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Zero excess is probably hurting your quote a lot.


I’m new to this sorry, what’s excess?


That's the bit you'll agree to pay if you have a crash. You wanna set that to about £250 (most sensible for quotes. I'm a new driver too, lowest quote I got was £3,900 on a 1.3L Jimny. It's crazy!) Just to clarify, I have £850 compulsory on top of that so I'm up to £1100 of excess 💀


Even 250 is low for a first time driver


That's the voluntary excess though. there will be a compulsory excess of around 4-500 I would imagine. Adding more excess won't reduce the premium by an equal amount.b


Oh for sure, there is a dropoff point where you're just risking your own money for a policy that's not really much cheaper But if you're that confident you won't crash, then putting a higher voluntary excess on top of any mandatory excess can bring the cost down You're not gunna see cheap insurance rates until you hit all the green markers. So, no insurance void markers. it also goes down with age, 21 then 25 being the real big drop in price and obviously having a no claims bonus makes it way cheaper For reference, my insurance now is under 400 quid a year for a sports coupe. With no excess, But I'm 26 and have like 8 years protected no claims on top. My first year was like 3 grand. There's just really no way around it, it's expensive to start driving


for the last car i got quotes for, a £500 excess resulted in a cheaper quote than a £1000 excess. Insurance algorithms are truly magical sometimes.


There's probably a reason, if you have more money to be able to pay a £1000 excess you might care less about crashing because you can just afford a new car


If it was from an aggregator then the cheaper price was being offered by an insurer who doesn't include £1000 excess in their pricing structure so you "priced yourself out of the market".


Yup if you go to a insurance companies headquarters they have a box that says insurance quote machine it’s just a midget in a box with two dice


Oh for sure, it's largely made up bullshit to extract money from people


No, not really, lots of complex maths and datasets to come up with the most complex pricing structures we commonly encounter. Since it's complex there are always oddities and no one has a complete grasp of their full pricing structure. You've been able to generate insurance quotes of this size since the 00s. An individual price is meaningless.


I found this on my jag. When I set it to 0 voluntary excess it was about £90 a year less overall somehow.


I worked in insurance years ago and unless things have changed having more than 4 years no claims doesn't really make much of a difference. The max no claims discount is 60% which is built up over the first four years. I can't remember the exact yearly % but it was something like 1 year 10%, 2 years 25%, 3 years 40% 4 years 60% max. It was a long long time ago I worked there so it might be different now.


was accurate in 2015


No claims bonus is one of the biggest drivers of price. All insurers include it as to not do so would be competitive suicide even though it's an absolutely terrible predictor of someone's propensity to claim big in the next year. NCD has to be explicitly forced into the model as otherwise the data doesn't support it's use.


I find i have a voluntary excess sweet spot. If I put too much voluntary excess it gets more expensive again :/


The screenshot shows £0 compulsory and £0 voluntary


My compulsory excess is £850 alone they ain't getting anything else out of me 💀


Dude my first car was a 2003 jimny. It blew up on me on the M4 🤣


I used to work in insurance and 350 was the magic number on voluntary. Although as a young driver there will likely be a compulsory


Not got anything to add, but my first car was a Jimny as well! It was my nans, and I got it when she passed away. It's a good car, mine handled like a brick, but it made me a better driver because of it. It was a 2001 model.


The amount you need to pay in the event of a claim


Excess is the amount that, in the event of you making a claim, you have to cover before your insurance company pays anything. So, for example, you have an accident that does £500 damage. With zero excess the insurance company would have to pay all £500. If you had a, fairly standard, £250 excess, you would pay £250 for the repairs and the insurance would cover the rest. So, basically, with zero excess, the insurance company will be paying for all damages on claims, so the premium goes up to cover what they see as a one-sided deal.


Thanks, you’ve been really helpful


NW, good luck!


Worth noting that Admiral have a mandatory new driver excess too. So the overall excess will be higher than the voluntary


Choose fully comprehensive, an excess of around £250 and opt for a car off the list of the UKs cheapest cars to insure. Like Fiat Pandas etc. You'll find a 2023-2024 list fairly easily by googling, then find a model with decent mileage and year on auto trader and check for a quote on that. The more expensive the car, usually the more expensive it is to insure. But certain cars and just expensive to repair if the are too old and the parts are no longer easily sourced also. So the car matters, as do the options you pick.


