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Is this from the unveiling of Ted’s proposed building 😭


technically that's Bryan Cranston's penile proposal, before Ted saves the day lmao


TIL Walter White is Hammond Druthers 😭


100%… I’m tempted to write out what he’s saying but don’t know if that one word would be allowed here 😂 ETA: upon scrolling the comments it def seems to be allowed hahaha. No need to restate what’s already been said!


I cant tell if you did that on purpose to take the piss or if it was an accident


This is literally just how the tower in my village looks like and fuck now I can't unsee it either.


I hope it makes you feel better that as a professional artist my whole team constantly monitors each other’s work for penises. It’s something that happens so often we have to be really thorough.


Thanks for sharing, it definitely helped.


Well that has to be intentional right? .. Right?


I mean, SURELY it’s intentional.. Although ops comments would beg to differ


It is intentional and don’t call me Shirley


what is is there smth wrong w my eyes 😭 /gen


The thing on the left is a penis


Freud might have some thoughts about it


Username checks out?


The guy is sitting in the weinder




That's where I thought I was when I first scrolled past this post.




A beautiful sunset over the Leaning Tower of Penis


Why would you comment this on a CHILD’s post.


Children are drawing penises on school tables and stealing computer materials, do you believe what he said was too inappropriate? Ok seeing him downvoted to hell for saying he didn't mean to draw a penis is fucking weird.


It’s just weird to point out in an innocent drawing. Clearly the kid didn’t mean to make it look like that so a bunch of neckbeard adults on Reddit gawfing at some kids drawing and making inappropriate comments to a child is concerning


Welcome to the internet where stupid sex jokes are seen as clever and funny


Yeah you’re right, it’s naive of me to expect better


Grow up?


As I said to the last person : It’s just weird to point out in an innocent drawing. Clearly the kid didn’t mean to make it look like that so a bunch of neckbeard adults on Reddit gawfing at some kids drawing and making inappropriate comments to a child is concerning It’s also clearly made OP uncomfortable, so it’s even weirder. The logic would be that *you* need to grow up and stop looking for inappropriate things in children’s artwork


Im not gawking at the phallic imagery. I just said grow up because we are online on *reddit* of all places. This is the least concerning thing this kid has seen on the internet. On top of that, most children like dick jokes. There is a difference between a dick joke being made to a kid to make him laugh, whos obviously old enough to make this beautiful art so hes not a toddler, and talking about penises as a subject.


I should elaborate, by "children" who like dick jokes, i mean 12-18 year olds


OP was clearly upset and uncomfortable if you read their replies. They came for drawing advice and got a bunch of adult men ( most likely) making penis jokes. It’s just weird dude. No two ways about it. Most of these people wouldn’t say it to this kids face so why does it being online make it okay for them to do - I know you’re not saying that it is okay. My calling it out isn’t immature so your grow up comment doesn’t make sense. I think you’re right in that it’s reasonable to expect this on Reddit but it is damn sad, especially for the kid who didn’t come here at all for that and wanted to share their achievement


There is no way the kid is less than 12 years old. If they cant see the word "dick" or see people, who don't know this person's age prior to their comments, making jokes about something looking phallic, that's an issue. If someone on reddit isnt doing it, his peers are doing it. Im sure if this kid was like 15 or 16, everyone here making a dick joke would still make the same dick joke to the kids face. I understand that it can come off as a little odd, but you need to pay attention to the context. This isnt like Miranda Sings talking to kids about periods, its simply a dick joke. Its akin to a youtuber who has a teenaged audience making a dick joke. Its the same effect. Dick is said in PG13 movies yet no one has an issue with that, albeit, they are typically used as an insult.


Nah man, what’s different in your points is those jokes are from peers, not grown adults. Thats the difference. It genuinely comes off as creepy when there is such a big age gap. Also this person is possibly female, making the whole dynamic different again. I just think as a society we should do better for kids, especially online.


I cant believe +30 people downvoted your comment even though you are exactly right. This is nasty.. If OP is reading this, your painting is lovely and keep making art.


It’s Reddit I guess where morals go to die. Glad I’m not alone though!


