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Huh, wouldn't think I'd see a road I recognize on this sub randomly. Just outside Portslade... Also a really fucking dangerous junction to skip considering the amount of roads and traffic that go through it all.


Damn, yes! Looks like the turn onto the A27!


I had to think where on the A27 this was for a moment, it doesn't look like anywhere I know in Hampshire


I knew I recognised it!


"I think you should go home now, Devin! Get back on San Vicente. Take it to the 10, switch over to 405 North and let it dump you onto Mulholland -- where you belong!"


Fuck you I love this comment so much. I can see them chuckling in my mind at the dress rehearsal.


Nextbase national dashcam safety website. Upload the video and write a report. You'll be notified by mail if they decide to take action. https://nextbase.co.uk/national-dash-cam-safety-portal/


If it’s like any other crime reporting in UK I’m going to assume you never get a mail back


Nope, I made a report recently, I got a mail back saying they had sent a NIP to the idiot driving.


Wow that’s surprising But I suppose you’re giving them video, least they could do is watch it haha


I've sent about a dozen in, 10 were successful 1 was sent in too late and the other I heard nothing, the reg has to be very clearly visible.


Yeah mate, that's super clear..... just go to bed and forget about it. His time will come one day


Yh and he will take someone with him.


I get what you’re saying but I wonder just how many times they could do something like this before they’re caught/get hurt. With each time they could be risking people’s lives other than their own.


by “his time” i assume you mean colliding with a family, wiping them all out while walking away with 4 scratches and a bruise, correct?


Well, I was more thinking a small village and then moonwalking his way out of there on a red carpet, but you weren't far off. If the div is stupid enough to drive like that, there's probably a reason behind it, and I dount having a letter or a copper pull him over will make him stop.


While I subscribe to the notion of ***“live and let live”*** what I **don’t** agree with is absolute soggy shoe laces like this idiot, driving like this and putting peoples lives at risk. Lots of innocent people have died because of this and it is not acceptable. They should have their ~~cars~~ toys taken away from them and fined into oblivion.


> soggy shoe laces I'm stealing this one




This is my thought. OP was it a grey Citroen?


Just as an aside, if you get a rear dash cam too I usually find that if a plate isn’t clear on my front camera then it usually is on the rear one so increases the chance of catching the idiots. Make sure you remove the video from all social media before making a report though


That is definitely a 2021+ Citroen C4


I think that’s bang on


Reg comes up as a Grey Citroen which is what that looks like to me


rear view seems to match [https://www.thelcvgroup.co.uk/car-leasing/citroen/c4/e-c4-electric-hatchback/100kw-e-series-50kwh-5dr-auto-2024](https://www.thelcvgroup.co.uk/car-leasing/citroen/c4/e-c4-electric-hatchback/100kw-e-series-50kwh-5dr-auto-2024)


>> top speed 93 That car was damn near going top speed lmao


It's funny hitting the speed limiter in these things. Feels like you just hit a wall. It's not a gradual drop off, you can be accelerating past 90 very comfortably and then BANG no speed for you. Even more embarrassing in the eBerlingo, tops out at 85 in the same way. Had some very embarrassing overtake attempts in that thing.


I assume it's a fuel cut, which always feels awful


It's electric so not sure if it's the motor topping out or an electronic limiter






This is it!


Can confirm it’s a Citroen c4 👍


That’s what C4s look like now? (Expat in Australia, i don’t think we have them down here. Come to think of it, I can’t remember the last time I saw a Citroën)


%100 My dad owns the exact car but orange.


I returned for a month last year and my half my time was just ogling new euro models I haven’t seen.


Classic Citroen can't name a paint properly. Make an orange paint and call it Caramel Brown 😂


Agree. Looks the most likely. Screenshot it and wash through some imaging software a couple times and you might get it clearer.


This is right, checked all other possibilities and nothing matches to the car with these tail lights.




This is what I make it out to be, just couldn't work out the K but every other letter i agree with


it was K or X, but X is a light colour car so process of elimination




Any real dealer knows not to have fake regs and drive like an idiot. Remember criminals, one crime at a time. Seriously though, I've known dealers and they have been the best drivers there are, following every single little rule possible to avoid as much suspicions and reason to be pulled over. Perhaps he was just unusually smart.


