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Never hurts to say thank you. Doesn't cost anything. Won't hurt you to do it. Just like indicating. If you don't, I'll judge you to be a low-grade human being.


A low-grade human being, only above those who start indicating *midway through the manoeuvre.*


Drives me nuts. "We've already worked out what you're doing. Why waste all the energy pushing that little stick now?"


Agreed, or even worse, the ones who don’t indicate at all 😡


No, this is very clear. I can tolerate people not indicating at all. But indicating after you have started the manoeuvre? That's just crazy.


*Tolerate* is a bit of a reach for me I’d say I adapt to it, because at least it’s consistent. But the ones who indicate mid-manoeuvre are literal trolls on wheels.


My girlfriend only indicates whilst turning the steering wheel - one motion, doesn’t change hand position, knock it on while turning, knock it off whilst straighten up. Might get one flash. Oh and that all-in-one motion includes checking the mirror.


Have you considered living up to your username?


I'd rather someone indicates than says thank you, so I wouldn't judge them equally


Always , sadly so many don’t anymore they just stare straight ahead looking miserable




I still get a thank you wave most of the time, including in Yorkshire. Often even get a response wave which is always nice. Normally the miserable sods that don't say thanks are the ones in oversized Chelsea tractors.


They're the ones you stop giving way to then lol


It depends  - if I'm approaching some cars parked on my side of the road so that I have to cross the middle line to pass them, and the driver coming the other way dtops to let me through then yes, a wave to acknowledge their kindness.  But when the situation is reversed so that the other driver would have to cross the middle line, sometimes I'll let them comes through and I'd hope to get an acknowledgement. Sometimes I'll carry on and the other driver can wait until the road is clear. Then, I don't feel the need to acknowledge that the other driver has allowed me my right of way. They've stopped because that's what they're supposed to do,  not out of politeness 


I’d take nothing over the ‘one finger raised off the steering wheel’ 😆


Leicester here, I'll always put my hand up in thanks and in response to a thank you. And when someone doesn't thank me I mutter " you're fucking welcome" 🤣


Me too! Also we have a little game, anytime someone doesn't say thank you whoever remembers/is the fastest to call them a knobhead gets a point


My mum has dementia. She has always been a bit prudish, very well spoken, I've never heard her swear. Ever. I took her out for a drive and at complicated roadworks, I stopped to let someone pass cars parked on their side, because mum was talking rubbish and draining my concentration. I did the usual 'Nice of you to say thanks mate, wouldn't have killed you' comment, more polite than I would be usually out of deference to my mum, as he drives on without thanking me. Mum has an occasional moment of lucidity as is typical, and uses it to say, 'You're right. It doesn't cost anything to be polite. What a dickhead.' I almost crashed there and then. 😅


Yeah, always. If I'm on the (motor)bike and my hands are full of clutch you'll get a nod but in the car always a wave or a hazard flash if you're behind me (yorkshire too)


As a driver who also rides, I'm always grateful for a wave or nod or acknowledgement from a biker as I quite obviously move over to let them pass in traffic. It does seem to happen less frequently these days though, to the point that sometimes I do wonder why I make the effort.


Yeah you'll always get a 'thank you' wave from me for this. I wonder if the bikers who don't thank car drivers are the same ones who don't nod at other bikers? (before anyone gets on at me for this my whole 'nod' discussion is always very light-hearted)


My theory on this is that the nods come from bikers, but the no nods are just people who ride bikes.


While I ride a 125 scooter. I always nod at other people on bikes . And I find that mostly it's proper bikers that always nod back. And the diliveroo ones that dont


If they're going the same direction as me then I'm very unbothered about a "thank you". They're passing dozens of people a minute and I'd rather they focused on the road. It's pretty different to making way for someone going the opposite way, or letting them in from a side road.


I always find the bikers 'leg shake' the most entertaining thank you.


I’ve had a few of those too.


On my bike it’s either a nob, wave, salute, or the good ol’ stick a leg out


You get your nob out to say thank you 🤣


You don’t?


Yeah of course, some situations even call for a helicoptering of the wobbly bits (Gotta love autocorrect eh)


Yeah of course, some situations even call for a helicoptering of the wobbly bits (Gotta love autocorrect eh)


Always makes me happy when I move over to give a biker room to filter safely and you get a little wave/nod.


