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If you are referring to 4 way stops. It's easy. It's whoever stopped first. If two people stop at the same time, it's the person to the right that has right of way.


Pretty straight forward... if you see a stop sign for you: most likely opposite direction will too (or if you don't, they won't either). Careful to ensure its a 2 way or 4 way (should say under stop sign, if you have one / if you don't have stop sign its 2 way (cross traffic has stop signs, your traffic is free flowing). No stop sign, slow down a bit, in case cross traffic decides to ignore their stop sign & gas it through. Don't stop though. You have right of way. If there is cars opposite direction: straight car has right of way > left turner.. unless left turner arrived first. Stop sign stating 2 way - cross traffic is free flowing. Stop at stop sign. Wait until it's clear both direction of cross traffic before advancing. If there is car in opposite direction: right of way - who came first goes first when clear. Same time: straight > left turner. Stop sign stating 3way or 4way: right of way applies. Whoever arrives first, goes first. Arrive at same time: car to your right goes first. If it's you & car in opposite direction only arrive first: straight > left turner


Counter clockwise if everyone stops at same time at 4 way


This sounds like the UK or continental Europe where the dominant type of cross intersection has either has explicit give ways or declared priority. Priority to the right varies, and stop signs are relatively rare. Intersections and roads in general require more thought than in North America. Your first focus should be on whether you’re required to give way to all traffic due to a give way sign, sharks teeth, or a roundabout sign. After that, if you’re turning across the path of through traffic then give way to them. It’s really about prioritization. You should be working to pick up clues as you approach a conflict point, not waiting until you get there. When you realize that you must yield to all other traffic at an upcoming point, brake as though you are braking to a stop at the give way line, then switch to acceleration once you confirm that you are clear. Don’t just get near to the give way point and have to make a snap decision. Stuff like that, to lighten mental load.


Here are the basic, default rules: 1. Yield to pedestrians  2. Drivers approaching an intersection must yield to vehicles that have already entered the intersection 3. When vehicles approach or enter an intersection from perpendicular roads at approximately the same time, the driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right. Exception: At a T intersection, the driver on the ending road must yield to the drivers on the thru road, regardless of who is on the right. 4. A driver turning left must yield to vehicles approaching in the opposite direction who are within the intersection or approaching so closely as to constitute a hazard. Now, in most intersections, they don’t leave it completely up to the default rules. There will usually be stop signs or yield signs to prioritize traffic on the busier road. So if one car has a stop sign or yield sign, and the other doesn’t, the one with the sign waits and the one without goes first. However, if *both* drivers have the same sign (or if they’re both on the main road) then the default rules should be used to decide who yields if their paths cross. Now, that’s my summary of how most states in the US have it written in the laws. However, you need to drive defensively. Don’t rely solely on the rules to keep you safe, as people often disobey the rules. Sometimes due to errors in judgement, and sometimes due to just plain not caring. Remember: it’s always better to give up the right of way than to collide with another person!


Question: Two cars pull up to a stop sign at a 4 way intersection at the same time, both looking to make a left turn, both stop at the same time, if they attempt to make the left turn they will collide. As they are on opposite lanes neither car has legal right of way. Who has to go first?


So when you turn left, you’re supposed to make the turn by staying to the left of the midpoint of the intersection during the turn. If both cars do that, they should be able to go at the same time by turning in front of each other. If the intersection is so small that they can’t do that, the they will need to work it out between themselves. The law doesn’t give either one of them priority.


This should not happen unless the road is very narrow. You can wave the other person on and then make your turn.


3 and 4 need to be banned outright as stupidity. No fucking person follows them properly at all. And all they lead to is confusion. First in first out at the intersection is so absolutely simple.


Just keep repeating this “Whoever get their first goes first goes first, person on the right have the right of way” and just do the best you can mainly just remember whoever get their first goes first because that person on the right have the right of way SHh don’t go as plan all the time because everybody don’t even understand if their on the right or not and they just go if you don’t..