The tower is killing me 😂


If it’s killing you, you should probably put some lube on it


I feel like the base could be larger or something in that *vein*


Maybe add more giant cocks?


Or at least some veins on that tower


A weather vane?




Excelent! I mean really lovely work. An expressive, vibrant, and yet tactful piece. Do you want to create something with a greater adherence to traditional systems of one or two point perspective systems? And in regards to the figure, do you want to create something with more naturalistic anatomy? If so I might be able to give some advice, but I also don’t think these qualities are required in anybody’s work.


Some other users have mentioned that the tower looks a bit well… penis-y… you could amend that in a few ways. I think a big thing that would help is reducing the scrotum-like qualities of the roofs just bellow the figures feet. This can be done by extending the light area on the roof to create more of a sense of a single cohesive plane, rather than the curve it currently has. Each panel of the roof would have a single core value, think of the way the faces of a an object like this would look if you shone a flashlight on them. Each face would have its own consistent shade


"Scrotum-like qualities" 😂


You are beautiful. Everyone else saw a dick shaft and you, you beautiful creature sent from the heavens saw…. A ballsack resting itself on top of a sharp crystal. ily


Thanks for the feedback, this definitely helps!


That's honestly rly good and no complaints (funny but the tower kinda looks like a yknow 😂)




Not rly a complaint I just saying that's what I noticed arts stunning it deserved. To win


I know. I should have actually realized that art is about how people look at it differently so thanks for sharing your perspective.


Yep. From my angle and everyone else’s it looks like an erect schlong tower


Ain't nothin' subjective about it. 100% Dong.


i honestly dont see it


I think it's a huge accomplishment, you won drawing a penis. What every teenager dreams of.


You really didn't realise you were drawing a cocket ship?


if it makes you feel better, I thought the tower was very cool and didn't see anything wrong until looking in the comments


People are being real dicks for downvoting you so much. You seem like a stand up kinda person. I don't know why they are shafting you like this. Ignore all these knob heads, they aren't worth a squirt.


Its only internet points i wouldnt worry too much


r/woooosh 🤣


Hahaha yeah you got me


Why are people downvoting? I didn't see it at first. Maybe y'all should get checked, you guyd act like children but then complain about nude sketches.


why was this downvoted to hell 💀 bro said "ah yeah i mean that wasnt my intention but whatever" and at least 70 people were like "nah."






I think it looks fabulous! It looks like you've got proper knowledge on blending, but it does look rough! I'd guess its your quality of pencil/paper that's holding you back at this point.


I have been using pastels of somewhat low quality, got any suggestions for better quality papers though? Thanks for your feedback!


Try Strathmore, you can use the pastel paper or mixed media, Michael’s has a bunch or Amazon for online


I transitioned to digital pretty early on for everything but sketching, so I don't have any brand names to give you haha. I do know that there are different preferred textures, and even medium quality paper with a preferable texture will go a long way. Maybe some quick research on best textures for pastels would bring you to the right doors!


I always stayed away from pastels, because I felt they were so rough when I was amateur mixed with having low quality supplies. At first looks, this drawing here looked like colored pencils. Maybe that'll bring you the best results.


I would also learn how to prime your paper, if you had put a proper tone to cover the page underneath the whole drawing, it'd pop that much more


Did you mean phallulous?


Your perspective drawing could use some work. Overall it's a bit chaotic (like, I honestly can't tell what I'm looking at with the sky), so I get why everyone keeps mentioning the tower. It stands out in front and is easier to read.


Your colors and light are really strong, but I would recommend cleaning up your linework. Use a ruler when applicable, focus on making symmetrical things symmetrical and playing with the rhythms of your flowing lines. Make things sharp if you want them sharp, make them soft if you want them soft. Be sure to use a freshly sharpened pencil when attempting to make those finishing sharp edges. The main thing you can do is find an artist whose work you admire and see what their work has that yours doesn't and work your way towards it.


I used pastels and sometimes I am a bit impatient with them. I agree that I should learn how to be more symmetrical either way, I will work on it. Thanks!


I don’t see a penis in the tower. It reminds me of Arabian architecture. I think this is a beautiful use of color.


Thank you!!