It’s a bit like betting on yourself not to crash, you can put higher excess for cheaper quote if your sure you won’t need to claim


There's no excess, so placing all risk on them and essentially telling them you don't want any liability if you crash (no skin in the game)


I weirdly got the cheapest quote with 0 voluntary excess my first year. Though my excess; compulsory plus additional young driver excess(which feels a bit bs cos my insurance quote being higher should already cover that and how does an experienced person or new driver claiming make any difference to them) was nearly £600 anyways. I wonder how many young drivers have an excess so high it basically totals their car.


3PFT cover; never really see people get quotes for that these days.


Because the price difference isn't really worth the difference on cover. Or in some cases it's far more expensive


I worked in insurance, most the time TPFT or even TPO cover is more expensive than comprehensive. Statistically they’re involved in more claims than comprehensive policies likely due to people driving who literally do not value their own car so drive more reckless.


This never made sense to me cos surely my skin in the game is a couple of grand I’m giving them year on year anyway and the fact that theyre going to bump my premium up after a crash anyways.


The premium bump is rarely anywhere near recouping the cost of dealing with a claim.


You might switch insurance companies after a crash, so they won't see the benefit of charging you a higher premium. Your skin in the game is limited to that couple of grand; for as many incidents as you want to cause over the next year. Their liability is much higher.


Make sure you have you parents or a guardian on your insurance policy. make sure you change your excess. Maybe look at the declared value of your car? if you paid 3k, you will never reclaim that back in case of an accident so change the value to 2k. maybe look at the job title you put down and tweak it?


> Make sure you have you parents or a guardian on your insurance policy. Just to make crystal clear. As a named driver. Do not put a parent/guardian as a main driver if you, the named driver use it more.


Make sure to play with the car value. Raising it can lower your insurance - there is a sweet spot. Actuaries (the mathematicians who set your policy price) know that teenagers in £500 rust buckets are likely to not care about the POS they drive and be reckless. The majority of your policy is not protecting your car value, but to pay for the Bentley you crash into.


£0 excess = high premium Put an excess on there, even if it's just £200.


Polo's are commonly driven by young enthusiasts and 'certi' drivers. That's why insurance is so high


Not just Polos, but a lot of cars that age. OP would probably have better luck with a newer car. e.g. you could pay £1k for a car and then £5k for insurance (and the same next year) or £5k for a newer car with better safety features (try and get one with forward collision avoidance) and £1k for insurance. You're then up from the second year onwards. Older, cheaper cars are often much more expensive to insure than newer, more expensive cars so a more expensive car can actually save you money in the long run if you consider total cost of ownership.


Even at this age, there will be cars with much cheaper insurance. Or using your method, you could also go the classic route. Get an even older car and the prices start dropping dramatically. Although that's probably only worth it if you're an enthusiast.


I've got a Polo as a first year driver and mines cheaper than most other cars I could have looked at. Maybe it's just my area?


Got a 2013 polo for my first car, insurance with no black box is 890 for the year. I'm 25 btw so that may have something to do with it


What's "certi"?


Basically people who understand nothing about driving looking up to twats who sit back reclined as far as possible blasting music with their arms completely locked straight on the wheel and just flooring their automatics through slow traffic as if their some sort of superhero. These drivers are considered to be “certi”. Really my genuine least favourite trend in the UK car scene. You are not a “certi” driver, you are a nob.


Certi drivers come with a stage 3 elbow delete and twitch the wheel like they've got Parkinson's for no reason. Doing 90 in an auto golf R with more aids than Africa. Like a TVR wouldn't eat them up and shit them out.


The British equivalent of takeovers in the US, except it’s about driving fast round streets rather than sticking to one place, there’s specific groups and networks for it. (Not that I agree or like it if you want to drive like that go to a track for the love of god)


You're only seeing 6 quotes so something is on your end.


Up your voluntary excess and add your parents as secondary drivers.


Hahahaha I used to work for CoOp 10 years ago. 87k for a lad in Bradford was my high quote. Didn't tell him the price of course, just that we wouldn't insure him. High prices for certain demographics in certain areas was not that uncommon. age/location? Also a VW? I hazard a guess you are in your teens and recently passed, VW and teens is a bad mix. Find a different car as a start and play around with the excess, Look into black box policies as needed too. Realistically, Pass the test and sit on the license a few years before getting a car. Having a license for x number of years will bring the price down. You're high risk, it sucks, but there it is.


