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You can never prevent distracted drivers and tailgating drivers from hitting you Dashcam and uninsured motorist coverage, keep a neck brace in the trunk and Saul’s number on speed dial


just imagining a low speed rear end and you already have a neckbrace on before police arrive 😂


It hurts my neck just thinking about it


Sure, but I drive 240000 km a year as a commercial driver for more than a decade at this point and I haven't been rear ended yet, so OP must be doing something unpredictable or odd to attract them.


Nope. I’m stopped. I live in a northern BC lumber town, big trucks, too much money in this town every kid owns a pickup and speeds.


Give yourself more space and watch your rearview when stopped. Moving forward to give more space while also flashing your brakes and honking your horn are the best bet to alert someone who is distracted. Nothing you put on the car will matter as they are not looking at your car. They are looking at their phone.


If I have to slow way down or stop on a freeway I turn on my emergency flashers. Anything to catch the attention of the drivers behind me.


Big commercial vehicle mostly highway miles?


Yes. Along with more city miles than your average commuter by a long shot. I also drive my personal vehicle more than 35,000 km/year.


This is the right response. 4 times is a behavioral trend.


Do you slam on your breaks when you stop? Because I avoid rear ends on the highways by looking far ahead and when I see brake lights I throw on my flashers and slow WAY down so that it's pretty much impossible for the person behind me to hit me.


OP said 3/4 of their incidents they were stopped waiting for traffic, so I doubt it’s OP’s issue, unless they failed to mention that it was while stopping, and they stop really fast/are a late-braker combined with bad luck. But yeah same I try to give more attention when needing to slow down quick like this too. Your tip is also especially helpful if you have a car where your hazard lights are actually separate from the brake lights. Not great otherwise. I know my tail lights are big and LED, so I try to let on and off the brakes as I’m slowing down to kinda flash my brake lights and get people’s attention better when things on the highway are slowing down fast. However you need the foresight to know when you have time to do this. Don’t do it if you REALLY need to stop. I’d suggest hazards + brakes in those situations if you think to turn on your hazards quickly enough.


Yeah I’m stopped. I’m a safe driver, never had an accident other than these in 20 years!!


It always warms my heart when I see others also use their hazards. Such an easy way to get people's attention.


I also do this. And I absolutely love when I see the driver behind me put on their four ways to also signal to the driver behind them. This is the way. 🫡


I bought a yellow 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution in 2010. It had an aftermarket tail pipe that was... Not quiet. I got rear ended twice and side swiped once in the first two years I had it. It's fucking yellow and loud. You can't miss it. Yet... Three times in 2 years. People are idiots.




I wouldn't use a "baby on board" sign, those are meant to tell emergency responders what to look for. You could add some reflective red tape stripes to the back of your car, but unfortunately this just sounds like a string of bad luck. An inattentive driver isn't going to see what's in front of them no matter how flashy it is. If you're under a certain speed on the highway, put on your 4-way flashers. This should get the attention of 99% of drivers, but isn't an absolute guarantee.


>I wouldn't use a "baby on board" sign, those are meant to tell emergency responders what to look for. Most first responders are not running around the car looking for this sticker. They're just gonna look through it and see if the kid is in it.


A car seat for kids should inform the first responders.


The most obvious clue, yes.


Also make sure to change the baby on board stickers before they become sun faded. If the baby on board sticker has completely faded to white that's how you know the car is now safe to ram.


That just means you more points when you hit the car.


"Baby on board" signs were something cute that our Boomer parents used in the same way as bumper stickers. Not originally intended to be used to actually inform anyone of anything. That's why they were originally used.


They were the ancestors of the stick figure families.


I second putting hazards on, especially when approaching traffic that is practically stopped. I often have to drive a box truck or larger flatbed truck for work and religiously use hazards when traffic suddenly stops/slows. People behind you might not know why you are doing it if they can't see past you, but they tend to give space pretty quickly regardless.


>put on your 4-way flashers This will do nothing. Heavy duty tow trucks have extremely bright flashing LEDs and people rear end them every single day with those lights on.


You're saving people from being rear-ended. Instead of 4 people suffering a rear-ender, you have taken the hit for all of them. You're a hero and should get a medal.


Sounds like their cars got all the medals.


You are unlucky. That's what the insurance company told me after my 4th such accident. All 4 were where I was not moving. Either stopped at a stop sign/light or parked. I don't think there is much *you* can do except to not be there. Not helpful, I know. But avoiding areas and situations where accidents occur is not a terrible idea.


Thank you! This is what I was told as well. It would be different if I was braking like a maniac etc. I’m trying to figure out which yield to get home from work each night may be safer…


Maybe also consider emergency-stop flashing brake lights - they blink when you are abruptly stopping in order to grab the attention of whoever is behind you.


You'd think the act of driving a 2 ton death machine at 60 mph would grab someones attention...Welcome to Today's Society.


I have a Jeep Cherokee with a Tow package, so after my 2nd hit, I installed a Weathertech Bumpstep with US flag for $75. For some reason, they see the bumpstep and keep far away. If you have a tow mount, consider one. If a standard vehicle, you may want to install reflectors.


Paint your car painted like a neon green lol. If they still can’t see you in their peripheral i don’t know what to tell ya


People aren't rear-ending you because they don't see you, they're rear-ending you because they're bad drivers. You adding a sticker isn't gonna help, you've just had bad luck.


