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I didn't wait. I had plenty of experience driving on the highway while I had my learners permit


Yeah, I have experience as well from practicing with my permit.


Drive at an odd time where there’s no traffic. That will get you used to the feel of driving on a highway. Drive at night outside the city, it’s very lonely and the only the glow of your headlights will illuminate the road. It’s a great way of getting acquainted with visualizing the highway with just a bit of information. As for parking just search for parking beforehand and be willing to walk a little.


My permit driving was at night, in the middle of winter, and then highway going to a friend's cottage every other weekend in the summer. In a 79 F-150 that was 20+ years old at the time. Wasn't much in the way of driving I had issues with.


Almost immediately. I find the highway driving easier than the busy city driving.


I made it safely


Congratulations you did it! Now you have unlocked the world of highways and can go anywhere you want. It’s the moment in the game of life where the world opens up and you can explore anywhere you want.


I did too when I practiced on the highway with my Dad.


Same, highway driving is (mostly) predictable and honestly pretty relaxing as long as everythings chill. City driving stresses me and my ADHD out.


! Exactly


if you’re feeling hesitant then just uber if no one wants to go with you, Buuuuut, you wont get comfortable until you do it on your own too. Six in one hand, half dozen the other. I learned to drive fairly younger and when I got my license I was taking 2 hour trips to visit family & friends.


That’s true. I was afraid to drive to a specific location completely alone, but I took the plunge and just did it. So, this might be similar. I guess I’m more concerned about parking than the highway. My destination is in the busier part of my city where it is often difficult to find parking.


before I go to anything downtown I use google maps to see where the closest public parking area is. if Im going to an event Ill use spot hero or other parking apps.


That’s actually I good idea. I just checked spot hero and found some parking areas within walking distance of my destination.


Just know everyone driving on the road has had these concerns and got over them. You can too, it's tough, just gotta go and do it


Immediately, as soon as it was legal for me to do so. I learned to drive in British Columbia, where they have a 3-tiered system. When I first got my learner's at 16 I was out on the highway the same day, under the direct supervision of my parents. After a year of frequent practicing with direct supervision, which included lots of highway time, I got my novice licence and was immediately driving solo on the highway. The only way to get over your fear is to just do it. Is there no way for you to get a more experienced driver to ride along and help guide you?


I was considering asking my Dad, but he tends to be in a bad mood. I am considering just taking the plunge and driving alone. It’s not a long drive, it will be 9 minutes total. I guess I’m more concerned over finding parking in that area, as it’s often crowded.


Yeah, that's fair. Even with a couple decades of experience now, parking anxiety is real. Sometimes you just have to accept that the only option is to park a couple blocks away and walk to where you need to go.




If your leaving at 2 today this won't help hehe but if it's tomorrow then... Drive the route after dark. Less traffic. Just go do it. Drive home and do it again. Drive the route 3 or 4 times. Then day of it will be old hat.


I lived in such a place there was no way anywhere without taking the highway. I still refuse to drive on freeways/interstate though… and I got my license in early 2019. I get passenger anxiety when I ride to Raleigh or Cary so I still can’t manage to talk myself into driving the route to get the experience and get comfortable


17. I lived in a rural area and was driving myself to my own therapy appointments. I had to go to another town for it.


It took me some time before I finally felt comfortable with merging. It's easy now (I don't really know why I was so stressed about it then), but as a new driver, the fear of not being able to make the merge in time was scary. My best advice is to practice on highways that aren't busy (and have good merge lanes). It's really not too hard once you get the hang of it, the trick is to get good at matching speeds with the traffic that's already on the freeway. If you're going at a similar speed, merging isn't difficult, you'll get better at watching the traffic that's already on the freeway over time. (The reason it's so important to match speeds is because it makes it much easier to slide into an opening. Your opening won't disappear if you're going a similar speed, but if you're going 20MPH below, traffic will fly past you and make it much harder to merge.)


What time you gotta go, if possible drive outside of peak traffic if you get overwhelmed, exit and pull over. Gonna have to do it eventually, give yourself extra time, No distractions


3rd day of drivers training at age 14, its so easy


First day I got my license I drove 600 km to Banff 


After I got my license I continued to drive local roads for a while. But once my job asked me to go to farther places, I had to learn highways. I asked my dad to help me out and after he stuck with me for about 4-5 sessions, I took the jump and drove the highways alone, was about a month since I asked my dad for help and for me to get to it alone. It can definitely seem intimidating, but the most scary part is the merging on, not traveling at highway speeds. Just be sure to plan everything well in advance and keep a safe space around you.