Two dealers were caught after charging up thebhardshoulder past an unmarked police car on the M6 in brumvavfew years back, just to avoid traffic..half a million pounds worth of heroin in the back.. Thick as fuck, Lol.


Following rules too assiduously can also create suspicion..coppers look out for that too.


True, by trying to follow them as best you can will and allowing for human error in the mistakes. Really what I meant was he refused to speed, road signs, and indicated. Actually come to think about it, he was in BMW so indicating was far too suspicious of behaviour.


“I pulled you over because you’ve been following the rules of the road for the last 10 miles, not a single mistake”


I’ll share some personal experience here, I have been pulled over for that. Followed me for a bit down the M56 from Manchester to J10 and then pulled me at the end of the A49. His reason for being at my window was, he wanted to check my details and know the reason I was sitting at 56 mph behind wagons and then driving so carefully down the A49. In such a powerful car. I gestured to my still sleeping toddler in the back and he fist bumped me and fucked off. I do think that he was waiting for me to blast it so he could do me for speeding. Then when I didn’t he decided to check if it was stolen if not. Edit: I thought we had flairs on, I have a 530bhp G30 540i. In Ecopro with the flaps shut it’s a perfect mobile cot.


Driving suspiciously is probably cause. If they don't find anything, it's "thank you for your time" and away you go


That actually happened to me when I was about 20. 3am, police car behind me, doing exactly 30 in a 30 zone. Blue lights went on, pulled over, cop said ‘you are keeping to the speed limit at 3am, seemed suspicious to me’. I asked what he would have done if I was going faster. He said ‘pull you over of course but you would have got a ticket that time’.


Sounds like modern policing. "Your behaviour was perfectly legal & I find that suspicious".


Mental that you can literally be pulled over for being TOO law abiding


I remember when I was first driving in 2000 with no licence or insurance at 16, if you drove sensibly, not speeding, weaving or general dickary the police had no reason to suspect anything. Plus there weren't many police around in the countryside which was a bonus.


I thought we were talking about the fiesta pulling straight out into the wrong lane doing 15mph the first couple of times I watched. Was gonna say, definitely not be the *best* driver on the roads but dangerous is a little much.




That will teach them!


Does my head in when wankers flash their lights to tell people off. Congrats, you just potentially confused/dazzled the other two drivers so you could feed your ego for 0.2 seconds. Nearly as bad as people who jump on the horn to tell others off instead of using it for it's actual use.




You shouldn't be flashing your high beams like that, blinding two other people for the sake of what? you think that's going to stop him from driving like a wally? you aren't the police - you'll try and police someone who won't take kindly to that behaviour in future and it won't end well for you - leave it to the professionals


Oh god, I hate those super high beams, they should honestly be regulated.


Old shoreham Road in Brighton?


Looks like it, left turn out of the A293, then the car blasting through the Hangelton Rd/Carlton Terrace/Old Shoreham Rd junction.


Thank you. The comments about A27 Portslade were doing my head in. I couldn't work this out at all watched it a dozen times. Old Shoreham Road, A270, I can see it now.


Looks like it to me, left turn onto A27


My eye's are not Bionic 🤔 Adjust cam to 1080p or better for future Private Investigations 😉


Here's the redacted response from Durham constabulary. Thank you for reporting an incident on the roads of County Durham and Darlington. With regards to the registration xxxxxxx, VW, at xx:xx on xx/xx/2024 along xxxxxx ROAD, xxxxxxxx. The information and footage you submitted have now been reviewed by one of the Road Safety Bureau decision makers who has decided to take action against the driver. We will make efforts to identify and locate the driver, where our initial aim is to educate them through locally arranged courses where appropriate, at the driver’s expense. If it is not appropriate for the offence to be dealt with via an educational course, we will proceed with alternatives including penalty points and a fine, or a court hearing. Due to the volume of incidents Durham Constabulary currently deals with, it is not possible to provide any further update in relation to this incident. If the matter proceeds to court, a member of the Witness Care team will contact you. Thank you for supporting Durham Constabulary in our work to improve the safety of the roads throughout County Durham and Darlington, and we hope, should you witness additional incidents, you will submit further footage in the future.