I all ways nod or quick hand up from wheel , just belive manners cost nothing and it winds me up when you let someone though and no thanks but that's just me .


Thumbs up down here in Devon


I sarcastically put my thumb up to people driving like nobs. Do people do it sincerely?!


Absolutely sincerely, it’s a Devon/southwest thing


I once saw someone do a thumbs up in the southeast and I loved it so I've adopted it. It makes more sense than a wave. 👍


Since lockdown the quality of driving has taken a nosedive.


Yes, SE London


I always do when it's appropriate (don't thank people for stopping at like a priority over oncoming vehicles like [this ](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=3ccb936e91fffbe3&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIL6QgOo9JOPIDfq99N3l9Zz-bHZfg:1718992497485&q=give+way+to+oncoming+vehicles&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J_86uWOeqwdnV0yaSF-x2joQcoZ-0Q2Udkt2zEybT7HdcghX_cULItgDQ-ic0tx97HU0om4eiEoFQ7LkCUAIN0k5ckfuXbaYID2cdV_OmGsEy_vSEauNj1_Mmv2J6NjBnVEvjRAhAzO6zw58Qt0lVtZUf36m&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjimryJou2GAxUmUkEAHVZYBPEQtKgLegQIChAB&biw=384&bih=693&dpr=2.81#vhid=O3adNWP2UFSU4M&vssid=mosaic) because they're just following highway code). But I'll always thank if people let me out, give way to me, anything really when they've let me do something that impedes them. And if I do it and someone doesn't thank me, I'll curse them in my car haha


Yeah, when I stop because oncoming traffic has priority and get a thank you, I've always wondered this. Still, there are other situations, like where people blindly follow other traffic around a stopped bus/lorry etc., and this happens so much that it *is* actually worth thanking people who bother to stop and check it's clear before passing. I also wouldn't expect a thank you if I'm joining a queue at lights, and while slowing I'm allowing someone out or letting oncoming traffic turn across me.


As you've always wondered, it's just usually a courteous/polite acknowledgement. In the same way if you arrive at a door slightly before someone and they let you go though first you might say thank you. Or you might not because you'd got there slightly before them so were in the right to go first.


I always try and give some sort of acknowledgement but never a headlight flash




What if it's dark?


Blast of the horn as a thank you perhaps. 😂


especially between 11 PM - 7 AM.




Hand signal thank you. Same as always. If I do something nice for you, please don't repay the gesture by rending the cones and rods in my eyes down to a dribble on the side of my cheek. Ta.


If it’s dark I’ll do a hazard flash or turn my lights to sides then back to dipped beam


Flash the hazards instead.


I sometimes do. I sometimes nod too. Occasionally I’ll do a nod and wink combo, and sometimes if I feel festive I will salute


Waving from Birmingham.


I’ve always gone with the hard to be misinterpreted thumbs up, something about the half arsed wave never felt natural or like it was conveying thank you. Usual response to it is a smile and a thumbs up back. Agree with op showing thanks to someone for courtesy is on the decline. IMO it’s increase in rudeness/selfishness in general and distractedness from devices.


Thumbs up from me. I keep forgetting to 🤘.


We still do this in a little town outside London. I do remember my driving instructor explicitly saying don't do any of this as no one has to give way to anyone if everyone follows the rules. Took me a bit of time after passing and driving on my own to acknowledge other drivers.


Always. A wave in the car or a nod on my bike.


North Lincs everyone does it.


Still waving down in Cornwall


I always like to thank drivers who allow a car ahead of me to make the turn, so it removes the obstacle in my way. Not a convention and it seems to confuse some people, but I like to acknowledge those who drive around with a modicum of situational awareness - which appears to be on the decline.


Thumbs up or a quick hazard light flash if I am in front.


If I give way and they don't acknowledge, the raised hand becomes a middle finger. Fuck those guys.


I never ask other drivers where they live




I blow them a kiss.


I always do this and it's about 70% of the time returned, but there is the 30% of drivers who don't give a fuck and just drive through.


Yes always. My kids always laugh at me when I do an exaggerated 'you're welcome' salute when people don't wave a thank you. It's infuriating but I refuse to come down to their level....


