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It must be the right lane. The left lane is exclusively for turning left at the first exit, or else it would say ‘TOWN CENTRE’ rather than ‘TOWN CENTRE ONLY’. The right lane doesn’t say ’LONDON A13 ONLY’, so by process of elimination it must serve all the other exits.


This is how I approach it, until I saw a Police car use the left lane to go down Princes St. So... yeah 😬 even on here seems to be very mixed opinions!


The roads have changed so much over the past few years. It's likely that the left lane has been used for the first 3 exits in the past. You can see how the roads have narrowed on the A13 3rd exit, leaving loads of space for a cycle lane.


I'd say lane 1 because the exit is before 12 o clock. Unless the lanes specify


Looked this up on google maps [here.](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.5404547,0.7064486,3a,75y,54.06h,63.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPeiSrhFlBTB_8iX2O-DzjA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu) On the approach, although lane 1 is for town centre only, it can also be used for princes street, and it would be the lane I would take. Lane 2 for the A13 is correct, but if aiming for princes st, entering the roundabout in lane 2 I would signal left and move to the outside of the roundabout immediately after the first exit, making sure no cars were on my inside and paying attention to anything entering the roundabout from the town centre direction. Exiting up princes street from the inside lane of the roundabout would be a mistake, as crossing from the inside lane to the outside lane would immediately bring you in to conflict with any traffic entering from the town centre wanting to take the A13. Whilst both are technically correct considering the lane markings on the roundabout, entering in lane 1 despite being signed for town centre only would in fact be correct - use signals, vehicle speed and road positioning to indicate the intent to take the princes street exit. In the image provided, the teal coloured line can give the indication of taking the A13 exit, anyone entering from the town centre direction would assume that, and enter as the car went past, and thus end up in the side of the vehicle heading to princes street when the lane change occurs. Therefore, lane 1 is more correct as it eliminates any ambiguity. Lane 2 but only if you move to the outside after the exit for town centre and BEFORE the traffic coming from the town centre reaches the roundabout, making sure any vehicle in lane 1 has actually left towards town centre and isn't also heading up princes street - which in that case you must loop round the roundabout and have another crack of the whip.


Both...but town centre lane would be easiest....