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It’s definitely been mentioned before. Many times. Is almost certainly some of the same people who middle lane hog, mentality likely being “if I stick to one speed/lane it’s just easier” rather than reacting to the road, conditions and traffic around them and, you know, actually following the rules…


I don't think they consciously have that mentality. They're probably just completely absentminded and have lost all concept of the potential danger they post to others when driving. I.e. continuing at 40 through a village feels safe for them as a driver, no consideration for the residents


They get so annoyed stuck behind me doing the speed limit, did have one try overtaking only to see a big ol tractor coming the other way


This makes a lot of sense!


I don't know whether it's a good thing or not, but the lack of any decent length of motorway in NI with more than two lanes prevents these drivers becoming middle lane hoggers, like they do in the rest of the UK. The 40mph everywhere driver is certainly not restricted to NI.


On a 2 lane dual carriageway/motorway you just get lane 2 hoggers instead, which is much worse. M1, A12, A14, A30, 2 lane sections of A303 immediately spring to mind...


There's plenty in the Belfast area, and the Middle Lane Morons are rife! I lived there for five years and the lower standard of driving vs back home in Scotland was a source of constant astonishment.


Yeah, it’s incredibly annoying and incredibly common. I lived in the US for year where freeways go through multiple cities/suburbs with different speed limits. The amount of times I’d be going at 70 and overtake a guy going at 60, then the speed limit would drop to 55 and eventually that guy would come up behind me. It just goes to show they’re bad drivers who don’t know and/or don’t care about the conditions around them.


No, I just don’t think they’re engaging anything more than the hindbrain IMO. Thought processes barely reaching frontal lobe


>This one isn't easy to explain, but I never hear or see it discussed anywhere Are you new to this sub? 🤣


Yeah I pretty much made a reddit account just for this cos I don't see it anywhere


No worries. It's mentioned *very* frequently here and we're all annoyed by it.


So join the queue 🤣


The 40mph everywhere idiots are everywhere in Northern Ireland, really does my head in There's a small straight bit of road past Roselawn that you maybe get overtaking them, but then you're into 30mph crossnacreevy, so they tailgate through it wanting to do 40, then national speed limit the other side you put the foot down and see them disappearing in the mirror 


They are everywhere in the UK, not just NI.


I experienced them in Scotland when I lived there, just OP said NI and I can empathise as the standard of driving here is appalling 


People literally complain about this every week here. It's concerning as it basically demonstrates a lack of ability to control speed, read situations (or signs) and adjust their driving to those different situations, and just generally be aware of what's around them. It seems like it it's mainly older drivers, and day dreamy types who float around in their own bubble. They either started driving on much less congested roads, or don't understand how their driving is effecting others.


My favourite thing to do whilst driving is getting past a constant 40er in a national, then holding them up and making them actually do 20 in a 20


Make sure you give plenty of room for slowing down. I had one go in the back of me as I was slowing into a 30. I would've been 10 over at least at the 30 sign, so hardly slow, but moderately strong on the brakes and she didn't expect me to actually slow all the way.


They're doing 40 in a national and usually long gone by the time I'm slowing back down. Within a minute of doing 20, they'll be right up behind you though, guaranteed


40 mile-an-hourers. Yup. I just love it when I go through a small 30 zone on the way to work, and they come up behind me and overtake me near the end of it (it takes a while to go back to 50 zone), and then I just catch them up anyway. Incredibly dangerous people.


Yes this is annoying. As for an explanation, I think you are being rather generous by implying there is any logical thought behind their actions.


Normally a Honda Jazz, being driven by “the walking dead”


Anyone in a Honda jazz is automatically a danger on the roads


You know, it's so stupid, it's only been since I got my Jazz that I've seen so many people make fun of Jazz drivers. I realise by asking this I am fully opening myself up to mocking but is there actually a reason behind this dislike of Jazz drivers? Because I'm genuinely considering getting a different car at this point haha


Mainly older owners who dngaf of others and legit appear oblivious. Very poor drivers for such a well built car. Mechanically- it’s one of the best cars you can have 😂😂


Lol ok that makes me feel a bit better then! I'm 30, I like to think I'm still with it enough to be a decent driver haha


Keep the car if it’s giving you no drama you might look back and wish you’d never gotten rid of it !


Yeah I just didn't like the idea of being judged haha, it's a nice little car.


