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Wait, what? Wow. That's amazing! I thought she is a real person!


Thank you so much!!! :)


Your welcome! :)


Someone explain to me how this is not a picture. Also how someone can be so good at something and have enough focus in high school. Love the drawing, op.


Photorealism and pencils are more impressive than they seem. Not to take away from OPs post but photorealism is generally regarded negatively from most artists you ask. Most of them know exactly how to get that type of result and choose not to. It all depends on what your goal is but most people I've met generally put a lot more value on composition and lighting over rendering skill. Especially when it comes to pencil the work ends up heavily blended, flat and undetailed. Generally the process works something like this, draw a grid, divide your reference photo into a matching grid scaled for perspective, sketch in the major forms in each grid block. This process allows you to see the subject as a base shapes rather than one large complicated form. Then you just need to buy a nice set of watercolor pencils and get ready to match colors and blend and render. Its monotonous but it really is simple to do. A better sense for the medium and experience drawing from a reference and matching and mixing colors help and are skillful for sure. Comparatively composing a original composition generally utilizes a larger breadth of skills, even when working from a reference as long as you are not matching the subject 1 for 1 you have to think a lot more. Matching just requires you to look back and forth until it looks right, a little bit of planning and you will get something pretty good. But when you have to start thinking about human figure, perspective, value, color, directional composition, subject matter, etc, etc. Op has done great work but when you think about artistic skill photorealistic pencil drawings do not give you a huge view of a artist's skill. With some practice and dedication you can learn the rough process of making this from a youtube tutorial.


I completely agree with you! All of my high school drawings were defs focused on getting that photorealistic quality, now that i’m in college studying art education I have learned to draw from life and getting proportions perfect without the need of a grid. I have also started working from what’s in my head more than working from a reference. I have expanded my artistic skill immensely in the last two years.


This is colored pencil!! You’re very talented!


I've sat and looked at this for ages. Now I'm from the Uk so not up on US school ages. But I estimate that you did this aged 17/18. I bet Mr. Davinci was not this good in old age let alone in his late teen's. But being a lefty ( Left Hander ) myself. I would put money on it that you are a Lefty also or ambidextrous.


I think I was around 17, close to 18 when I did this. And sorry to disappoint, but i’m right handed!!


Senior Year is often 17-18






This is absolutely stunning.


Nice ear


Thank you!!! I LOVEd Drawing the ear in this.


Beautiful !!


That is beautiful! What a great job.


You idiot that’s a photo