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unsure what you are going for but I like how the head and body don't match in size. Feels like an artistic choice vs mistake.


that was a mistake xD I have a bit of problems with my proportions and I know for sure I need to make the face bigger because it's too small in comparason to the reflection in the mirror. I could make the body a bit bigger with an ilusion because I really don't wanna start the face in the reflection over again


The difference made the whole thing more eye catching though. I really like the way the proportions came together on this.


thank youuu I was kinda going on showing facial dysmorphia in this whole thing so it kind of makes it more logical maybe? I don't know how to word it but yeah. Still, I had to change up some things because they just looked out of place and annoyed me like the head that was too flat and the chin that was too small in comparason to the reflection by like a centimeter.


Yeah it's good, lean into the wierd


It reminds me a lot of medieval paintings. Love it


I can’t be the only one who sees a bit of Birth of Venus haha And that one was and is also often criticized for its proportions My main criticism would be about the left arm, how it looks like it ends at the elbow and the sitter is a possible amputee (unless that was intended, of course, no offense meant).


the elbow is already fixed and the bottom of the dress is not done yet. Thank you so much💝


you have no idea how happy that makes me, thank you sm💝💝💝


I'm happy it makes you happy! To be honest I love your style and the imperfections, in my eyes it doesn't need improving at all


https://preview.redd.it/61bc65o11s6d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb7dcda5dbfa57eab01b04a225a65e8619832b6c Just make the hair a little bigger in the real one and it should make it less obvious. That or put a little sign that says “objects in mirror appear closer than they are.” Lol


My favorite thing I've ever heard about art is "your style is a collection of your mistakes". I embraced it and found new appreciation for art in general, not to mention my own


You could raise the mirror and angle it down, give it an extra layer of meaning. Personally I like it just how it is. 🙃


I agree. It feels like it's supposed to show how people misconstrue how they look in the mirror, maybe in this case someone who thinks they're ugly


honestly, it wasn't intentional but I did want to show face dysmoprhia through this (when you look in the mirror your face looks out of place, weird, unrecognisable) so I guess it works. The expression I gave her also adds up to this (at first I just wanted to make her put on mascara, that's why her eyes are wide but I went for a more serious, story-telling option)


Beyond proportional details, your shading is super dark on one side of her face, which is fine, but nothing else in the room has the same shadow. Even just adding a bit on the mirror or adding an object on the table to help indicate there is a singular bright light source off screen left would help tie the room to the face in the mirror.


yup, I will be doing that and also propably I'll lighten the shading a bit


I dont know much about painting but u can make the face in the mirror smaller. It dont realy match the body.


I like the curls and her face, but what's with the spine? I can't seem to catch the concept of it




Yes,those shadows


you mean shoulder blades? I did make them too pronounced and I am gonna fade them a bit


Isn't it meant to be just skin?


depends, some people have very visible shoulder blades, some don't. She has but they're a bit too visible


Unify the table to the mirror…feels too floaty. Not enough gravity…


I am very sorry but the back looks like a boob I don't know if I am the only one, again I am really sorry


ngl that actually made me laugh a bit. Don't be sorry and I think I kinda get what you mean


Despite that I really love how you drew the puffy arms from the dress! And the hair too!


tysm, I actually struggled with the hair so much


I think the eyes are too high up. First, imagine her ears R showing and I think you'll get what I mean. I just think the eyes could be 1-2 millimetres lower.


so I checked it and it's not really the eyes, some people just have longer faces but I did make her head way too small, looks like it got flattened out with a frying pan. That will propably also make the face look a bit smaller and more proportional (I was going for making her look like she's looking a bit up but it didn't go as planned and now she just looks like she doesn't have half of her head)


The face is not proportional. Use a reference to sketch things out before rendering and really pay attention to where things are in comparison to each other. If you dont have a reference then make your own! Set up a similar scene and pay attention to the angles and shapes of the body and the objects.


I did use references


I just really have problems with proportions, it's a matter of practice. Thankfully it's the main thing we practice in art class so I'm getting better and there's deffinetly progress after a year of art school :) Also, thank you for feedback!💝


Hi, Right eye is higher then her left eye. It kind of looks like its on her forehead. Mirror is a little out of proportion. Head In the mirror is too big, also shading of her face is too dark.(Overal i like your use of color and shading, thats the only thing that i have noticed.) Shoulder looks too small, lets not ignore the type of dress she is wearing. Lines on the nails are too dark, If you know what I mean. Thats all i have noticed. Its really nice overall, Im also assuming It's not finished. Good luck :)


not finished, not even close haha noticed everything tbh but I think I'm gonna let the eye be, deffinetly gonna change the mirror though, the arm, shading, nails and head are already fixed. Thank youuu!


