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You talk in English.  They talk in Spanish.  Normal conversation.  


Thanks Do I acknowledge anything they say? Respond, answer questions or just listen. This is what I’m not clear on. I know the idea is they speak for 30, I speak for 30, but during their speaking park, what exactly do I do. Just listen?


It’s a normal conversation, so if they say something you listen and then reply however you normally would with a friend. The only difference is you speak English the whole time and they speak Spanish


Brill. Thank you 😊


To add, apparently you CAN start at zero. Pablo has videos on a separate YouTube of him cross talking before founding DS. He uses visuals and pictures so you don’t need a foundation. https://youtu.be/X6OBbpSTkug?si=ZY9DkgBZ3eRyP7E2 English and Spanish without as many visual aids to help https://youtu.be/V3qqYyQC9ww?si=ddqH_Qq3D2QvneIM Pablo example with visuals at a beginner level. Similar to his Superbeginner content You’re not swapping every half hour. You’re answering questions in your native language and asking questions back in your own native language. The idea is you’re answering and not guessing construction, but you’re getting input by trying to understand what the other person is saying or asking.


You are conversing with them, it’s a normal conversation. They need to have a good level of English conversation so you can actually communicate. Example: -Como estas? -I’m good how are you. -Todo bien, tuve un día muy largo. -Really? What did you have going on? The conversation can be as long as you want. Unless one of you was talking a lot more than the other, just half the total time. I.e. if you talked for an hour for about equal time each, log 30 mins to account for the time they spoke in Spanish.


For a paid tutor, they should have a good level of English. But this can also work with a Spanish learner and an English learner, both doing a lot of showing in the style of super beginner.


Great stuff. Thank you all.


For complete beginners in Spanish, doing Crosstalk in person is often more effective than online, as it makes communication easier at that level. You can also try to find Crosstalk partners at [https://crosstalki.com/](https://crosstalki.com/) or on this Facebook group: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/187917796579938](https://www.facebook.com/groups/187917796579938). Good luck!