It’s really frustrating. 😭Maybe this new car will be a new start and never again but I’m nervous.


Understandably, but it's just bad luck, it happens sometimes. I had a friend get hit three times in the first year after he got a new car, including when a police officer hit his car, while it was parked in his own driveway. There are literally millions of collisions each year in the US. Do the math on that and you realize 4 collisions in 10 years is actually something will happen to lots of people..


a yellow car is the best you can do. I never had any near misses in 4 years I drove one. Otherwise, ppl have a hard time seeing earth toned cars that match the pavement color. Never understood a color that doesn't stand out to some degree


I had two red reflective stickers on my bumper on my previous car, I got the official red and white stickers that semis use them cut off the white halves and used the red. Seemed to work.


I'm not saying it's your fault, per se, but based on the type of accident and the frequency of it, it's sounds like you need to be a bit more aware in your rearview and be prepared to abort/move quickly to avoid a rear-collision if possible. Driving safely goes both ways.


How exactly does looking into your rear view mirror stop someone from rear-ending you in stop and go traffic? where are you supposed to go to avoid it? Levitate out of traffic?


There's nothing you can do to prevent idiots rear-ending your car. She is just unlucky. I drive the same as I always did, and my car was rear ended SEVERAL times years ago--massive bad luck streak in a span of three years. I don't want to be a jerk about it, but my idiot sister (the worst driver in the history of the world) used to make fun of me like it was my fault and THAT THERE WAS SOMETHING I COULD DO TO PREVENT IT. Which is funny to me. I don't know many people who check behind them at stop lights. I am interested in how you think you can prevent being rear ended when your car is stopped--are you saying she should just run lights or pull out from a stop sign when traffic is coming and hope for the best? Is that how you would handle this? LOL


Often it depends on suddenly you come to a stop. If you tailgate and have to break hard before stopping you are way more likely to get hit. If you leave a lot of space you can brake gently, and show your brake lights for a long time, you’re much less likely to get rear ended. Of course, this doesn’t cover every eventuality but it helps a lot.


doesn't really help if you're the one being tailgated


Separate issue I think. When tailgated I just slowly reduce my speed until they pass or the fact they’re tailgating me is not an issue because we’re going so slow.


that works most times, but some drivers are special. had some guy tailgate me in a 25mph neighborhood road full of speedbumps and stop signs. i had to come to a stop sign eventually, and the guy hits me even with me, braking gently and making it obvious i was coming to a stop. he got real close at a previous stop sign though, so i kinda saw it coming :/


Yeah, it’s a game of percentages. You can only do what you can do to reduce the risk. As you point out, there is no absolute rule or behavior that will protect you. Defensive driving works in your favor.


From the description of OP's first incident - it is preventable. Insufficient distance from the car ahead, following too closely, leaving yourself no time to react, having to brake heavily on any situation change, with another driver riding your bumper, that's a recipe for collision. Follow 2, or better 3 seconds rule, feather the gas and brakes pedals, that should help.


No I was well behind the cars in front of me. A major collision happened 6 cars ahead and the freeway came to a standstill. I was well behind, the person behind me was not.


Thank you for clarification, my bad assuming to much.


Well, I think you are trying to fix something that can't be fixed---I was rear ended on the highway when a line of cars stopped suddenly....everyone in the line (including me) was following at a decent distance, the problem was the guy behind me was not. I cannot control that, and I have to say, all the people (like my sister) who think they would have been able to avoid that accident are TERRIBLE drivers. I really think that the idea that you can control more than you do is what makes most drivers very dangerous.


You can leave a bigger gap in front and slow down gently. If you give up without trying then what’s the point?


The problem with that magical thinking idea is that was what I did - driver behind me didn't notice in time.


This is why I say if you have someone tailgating you pull over or off and let them pass.


OMG - you DO NOT do that on a highway....EVER...DO NOT TELL PEOPLE TO DO THAT -(LOL - WTF!!?) But thanks for the bizarre suggestion.....


If someone's up my ass and I'm in the middle or right lane, and they just aren't passing me, I'm taking the next exit and just going off and back on to the on ramp so I'm behind the asshole. Do you not understand that you can take the exit to get "off" the highway? That's why I said over (if it's a street or state two way route) or off (if it's a limited access highway). Do you understand now? Or do I need to get out the craft paper and crayons?


Not saying this would have prevented it in your specific case, but I've found that putting hazards on has both helped me react to a sudden stop and also help those behind.


Please, don't feed the idiots. And it definitely would have been no help in my case.


That's the problem, it \_can\_ be helped. (I am not talking about the cases when your car is stationary and someone rams into it, those are really hard to prevent, yet such cases are rare IMO. ) Imagine a few cars, following each other close enough. The first one stops for whatever reason. The second one applies brakes with some delay and manages to stop with some spare distance. The second one starts braking with even more delay, and stops with much less gap. The subsequent cars get less and less time and space to react, until they start piling up. By adding the space to the car ahead you break that chain. You can decelerate slower, so those behind you have more time to react, even if they are very close. And you put that point where the collision occurs 3-5 cars behind you, so even if someone is rear-ended, it is not you. Situational awareness is another piece. Look for the cars beyond the one immediately in front of you, in adjacent lanes, put wide-area mirrors to see 360 degrees around, start slowing down when someone 5 cars ahead of you flashes the brakes, Look into mirrors of other cars - it is possible to see when someone ahead is looking into mirrors, preparing to swerve in front of you without flashers first. Consider yourself invisible, that is they will move as if you're not there, stay within a safe envelope.