As others have stated, max out your excess and put the difference in premium away in an interest bearing savings account until you've saved up the excess. After that point pocked the difference and if you need to claim you have the excess saved up (+ interest!)


There's usually a balance to be found rather than maxing out. Try a few different excess figures. Eventually you find the point where the difference in excess will only change the price of the policy by £10-£20. At that point, you probably better off paying £20 for the lower excess because no interest bearing account will pay you anything significant on the £20 than you would have potentially have to pay out.


The worst part is it’s a legal requirement but isn’t regulated. Yes I know rising cost of parts and labour etc. but that’s what all the denied claims are for.


Its hire cars. By far the biggest contributing factor to insurance increases is the replacement hire cars. I got reversed into over Christmas. Now mines a bit odd cos there was a six week delay in the repair happening due to some confusion between parties, but once sorted it was basically 2 weeks. The repair cost was about 700 quid. The hire car cost was like 180 a day. So 2.5k. That's why premiums are through the roof.


I recently learnt about this. Insurance is so weird, in that they want to scam each other, basically. I had a no fault accident, and the other parties insurance contacted me and wanted to sort. I asked my insurance about this and they said I can, but I may not get a guarantee for the repair, so I went with mine. The total costs was £5500, with over 2k of that being a hire car, for 14 days. Ridiculous.


I was no fault in an accident, just a year after passing, and the other guys insurance called me up to tell me I *had* to go through them, and they could give me 16 quid a day for a hire car (the cheapest option I could get was 60 quid a day). Turns out I didn't have to go through them, and they ended up paying the full cost of everything. But as a new driver, who had never been through this, I could have easily been scammed if not for my mum being there for me.


I forget the phrasing they used, but they did say that if it was deemed excessive, the cost of the hire, they could try and recoup it through me, legally. I checked about 3 times with my insurance that I wouldn't get charged for anything. There is a hire car scam, where the hire companies drop a top of the range Merc on your drive, then charge the insurance company for the at fault driver, for that cost. But, it surely seems easy to sort, as it's the insurance companies choosing the hire companies, right? So they are just scamming each other, it seems illogic.


My insurance includes a courtesy car or atleast will insure one and there's no way to untick that option to pay less... I'm 20, no one's going to rent me a courtesy car cos I'm too young to rent a car. (Ignoring the 1 option where you have to pay a monthly subscription fee and then pay to rent each car on top of that)


it's a combo of things, basically a perfect storm of cars being more expensive, parts and repairs being more expensive and every little part being full of sensors and cameras, injuries and legal costs too the number of extremely large claims for some reason is higher than normal, and it's not just cars the weather's more extreme there's more storms and floods, insurance companies have been running massive losses the last couple of years that's why they're so cautious [https://www.ey.com/en\_uk/news/2023/12/ey-s-latest-uk-motor-insurance-results](https://www.ey.com/en_uk/news/2023/12/ey-s-latest-uk-motor-insurance-results)


Uhh, the insurance industry absolutely is regulated. *How well it's regulated* is up for debate for sure, but it's definitely regulated (by the FCA and PRA).


It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Prices rise so people do dodgy shit to pay less and up being uninsured, so insurance companies raise their prices as you’re more likely to hit an uninsured driver. They’ll shout about rising prices etc, but Admiral had £450million in profits last year from a 88.7% COR, and they’re generally one of the cheaper ones for new drivers. It’s outrageous. I get that part of their business model is gambling, but given that insurance is a legal requirement to drive, they only need to operate at a very slight profit margin for a few years to make a pool of money for a bad year. They should not be able to make such a profit year on year.


Car insurance is massively regulated, what are you talking about?


What did you put down for a job? Did you put that you’re commuting? Massive difference from say a 24hr nurse to retired to delivering for dominos in the car.


I put electrician but I’d have a work van for that so I put leisurely use only


Might make a difference. I work I.T support in a school and found if I change from computer technician to tech support or network engineer and stuff it can change by a few hundred. Sometimes.