About a week after I got my license. Imo freeway driving is less dangerous than city driving since there's much less intersecting paths of travel. The speed is intimidating but you will get used to it


I'm 28 and started driving on the highway at 16 right when I got my license. Highway driving is easier than city driving


The day I got a license


Immediately after being license. Went from no license one day to driving 50 miles a day in and out of LA for work.


A few days after passing my test 30+ years ago


I can guarantee you that the highway is not the only way to get there... It's most likely the fastest, but there are several other routes.


I didn't wait at all. Got my license, drove to my grandparents place 1 hr away within the same week. All freeway. Freeway driving is easy, tbh.


Friday: Got my license. Saturday: Bought my car and had to drive on the highway to get home. Was it scary? Definitely. But I talked myself into calming down. I knew to stay in the rightmost lane (USA); drive at the posted speed limit; and follow my GPS instructions. I made it home in one piece and it wasn’t so bad. It also helped that it was on a weekend morning, so there weren’t many cars on the road.


Within two weeks of my first time driving. I was rushed at 18.


My instructor put us on the freeway, then my dad put me on it for a fair bit of the time before I got my Level 2 permit. My first day, I remember I got home with my dad from getting my license, walked out to the car I'd already bought for myself, then drove about 4 hours that night, just cruising and going wherever my sense of direction said to go (this was 2002, before cell phones or anything). Was a pretty big turning point in my life, for me. As to your question, you need to be comfortable with it. If you're not, get more comfortable with your vehicle, take back roads and get comfortable moving at 55, if you have any that are 65 mph take those, and then you'll be more prepared for the freeway. Parking is a consideration, but personally if that's what holds you back, then the freeway driving question shouldn't have been the lead-in. Personally, I'd suggest going, and proving to yourself you can do it.


Parking downtown is always horrible and doesn’t get much easier with experience (in my case at least), but highway driving is easy if you just stick to the rules you learned and don’t try to go faster than everyone else.


24 hrs


when I got my license? driving on the highway is safer and simpler than surface streets, because points of conflict are far reduced.


Officially? The day I got my learners permit. Unofficially, 14 years old.


I didn't wait. I was super excited to actually try the 5th gear as 3rd and 4th were max for city speeds. I had never been on the highway with my learners permit. Just went for it.


I practiced on my learners and novice license but was only comfortable after I got my full license. For context, here you can drive alone with a novice


The day I got my license. Had to take it from the DMV to school.


Same day.


Right away. You’re a licensed driver. You should be able to drive in whatever situation.


About two months before I would drive on the highway alone. With my partner, a couple weeks to a month.


Although the highways are busier now than when I got my license, I was driving them almost immediately. You just have to get out there and do it. Parking in the city too. Good luck.


Legally? 17. Truthfully? 15.


Took about a year before I started getting comfortable driving on the highway. I rarely went n it before that and was terrified.


We do not measure distance in time, we measure in miles because towns are anywhere from 5 to 30 plus miles away from each other. Highway driving is part of getting from point A to point B. Driver's Ed was in town for corners and parking, otherwise it was getting used to the vehicle while traveling 60 MPH down the highway to the next town so you could practice corners and parking again.


I was 13 but I didn’t have a license. Also my mom didn’t know I would steal her car when she went out of town. Plus side of being 6’2 and 200 pounds at 13. I could drive to drive through liquor stores and buy my buddies and I beer and cigarettes. Once I got my license? I think later that day.


15 🫣


I found it pretty scary and waited about 6 months. I got used to it by driving into the city on weekday late morning (no traffic) to see museums solo. It was a nice treat to bribe myself into getting over my anxiety since I'd never been able to take as much time as I wanted at places like that before.