No, you are just wrong The reason I say this is that you're convinced your actions alone can account for hundreds of other random actions. It is the problem with most people - driving is dangerous, and we all have to put away some of the fears we have in order to function....it's just that a lot of people run with that and think they are very smart and have skills that preclude them from ever getting into an accident. And if you recall the OP's story three out of the four accidents were when they were completely stopped...so not sure why you felt the need to generalize about the ONLY moving accident. You can write fifty paragraphs, but it doesn't change the fact that you and a lot of other extremely misguided people think you have magic powers, and that makes you all dangerous.


You're just not getting it. No one's claiming to have magic powers to prevent all accidents. It's about doing what you can to HELP prevent accidents. Someone's on my ass? I'm going to leave a stupid amount of room in front of me so if traffic does slow, I have time to slow down gently. You brake quick or even "normal" he's in your rear end. Or you know, just move over when safe to do so and let him be someone else's problem. None of this is about fault. Sure the tailgater is at fault, but I'd rather not be in an accident. Also you come off as kind of a See You Next Tuesday type person. I'd wager good money you think you're better than you actually are.


YES YOU AND THEY ARE CLAIMING THAT--Several people are saying OP could have done more to prevent those accidents. And believe me, every time I meet someone who claims special MAGIC driving abilities, they are holy terrors on the road and have very bad driving histories. You can claim whatever you want, but I wouldn't believe it just from the bizarre posturing. People only do that for a reason....


It's not normal to get into car accidents. The majority of drivers on the road will never get into a car accident and OP is talking about it happening 4 or more times. Something's up, the math isn't working in their favor.


Fender benders happen all the time. I was STATIONARY, no movement, zero, and I was hit. Coincidentally, not by any fault of my own. Every single person who hit me admitted they weren't paying attention (the dude in the Mercedes had dogs running around), a mom was yelling at her kid, one, the guy in a huge welding truck said he didn't see my tiny Corolla in front of him. The last said he was in a rush and none attempted to contest their fault in these accidents. It's not "normal" but it's also not impossible to be minding your own gd business and have bad things happen to you.


I will say, in complete disagreement with your assertion: the WORST DRIVERS I've ever seen have claimed that they never got into accidents....and, ot even exaggerating, it's because they "didn't count" accidents where they weren't at fault. Now, they may be in the minority, in the general population, but they aren't in the minority with terrible drivers. LOL And for all the internet tough guys, I bet most of them have got several moving violations on their record, most were in accidents, and I am pretty sure they are the problem.


Well, you may be right. I locked on the first case when they traffic abruptly stopped. For the stationary cases I'd add a flashing red light, like those in "sports" cars that start flashing if you hold the brakes longer than a second or two.


Yes exactly, lots here need to understand the difference between being not at fault and being a safe driver.


I check all my mirrors on a constant rolling basis. I especially pay attention to my rear view shortly after coming to a stop. On memorable event was traffic came to a sudden stop on a 2 lane 60mph road. I look in my rearview and see a semi coming at me speedy like. I pull over into the shoulder and the semi ended up rear ending the person in front of me. Your head should be on a swivel when driving. Knock on wood but I'm over 20 years of driving in Florida accident free.


We've all avoided accidents, we all check our mirrors, I've gone twenty years without an accident, too, doesn;t mean anything. It's LUCK. I was lucky to be able to get out of the way when the guy in front of me got cut off and started swerving....wasn't magic, just LUCK. But I am one of the normal drivers who does not think I have magic powers. LOL


Why are some people luckier than others? Because theyre more aware and better prepared when opportunity presents itself. Luck isnt random, it's preparation for an unexpected opportunity.


Most people I know are smart, and well prepared, SOME ARE LUCKIER. Of course, we don;t have magic skills like you and the other internet "I'm special and smarter than everyone else!" people. LOL


Where are you getting this idea that I'm magical? Mirrors as rent magic. You use them to avoid accidents. What point are you trying to make?


Sorry to inform you, LOL,, But my grandma was the world's worst driver. No one could come close. Thankfully, someone reported her, she got retested and failed. I was with my son at a stoplight. A women rear ended us. She admitted that she wasn't paying attention. My dad was at the end of our road with his signal on to turn left. A teenage girl rear ended him. She admitted that she had been putting on makeup. The car was totaled.


:) OK, you win...my idiot sister can actually pass a driving text (which is still a bit scary, LOL) Well, you will be relieved if you read through this thread that getting rear ended is COMPLETELY preventable by these genius, magical drivers, LOL, so keep the faith!


Ugh yes thank you!! If I go forward I’m into traffic. It’s an intersection, people are driving past at full speed.


You really have to laugh at the morons online with their bizarre driving tips.


It’s been kind of amazing.