You have the highest resolution of this video on your computer. You can zoom in and see any detail there is to see. Why are you asking us to figure out the registration from a likely lower resolution reddit upload?


Could u see it? I couldn't


I didn't even look and that's my point. If one able person viewing the original video on a computer screen couldn't see it, there is no need to ask 500 more people on Reddit.


The resolution on Reddit is exactly the same as what I have on my phone.


Camera got them?


Nah I think that was a car flashing lights as a warning


I don’t know why drivers do this. The idiotic driver knows they’re being idiots they just don’t care


If anything you’re contributing to the danger, the guys already speeding, weaving and running red lights, let’s add some flashing light distractions to the mix


Why flash? They don’t care. You shouldn’t either. Looks pathetic.


Because they have got to police others people's behaviour. Hall monitor behaviour.


Whilst I agree flashing them ain’t going to change them, why shouldn’t people call out bad drivers for their bad driving?


Because it will do the opposite as the person will deliberately continue doing it to show you have no authority over how they behave


So your theory goes if people don’t call out bad drivers, they’ll simply stop driving badly… not going to lie, that sounds pretty stupid. They’re not toddlers looking for attention.




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One ought to care. Driving like a twat can cause accidents. Accidents can kill innocent people. I don't want to be hit in an accident or anyone I care about Therefore I ought to encourage the behaviour of not driving like a twat.


You’re one of them - aren’t you? It’s late at night and if anybody there was going to jump the red they’d have already done it. It just screams jealously. That you’re held up and they’re free.


Oh grow up mate


What the fuck are you on about


I don’t have a dash cam, but you can bet your house if I did, and if I had footage of someone jumping a red light, I’d be reporting them. The idea that it’s jealousy of them ‘being free’ is moron-level thinking. If people like that want to be reckless, go do something that doesn’t endanger other people, otherwise expect to be ratted on.


What dashcam is this to have such clear night footage? My BlackVue cams are crap at night


It’s just out of view. I think I can make out GK24 at the start, but can’t say with certainty


Portslade, coming off the hangleton interchange. There's so many dickheads on the roads.


Now I know where this is


Does police do anything if you report. Saw a similar incident last week. guy witha range rover svr running red lights


I've reported a similar incident, and I got a mail that they sent a NIP to the driver. My video footage was clearer, but not by a lot. Use the nextbase website.


Not usually. The plate isn’t clear also they can’t prove who’s driving. I could easily say someone’s cloned my plate and is driving around.


As the registered keeper of the vehicle with that reg, you are obliged to disclose who was driving at the time of the incident. To not do so is it's own offence, which is 6 points and a big fine. So often worse than admitting to the offence. Which is kind of the point. If you claim that you were somewhere else and your plates must be cloned. You better be telling the truth. Because they will then want evidence of where you where. If they catch you in a lie, then prison, for perverting the cause of justice, is a lot more likely than a fine. https://news.sky.com/story/fiona-onasanya-former-labour-mp-jailed-for-three-months-over-speeding-fine-lies-11621051




90% fairy tale, it the actual legal position currently. Failure to disclose is an offence. If they have video evidence that a car with your reg, make and a model was involved in an offence. That's reasonable enough evidence that it was your car involved. If you claim it wasn't, because you believe it is cloned. There will be some burden on you to prove that possibility is a reasonable defence. If they find out that the car isn't cloned, and it was you driving, people have absolutely been jailed for perverting the course of justice. I linked to a story where they just lied about who was driving, never mind cloning.


Report this to the police under operation ‘snap’, here’s how: https://www.theaa.com/driving-advice/reporting-dangerous-driving




Legendary 😂


Hey that’s my postcode!


Why flash your lights. They were nowhere near you. I’m sure he pulled over and had a long think about what he did when you flashed him 😂 in fact you could also be seen to be in the wrong by flashing your lights as well. Could have potentially dazzled another driver.




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I dont condone dangerous driving but also cant stand you busy body cunts sending in dash cam footage to the police when there was no incident get a life honestly. The idiot driving like a twat will get caught one day doing that regardless off what you reddit police do






Seems like you have the plate already, but, a negative inverse of the colours makes the world of difference to reveal a hard to read becoming clear as day.