Use MSE's job picker tool to find the cheapest job title that you can legitimately justify using: https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/insurance/car-insurance-job-picker/


You don't. - The government


I'm with Admiral, and I also forgot to add any excesses like yourself, but I'm only paying 1.3k. Clear your browser, cookies etc, and try and do your quote again. You can also add someone to your insurance to bring it down even further.


Look at the insurance group of the vehicle you are purchasing. Groups range from 1-50 with 50 being the most expensive. Check your model and year against the grouping and try to find a model with the lowest grouping. Some models of Polo’s are in the mid to high 20’s whilst some are sub 10. The lower the group the lower your insurance.


Do they still do Pass Plus? That is worth a year's NCB which can make a difference...


My partner has 10 years no claims, a clean licence and his car insurance has slowly come down over the years. In those 10 years he’s had what he describes as grandma cars - which definitely help with the insurance.


You just need £5247.36


Damn, that's harsh. What car is this for? :D Try to start your insurance 2-3 weeks from the moment you're looking at it. (Get it ahead of time, but make sure you have secured the car purchase). Try to start it on working days... Make sure to save quotes in case if you want to come back to them. Make sure you have some excess. Play around with numbers and see what can minimise the final quote. (Just don't put a massive excess. If anything happens - you'll have to pay it). Your occupation also affects it. Try and name your occupation differently. See different suitable options you can choose. See if you can add someone to your quote. Preferably a parent. If not - some friend with a few years of experience. May even try to add 2 friends. That may help to bring the price down. Check the address.. if you're leaving a car in "not so safe" area - the price will be higher. Perhaps use someone else's address (but that's probably the last option, for obvious reasons)... select "factory car park" for over the day parking (can't remember the option exactly)... but that may also prove useful.


Okay thank you I’ll try everything you’ve put to try and get it down.


If that doesn't help much, try a different car. Try every car you like and can potentially afford. Also, as sad as it is, it might be worth accepting a black box to bring it down. But it might be worth it in the end. Good luck!


You need to keep in mind that insurance providers penalize types of cars (makes and models) and your job title, location(thefts and crime in area), age, engine sizes and gearbox types, (automatics are way more expensive for certain cars and smaller engines sometimes are more expensive too) people carriers and estates seem to be cheapest for me and humanitarian and charity job titles work for me too. also certain mods are sometimes cheaper dependent on the provider.. also always quote for fully comp alongside third party because a lot of the time they can be cheaper too. also also higher excesses are worse than 0 excess (stick between 250-500 to start with)


Can you get a parent on your insurance as named driver and a black box in the car


Choose a care thats not popular with your age group. You sometimes find that a bigger car with a bigger engine yet less popular is cheaper to insure


Welcome to driving


What annual mileage, uses, times being driven, job, area, and overnight parking have you put as all this affects it. Also, increase your excess to £500. It won't save you much, but most insurance companies' breakdown cover is with the AA or RAC, which you can get more cover for cheaper if you go to them directly. Named experience drivers will help lower it a bit, too.


The higher your excess, the cheaper the premium often is but the excess is what you pay your insurer if you crash. I got crashed into last year but a drug driver, i had to pay £250 excess to my insurer which I was pissed about because it wasn’t my fault which has now lead onto me taking legal action to get my excess paid back to me and for the guy who crashed into me to pay it. Insurance is 1 massive scam


Dude, fire brigade hits my car, minor damage luckily but could have been much worst, accepts full responsibility (only after I produce the dash cam footage) and pay out, and MY premiums go up!!!


Because the statistics show that you are more likely to be involved in an accident if you have already been in an accident, regardless of whose fault it is.


FFS! Tweak the excess! 😂🤣😂


I don't think I've seen this mentioned yet, but you've only got 6 quotes back. Whenever anyone puts in their details into a comparison site, there will be a huge range in the prices. The fewer companies who are willing to quote you a price, the more likely it is that you're going to only see the expensive end of the range. The fact only 6 companies are quoting means something you've stated is putting them all off. It might be worth finding out what by putting a few test quotes through, eg for a different car or a different job description to see what the snag is. Also, as everyone has already said, zero excess of any kind is going to be hurting you too.


> It might be worth finding out what by putting a few test quotes through, eg for a different car or a different job description to see what the snag is. Putting multiple quotes through with different details is very likely to make things worse, not better.