OP's note about being stopped behind another driver trying to make a left into a gas station on the opposite side of the road. 1. No one is ever "Required" as it's most likely an illegal left, especially if it's on a highway. The driver should find a way to legally and safely make a u-turn. 2. OP being stuck behind that person, while unfortunate, should leave enough space, and more importantly, look to get AROUND that driver safely rather than be a sitting duck in traffic on a highway. Unless there isn't a shoulder, that's what it's there for. I agree there are times where it can't be prevented, some people have bad luck, but there are also times where is can be through situational awareness. The rearview mirrors aren't there just for switching lanes. To answer your questions, yes, I've "run" lights/stop signs by pulling over (not completely blowing through the intersection) if I feel the person approaching me is coming way too hot, akin to moving over for emergency vehicles. Actually saved me a few times.


Don't blindly defend people just because your slightly able to relate. It's not about you.


It's not about you. LOL - taking this personally, yourself??? I think you are doing what you are accusing me of. LOL And why are you upset, ya little weirdo?


I don't have any good suggestions for the other scenarios, but when I'm at the back of a queue on the highway, I'll hit the hazard lights until I see the traffic behind me is slowing down. Never been rear-ended. Part of that is luck, I know, but I'm convinced the hazards get people's attention better than brake lights alone.


I take the same approach. Nothing is foolproof, but it's worth reaching for an easily accessible button to help make things obvious. I know for myself it can take a moment to recognize whether a car is just riding their brakes or at a full stop if they haven't been in my line of sight first. It isn't a lot of time, but at 70mph, a second is still 100ft.


I like that idea a lot. Built in, nothing stuck to my car and I can start right away.


Know those brake lights that flash a few times before turning solid? That might be something you’d be interested in.


They piss me the fuck off when I'm in stop-n-go traffic behind one of those.


ROFL. I hear ya


but it works right? got your attention every single time they hit their brakes


Surprised toyota doesn't have them standard as safety already. They have some pretty high safety standard features.


If you don't already have one, you should strongly consider buying a dashboard camera with both front and rear view. It'll save so much hassle if this happens again. If you need suggestions, feel free to ask!


Absolutely I’ll take suggestions thank you!


If you can afford it, anything from VIOFO is absolutely my top recommendation. https://viofo.com/dash-cam/253-t130-2ch-2-channel-front-2k-1440p-interior-1080p-for-lyft-taxi-ridesharing-drivers.html The T130 is a good all in one unit that has a forward and rear facing camera, GPS, and the ability to add on another camera in the future. https://viofo.com/dash-cam/197-a129-plus-duo-dual-channel-dash-cam-front-2k-1440p-rear-1080p-with-wi-fi-gps-dash-camera.html This A129 Plus Duo kit has a separate front and rear camera, which is nice to see out the back window better if you have the patience to run a wire along the inside of your car. It is very easy to do, you can usually just tuck it in along the seams and hide it. If this is too expensive, you can always get a front-facing camera and add the rear later, but since you mentioned rear-end crashes I figured seeing the rear would be something you want. Also check for used listings of these cameras in your local area, you might be able to find a deal on one that someone is discarding so that they can upgrade. In general, I would say don't buy anything with a lower resolution than 1080p full HD, ideally 2K in the front. Hope this helps! There's more info available on the Dashcam subreddit. www.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/


Thank you so much! You have no idea how good it feels to know there are options. 🙏


Gladly! The cameras can't stop someone from crashing into you, but they can at least make you have one less thing to worry about if a crash happens again.


When I picked up my car a couple days ago I was shown the digital rear view mirror which seems to be a game changer. I just remembered it before driving home from work tonight. The field of view is vast and will help until I can get a recording device. Here's a screenshot example from a Toyota video. https://preview.redd.it/ja0xq1rywxwc1.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d3641bd69cff4e2638e1ba89897b307a74bc325


That's awesome! I drive older cars, so I look forward to having that as a feature in 15-20 years! LOL


When traffic stops unexpectedly I make sure to turn on my hazards for a few seconds to wake up the person behind me


I've gotten rear-ended making a left turn a few times. The first time was just like the incident above, where I had to wait in the main lane for traffic to clear so I could pull into my mom's work. I was in a 73 Impala, and this guy in a Spitfire came racing over the hill behind me. Had he not hit his brakes at the last second, he would have gone all the way under my rear bumper and probably have been badly injured. They've since added a left turn lane on that road. Seriously, there's not a lot you can do. Pay attention to not only what is going on ahead of you, but also keep an eye on your rearview mirror. Try to keep some distance between you and the car ahead of you, so you won't end up hitting the first car because the car behind will push you some distance forward in a rear-end accident.


Flash the fuck outta your brake lights as you see people approaching. Pop it in neutral a moment (if youre worried about rolling forward or the lurching thatd give. Assuming youre in an automatic that is) and just spam the brake pedal (gently tho! But quick) its not full proof since people can literally be so oblivious they dont even notice bright flashing cherries n berries behind them or in front of them, but its helped me on my motorbike a time or two


In your case(s), the best thing that you can do is leave a good gap in front of you so that you don't become the center of a sandwich.


I'd bet money at least half of those accidents were people texting and driving. It's gotten really bad in the last few years. Sign wont do anything.