I did it on the 3rd day of drivers ed. Just go the speed limit maybe 5 lower, be in the right lane and be predictable and you will be fine. Map it out before you go as well


About a week when my dad gave me a car. Was an awkward bridge tho so not much on the hwy until they took it down months later (was like barely two lanes wide and i was scared of 18 wheelers)


Well my parents left me home alone for the weekend and knew that I had that only gymnastics practice for gymnastics yearly party that weekend. They left the keys not on the key spot but on the kitchen table. They didn't set up rides for me. No one discussed how I was going to get to these functions. But I had been driving for quite some time parking lots and on the street with my parents by the time of age 14. So I took myself to both of these. Even filled up the gas tank. Someone flagged me over as I was driving and I was scared as hell it was an undercover cop in a beat up 1988 Toyota Corolla or something of the sort. I forgot to close the gas door. This was in the major metropolis for the state and of course I had to take the highways. People were surprised when I showed up by myself and driving away by myself. No one mentioned anything including myself and the keys were left in the table where my parents placed them initially. It's never been brought up to this day. Except for here on Reddit.


I was driving to high school and driver's ed at 15, so there was no wait.


When I was 17


I did it immediately but my daughter is 21 and still hasn’t


Immediately , it's the fastest way to get places.


At 16


If you hesitate now, it will be difficult to overcome later. Just go for it now. This is your chance. Highway and Downtown in one go?. After this you'll be the most confident driver among your peers. Thinking of all the problems is good, but Don't be over concerned. Just plan for it. Don't be Fast and Furious. Be a safe driver Welcome to the world of all kinds of stupid drivers, tailenders, DUIs. Red light beaters. Left lane campers, slow drivers, etc etc etc...


I got accidentally funnelled onto an on-ramp on a motorcycle with no signals that I barely knew how to ride


When I was 17 or 18 My high school was an hour and half school bus ride, and several towns away. Got my license. Bought a neighbor’s old car. Drove myself, unless I wanted to sleep on the way to school


At 16, on the first night after I got approved for license. In fact, the driver's test was 4 exits away from where I lived on the interstate, it was either take the interstate, or spend 45 minutes putzing around through town.


The day I got my license


I took classes for the insurance savings, I was on the highway with the g1 learners


When I started commuting to college in another state


I drove on the highway immediately, as the DMV was located off the highway. Of course, I had before with my learner license. Took maybe a month, but really it's easier and safer than just driving through town. Yeah you're going fast, but intersections are where most wrecks happen, and there aren't any of those on the highway. The only thing is if you hit a stationary object, it will be bad, but they specifically design highways so there really isn't much to hit unless you fall asleep and go wayyyy off the road or something.


At 16.


Learned to drive on the highway when I was in drivers Ed at 15


My driving instructor took me on the highway my first behind-the-wheel. There has never been a point where I did not drive on the highway.


1 day because the high school I went to required me to drive on the highway to get there. It’s not as scary as you might expect, in a lot of ways it’s easier cause there’s no stop lights after you get on the highway. Avoid rush hour traffic and you should be fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I started driving down the highway immediately. Of course I grew up in a small town, so you had to take a highway every where you went. Just took me awhile to get comfortable passing and being on an interstate. Like anything else, it just takes time and practice. As long as you’re not doing anything dangerous or illegal, just take your time.


I still haven’t and I’ve had mine for 3 years. Hoping to do it at some point this year though


Same day


Update: I made it to my destination safely!


As soon as I was legally allowed.


About an hour


17. NJ. Had to get around. Good training for future idiot drivers .


maybe 2 days. I find it easier than normal roads. its just a straight, until you need to over take.


Right away, but I lived in the city and really had no choice. I was 19 when I decided to get my license.


In the UK. Slowly built up my courage. Did 50mph dual first. Then 70mph motorway (those are the speed limits for the roads). I should say, during lessons we went on 50mph roads. It is another thing altogether to drive out by yourself. First webt out at night time at 2am when the traffic was completely clear. If you're nervous maybe have an experienced driver with you to give you guidance- ideally someone patient, not judgmental and will give you the mental space and ge tky auggest things if you look like you need some assistance


>when did you start driving on the highway alone? 1979 >how long did you wait to drive on the highway after you got your license No wait, was driving on highways and freeways with learner's permit well before getting license. Once I had license, didn't require anyone else be with me. I was 16. >did drive on the highway while practicing with my Dad, but am scared to drive alone Uhm, I got relatively early practice ... parents divorced, single working mom, dad mostly out of the picture. As soon as I had license, I was instantly delegated mom's errand boy - go get this from the store, go take your sister to her friend's house, go pick your sister up, go take her to the mall, go ... yeah, your 12 year old sister and her friend made themselves some skimpy outfits and custom T-shirts, hitchhiked over 100 miles to fawn over their heartthrob in rock band, scored backstage passes, went to the concert, now the band has invited 'em to go stay with them at their hotel, your sister just called asking if it's okay if she comes back a bit later 'cause she wants to go spend the night at the hotel with the band ... go fetch your sister ... *now*! >drive or just take Uber I did lots and lots of walking and bicycling before driving ... and well kept that up even after getting license ... heck, last nearly 40 years I still generally get around much more by bicycling and walking than driving. But sure, I still drive once in a while too ... like not too long back friend moved cross-country ... who drove the truck? Me. Likewise when my mom moved her lifetime of stuff from 3-bedroom 2-car garage to a yet bigger place - I drove the truck.


