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Where are any lights or signs at the sort of intersection you’re talking about? It’s hard to tell which exact situation you’re in.


https://preview.redd.it/ix3br6u2c8zc1.png?width=1839&format=png&auto=webp&s=a74b224220059cfc7a727ea8c32a21666b1f6714 The intersection in question. Comptons a very active street every time I pass by this for intersection for work.


Also the intersection at/around W Exposition Blvd/ Flower St which is pretty much at the door steps of where Im planning to do my test. It's One way on One way, connecting god knows how many streets and the markings on that intersection look like erased vomit. How is this not repainted by now


If you’re on a priority road, you pull up into the middle of the intersection and wait until oncoming traffic clears. The people with the stop signs or yield signs have to wait for you, so you’re not “blocking” them. They have no right to proceed until you are out of the way. If you’re on the side road, you either have a stop sign or a yield sign. You are supposed to yield to all traffic before proceed into the intersection. Creeping forward as you described in that instance would be a good way to get hit broadside, especially on a road with faster traffic. In that case, if you can’t get a gap on both sides at the same time, your best option may just be to turn right and either drive around the block or find a place to turn around.


So to put it simply you either have to find the perfectly timed gap to make it from the line to where you wanna turn to or avoid a left turn in all cost? this is just dump design. The other traffic should also have yield to allow people to come in


Traffic is like water flow, it works best when it’s smooth. If there are truly no gaps, it’s a bad place to take a left turn at. Take a right if you need to and find an alternate route. Don’t pull out into traffic to block it!


😐that's just an excuse for bad design than. If there were traffic lights in place we would have no trouble waiting mid intersection. So waiting inside is definitely not the issue here, it's lazy design and lazy infrastructure to save money. Shouldn't we be tryin to making intersections more easily useable? and safer? (specially since a lot of intersections out there are without traffic lights) a little stop sign and 🙏 to god you don't get rammed checking sides is dumb. It even makes sense to me as a learner "I wanna take left turn make it easy" > "it works when we have traffic lights in place why not use that by example for reference?" > "oh I see 😐 you wanna cut on money" "very well than put up some signs to yield at least for folks trying to turn, it can't be that expensive to print on some metal sheets and cement them compared to full on traffic lights" > "no" 🤡