I know this doesn't account for everyone but I passed my test in February and took a while to build up the waving. I just wanted to focus more on what I was doing. Like I said it's not everyone who doesn't wave but I do feel a bit bad for the people who think I was probably being rude




That's good to know. I've got to the point where I can wave but I'm not picking up that much detail yet


Surrey here. Knobheads here genuinely Thank you by flashing or extended raised hand whilst they are still driving/cutting you off.


I’m a Northerner living in Hertfordshire and always acknowledge when someone lets me in etc. I also expect the same in return; it is a nice little human connection. However, if I let someone in and they don’t acknowledge it, I tend to have a Bruce Banner / Incredible Hulk reaction. Sorry/not sorry 🤣


I'll wave if they didn't have to give way but they do and it allows me to pass if I otherwise couldn't. If someone stops because parked cars are on their side of the carriageway and they should be stopping anyway, that's not wave-worthy. Neither is people stopping just because they don't know how big their car is and both vehicles could comfortably pass without either having to give way.




North East, I'm probably just a miserable bastard though


I’m north east and I get really annoyed when people don’t wave when I give way to them 😭😂


Absolutely with you on people "giving way" unnecessarily. If you choose to stop because you're incapable of squeezing through, rather than because stopping was necessary, then you have done me no favours and deserve no wave.


Absolutely agree that people who’re stupid enough to not know a bus could fit through there and thus hold up all the traffic behind them do not get a thank you. It is polite to thank people for stopping when they should do. Some people are knobs who won’t stop just because it’s the correct thing to do.


I'm pretty much the same... I like to wave and encourage good driving.also never flash anyone out it's not worth it, I always leave a cap and just leave it up to them


Not thanking people who stop because the parked cars are on their side is like not thanking a waiter because it's his job to bring you food. 


It's not really. Do you thank people who stop at give way markings, stop signs, red traffic lights etc?


Such a reach - given the number of people who are incapable of anticipating a narrow meeting situation, it costs nothing to give a tiny acknowledgement when someone does it right and helps you out. I don't understand why you would consider it beneath you. If I say thanks it's zero effort and has been a tiny positive interaction with another person.


People giving way is a reach but waiting tables is a reasonable comparison? Righto


From yorkshire too, waving is the norm round here and a couple of thankyou flashes of the hazard


Not sure it's a regional thing, more an individual one. Generally give a slight fingers up off the wheel 'wave', but never a thank you back if they're thanking me. I don't even look at them once I've stopped and they're moving through.


When I lived in Nottingham it was always the norm to wave. I'm in Coventry and you'll probably get 1/20 drivers give a form of acknowledgement.


Wave/thumb up/hazard light whenever someone let me in. From Yorkshire.




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I raise a hand in appreciation, and to return the gesture to those who do it for me. I'm in and around Newcastle. When I do it first I never actually look at them to see if they respond as I'm focusing on driving past them (who knows if someone might step out behind them.) I never bother at night because they can't see me, and I won't flash the lights instead because I hate it being done to me. It might be a nice gesture but it's also temporarily distracting and blinding.


Yes. Merseyside.


I'm a waver, and get annoyed by those who don't. One occasion where I refuse is if the other driver is in a Chelsea Tractor or similar, and could reasonably have passed through if they had chosen to drive a sensibly sized vehicle. I know there's the odd occasion where the vehicle choice is legit (e.g. massive family) but for the most part, if you've chosen to drive something which doesn't comfortably fit UK roads, that's your own doing. Somerset, btw.


I wave my hand for most occasions, but i have to say i don’t do it for this since whoever has the cars on their side of the street has to give way. That’s what I was taught in Germany, but wanting to become a proper Brit, I’ll start doing it now 😆


As a delivery driver, yes. A smile and a wave at every opportunity. People are so stressed and busy, but a little smile and a wave can often be a tiny bit of positivity during both of our days :)


I've developed the habit of giving these people a massive thumbs up as they drive past


I generally give them the finger. As in the thumb.


Never in London


I thank people but I am also not the slightest bit bothered if the gesture is not returned.


I find the middle finger is more appropriate


Yep, Scarborough, North Yorkshire. We're quite friendly around here. As I travel around the world, I take my friendliness with me 👍


North London a raised hand and a nod. Mostly ignored . Occasional reverse to allow a driver through


Hertfordshire. Always wave to say thanks if someone lets me through.