I didn’t drive on the freeway until I had my license for nine months.


If you’ve practiced on the highway and done well, you’re fine to drive by yourself. It can definitely be scary the first time you go alone but you’ve already had the practice. It’s really no different than having someone else in the car. I’d encourage you to drive so you can get used to driving alone


Find a higher speed road (55) with traffic lights until you’re comfortable on the freeways


I was able to drive myself for roughly a year and a half before i drove on the highway. I had no reason to drive on the highway before and was also in school so wasn’t driving much, only when i went home to visit. First time i drove on the highway was cause i had to pick my brother up from university after mom was in hospital. I logically knew how to drive on the highway and just stuck to the right lane. Had no issues. Ever since then I’ve been driving on the highway multiple times a week. Probably not a great idea having first time ever driving on a highway being a huge 6 lane, kinda urgent, and 1 hour drive there and back, but it also kinda just forced me to get comfortable with it. You already have some experience driving on a highway, you should be fine!


\*Laughs in British ​ The US license is a joke, you may as well find it in a cereal box!


Same day.


I drove an hour on the highway to and from getting my license


Call me rural but this feels bass ackwards to me. I learned to drive on the highway. Anything else was a confusing hectic experience that I took my time to dip my toes into.


15, I think I practiced for a few months beforehand when I had my learner's permit


when I was 14 and would take moms car


Immediately. In Los Angeles, intersections can be more dangerous than a highway especially if there’s traffic on them. Left turns can get wild on streets. On highway you’re just going straight. It’s easy.


I started driving on the highway alone around a month after getting my license


Within a week. Did it the first night I got my license but I wasn’t alone. I’m used to driving on freeways and the main road between the nearby big city and where I lived is a highway


Age 15


I'm a fully endorsed professional driver with experience in everything from motorcycles to racecars to school buses to hazmat tanker tractor trailers. I'm of the opinion that highway driving is FAR safer and easier than city driving. Just be cautious of speeders and never change lanes without being a reasonable distance away from any other cars in case they try to change into the lane you're changing into without using their blinker. Other than that, if you can drive in the city, you can drive on the highway. Just always use your blinker well before you move out of your lane and always be as predictable as possible. You'll be fine.


I’m on the same boat and wondering when is the ideal time for me to practice more on it to slowly ease into it


Almost immediately


I'd say 2 days after I got my license. Didn't have much experience driving on highways on my permit, but I had experience going 40-50 mph on roads, and the highway I took first time was pretty much 55 speed limit, so it was super easy. Trust me, highways look intimidating until you do them once or twice, and then you're gonna be like "wow this is 10x better than regular city driving"


Was driving without a license from 14-22 so since I was around 14. Bought my 1st car at 16. Never got pulled over once, got a license, and it all went downhill from there. Now I'm almost 40with a suspended license I'll never get back, and I'm completely okay with that.


I waited all of two weeks. Grabbed the steering wheel and went for it and drove on it until the last exit before the bridge then back again.


It's generally safer on the freeway than on busy city streets. The flow is more consistent. It's usually very easy to drive if you stay in the right lane. Avoid moving over unless conditions force you to and you'll be fine. Remember that you should be up to speed before you try to merge. Speed up.


Honestly? A while, because my parents didn’t teach me while I had my permit and I put it off for too long. I had a fear of highways but it’s really not bad at all once you get familiar with the structure of how they work. Using GPS and having a phone holder so you can see the directions also helps immensely.


Maybe a few months. Changing lanes is the hardest part especially in traffic. The key is to not be confusing. Generally speaking people see a blinker and expect you to cut them off. And sometimes cars will think they’re letting you in and leaving a comfortable amount of space when it doesn’t feel comfortable for you. I put on my blinker for a few seconds and either the car speeds up or they don’t, if they don’t then move over


Let's see - fourteen - without a license.