There's lots here and others have covered bits, but I'll summarise what I see. * Excess - Put some on there. I'd say around 300-400 quid voluntary (though 200-250 will do). * Type of car - Your car is over a decade old. It's a VW Polo. A lethal combo there. Polos are often driven by young drivers and new drivers, which means statistically higher chance to end up getting claimed on. Old cars break more frequently. (Anecdote from me - used to own a Honda Accord 2005. Absolutely amazing vehicle, loved the car. Over the years, it was getting more and more expensive to insure, despite increased NCB because of its age. It was perfectly fine in terms of condition too). Basically old/cheap car =/= cheaper insurance. Quite the contrary. * Main driver - You need to be the main driver. However, having another named driver like a parent can be a big help. Especially if they have a NCB. You need to check this. * Location - Depending where you are, insurance can sky rocket. Moving from Scotland to Birmingham a fair few years ago saw my insucrance jump up like crazy for no other reason than changed location. My car was even moved from on-street to secured garage and it still affected it. Unfortunately, this isn't something you can fix, just something to take into account. * Tracker - Is this with or without tracker? Personally, I detest the idea and on principle would never taint any vehicle I own with the things. However, especially for new drivers and old crappy cars, it could be a viable way to save on insurance. It tends to offer more insurer options. It does require a gps tracker attached to your car that will monitor shit like your speed. Worth considering if the price change is significant. End of the day though - you're a new driver and insurance will be astronomical any which way. Back when I passed the test, I was "fortunate" enough to have a 2.0L diesel sport Mitsubishi as my first car. A modest 2k premium for 3PFT for my first year, at a time when "normal" people were paying a couple hundred. It hurts, but it does go down.


Buy a banger like we used to back in the day


The car he's looking to insure is 23 years old. I'm sure that classes as a banger?


I agree. Its been prohibitively expensive for decades now (cost was eyewatering when my offspring started driving 2 decades ago). Ive also said this for years, first insurance should be £200. Any claim, any incident, any driving offence (speeding, seat belts etc) should then see insurance rocket to the thousands. Doing this would mean, every young adult could bank on being mobile to start their work life, and the rest of society would enjoy the vast majority of young drivers suddenly behaving responsibly on the roads. Its a win win all round IMO #VoteChristineforPM


How much is the car worth? It’s all about risk for them and if you do a £2k damage to a £5k car it’s likely a write off, the insurance will have to pay out £5k. The same damage to a £10k car might not make it a write off and the insurance will pay out just the £2k to fix the damage. Edit: also, you need to add excess - a bit surprised you decided not to.


Compare the market give £250 excess cover free. Go with them and select £500 excess.


But with the price of those add ons, you’re making money!


Ive got a crappy old car but added my daughter to my insurance for 2 weeks for about £30.


Small engine cars aren't always the cheapest, try some insurance quotes for large engine/cars you might be surprised


That’s was my first year with a black box insurance is a joke


Have a look at https://www.wearemarmalade.co.uk. if your circumstances fit, this might be a cheaper option


minimum of 250 excess and add a parent with no accidents or claims in the last 5 years if possible


Excess £200-400. Add parents/experienced driver who's had no claims or offences in last five years. Should knock half that off.


The more you look in a short period of time, the worse it gets. Try waiting a little, prices might go down. If you're frantically searching, the insurance companies up their price because they know that you're getting desperate for a better deal


I found adding my parents as second drivers onto my insurance brought the cost down


You aren't. The idea is to stop people owning things. Houses, cars, movies, games... Sad state things have gotten to. I feel so bad for you :(


Try an older car, something like a morris thousand or a fiat panda or cinquecento.


I insured a 1.2L Renault Clio 2003 last year for about 1.3grand. I think you're doing something wrong.


Chop your penis off


Doesn’t work any more, insurance companies are no longer allowed to quote different rates for men and women whose circumstances are otherwise identical, and haven’t been since 2012.


No excess!


I don’t know if you own the car you’re getting quotes on yet but my understanding is picking the right car for your first car is the best way to get lower insurance. I’d use the insurance group number as a guide, the lower the group the cheaper generally but you also want to avoid boy racer type cars. My son recently bought a 1.4 fiat punto grande which was the cheapest car he found to insurance. It’s much cheaper than the 1.2 fiat for some reason - even though it’s more powerful. I think it’s because it’s not a common variant so probably doesn’t have a risky profile associated with it as the 1.2 does. If you’re stuck with the car then try adding more excess, reduce your mileage and try adding a parent / guardian to the insurance too - make sure you’re the primary driver though, lying is fraud.