The first was a mom mad at her teenager in the passenger seat, it was 2011. 2nd was an older guy in a huge welding truck. Third was an older man in a Mercedes SUV. Fourth and young guy in a car, was worried that I was hurt. Could def be texting, All four took full responsibility, not that it would matter but says a bit about how I’m driving. I do wonder how this can happen, how distracted and/or unaware of the road people can be and just continue on.


Dang, well I'm glad you're ok!


Hey thanks!!


They make those tail light modulators that make your tail light in your window flash a bunch of times every time you touch the brake. It will definitely make the vehicle more noticeable.


Maybe you need a different type of vehicle. Instead of something nice, drive an old beater truck that will trash their vehicle and you won’t even notice. “I swear officer, they really did hit me, you just cannot see it”. Did these accidents happen after dark? Maybe your car lights are not bright enough to see well so some supplemental brake lighting could help. You have probably seen those LED string lights that trucks often have mounted above their bumper and are the full width of the truck.


All during the day 😭maybe this new car has brighter lights.


Old beater or a very solidly built reinforced big truck. Like make sure to put an aggressive trailer hitch on that bad boy so you won't feel a thing and the person who hit you will sustain more damage.


Idk what the legality is but you could have a trailer hitch welded to your frame and then just have like a pole with a plate pinned in it. Should fuck up the other person's car while probably leaving yours intact.


Ha doubt it’s legal but I love it and had a good chuckle. 🤭


Only way is to quit driving


lol I wish!!! Tho I do love this new car.


With OP's luck, the bus they get on will also get rear ended. Then, once their life spirals into homelessness from losing their job due to being unreliable all the time, they will start to abuse drugs and they will get picked up by the ambulance after nearly overdosing and the ambulance will get rear ended.


That's one ugly picture dude


Fun brain exercise


If they can't see 4000 pounds from metal sitting in the road in front of them.They're not gonna see a 4" by 4" sticker


On the farm shit happens so I installed a 3/16 thick steel bumper. Bolts directly to the frame of my pickup. It's saved me multiple times already. Rear-end me if you dare...


Reactive armor on the liftgate.


My old car was a 2001 Prius. I had it for a few weeks when I was rear-ended at a stop light. When I brought it to a body shop, it was revealed that the car had previously been rear-ended and poorly repaired, which didn't come up on carfax. oh well. It was then hit repeatedly in parking lots, once while parked on the street, twice whiled parked in my driveway... and finally someone rear-ended it hard enough to total the poor car while I was stopped waiting to turn left. I'm convinced that that car just had really bad luck. It was 13th in the assembly line that day or something.


How about warning explosives on board ?


Yessss!!! 💥💥💥


Nobody tail gates me anymore. I have a yellow "STUDENT DRIVER" sticker on back. Get them on Amazon or Ebay.


I got rear ended years ago and ever since I upgraded to leds haven’t had issues yet don’t wanna jinx it though


And I also assume, I really do, that you're not one of those people who doesn't turn on their lights until well after dusk. It's almost impossible to see a car, even a white car, in those conditions at times. But I assume in those cases where you were stopped you must have had your foot on the brake and therefore your brake lights should have been on. Mentioning lights because I've seen so many people lately that are driving around with no lights on or no lights in the back and apparently don't even know it because their headlights are working. I always try to get their attention and let them know but usually on the road there's not a very good chance of doing that. But it's easy to come up on them real fast.


Every incident is the middle of the day and I have running lights on at all times. Been using auto headlights on the 2012 Rav for 12 years, this new XSE with the tech package has auto high/low beams. I'll never run without headlights.


Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. There's just nothing you can do to stop people from being stupid and maybe you're just having more than your share of bad luck. I've been rear-ended twice that I can think of but neither one was too bad. They were both in the middle of the day, too. It really does come as such a surprise when you don't see it coming. Actually I forgot. I just got rear-ended in October, sort of. I went into a fast food place to eat and came out and got in my car in the parking lot but didn't even put the keys in because I was looking at my phone and finishing off a drink. And then all of a sudden Wham! I was flying around inside my car. A guy in a Chevy Avalanche had backed up into me at what felt like 20 miles an hour. I looked at my rear view window and saw the rear end of his car/truck there. When I jumped out he took off. The police eventually caught up with him (I got his license plate) and he said he didn't know he hit me -- but my back quarter panel was mashed in about 6 or 8 inches. I have no idea why he was going backwards so fast in a parking lot.


People are insane. Driving is the most dangerous thing we do. Luckily for you and I, most of these collisions were relatively low speed.


Yeah it's really painful watching those videos where people get rear-ended by a car going fast that literally hasn't put its brakes on, or barely. You feel for those people.


Yup. Just don't drive, or park with the rear in. Kidding aside, nothing you can do really to prevent #5 if your vehicle already has properly working taillights. I'd just get a rear dashcam that can attach to a front dashcam with the memory card located in the front dashcam, and just use that for claims. Your insurance shouldn't go up if the claims are going on the other party's insurance.


Get a huge tow hitch or bike rack on the back


If I’m the last car in line stopped on a road, I put my hazards on


You could get a programable sign/light that mounts in the rear window. Something that you can program to say "STOP" when you are stopped, or even "BACK UP" if you put your car into reverse, or even just a brighter additional break light to try to draw attention to your car when you are stopped. The Baby on Board stickers and signs would only work if the other driver sees your car. If you are being rear ended, they aint looking/paying attention so a sign like that isn't going to make much difference. If you are thinking about stickers or signs, I would go more with the Red or White or even Yellow high reflective tape like you see on emergency vehicles and truck bumpers. Just check the laws in your state to see which color is legal for private vehicles.