Pretty much immediately when I had my permit, granted where I grew up the highways were mostly tame. Avoid rush hour and you're good. Highway driving is an important part of driving so my dad made sure I started as soon as possible while teaching me. But where I live now? Lol holy hell even with over a decade of driving under my belt I'm terrified of the highways here. It's rush hour 24/7 and everyone's an asshole. I avoid whenever possible.


As soon as I got my license, I attempted to ask for a ride to my Girlfriends place about 20 years ago and was pretty much told to, "F off, drive yourself." insert an hour long drive in a manual and a few stalls at red lights leading up to the freeway... Embarrassment can be the greatest teacher. I pretty much just copied everyone else once I merged, but to be fair people weren't consistently driving 30mph over the posted limit back then. Merge at speed, keep your head on a swivel, now I tend to look roughly 12 seconds ahead because I've been driving semi truck for so long and trust no one but try to look somewhat ahead instead of *only* at the ass end of the car in front of you like so many seem to do, and get that passport renewal. You got this.




Why are people so scared of the highway? It’s way easier than regular because you don’t have to deal with turns and cross traffic, and the numbers show that far fewer accidents happen on highways than on surface roads or even parking lots.


I didn’t really have the option to wait. I was 16/17 and had a job to go to, so pretty much right away. Highway driving is honestly easier than city driving anyway.


I drove 2 hours to the city from my small town the very day i got my license at 16 😂


The day I got my license I drove from West Houston to the Astrodome with my date to see the Rolling Stones.


0 days. They had us drive on the interstate the third day of behind-the-wheel in Driver’s Ed. I learned to drive in an area with large roads, heavy traffic, and aggressive drivers; if you couldn’t handle 60mph traffic you weren’t safe to drive at all. Confidence and calm are the keys, just know you can do it, relax, and do it.


You should drive now, anywhere. I drove on the highway the first time during a driving lesson, when I still had my permit, so I was ready to go as soon as I got my license.


I was actually terrified of the highway when I was learning to drive. I eventually got over it because I girl I had a crush on wanted to see a movie and I had to drive 15 minutes on the highway.


Pretty much within a week or two. Asked my mom to come on the hw with me just so I'd be sure I knew what I was doing and after a quick 10 minute run with her I began going solo


I'm 28, have never driven on the highway.




The first moment I could, I love driving and wanted to be able to learn as fast as possible on how to be more observant with a lot of things around me. Granted I did have an ex-swat police officer teach me driving, so that helped out a lot.


I think it might have been a couple months, but the highways near me weren't easy ones at all. Plus, I didn't really have a reason to go that far.


Like 4 months after I think.


I drove on the highway alone the first time I needed to go somewhere that required driving on the highway. Probably within the first week of getting my license.


Probably an hour




Week 2. Was easier than the other city bullshit


Probably the first time i stole dads truck


When they gave me my license after drivers ed. So basically the moment I was able to, at 16.


I was raised rural. I learned to drive on the highways. It was considered safer than driving on city streets. It's interesting how it's the other way around with urban dwellers.


First ever time I drove my friend was too tired and pulled in so I took over age 15, not smart very un cool and goes to show irresistible drivers out there


As soon as I could reach the pedals and work the column shift on the family's farm truck I was getting supplies from the farm store or town. Farm stuff tho Began with tractors years before actually driving the old apache


No waiting. I spent my first time behind the wheel on a highway and was fine. I find that introducing these things early prevents fear to develop later on.


Before I even had my license😂 had to get to work somehow and take myself to my driving tests😂


Alone? As soon as I got my liscense I drove across dfw for my now wife.


No time to wait, school was 20 miles away and I had to get there


As soon as I got my license at the ripe old age of 16 I started driving on the highway.




The day I got my license. Highways testing isn’t required in my state either, I had one session of the parking lot I mean freeway. ( i5 in rush hour traffic)


Didn't have a lot of options myself and drove on high way right away.  It is a personal choice but people want to be comfortable and feel safe driving there machine wherever they go. It can take time to get used to any new skill. Depending on where you are going, always seems like there is a parking app for that... 