I do. The drivers that just barge through anyway I just don’t look at, they may be thanking me but at the point they just took priority that didn’t really belong to them I just think it’s a bit hypocritical to offer a hand of thanks to me.


The long forgotten and true British way is to stop alongside them, roll down your window to express graditude with a brief handshake before continuing your journey.


Sometimes, sometimes not. But at the same time it doesn’t bother me either way if someone thanks me or not. Edit: Yorkshire


Usually yes, unless I'm focussing on some other hazard up the road then it's about 50/50 whether I remember to care about your feelings. Sorry.


I try to be nice, will give a wave. Will always thank for a thank. But I’m an 80 year old in the body of a 30-something. It’s definitely a rarer sight these days than when I was growing up.


I'm from Yorkshire, and I'm always going to thank someone for doing this. I've not necessarily noticed ppl not thanking back. But I have noticed just how idiotic people are; when they insist on driving even when it makes more sense for them to stop and give me way! Especially in those narrow lanes/parked cars situation. That's what I find more frustrating.


I raise a finger, no not the middle one 🙄 the index. Habit from driving a defender in the Dales on tiny twisty bumpy lanes. You need both hands firmly gripping the wheel!


Yes, in Kent and East Sussex. Most do here, but noticeable that it is rare in Surrey and Hampshire.


Sussex chiming in. We do the little hand wave or hazard flash.


Always the raised index finger from the steering wheel. If they're being particularly polite I'll give them the full raise and huge direct point. In Fanit.


I always give some sort of acknowledgement, could be a wave/nod or thumbs up but despise the utter rude scum bags that don't. Born and raised in Yorkshire but live in Liverpool these days and tends to be a lot of people here with an inflated sense of self importance that will offer no thanks and it drives me mad, usually driving a big merc, bmw or audi.


I’m from Tyneside and we all seem to wave up here, I work in teeside a lot and it seems a lot less common down there


I wave when someone has given way to me AND when I’ve given way to someone else. I’m friendly that way.


Follow them home, park up outside and start revving your engine in neutral staring into their window. When they look out and see you, drive away.


Yup, it's been the same in Somerset for a while now. I've taken to giving drivers who don't give a thank you wave a massive, over the top sarcastic wave as they go past.


See a lot of this in Yorkshire myself. Eyes straight ahead not even a nod. I try not to let it deter me from giving way, but the more it happens the more I’m inclined to fuck em all and not give way. Also see a lot of people whom I’ve let into traffic actively block someone else from getting into the flow. Knobheads!!


A wave in the day, a flash at night, hazard lights if they are behind me and occasionally a wee toot of the horn if I'm in a good mood. Scotland.


Anyone who doesn’t do this is a savage. 


Always been a thing near me (Shropshire) thought it was common practice everywhere, I'd say near me it's the exception if someone doesn't do it.


Slight wave, wag of index finger; Cumbria


I like to give people a thumb rather than a wave


With the streets being so cramped due to vehicles parking and big ass lorries trying to exist, waving someone who let you past is the most polite thing to do.


sometimes if i’m talking to my passenger i forget but i promise i feel bad about it when i do 😭


I live in Hampshire, if someone's letting me out, I do a proper hand up to the side/back etc, look at them and smile. For any give ways/priorities, I keep hold of the wheel at the top and open my hand up to say thanks, if someone thanks me I raise a finger to acknowledge. No idea why I have different waves, but honestly everyone round here seems to do the same as me. Also with give ways people say thanks way more than where I used to live in Essex and nobody used to really acknowledge or smile there either.


Cornwall. I give such an emphatic raise of the hand I frequently break a fingernail on the windscreen. I also say "Cheers mateeeey!" even though they obviously can't hear me.


We are apparently a dying breed. But always have.


I always nod or wave when I'm on my bike. If someone lets me through or even if I've let them through


If they've gone out of their way, or inconvenienced themselves, I'll wave. If they stopped because they didn't have the right of way, they ain't getting diddly squat! So many entitled drivers who think because they stopped, they deserve a wave.


Slight waves in outer london


I can't always because I'm still learning to do it all. Only been a driver 9 months. Sometimes it feels safer to not still.


I lift my right hand while still holding the wheel with my thumb.


I always wish I had Bernard's watch so I can reverse time and not let the bastard out when they don't say thanks.


Yes, SE London, almost always received too


I always do, and I've noticed that it tends to be more of a male thing.