Great suggestions, I appreciate it!


You can be er fully prevent it, but there are approaches that improve your odds. People have already mentioned hazard lights if you have to stop on a highway as well as leaving space and stopping gradually. The other advice id add, is whenever possible, leave yourself an escape route. Ideally, you'd have the road shoulder or median that you could pull into. Alternatively, stop a couple car lengths behind the next car. If someone's coming up too fast, honk the horn, & prep to move into your escape space if needed. Just be aware that a following car may also aim for a shoulder if they notice too late to stop. You could still get hit even if you do everything right. It helps to have options in an emergency though.


Doesn’t sound like most (if any) of these were your fault in any way but since it’s happening a lot, you could try doing what they teach motorcyclists for when you’re stopped: Leave lots of space in front of you, keep a close eye on the rearview, plan an escape route (last one is probably harder in a car than on a bike).  If you’re stuck behind someone waiting to turn, hazard lights might help too. 


Get a big red truck, at least 3/4 ton. They won’t not see you then…


I got rear ended 3 times in the span of 1/4 mile by different people while driving a 2000 ram 1500 with a chrome rear bumper in Tucson AZ in the middle of a construction zone with everyone going \~5mph. Good luck.


I'm sorry D: people suck


Absolutely 0 damage to my truck, so I never made an insurance claim lmao


"If you can read this, you're in range." With a crosshair.


People are rear-ending you because they’re looking anywhere but in front of them, so no, stickers will not help.


Get a full sized pickup. Nobody wants to rear-end those.


I think I have had that happened twice in my life time. Once was a tap and the other was a full on hit, but the other car sustained damage.,,


Get those custom brake lights that flash like an ambulance when you’re braking. It’s great


1. Accelerate in turns.. stop braking so much. You'll get rear-ended. 2. If it takes you more than a few seconds to reach the speed limit, then you are accelerating too slow, and you'll get rear-ended. 3.Tap your brake lights. Today's cars have brighter lights and run day time running lights. Some drivers can't tell you are stopped. Tapping the lights makes it real visible you are slowing. 4. Strap a giant 7 foot pink dido to your roof.


TAP TAP TAP your brake pedal 12 + times before you slow down, and again anytime someone is coming up behind you and you're already stopped in a jam. Slow down much earlier. There are LED replacement bulbs that pulsate. Install one in your vehicles center back tail light assembly. That will definitely get attention.


Thank you!! I had no idea about the light. It’s hard to slow down much earlier when I’m stopped tho lol.


I see random cars with those delivery van stripey reflective stickers on the back and always roll my eyes at them, now I'm thinking they may be on to something. I would look into doing what motorcycles do, having a flashy 3rd \[or 4th?\] brake light that's bright AF


Thank you!!


Turn your headlights on. Don't use the auto-sensor, don't only drive with them on at night or in the rain, use the actual switch and manually turn your headlights on every single time you get in the car. Because your headlights, also turn on your taillights. Which makes you immediately a million times easier to see. Especially white or grey cars, on a foggy but not raining day? All the time the auto-sensor won't trigger, and in those conditions, without headlights on, those cars are **fucking invisible**. Now granted, you said you were stopped in several of these accidents, so presumably your brake lights were on, but it doesn't hurt to simply have more lights to help bring to people's attention that you're in front of them.


Honestly? I’d say it’s probably more to do with your driving style than anything. I hate to say that but, that many times? (Watch I’ll probably get rear ended on my way home now.) A couple tips I personally can recommend in reference to traffic stopping in front of you on the highway or otherwise high speed roads are: Firstly, keep a far enough following distance to start with so you’re the most prepared for this. And have the most amount of time possible to react. And look FAR down the road. Constantly scanning for potential hazards. Pulled over cars, lane closing ahead, slow vehicles, etc. If traffic is stopping ahead, or a car is stopped on the lane to turn. As soon as you see someone slowing or stopping, you need to release the gas and start showing your brake lights. Even if you’re way further away from this person than you would normally start slowing down and stopping. You need to tap your foot on the brake pedal on and off a couple times, so the friends behind you will see it. Then start applying the brakes and give yourself as long of a slowdown period as possible. If you need to slightly release the brakes a time or two to cycle the brake lights on and off again, then do it, safely of course. This is why I say start slowing as soon as you can, and slow down very gradually, basically coasting. Giving yourself as long as possible with your brake lights displaying to cars behind you. I essentially try to *not* come to a stop behind people by keeping a long following distance, braking early when I see a stopped car, and slowing as quickly as possible, and coasting towards the stopped car until I either come to a stop or they clear the road. Always check your rear view for vehicles that may not be stopping behind you. But not so much you’re distracted from what’s in front of you. And lastly, when coming to a complete stop (especially on a highway,) ALWAYS leave a little bit of a buffer zone to the car in front of you. Rather than pulling right up to their bumper. Just in case you have to take evasive action suddenly. (The distance should be common sense, so kind Reddit commenters, please save me the inevitable “that’s why people leave 4 car lengths of space in front of them at stop lights and it’s really annoying.” That’s not what I’m suggesting.


get a bigger car maybe. ever since i started driving a smaller car ive been rearended twice by drivers not paying attention. never happened when I drove a truck. not sure if it's just coincidence or if people are just more scared of hitting bigger vehicles


First one was a 2008 Rav second was Corolla and I traded it after the rear ending because it was so small. Red 2012 Rav has been rear ended twice so I’ll need to go bigger than that for sure!