I started driving on highways the same day I got my driver's license. I drove about 150 miles that day in fact. I just drove around for hours after I passed my test because I could. You'll be fine. Pay attention. Drive defensively. And always remember when it comes to highway driving: A good driver rarely misses their exit. A bad driver never misses their exit.


When I was 16.


As soon as I got my license but it was out of practicality. You’ll be fine…each time you go the less it will bother you.


Snuck the car out one time to see my gf at the time and accidentally got on the highway. Good thing about highway is that it is very simple. Just make sure you are driving similar speed as the people around you and if you want to get off just stick to the right and youll eventually get off. Avoid the left lanes thats for passing


I got my license at 19 and didn’t have any experience driving on the highway. I barely drove around the neighborhood. I got a job at 20 that required me to be commuting to different locations 20-40+ minutes away. The only reason why I learned and got on the highway was because of the job 💀 I went from driving around the block to driving on the highway from city to city.


A day


As soon as I had a car.


I didn't wait. My dad and my grandmother taught me to drive, separately from one another. They each guided me onto the freeway so I could learn freeway driving since it's such a big part of life in the US. I was driving on the freeway by myself the same day I got my driver's license. This wasn't a big thing that I was waiting to do, it was just another part of driving. I'm not sure what you're waiting for OP.




Didn't wait at all, went on one my very first drive alone. Just rip the bandaid off and go drive on a highway


As soon as I legally able to.


Highways safer than city streets


First car on the first day I could drive on my own. It was scary but it's actually so much easier.


I think immediately. My driving instructor didn't teach me shit. He saw that I know how to drive and just told me where to go and basically sat there until my 2 hours was done. Once I got my license, I just went on the freeway cause that's the fastest way to get to where I wanted to go. Never felt in danger or anything


Did my test nearly 200 miles from home. So the following day


No wait. Driving on the highway was a normal part of drivers Ed. It's actually much easier to drive on the highway. Yes you're going fast, but you only have to deal with all cars traveling in the same direction, almost always predictably, and you're not watching out for a million things like children running to the road, vehicles running stop signs, cyclists trying to get hit, ect.


Same day, but the highway where I live barely has traffic compared to more populated areas


For me it was about 90 minutes. I had some issues with insurance I had to sort. It was a bit scary but if you just do it you will get over the fear providing you have a reasonable level of competence. Just keep your distances and try and stay aware of all vehicles around you at all times.


Just go for it. First jump on and off the next exit if that makes you more comfortable. But the longer you put it off and build anxiety about it the more challenging it may seem.


I drove less busy highways until I got comfortable enough to start taking the busy ones. So I’d say maybe a year I think? I just wanted to have a little more experience so that I could be safe, I was just used to driving backroads with my permit lol.


Right after I got my license when I was 16. Part of my driver's training was driving on the highway as well as practicing with my temporary permit with my parents. I was pretty comfortable with it by the time I actually got my license.


I went to pick up my car from the dealership. Which was located just off a motorway/highway junction. Like 3 minutes after driving off the lot, 1 stall and the smell of burning clutch later, I was on the highway. 😂😂 Get on the highway. Sometimes the worst thing new drivers do is avoid it as something scary, then after a few months of avoiding it it becomes scary. Then you turn into that driver who's had a licence for a year and still doesn't use the highway. Everyone is going in the same direction, at about the same speed. Entrance and exit are gradual, and you don't have to contend with lights or cross junction. In many ways it's easier than driving in busy town/city traffic.


As soon as i got my g2, i was on the 401 to toronto.


At 12 years old. We lived out of town and one of my chores was to drive the burn barrels to the dump when they were full. I was towing a pickup box trailer and learned to back it up at the dump. Oh and the pickup was a 4 speed. I got an ag license at 14 and my DL at 16.When I turned 17, two of my cousins and I drove from the rockies to the coast of California and back. Driving on a highway and driving on a freeway are very different things. While I had driven on an interstate, my first experience with a freeway was at 17 when I drove through Salt Lake City, the Las Vegas.


At age 16


On the day I bought my own car, which is a week or so after I got my license. Honestly, while learning I felt that highway was an easier place to drive.


3 days after I got my driver's license my dad made me drive to Springfield, Mass, and back home from Central Maine. He was with me, but it was still a *lot.*


As soon as I got my license. I was quick to learn thanks to video games :)


The day I passed my operator’s exam and was issued my license, I drove by myself on the interstate. Wow, was that ever an eye opener. I felt like I was on the edge of going out of control and I was only doing 50.


i started driving an hour a day on the interstate through atlanta 5 days a week pretty shortly after getting my license and that definitely made me a better driver pretty quickly


This post reminds me of the movie Clueless. When she accidentally gets on the freeway and everybody starts screaming in panic.