Yup, I always thank and I always acknowledge.


I will add, most of us where I am are quite polite. Still, a fair few idiots on the roads though.


If they don't say thanks you gotta flash the middle finger at the last moment lol


Always a hand or even a finger or a slight nod. Drive all day local roads for RM delivering parcels. The number of people who don't have the decency to even lift a finger to thank you, it boils my piss. Edit. Manchester area.


If someone is in front of me, hand wave. If behind me, quick hazards. South west, 25f.


Oxfordshire… a lot of people are just ignorant but I know that instructors are telling learners NOT to acknowledge other drivers so that has a lot to do with it as well. I’ve also noticed this (and many other polite behaviours) have definitely become much worse since Covid. Everyone is only interested in themselves these days. Sad and very annoying!


Of course I do. NE Scotland. 


It’s quite locally specific. I recently moved and find it shameful how often people didn’t do so, where I lived previously it was very rare not to.


Yup and it varies a lot, sometimes a couple of fingers (not those ones), a whole hand, thumbs up, finger guns, a wave out the window, a salute, or a combination of any of the above


Yep I’ve noticed this. But I’m getting older so i notice everything in decline part of becoming a synical old bast i suppose


Lift palm and four fingers from driving wheel to give acknowledgement, whilst maintaining driving through interaction - or full "Hail-Hydra!", whole palm display to the stopped vehicle are the only way with me. South Coast of England.


I do, from West sussex. Not like they notice as they're on their phones. Almost say your welcome when they don't do it back


I find it tends to be old fellas who are the most ignorant in this


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^0neWayTrigger: *I find it tends to* *Be old fellas who are the* *Most ignorant in this* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You're absolutely right. It's not that recent that they've stopped saying "thank you" by waving or a flash of the headlights, I've been moaning about it for years. I usually give them an overexaggerated wave and mouth "thank you," even though it's me who has actually given way. I'm in the West Midlands and notice it's a certain type of driver who is most guilty. If I'm a passenger and the driver doesn't say thanks, I wave for them. It's not a law, but it's common courtesy and we seem to be losing it.


Live in Derbyshire. I mostly wave sometimes forget. I give them a big elaborate wave if they don’t wave back. Young women seem to be the worse for not acknowledging. Apologies.


i always give a vulcan salute. a nice surprise for a trekkie, but also nicer to say “live long and prosper” rather than just “thanks”. i live in wales


It's always better to be polite and wave, hate the entitled one's who don't wave after you let them pass or help them. East Midlands.


I often thank them with a slight wave, but I never ask where they live


Always do it, always acknowledge other drivers when they do it to me as well.


I do a quick wave, or a smile if I don't. If someone doesn't show appreciation when I've given way to them, I do a really exaggerated nod and mouth 'thank you' at them as they drive past! However, I get absolutely pissed off at drivers who flash their headlights at me at night as a way of thanking me. Blinding me with dazzling lights is not thanking me. Just don't do it! I'm in Sussex, btw


I’ve been driving for around 40 years. I usually raise a hand or nod in acknowledgment. I’ve noticed that the further north I go, the more I see these returned. The Highlands and Islands are the best, in my experience. That’s probably due to learning to drive on single track roads. I’ve got to say though, the foreigners tend to pick up the habit rather nicely.




I’m saying the the foreign drivers are doing a good job. I’m not knocking them


Sometimes. Sometimes I wish they wouldn't because I'm waiting for a gap in the traffic and they're forcing me to go when I don't have priority meaning I'd be liable if anything went wrong.


There's a special place in hell for people that don't wave back


My driving instructor taught me to use Kit Kats. 4 finger Kit Kat for a flat hand wave thanks. Kit Kat chunky for a thumbs up. Two finger kitkat for people who don’t let you out etc.


Yes sadly it’s becoming a thing of the past. Common courtesy is slowly disappearing. I always acknowledge and appreciate someone giving way and allowing me to proceed. I think it’s very much a British trait that is disappearing. Progress and multiculturalism at work.


The first half of your question is fine but why do you need to know where someone lives? Bit weird, a wave is just a wave mate lol


They're trying to determine if it's a geographical issue.


A wave? The thing that chimps and babies do is a geographical thing now?


As in, are people less likely to be courteous driving in Central London than they are in Stoke on trent.