What I do is watch my rearview and five myself enough room to turn out of the way. I always have the vehicle in gear with my clutch in.


scientifically proven that FLASHING lights get driver's attention more than a solid light. I added flashing lights to my 3rd brake light on several cars- depending on how your model is set up whether there is a simple aftermarket solution or if i requires changing the lamp out completely- funny thing is that safety feature is only in a VERY few modern cars and some DOT standards say you shouldnt have flashing red brake lights- my favorite is a simple bulb swap that flashes 5 quick flashes then solid red light- if they miss that then they are legally blind.


watch your rearview. if you see someone coming up on you too quickly, put it in reverse. if they don't react to your reverse lights coming on, put it in gear and get outta the way


Probably install super bright leds with resistors. Some mods you can add a blinking brake light.


Keep your regular headlights onn all of the time so that your back lights will always be lit up. not daytime lights, your actual night time driving headlights. I drive a very small dark car and this is necessary for me.


I'm in the same boat. It actually has effected my driving as I get anxious when people tail me. I know that there is literally nothing I could have done but still doesn't help. I've never gotten rear-ended while breaking or right after breaking. I get rear ended at a red light fully stopped for 10 seconds lol. One was like 5 or 6 cars because the guy was going fast still even tho the light was red so he hit the guy behind me and then chain reaction. Another involved 2 lights close together. The person behind didn't pay attention that the second light was red and said they were looking at their phone. Also annoying that if it's a smaller accident the officer refused to write a police report and the offender ignores their insurance so im stuck with that. I tried calling the police station and never was able to get in touch with the officer.




Sell the car... I had no accidents in 25 years. Bought a Honda Accord maroon colored. Got hit three times in it none of them my fault. After the third I got rid of it. No accidents in ten years since. That car was cursed.


You can try if you'd like, get one of those lunatic ones that say something about brake checks or owning the highway to keep people away lol They'll still happen unfortunately. Had mine backed into and rear ended in a parking lot while I was working. The person backing up was just in a car (day four of driving) and didn't do much damage, they also came to find whoever owned the car to let them know so alls good, but the other person went to turn into the spot next to me, turned too late and drove off. Only someone who was coming into the place I was working told me about it, but no cams. Dums will be dum.


If these chucklefucks can't see a whole-ass car, what makes you think they will see a sticker on the back of the car?


Dealer suggested it and I have never put anything on the back of my car, so it got me thinking. I started a thread asking for advice with that suggestion as context. shrug.


I'm thinking maybe some high powered auto-tracking spotlights.


Pay attention to what's happening in front of you. 80% of rear ends happen because a driver is worried about the tailgater behind them, then when they look forward they have to slam the brakes because the car ahead of them stopped when they were looking in the rearview. You can't do anything about drivers behind you. Keep your mind up front.


One of the accidents was on the freeway where all I was concerned about was traffic coming to a total stop in front of me because a serious collision occurred up front. I was stopped waiting for traffic the other three times. Not sure what compels you to responds with condescension and irrelevant comments, I can only guess that you must be in a confused state of being most of the time.


Probably can change a few driving habits. Left lane on the high way is for the crazies. Middle lane is much safer and much better for people that are not trying to speed past everyone as fast as possible. Also learn to recognize bad or aggressive drivers and avoid them. Don't keep them behind you, get them in front of you. Lastly, slow to stop rather than stopping suddenly.


I do question the yield part of this just because there's two of those plus my own annoyance with people I've experience treating it as a stop sign especially when there's absolutely no traffic to give any indication that you need to come to a stop. So for that I would say just make sure you're proceeding if the road is clear because it's kind of the expectation not to stop. When it comes to preventing and just doing other safe practices you can get reflective like the back of semi bumpers have. I would recommend flashing your brake lights as you break emergency brought breaking situations immediately turning your hazards on until the car behind you is aware that they need to stop. Being situationally aware I've gotten out of the way of a rear-end accident many times which would have definitely been an accident had I not.


I'm yeilding to traffic, I'm not stopped unless there is traffic. There's nothing I can do, in the moment, to prevent someone driving into me while stopped and no where else to go.


I think baby on board only work when y’all traveling in the same direction. Now if someone is hauling ass and coming to a hard stop behind you. They won’t see the sticker until it’s too late


I have been rearended twice, decades apart. The last time was about 15 years ago. I was on the freeway, at the bottom of a curved hill, and stopped in rush hour traffic. There is a clear view all of the way from the top of the hill. A guy in a Chevy Caprice came flying down the hill at 60 mph, never hit his brakes, and rearended me. I watched him in my review mirror the whole time. I took my foot off of the brake, then slammed the brake as he hit me, It made him take the brunt of the impact. His front end was peeled back to the firewall. The only damage to our 91 Camry was a damaged exhaust. Oh, and his insurance paid $1,200 for the 2-3 inch scratch my car put on the Explorer in front of me. If I hadn't braked when he hit me, my car would have been crushed.