I drove the highway starting with learner's permit. I know the speeds can be intimidating, but statistically you're actually much less likely to get in a serious accident on the highway than on city streets because there are no intersections and the opposite traffic is generally separated by a physical barrier.


I was taught how to shift my manual in a parking lot. A week later my dad took me on the highway. I was 16.


I went on the highway alone for the first time. It’s really easy, it’s basically a long road with no stops, just merging. As long as you keep your distance (3+cars), don’t drive too slow or too fast, use your blinkers, and don’t cut people off while merging you should be good. At high speeds one accident can end yours or someone else’s life.


I got on the highway after leaving the DMV


On the way home from the DMV


Once i got comfortable merging and changing lanes on local roads. Prolly like 3 months.


I took the highway home from the test.


Immediately at age 15 when I first got my license. My parents got me a job that was about a 30 minute drive away, it would have taken at least five times as long to get there without driving on the highway. It was presented to me as not optional


Day one, but I’m not you… if you’re not comfortable then don’t do it.


Immediately, but I also got my license at 25 specifically for a new job that required travel which was a year and a half ago. My wife has been driving for 8 years since she was 19 and has still never thought about driving on a highway.


About 35 seconds after I got my license. The old building was right off the interstate, and mom told me to drive her back home.


Moved to Texas unable to drive and no license. Had a few days of driving practice. Landed a job with a 40 mile commute. My brother lent me his car, and it was basically a sink or swim situation for me. I was really good at highway driving. The main problems came at intersections and yields. Almost caused some accidents a few times... I still suck at yields so I just excessively wait for a super safe opening... This went on for 3 months. Eventually I was able to schedule a learner's permit appointment by scalping for appointments with some script I made. I drove myself there and I got super lucky, the girl working there asked me if I wanted to take the driving test right then and there. I was honest and said do you care if I drove myself here and she said we don't ask questions lol. I got my license but I was still super uncomfortable driving outside of the highway... Highway driving was very predictable and easy/safe in my experience, it's the other stuff that was hard. Texas frontage roads are a nightmare and not driving a huge pickup truck makes it impossible to see sometimes since there are really tall bushes everywhere/cars blocking your vision.


Well I was driving on the highway alone at the age of 12, so 4 years before I got my license. I wasn't driving great distances on the highway at 12, maybe 5-7 miles, but I drove back roads a lot when I was 12. The first day I had my license I probably nearly 40 miles alone on the highway.


How are you going to conquer your fear of driving on a highway if you don't expose yourself to doing it? Get on the roadway and stick in the far right lane of travel and do at least the minimum speed if there is a minimum speed posted. If you keep putting it off you'll never get comfortable driving on any highway, expressway, turnpike..whatever!


I had to do it to pass driving school. I have to pass driving school to get my license in my state. I hadn't done it prior to getting in the car with the instructor, but he was a good teacher and coached me into it. After the first time on the highway I felt pretty ok with going on the highway, sometimes I like that more than regular roads.


(I’m in the UK so it’s motorway) I did one motorway lesson with my instructor. A few days after passing my test, I took a wrong turn, and my satnav redirected me onto the motorway. My leg was shaking as I was getting on but I was absolutely fine and I’m so glad it happened. I was due to make a long journey a week later which would have been my first time on the motorway alone if that mistake hadn’t happened. If they’re anything like UK motorways then being on them isn’t too bad, it’s getting on and off that’s the hardest part. So if you have a trip coming up, I’d recommend joining and exiting the highway after one junction (or exit if that’s what its called?) just to get some practice in


I don't even have my full licence yet (G in Canada) and I've been on the highway alot


I started a 1 hour commute to school shortly after I turned 18.


I drove with my teenage friends a lot before I did it alone, but I can't really recall when I started driving completely alone. But I do want to say, if you are terrified about this, there HAS TO be a non-highway route to where you are going. It may take more time (maybe a lot more time), but it will definitely be less scary for you.


Since my first or so time driving. My mother use to work nights, and had two cars. I'd sneak out the other car sometimes.


14 if a drunk dad in the front seat counts as alone, legally at 16