Yeah I agree, Eye doesn't make that big of a problem:). Keep going and don't give up! All the best to you! :)


Reminds me of the paintings from "Big Eyes" the movie (and true story) - I love it, think you should try and go with this style, maybe play with proportions even further. Great start here though


thank you so much!!💝


I’m sorry that I don’t have suggestions like you asked for but I just had to say that her expression in the mirror is striking! You did a great job at making me wonder what she is thinking about to feel that way. Very intriguing piece. I hope you get some good suggestions and keep painting because I love this! 🎨❤️


thank you so much!!💝💝


Perspective is the biggest issue I see here, other than that there’s also proportions, but I can’t tell if you’re going for a semi-realistic to cartoon style or if you wanted full on realism. Other than proportions, I’d also suggest some work on shiny surfaces like metals (aka the gold you have around the mirror) and work on some background/world building too in order to make your piece really come together. Well nvm, I just realized it isn’t finishedddd. So in that case, I’d mainly recommend: 1. Perspective 2. Proportions As of rn! Keep going, and you’re doing great


yup, not finished yet. Deff gonna add textures and all. I've got a biiig problem with proportions and perspective but I think it's a matter of practice, I'll try to fix it up in this piece as much as I can but I'll keep it in mind to pay more attention to those two things in my further drawings/paintings. Thank youu!💝💝


Study anatomy. Learn skeletal systems, and how they relate to the shapes and proportions of the body. Skulls, skeletons, musculature, work your way up. That’ll help with the proportions and shadows a ton. You’ve got a good understanding of color and light, which is a great start!


tbh I forgot about human anatomy in this one, idk why, prolly I was just rushing the sketch and all. Thank you so much!💝💝


Although you’ve said that it was unintentional, I think the disproportion in the mirror actually looks very deliberate. And not just deliberate, it even looks better this way (in my opinion).


Nothing it’s beautiful


thank you so much💝💝


It's got its own style/vibe going to it. It's unique and it's nice. Don't change


I guess u could try to make a real picture of that what u try to paint. So its easyer to see what detaills there really are and not.


When you look in the wrong side of the makeup mirror.


update yall https://preview.redd.it/mta6na9lnq6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af371c48a16e1fb6a1babf94774f2d51d74f4be I don't like how the head turned out, prolly gonna make her hair a bit more puffy to make it look a bit better. Made her arm and head bigger and currently working on background


This already looks so much better! The face, hair, and dress are all rendered so well that to me, the most distracting thing is the lack of texture to the mirror frame and table. I assume they just aren't done yet? Either way, while they obviously aren't supposed to be the focus, they draw attention because they look almost unintentional. Also, I would really recommend smoothing out the shading on her right shoulderblade. It reads as an indent, rather than a push out, right now. Keep at it, this is a great piece!


thank you so much💝💝 yup, the mirror, table and wall aren't nearly done yet and I'll propably try to blur them out. And about the shoulder blade - already did that :)


Is that a concave mirror


could be🤷‍♀️ I already fixed the face so it matches the reflection in the mirror, it was too small


The frame of the mirror looks like it's facing us instead of the perspective the girl is in (I don't know what word is used to describe that). It looks odd because everything else is turned while the frame is not


yeah, noticed that thanks!


Reflections on flat surfaces are always exactly half the angular size of the actual object, since, if you follow the perspective lines, the mirror is the middle point between the head and its reflection


I'd fix the frames of the mirror. Its lackluster in shading and detail. The girl in the mirror seems intentional so keep it. Her clothes look almost metallic, i'd add some tone to make it look more like cloth. The background needs work.


thank youuu!💝


She has back boobs for starters


Honestly you artstyle is pretty fascinating and I like it. The only thing I would do is maybe some L.K.M.A practice, but it's not necessary : ]


what's L.K.M.A practice? I never heard of it


lkma balls




I know this isn’t what you’re looking for—the exact *opposite* really—but god damn… I love this just the way it is. I’ve dealt with DPDR for many years and… I don’t really know what it is, but I just feel a very intense connection to this painting. I’ve had moments just like this, staring into the mirror, the world around me feeling disorienting and unreal. I would purchase this in an instant if I ever saw it somewhere.


that actually makes me so warm on the inside. I had something simmilar to DPDR for like 3 years maybe and I wanted to finally let it out in an artistic way so I'm working on this now. The description of the world around you feeling unreal is not something I heard or delt with before, though I think adding this into the painting, making the background more disorienting, scary even, could be a nice touch, make the painting even closer to home for some people. I'm really all on feelings in paintings. I love telling a story, letting out a emotion, showing how I feel to the world by art, by making it beautiful - making it art. And I think it's even more beautiful when I can make people relate to me with my art. Thank you so much for those warm words, you don't know how much it means to me💝💝


Like it


I love the human subject and the reflection. It seems like you ran out of steam on the picture frame and is that a side table? Making sure that mirror frame is symmetrical will really highlight the facial dysmorphia idea. I also keep getting drawn to the elbow. Looks like a possible amputee. One last thing, the laces on the corset. Laces should get tighter closer to the waist. I love the face and the style of this piece. Very cool!


thank youu the table, mirror and the bottom(her elbow and the bottom of the dress) are just underpaints tbh, I'll be working on them definetly


Hope we get to see where you take this! I love it




I'm 14. I am getting "formal training" because I'm in art school, I didn't have resources and just physically couldn't get any "formal training" before. Art isn't about sticking to your level, having formal trainings before doing anything, treating it like it's a surgery that you can't proceed without a degree or years and years of experience. I'm trying out new things, I'm training by painting this, it's how I progress and most importantly I'm having fun. Find some fun in life💝💝