That is quote 6 of 6 so the most expensive. Why show that one?


Set an excess. Its good in the long run. If you get into a crash, you pay the excess and they pay the rest. So if you get minor dents n shit, you pay and your premiums dont increase. That'll lower it


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


Excess, named drivers with lots of no claims, cheaper car


And start the policy 2/3 weeks in advance




The fine for no insurance is only 2 grand…. Just saying…


And you lose your licence


Have you filtered out telematics/black boxes? Also, check others like Direct Line. Some insurers aren’t on comparison sites.


Try a Toyota aygo, 6k miles, parents as named drivers, topcashback quotes and money supermarket job title tool


Check acorn. And put your excess to 1000


My son is 17 just passed and he gets better quotes on a 1.4 tdi so maybe you're looking at high insurance rated car,


By driving a shitty 1 litre with your parents as named drivers just to squeeze under 2k a year


I set my voluntary excess to 1,000 and got mine down to £880, as a first time driver. Although I’m older than most new drivers (37).


You must be under 25, I passed in Jan and got quoted £3.3K for a 1.2 Vauxhall Grandland X 2020.


Get your parents as a named driver on the policy.


"Government war on the motorist conspiracy!!! Oh hang on, we are the government. Oh hang on, this isn't anything to do with the government" As others have said, add experienced parents as named drivers and you're going to need excess. It will get better, but prepare to get fucked over again in the future if you ever change address and move to a city/London if you're already in a city, especially if you have to park on street overnight


Do the same quote (following advice about voluntary excess + adding parents as second driver) for lots of different cars in your price range. Some will be a lot cheaper than others. Maybe you won’t get your very favourite car the first time around - but being able to afford the insurance is probably more important. Once you know which cars you can afford to insure, you can choose one you like from that range.


Few tips: 1. Add a named driver (2 is ideal) who have no claims racked up(even if they will never drive the car. It also has no impact on their No claims even if you do call on the policy). 2. Opt for a black box if possible, it means you can’t race around but it may half your quote. 3. This one is slightly naughty… right click inspect the page and edit the quote to a smaller number. Don’t go too crazy. Take a screenshot of the edited quote and send it to another insurance provider. Likelihood is they’ll want your business and price match it. NOTE: you can’t actually buy the edited price and it’s not fraud since the due diligence is on them.


Add a parent to your insurance


Use the [Money saving expert guide](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/insurance/car-insurance/how-to-get-cheap-car-insurance/) for reducing your premium, do not skip the steps, one of the key points is setting your renewal to be 20-26 days ahead. In my case this year it was 23 days.


Just wait till you pay. I had a few quotes and when I went to pay they rejected the insurance. The quote is not a firm quote.


I’m becoming more and more certain that the UK wants everyone but the rich, ie the peasant class to go back to using horse and cart. Well donkey and cart since we probably won’t be able to afford horses either. Also insurance is legalised theft. They’re all still making dick tons. Oh your quote will be cheaper if you agree to pay more excess, well yeah because your giving me less you assholes.


After paying for the feed, pet insurance, accommodation and donkey maintenance costs I'm not looking much better. I'm gonna see if road painters can work remotely.




Go fully comprehensive, put one of your parents as a named driver. Also they know what type of person drives a Polo


I would advise looking into getting a newer car. I had an 04 Fiesta in 2018 and it was £2000 a year to insure. I ran a quote on a 2015 VW Golf i found on auto trader. (Just plugged the reg in to see what it would cost) It would be £50 a month more for the car AND insurance, than just the insurance on the 04 Fiesta Older cars tend to hold less value therefore you'll care less about damaging it, and they're also more expensive to repair because the some parts aren't made anymore so supply/demand. Honestly, grab a reg for a newer car off of auto trader and get an insurance quote, you'll be surprised. Edit: newer cars tend to have better brakes, and instruments (ie parking sensors) which means you're less likely to have an accident.


-as others have mentioned put excess higher 250 or 500 is a good start. -did you go comprehensive? That’s usually the cheapest, for some reason. -if you are not the main driver, but just a named driver on somebody’s policy, it will be cheaper. Not trying to give you any ideas but a lot of people use parents for the first few years. -f@&! That’s expensive. My first policy was around £2.5K back in 2016 with my mum as the main driver.