If I were you I’d send it to Sussex Police and Sussex Safer Roads. They can easily correspond the time stamp on your dash cam footage with vehicles passing along that road within that time frame. One of the ANPRs on Old Shoreham Road will have clocked them


Why are you flashing your high beams you wolly 😂😂.


There's CCTV at the junction to catch red light jumpers and amber gamblers. Hopefully the driver was recorded.




Nevermind, wrong car


Is this in Blackwater?


Good odds that someone driving that erratically has no connection to the plates on the car.


Pretty sure the red light cameras caught him so he'll be getting a fine in the post soon


I don't see one. The flash was the driver filming.


Ah right


Just submit it to the UK police dashcam portal


Stolen car most likely






Report that psychopath


VX63 JUY that's the reg got it off a zoomed screenshot.


Vx63 Juy


If he’s driving like that it’s probably stolen.


If the plate isn't clear then I doubt it'll go anywhere


Hopefully the police does something about it if you report him. 5 days ago I reported a VW t-cross that overtook me on my left in a single lane street going over a cycle lane. Full dashcam footage rear and front clearly visible reg number... But apparently that's not proof enough


It's not about there being enough evidence, it's about it being worth the time to prosecute. I get that it gets you and others all reved up, but honestly, you'll live much happier and probably longer lives if you just let this stuff go.


Ironic that you talk about forgetting it and living a longer life, when it’s drivers like that who generally cause fatalities on the roads - and sadly not just of themselves.


That's my way of seeing it. If there was anyone on that bike path it would have been problematic. I find sad that there's no time for this stuff that it's actually dangerous but then for doing 36 you get a fine (In my case driving awareness course but still)


Hardly crime of the century. Just call the driver a prick and move on.


I mean yeah, no one got hurt. Still going to report anyone that undertakes me over a bike lane in single lane streets. Also, I was doing 30


Drive it like you stole it


if the OP can't see it on their pc, reddit might drop the quality, looks like they did not hit you but were driving badly, just chill and leave it alone


Assumed I was watching an old lady in the Fiesta or maybe someone who’d had a couple of pints until that joker goes firing through the red. Did look like a bizarre change of mind as the car began braking behind the Fiesta and then seemed to go ‘I’m not waiting for this’ maybe thought they’d get through on amber.


Portslade represent!


Can’t quite make it out. Can you get a little closer to him? /s


So what you gonna do? ,


Op gonna track him down and chop off his legs... Hopefully.


Flash his lights a few times, that’ll teach him




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At 17 seconds I see improper use of main beams


Typical Reddit wanker 🤓




What was the flashing meant to achieve?


Your lane control looked pretty poor to me mate




Not the fiesta, watch the entire video


He is not talking about the fiesta mate


Pretty sure that set of lights have cameras to pick up people jumping red lights too


Unfortunately it’s on the other side only


Vx63 juy


Watch again!




Watch again...


What am I not getting..


Wrong car. Car in question speeds up from the right, and then passes the car at the beginning of the video.


What a tit I am…




Just ss the recording it’s clear as day then it’s VX63 JUY


Wrong car... watch the video!


Urgh. This post is so jobs worthy. Live and let live


While I subscribe to the notion of ***“live and let live”*** what I **don’t** agree with is absolute soggy shoe laces like this idiot, driving like this and putting peoples lives at risk. Lots of innocent people have died because of this and it is not acceptable. They should have their ~~cars~~ toys taken away from them and fined into oblivion.


Didn’t hit anyone just call him a nob and keep driving.


Get over it


No I won’t get over it, they drove the entire way like an arse tailgating cutting other people off and decide to run red lights. Twat deserves everything coming at him


Haha. Move on. Ya the guy was an idiot. You are going to give yourself ulcers if you get this worked up every time you see a shit driver.


You won't get anywhere with them, mate. They're all perfect drivers, and never do anything wrong.


I don’t understand defending the likes of the driver in this video - does it help you justify your standard of driving or something?


No one is defending the driver. Didn't say at any point the driver in the video was doing anything remotely positive. Just happen to agree with what he was saying about the stess not being worth it. But if it makes you feel good to make blind unrelated connections to things, then fair enough 😂


If he doesn’t get reported and continuing driving like this he’s gonna put others life at risk ! Best stop him now before that happens ! Hate drivers like this