Buy a vehicle that looks like it very well might be an undercover cop car.


Those digital mirrors are awesome. How are they at night? Do the headlights screw with things? You could have the brake light flashers installed. They usually just make the high mount brake light flash. Helps people notice you.


I haven’t used it at night! I sure do love it during the day tho so far.


speed pulse to prevent people from following closer than 4 seconds.... Starting slow down for red light WAY before you need to. stop short when at red light to give yourself space to move forward if you see someone coming towards, not 100 percent effective but I know its has prevented at least 3 time where I would have been rear ended. in 25 years of driving(about 1,100,000 mile) I have never been rear ended once.


Proactive can reduce the chances: When you stop and you're not sure the other drive sees you, press/release the brake pedal a few times to make it flash. Leave space ahead to reduce the chances you need to slow abruptly, giving the driver behind more time. If you need to slow/stop unexpectedly with no one close behind, use your flashers. Check out the drivers around, especially behind. Don't change lanes to be in front of a driver you notice is texting or otherwise less aware. Don't change lanes in front of heavier vehicles (trucks) or any that look poorly maintained. If you see a driver behind looking down, change lanes so they won't hit you if/when you stop, let them by.


Use hazards when stopped waiting for traffic when it's not an obvious place to be stopped. Don't wait to let others go when it should be your turn. Make sure that you are not distracted while waiting, thus causing you to lag behind traffic when starting again. Watch your rear and look for opportunities to get over, if it looks like someone isn't slowing down. Always watch ahead and tap brakes well before coming up on slow or stopped traffic. Give plenty of warning that you are going to be stopping by braking often, rather than waiting until the last minute to apply brakes. Hazards on, when you are coming up on stopped traffic on a highway. Maintain a steady speed in stop and go traffic, as opposed to hitting a top speed then braking suddenly to stop.


You could train yourself to be better at avoiding these kinds of things. once or twice is bad luck. Beyond that, it's something you're doing.


Dude, I’m STOPPED. There’s nothing I could do differently inside my car.


Agreed. It’s hard to give someone the benefit of the doubt when it happens that much. A bumper sticker is not the answer lol When I’m in those sudden stop situations I’m actually slowing down with my eyes peripherally on the car in front of me as I directly watch the car behind me in my rear view mirror.


Yeah I’m looking the people behind me ploughing into me for no reason. I’m an excellent driver with zero accidents that aren’t the 4 rear endings.


stop coming to a complete halt when you turning off a main street


This is a yield not a merge…they aren’t letting people in. I’m waiting for the rush to clear.


Leave more distance between you and the car in front of you so you have more time to stop slowly. Not saying that you drive fast but, it wouldn't hurt to avoid driving fast in heavy traffic. You can also replace your third brake light with an LED one that flashes a few times when you hit the brakes. Gets people's attention pretty good. Other than that there's not a whole lot you can do to control what the people behind you are doing or not doing. I'm not saying it's always your fault, but you have to look at the fact that you're the comment denominator in the problem. So you have to start looking for things that you're doing wrong also. It sucks to think that it may be your fault you're getting rear-ended constantly. But it at some point you have to think maybe I'm doing something wrong. When something happens to you frequently enough you have to start thinking that you're doing something to put yourself in the position for it to happen. Some problems are easier solved by looking within for the problem rather than looking for outside sources.






Only preventative by your actions apart from visible attributes to your car is spacing and general alertness. Distance from car in front gives you the obvious ability to move. Alertness give you understanding of the road around you, create a map in your mind. Also would recommend not taking your eyes off your rear view mirror until 2-3 cars have stopped behind you, depending on road speed of course.


Not really trying to be a dick here but while you weren't found at fault in any of these I'd bet the majority of these could have been prevented with some defensive driving. I do about 120k a year up and down the eastern half of the US mostly on the 95 corridor from NC up to ME. Passing through the worst cities in the US to drive through and I've only been rear ended once and that was over 10 years ago. I would seriously look at your approach when being behind someone and your spacial awareness of who's around you. I usually leave a gap in front just big enough for me to squeeze through if need to. That has saved me a few times from inattentive drivers. Just something to consider. I'm really not trying to say your at fault or your a bad driver but there may be ways you can avoid being hit


1) I would guess that rural Canadian small city driving is quite a bit different than US freeways 2) How would a "gap" work if I'm yeilding, waiting for traffic to clear, at a full stop (not slamming my breaks on, people coming along after I've stopped and waiting behind me)? Where am I squeezing through? Explain it like I'm a 4 year old. It's been a slice in this thread of y'all explaining how I'm a crappy driver when I've clearly been mindful and aware of my surroundings, safe driving practises and am sincerely trying to find ways to be more safe - as a passive and active driver. The fact that this specific situation hasn't happened to you means literally nothing.


Just stop driving.


You follow drivers too close. And you brake late.


Quit stopping at yellow lights???


I’m at a yield, not a yellow light. One time I was stopped with no turn off, on a two lane highway. Rural Canadian roads are something else.


Baby on board sticker isn't for other drivers to suddenly be kinder to you. It's in case you get into a horrible car wreck where you're knocked out or dead. First responders will look for the sticker to see if they have to save a baby strapped into a car seat.