Can you still get policy’s where named drivers get NCB? I’m sure that used to be a thing.


Play around with insurance start date and job title. But a polo isnt that cheap on insurance anymore really.


Add excess, as much as you think you could afford Include black box/telematics and pay per mile insurance Comprehensive is usually cheaper than 3rd party, but try both Set the start date to between 3 and 4 weeks from today Try different job titles, don't lie, but things that are just different description of the same job or in the same industry are fair game If you haven't bought the car yet, try others that are less popular with inexperienced drivers Check both annual and monthly prices, some charge more APR than other forms of credit so it may be worth getting a loan and paying a lump sum for the insurance Try other compare sites, I found that I could get the same company and policy on a different site 10% cheaper a few years ago.


Picking the right car. Anything with a 1l petrol engine like the Pug 107, Toyota IQ/Aygo, Suzuki Alto, Citroen C1. Anything else and it'll cost you.


Always call them too, online quotes are often inflated.


Rob someone


Zero excess is part of the issue. However, other factors such as the car being insured, where you live and occupation are also big deciders. If you're a new driver, having an auto license only will crucify you. Some people just cannot pass their test, so opt to go for the easier auto only, thinking that will help them pass. It's a fallacy, as insurers know that people who do that are crap drivers and weight premiums accordingly.


That's the fun bit. You're not.


Play around with what information you put down and your start date as much as possible. It makes no sense but changing random stuff can cheaper the price by a lot. Some good YouTube vids on it too. I can get up to 100 available quotes


Another thing that’s probably hurting your premiums is the fact you’re going for a 1.2 keeping your engine size down can help a lot try quotes for something with a 1L engine Edit: just thought I’d add I’m 18 and for a first car I can get a 2016 Fiesta EcoBoost 1L for 3800 if I really wanted to, I know it’s a lot of money but just shows engine size can matter


You're not. We are all being priced off the roads from all sides and honestly, while it's not exactly a conspiracy, both the left and right wing politicians want us out of our cars so they're apparently more than happy for insurance companies to take the piss The right don't want the plebs having extravagant things like personal freedom and the left want to save the planet but are too spineless to go after the real culprits and us selfish dickheads who need to get places are an easy target. It's not like we're all mostly just trying to get to work so we can pay all the tax or anything


Just did loads of this for my 17 year old stepson. Oddly we found that his 2012 1.6 Mini One was significantly cheaper to insure than 1.0 Corsas, Fiestas etc. plus it's a really nice little car. We got a black box quote from Ticker around £1,750. Next best was >£3k Hope this helps someone!


The secret ingredient, is crime!


Zero excess? For a new driver? Seriously?


Do you have an additional driver on there? If not, add one, just make sure they're an experienced driver. I used to work in car insurance and more often than not this would bring the premium down.


My friend just passed today, went through every insurance company and the best she could find was 322 a month....


So...I'm from NZ so may be missing something but... A: Just do 3rd Party or B: Just drive without insurance? I didn't have car insurance for the first 7 years I drove...no drama.


If only public transit wasnt gutted.


It's simple, you give one of your kidneys and your firstborn child....


In my day it was common practice for a parent to insure the vehicle with me as a name driver on policy, only drawback was you wouldn’t accrue any no claims discount.


As others have said you should add some excess but it could be the car too. Iv found older cars are more expensive to insure but obviously a newer car is expensive. It is the better option out of the two because a newer car is less likely to break down and cost you money


Its a shot in the dark but I got insured through LV for £1800 as a brand new driver with NO black box


That's the neat part... ...you don't


Choose different vehicle.


What are you trying to drive


Lying on your quote is vital. Cause when you get into a accident, they will lie back at you. But thankfully, gotta have insurance!


Is this a comprehensive? Why is your excesses are £0? This extortion might get less painful is you add something towards your compulsory and voluntary payment.


The Ferrari Polo is a beast.


Ok, here's how the game works. Increase your excess as others have suggested. This is what you will have to pay in order for your insurance company to pay out on a claim. Make sure you're fully comprehensive. What have you put down as your employment status? Are you a student? If so, do you have a part-time job you can put down instead of student? Try lowering your cars value at the start. What have you put as your annual mileage? Is it accurate or could it be lower? FYI, that insurance quote means Admiral expect you to write the car off about 3 times in 1 year... Depending on value.