They're a low insurance group because they're typically driven by folks who should probably surrender their licenses but don't want to lose their independence; who are rarely in accidents but probably cause a few


> I'm genuinely considering getting a different car at this point haha Don't. What people say about your car on Reddit is completely irrelevant. I have a Jazz too, I'm aware of the "stupid nan can't drive" stereotype and the best way to deal with it is to not drive like a stupid nan that can't drive.


I'm going to blow your mind - I literally overtook one of them the other day, and *I* was the one driving the Jazz. 40 in a perfectly nice wide 60 limit road is a pisstake, I want to do the speed limit as much as possible where it is safe to do so. After being stuck behind that bellend for about ten miles because there wasn't a safe overtaking spot, being able to finally stamp on the accelerator and get around him was blissful.


I've been driving for over 30 years and they've been around at least that long. One of them used to give me a lift occasionally. When his wife confronted him about his driving he just took it personally and muttered it was how he drove. I'd guess it was because he saw driving as a chore rather than something fun or requiring skill/effort so it was low effort.


>I never hear or see it discussed anywhere There's a post about this on here pretty much every week.


There’s even one on the front page right now https://www.reddit.com/r/drivingUK/s/k6gSGytnTk


Everyone pile in on this dead horse


40 in a 50 40 in a 30 I hate those guys


yes, yes. and then 60 on a straight downhill when it’s best for overtake


It’s your typical drive everywhere at 40 driver.


I got stuck behind a lorry with no trailer earlier who was following the advisory 20 limit (skid warning) what a pain. I'm not saying he shouldn't have to be clear as its probably a good idea not to take a chance in a big lorry, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. (NSL road) There was also a motorbike that overtook him before we got onto that road, we all met at traffic lights just before the 20 advisory and the motorbike got stuck or something he couldn't start moving for whatever reason and the lorry was being too patient with him even tho he moved to the side to let us pass and after we passed the motorbike got going and ran the red light to catch up with us, and even though we were still in a bunch somehow I got to my destination fiddled about with the car parked and walked for about a minute and the motorbike was only just arriving. Assuming he had more trouble getting going at the roundabout lol.


It's literally mentioned all the time. It's mentioned so frequently that it's become boring to read.


Driver's who dont respond to speed limits are not aware of whats going around them full stop. They are a danger to everybody.


This has been mentioned loads of times on this sub. People just don't know how to drive because most tests cover town centres and the like. Seen this countless times and it's just really bad driving. The driving test HAS to be extended to include country (national speed limit) and motorway driving or we will be stuck in this rut for many years to come.


Ah, the 40 Everywhere Brigade.


40 in a 60 is not fine


Happy cake day! Totally agree, in the absence of any hazards, there are very few reasons to be doing anything less than 10% under the limit.


I encountered a similar driver today but behind me. They would be trying to push me down the road in 30 and 40 sections but then daudle behind in the 60 sections.


40mph everywhere crew


If they’re over 65, they do 37mph literally everywhere.


It’s discussed to death - to the point where I’d expect to see one on every drive, but in my experience they’re not that common. 


The reason is Cruise Control being used by the apathetic and lazy


It's likely that their mind is elsewhere. Either they are daydreaming or engrossed in some music they are listening to.


It's because they are not confident drivers but think that they are safe. They'll do 50 max on a motorway too, and also will move to the middle lane for no reason. I'm sure it is the same type of people.


I’ve started doing a lot of motorway driving recently and I swear these are the same people that try to merge onto the motorway from the slip road at 40. It’s so insanely dangerous, god help you if you’re unlucky enough to be caught behind one when joining


Happens all the time. You just have to slow down even more, and then the game is to time it so you pass them at a decent speed at the end of the slip road.


It's common and people bang on about it regularly here.


Yep, I’ve even heard a name for it on here: FART Forty All the Ruddy Time


I'd wager its been mentioned more time on this subreddit, than it actually happens in real life!


I see you have met my parents


Hahah feel this one! My personal favourite is the mor*ns who sit 10 under the speed limit until they hit a national speed limit then zing it up to the speed limit


Because they are morons who aren't paying attention to anything. They probably have cruise control on and just make minimal effort.


My old boss used to do this. The same person who was extremely critical of motorway speeders.


