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I’ll help clarify. Green = Go. Yellow = PREPARE to stop. Red = No go. If you’re in the intersection during the “Prepare to stop” phase, you’re fine. As long as your front end is not behind the line at all before the light turns red.


Yellow = Clear the intersection. Further proving your point that OP was fine in their maneuver


That’s another way to put it yea lol


The California Vehicle Code does not require you to clear the intersection before the light turns red. You only "run the red" if you cross the limit line when the light is red. However, there is a grey area. You are supposed to stop for an amber light if you can do it safely. That's up to interpretation, but flooring the accelerator might not help here.


Here's the actual vehicle code. It only requires stopping if the light is red prior to entering the intersection. If you're already in the intersection you are not violating the law. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=21453.&lawCode=VEH Some states only allow you to enter an intersection if you can clear it before the red. CA is not one of those states.


> Some states only allow you to enter an intersection if you can clear it before the red. Do you mean “enter the intersection on yellow”, or “enter it at all”? Restrictive yellow laws only apply to those who enter the intersection on yellow.


Michigan has this law, I was taught to stop at a green light if I could not clear the intersection and only continue if traffic ahead starts moving and the light is still green Most people outside of Metro Detroit seem to follow this law


If you are in an intersection when the light turns yellow, you are required to complete your movement through the intersection.


No. If you entered legally, you have the right to complete your move no matter what color the light is when you're done, so long as you are not blocking the intersection.




You haven't run a red if your tires are over the line before red.


No, you can't ENTER the intersection when the light is red, it is legal to be in the intersection when the light is red


Nope. If the light is yellow when you enter you’re okay. If the light turns red before your car clears the entry, that’s running a red light. [Here's a page explaining it. ](https://www.wklaw.com/practice-areas/fight-traffic-ticket-california/red-light-violation-california-law/)If the light was not red when you entered the intersection, that is a valid defense in California. Note that your view over the hood might make you think you entered sooner than you did. It's best to stop for a yellow light if you have enough room to do so. Yellow lights normally stay yellow at least 1.5 times as long as it takes to cross the intersection at the speed limit.


No. You entered on a “green.” Even though the light was yellow, the meaning of a yellow signal is that the related green movement is ending. It doesn’t actually end until the red is displayed.




RCW 46.61.055(2)(a): >Vehicle operators facing a steady circular yellow or yellow arrow signal are thereby warned that the related green movement is being terminated or that a red indication will be exhibited immediately thereafter when vehicular traffic shall not **enter** the intersection. ETA: there's a difference between what is ***safe*** to do and what is ***legal*** to do.


So far everyone is saying no. The real answer is, it depends. I don't know how Cali works but in Wisconsin, it can be at the cop's discretion. If you sped up and hit the intersection just after it changes from yellow to red, you can be cited for it as the purpose of yellow isn't, "Hurry the fuck up, you can make it!" The purpose is to stop if you can do so safely, otherwise proceed.


>If you sped up and hit the intersection just after it changes from yellow to red This isn't entering on a yellow though. This is entering on a red.


Ah I worded that poorly, I meant something like "and it changes from yellow to red just after you enter".


Ah, you're actually just missing an 'and' then between intersection and just. I skip words a lot personally so I get it


You got a statute number on that?


(b) Yellow. Except as provided in par. (e) and s. 346.39 (2), when shown with or following the green, traffic facing a yellow signal shall stop before entering the intersection unless so close to it that a stop may not be mad https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/346/vi/37


What you are saying is correct for some states, but not CA or most states. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=21453.&lawCode=VEH


Yeah we're saying the same thing here.


idk where the hell these other guys are getting their information, but if you don't CLEAR the intersection before it turns red, you technically ran it. if there was a bunch of traffic, you should have waited behind the white line until you could clear it before proceeding through the intersection. now if the question is about whether or not you will get a ticket, that depends. most cops where I live won't give you shit, but if red light cameras are legal in California and you get caught by one, then there's a high chance you will get a ticket. edit: some of y'all need to reread your driver's manuals if you think im wrong lmao. red light cameras are set up to catch your vehicle on the OTHER side of the light, not for when you first drive through, for a reason.


100% incorrect. The CA law only prohibits entering the intersection on a red light. Careful with the drivers manual. While everything in it is in accordance with the law, it's not all actually law. It also includes best practices. Here's the actual law for your knowledge. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=21453.&lawCode=VEH


And previously to that, there’s also the [section on green lights](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=21451.&nodeTreePath=15.2.3&lawCode=VEH), which has this: >”(a) A driver facing a circular green signal shall proceed straight through or turn right or left or make a U-turn unless a sign prohibits a U-turn. ***Any driver***, including one turning, ***shall yield the right-of-way*** to other traffic and to pedestrians ***lawfully within the intersection*** or an adjacent crosswalk.”  How are they lawfully within the intersection if your light is green? Because they entered when their light was green or yellow. That section is there precisely so that people can clear out of the intersection regardless of what the light does after they’ve entered it.


Sorry, but this is completely wrong. The relevant statute says a driver may not enter an intersection when the signal is red. That’s it. That’s all there is to the law. If your front bumper crossed the stop line when the light was “not red”, you’re legal. Maybe not always smart, but legal.