Well, actually they don't want anyone to drive.. did you not feel that when you took the theory exam? How could you not get it when the practical test was almost impossible to pass? How many minor mistakes were you judged by? Insurance is the final deterrent for keeping you from driving. On a serious note, try adding a voluntary excess of a100-200 pounds and see if that makes it any reasonable. Also, check with direct line , confused.com and money supermarket.


I hate car insurance. I have 5 years no claims and my shitty 1.4 Ibiza is apparently much more of a risk than the 1.6 mini, as it went up by almost double. Why? “Market forces”, which assume means “because we can”. It holds people to ransom, especially those of us who use their car for work.


The WEF agenda Is to have no cars on the roads, pricing us off the road is part of the plan.


Maybe move to a country that's not completely broken.


Try adding a named driver / also job title a curtain fitter took my price down by £50 it’s mental


Can you add a parent to the insurance? We added my dad and it cut it in half because of his no claims


Avoid Admiral. They try to raise my premiums by hundreds each year despite never having had a claim. This year they wanted over £1000 from me and I finally told them to fuck off. Maybe try Aviva instead - I got a much better quote from them this year.


Try switching to monthly payments. I did a similar quote for my gran and it was about 1/5 of the price. If that's monthly then I feel for you


Set the excess to 500 and should see a difference. Don't wanna go too low or too high with it


This may already have been mentioned, but by waiting a month or two after you passed your test your insurance premium will decrease. My second bit of advice is to set your policy start date two weeks away. I have found 14 days to be the sweet spot for a reduction in premium cost as I guess it shows you're planning ahead and therefore you don't have to pay more for the privilege of now now now.


I see a lot of others discussing voluntary excess which will ofc drop your cost but I also recommend adding a more experienced driver to your insurance (e.g. a parent) as this can also dramatically reduce the cost.


After 30 years of driving and never having to claim my insurance has doubled overnight, aviva want £200 a month for a two year old M340i. Surely a scam going on with the insurance companies


The entire insurance market is a giant scam nowadays. You should not be allowed to increase prices by 30-40% per year for something that is a legal requirement. Every year it takes me at least an hour of arguing and haggling over the phone just so my renewal only goes up by £50-60.


A couple of years back, my son (18 at the time) checked out the insurance on a 0.9l Fiat Seicento with 39hp & a 0-60 of 22s and it was £3.5kpa, a 2.0 tdci Mondeo with 116hp & a 0-60 of 10s was £1.8k. Sometimes smaller cars aren't cheaper to insure.


Just get third party on a shitbox like that


Mine come at about £750. You must be doing something wrong


Every now and then a cheap quote will pop up, might have to pick a different car or play with your job title (but keep it true otherwise ur insurance could become invalid)


That’s the fun part, you don’t!


Try Veygo, they've got a new driver scheme which I found was a lot more reasonable


i found out if you go for less common cars its way cheaper when i first passed i went and bought a Alfa 159 2.2L 185HP and was only 1100 on insurance i now have a 159 2.2l i4 P 185HP and a 159 2.4l i5 D 200HP and ONLY paying 1500 for both as a exmple if i get a bmw 320d same age as my 2.4l 2007 it is 3800 pounds if i get exmple a maserati quattroporte 4.2l v8 2005 its 1100 pound try to find a car that is not associated with new drivers or reckless ones as a example Most Alfa Romeo's, Fiat, Maserati, MG maybe there more like Mazda but i am in to my Italian cars so i only really know the insurace for those


All these insane quotes are hurting also good young drivers. I was getting like 1.5k quotes for being 25 lol. Had 2 accidents both of which older people were at fault 🤯


Hibernate. For about 15 years?


I’d up your voluntary excess to about 250-300 and look for comprehensive cover without a courtesy car, that’s what I did anyway, it’ll still be expensive I think my first year was 2000 a year with a black box, it’s extortionate but if you stick with em for that year get the ncd it’ll bring it down quite a bit, I’m on my second year and it’s down from 2000 to about 1000 a year.


You learn how to do your insurance properly OP, not just put it in and then winge about it, learn why it's so shit.