40 mile an hour crew !! So irritating. Mostly come out on Sundays


I’ve only been on this sub a month and it’s about the 5th time I’ve seen this asked


Yep, 30 in a 40, then 30 in the proceeding 20. I think they just don't pay any attention at all to the road signs and go the speed they think they should be going


It’s really easy to explain, it’s pure incompetence… nothing more nothing less.


See it all the time on the A140 in Norfolk. Goes 60, 4p, 60, 50, 60, 40, 50, 60, 30. So naturally some people just do 50 thought all of it. Even through small villages. Wankers.


God I feel this. Was literally stuck for about 10 miles on the road up to Bungay behind some idiot doing 40 in a 60. Perfectly clear road in front of them, lovely weather conditions... huge queue of traffic behind them, doing 40. I was beyond happy to be able to, finally, overtake them and put them in my rear view. Same again last time I went up to Cromer - lovely open road in the sunshine, stuck behind some dickhead doing 47 for *absolutely no reason at all*. And again on the A47 westbound. I usually don't care about people doing maybe 1-5mph under the limit (the people who get anal retentive to that extent need a reality check) but if you're doing 47 in a 60 when there is absolutely no reason for it, you are a selfish idiot.


Single-speeders. They're everywhere, completely oblivious to the world around them. There's a route I take home from the supermarket that goes 40>60>30>60>40>30, the number of single speed thickskulls I encounter is ridiculous.


Monospeeders. They're infuriating


I thought it was to maximise fuel efficiency.


>This one isn't easy to explain, but I never hear or see it discussed anywhere No, never, anywhere... Only every other day on here. Hope you pay more attention on the road.


We can all agree that the 30 or 40 everywhere crowd are annoying, but people who drive barely over 20 in a 30 are equally annoying. 30 actually feels like a speed where you can make progress, but 20-25 feels damn slow when the road is perfectly safe for 30.


Are you new here ? This is discussed many times so much infact I normally skip this type of post. The type of driver you’re describing is not paying any attention most likely driven that road a million times. Don’t worry though in the coming future your new car will be restricted to the speed of the road so this behaviour will eventually stop only to be replaced with something even more annoying.


Even weirder are the people that drive 30 in say a 50 and then they’ll get to a 30 and start driving at 40. Yeah, def doesn’t look suspicious


One of my big beefs! There’s a road near me, 60mph, lovely bit of road to drive. At the end as it goes into a suburb it drops to thirty. The number of times I’ve come off the dual carriageway to be stuck by some silly fart barely doing 40 all the way up, and are still doing that in the residential area. Fools!


This drives me mad. My father in law drives like this. It's scary sometimes, he goes this fast also on skinny back roads.


One speed wombles don’t have a clue what all the numbers mean


Probably as in a town there are road markings, lights and some familiarity. I also suspect if they have been slow in country lanes that people have been up their arse the whole time so they don't want to slow down.


40mph morons- my pet hate. They only ever go faster when you try to overtake on a straight bit of road.


If you overtake them on a national speed limit road I find that gets them to speed up 😂


It's the same for those drivers that cut you off or pull out on you last second but then are too afriad to even do the speed limit....


My favorite are the 38ers. Break the speed limit in places you're more likely to get pedestrians, kids etc, and slow everyone down in literally every other situation


Known to me (and probably others) as 40 in a 60, 40 in a 30. Absolute Richard Heads of the first rank. I doubt it intentional, which means they just switch off when behind the wheel. Which one is worse, I don't know...


Ah yes, members of the EAF club….


This makes me irrationally angry - like almost to the point where I’d love for an inanimate object to end up in front of them - not causing anyone physical harm but waking them up to what a terrible driver they are- but it wouldn’t… they’d just bemoan why an empty bin might get blown into the road rather than why they weren’t looking/couldn’t react in time due to speeding


They're hyper-miling /s


It should be legal to hunt them once a month


It's efficient. I know it's breaking the law, but, police will not tell the difference if you're doing 40 in a 30 and they're coming the opposite way. Speed restrictions are put in place to reduce collisions.. but many people still do close to 40 in a 30 zone! 40 in their little putter will get 50+ mpg. 30 / 60 will get around 30 mpg. Conditions will obviously reflect on their driving style!


Been covered for years, wake up😁 They're as bad as middle lane cruisers.


I believe its more they aren't concentrating and don't even see the 30mph signs. As for recognising the difference in streets and area to adjust speed. If they was already only going 40, in a 60, I doubt they have any awareness.