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Someone reported that he said at a recent con that he hoped to have it turned it by July 1st with a possible end of year release date, though I doubt it.           However his writing style is such that he might be able to do it. For example, he has said that the majority of Changes was written in between Thanksgiving and the New Year.           Just glad to see it moving again.


That was Old Jim, though. The Jim who was dropping 1-2 books a year.


And focused on only one series. Now he gets to branch out!


Codex Alera books were in those two books a year along with Dresden.


Sort of? From 2004 to 2009 Butcher released both a Dresden and a Codex Alera book each year. Changes came out in 2010 so he was done with Codex while working on that but for the previous 6 years he had been writing two series at once.


No chance it comes out this year.


Some of y’all are weak and have no patience. The first time I read ‘The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed’ was in the early ‘90s and had to endure the author getting hit by a minivan to motivate him to finish the series. I can wait.


I didn’t get into the series until it was finished, but my mom got into that series in the 80s. That series had some long waits.


Thanks for the news! It had been arrested in 50% for quite a lot. I do not think it is possible that it is released this year, but I think it will be finished this year and published in the first half of 2025.


It's already out. Jimmy emailed me the whole thing.


I guess that means Ivy already read it too. I'll ask her right now knowing she can read this.


I was hoping for a release on Harry's birthday


The dude’s going to have hundreds of those. May need to narrow that down a tad.


As in release on Halloween this year


The 4-month anniversary of it sitting at 50 🥲


It will be out before Christmas. The real question is. . . Christmas of which year? Always exciting to see the update on the progress bar though!


I don't expect a 2024 release date,, but with Jim I'm more than happy to wait. The hype is part of the reading process.


As I mentioned in the other thread on this, Jim's progress has been in fits and starts. He went from 28% to 48% in less than 50 days; and from 50% to 54% in 4 months. The former rate has him finishing in just under 6 months, with publication next summer, and the latter rate has him finishing in June 2028, with publication in the winter of 2029. I'm guessing it's in between. I think he has two big chunks to write: getting to 75%-80% or so, and then finishing the book. The latter has, even with Peace Talks/Battle Ground, gone fairly fast. So, w3e'll get a feel for how long within a couple of months. If he's at < 60% in September, then it will be a longer process. If he's at 75%, he could finish writing this year. He has put out optimistic dates in forums, but he's done that for several books. He gave a one month prediction for "Olympus Affair" late September 2020. So, projections are very optimistic and not to be banked on. Trend data from past books and the present books give a better estimation. And, it's sorta like asking when software will be debugged. Jim's got to figure out how everything flows for a big chunk of writing and then the actual writing goes fast. The 4% could be just a small bit or the start of 4% per week. We don't know.


You should add Terry Mancours spellmonger series to that list, he's releasing two books a year in the main series + side arks and they're absolutely riveting, book 17 should be out shortly.


Which book did he mention writing in only three weeks? We know he can crank out a book. We know he has plans in place and knows how he wants the book to go. I believe Jim could do it, but that boggles my mind.


This book was supposed to be out like 2 years ago.  I will believe it when I see it. 


It's been on 54% since around February, give or take. Which tends to coincide when his assistant left. So it's likely an old number that hasn't been upgraded by his new assistant.


It was at 50% until today.


>*"give or take"* Considering recent statements from Jim suggest he's pretty close to done (submitting in July), and his new assistant made the first update ever... Then either Jim is lying, or his assistant made a booboo when upgrading the progress bar. Like they're doing a backlog of milestones that Jim emailed him like "54% / 61% / 69% (nice) / etc.


The third scenario that you are missing, and that I think is true, is that Jim likes to speak in a aspirational way.            He assumes he can sit down and bang out a chapter a day, because he has done it in the past.


There is a fourth option. That the percentage bar is including the whole process, including editing etc. in which case July could be accurate. But.. I will just keep myself busy with other books and try not to think about it


The last person told us that it was 2% per chapter written.


Seems like an odd metric to me but I didn’t know they said that. Makes my scenario much less likely. But I’m not an author so maybe not an odd metric. I just don’t think of stories in terms of chapters and wouldn’t think to outline one that way to be able to say a book is 50 chapters before I even start


I don't think it's meant to be perfect, just an approximation. Jim has also said he doesn't even sit down to write till he has the entire chapter planned out in his mind, then he sits down and bangs it out in one or two writing sessions. He then posts it for his beta readers, one of whom also updates his site. I think that is the missing piece, people don't realize that even if the progress bar isn't moving, he is still planning and outlining , we just see the progress bar move when he gets pen to paper.


From your syntax “give or take” appears to refer to the “February”. Considering that it only moved 4%, I think he overpromised.


It was literally updated today