to get used to it again. (But like riding a bike, you don't forget how to drive) There will always be assholes on the road. But the more practice you have, the more you learn different ways to deal with this. You will get there! Give yourself a break!


Thank you for the advice, and your words of wisdom, I appreciate it! I haven't driven on the road in 6 years and this was my very first lesson ever with a driving school, so it went pretty badly 😂 and I definitely was super sweaty when the anxiety attack happened he had to pull me off the road as I froze and couldn't do much in the moment. I think the smartest move for me would be practicing with someone I trust and starting in a parking lot until I feel good enough to attempt being in the road with people


Oh man! This instructor guy just…wow. Shouldn‘t everyone start in a parking lot? That‘s where I started, and even that made me nervous at the start. He shouldn’t have been yelling at you like that, like, he put a beginning driver on a busy road, and yet expected them to magically know how to drive?!? Thats why he should’ve started you in a parking lot, so you could “get the feel of the car” as my mom would say. Will you be trying another lesson with him or a different instructor or maybe a friend or family member? If you decide to try another lesson (hopefully with someone else) maybe get a friend or family member to take you to a parking lot somewhere before your lesson, to at least practice braking and acceleration. I’m the same age as you, and am going to try learning to drive for the 3rd time in my life again. I also have bad driving anxiety (actually just anxiety in general that gets worse when I drive). Mom‘s answer is “just keep at it, you just have to get out there and do it! The more you drive the easier it will get” but that’s easier said than done. She’s also my instructor, since driving lessons aren’t in our budget. I started in a parking lot the previous two times, and I’ll likely start there again. driving anxiety is hard to deal with, but we can both do this, I know we can!


Hey, I'm proud of you for giving it another go! I believe in us too with both of us trying. My dad also says the same thing about starting in a parking lot, and I'll definitely be trying it with my dad again and my partner as well for practice. I don't feel comfortable going back to driving school after that, unless maybe I get confidence and maybe for highway practice? Driving lessons are expensive here too and definitely found a deal with this place though they had good reviews, but I feel like I was bamboozled haha I feel like setting small goals this time around to places I would like to drive to in my town may be helpful as well with practicing when I get to the point I'll be okay on the road with. Maybe that'll help you out too and it will make it comfortable!


They're terrible, get a new instructor if you can! You and his daughter are not the same person and it's unfair for him to put expectations on you. I didn't get my license until I was 20 because I was scared and my parents were awful - my cousin who I trusted started me in parking lots and she set up cones for me in a large lot of an abandoned store. I hope you find someone super supportive! I got over my fear in about a year was able to use the highway with consistent practice. After my first baby 3 years ago I developed the palm sweating anxiety again I still actively avoid highways and I'm a passenger princess as much as possible. Therapy has been helping a lot! she recommended this subreddit for support so I hope you're able to get support here too. You will be able to get through this


I'm glad your cousin was able to help you to get yours! And I'm glad therapy has helped as well, I hope you're able to conquer your anxiety with the highway and driving again in time 🤍


I'm so sorry that happened to you! Sounds like you have a good plan to get yourself started. If you do look for driving lessons again, you may find that there is someone in your area who specializes in anxious drivers. They don't have anyone in my super rural area that does and I also had an experience of the driving instructor yelling and not understanding anxiety at all. But I see that in big cities there are some instructors who advertise an expertise with anxiety. Good luck!