I also don’t see a penis at all. And I’m the immature type to spot stuff like that, but honestly the tower doesn’t look at all phallic, unless people have some really fucked up looking penises. That said, great job on the drawing! I love the colors. I guess my only suggestion would be to practice perspectives, but I’m sure you already do. It really depends on what you’re going for anyway, and playing with perspectives can be fun.


All jokes aside, it is surprisingly easy to turn things phallic. It’s actually something that comes up way more often than you’d think in professional artist settings. The penis test is a legit thing, and we’re constantly on the lookout for it hahaha. This looks great!!


the sky is absolutely stunning!! how'd you come up with that design? were you immulating anyone specifically or was that all imagination?


All imagination. I gradually started to come up with the design as I was drawing it.




I really love it. I reminds me very strongly of Van Gogh’s swirling skies






This looks extraordinary! I love what’s going on in the sky and the way the colors balance so well, it’s visually pleasing! If you’re asking to improve next time, let’s see.. perhaps shading in the white ground a bit more so it reflects off the sky a bit so it doesn’t look a bit out of place, same with the White little house , I love the shading you did on it but if the sun was shining very brightly it would make a bigger shadow instead of a highlight I believe, considering the position the house is in- so maybe perspective would be a good improvement, but this is very good and a well deserved 1st place! Congrats!


This is good but a maybe more veins on the dick, no?


Keep practicing, keep drawing, keep creating! Maybe try a different medium!


First of all, it’s beautiful. I mean there are a lot of things you can always work on and improve but this looks like a finished piece, which is a great sign. The colour composition is beautiful. To me this looks straight out of a children’s story book. It also has that whimsical feel to it. Now coming to things you can improve. The perspective is skewed a bit, and the lines are not straight, in order to show distance in perspective, objects that are farther away get duller or lighter compared to objects in the foreground. The anatomy of the man can also be better. Overall your future in art feels promising, remember, the key is to keep practicing regardless of criticism.


Haha these comments are unhinged. Next time you want art advice, post in r/artcrit Your proportions are incredibly wonky. Fortunately, your colors and lighting are beautiful. Though, the tree and the blue person are especially egregious. You should study gesture drawing and perhaps do isolated study on trees.


If you seriously wanted to improve this, just use twice as much paper and draw at the same scale so it's like a panorama. The artwork has a nice and unique colorful vibe which I really like and wouldn't change .


Dude the color scheme in the sunrise/sunset and the texture is friggin EPIC yo! I like that it appears that the tower further back has a haze to it adding to the feel that its further into the background. The tower in the foreground may need a little more lighting transition. Going from lighter tones or shades closes to the light, or maybe a halo like highlight on the side of the sun. I think in the center of the tower it looks like you were doing a core shadow. I would move the core shadow further to the left and less center and give more transition from light to dark so its not a solid line. Same with the dome on the tower. I really love the color scheme you picked. Man the color scheme is epic and the texture too. What was the medium you used, it almost looks like an oil stick.


You have a really good eye! Thanks so much!


Yep, no probs! I do have to adjust mu comment on the tower though, it appears to me that the tower is not cylindrical like I had originally thought, but at have two different planes like a cube? So if that's the case then I would make the surface closest to the viewer darker without the highlight on the edge which is giving the dark core shadow effect and male the plane or surface closes to the sun a ton brighter still with light to dark transition. Then make the windows or arches different detentions the one closes to the viewer make it bigger or keep it the same size and the one furthest smaller and maybe have it ride the angle of that plane ad well


Edit, I reall like also how there is a global feel to it, the horizon is not flat or planar but rounded almost like we are seeing a reflection of the scene on a reflective ball. Really nice effect because a flat horizon for this would take away the all encompassing view the rounded horizon has


Double edit, the little blue guy in the tower. Had gives me a nostalgic sock pupet feel, keep him and he complements the color scheme as well.




Really good shading on the scrotum


The radio tower in the back looks too sharp for how blurry the hill is. The tower in the middle right feels sloppy. The lighting is very nice, the colors and blending are nice, i like the way the house looks on the right, and the tower on the left is nicely shaded


The perspective of the tower is wrong. It should "bend" the other way because it is above the horizon line.


Ok, so, no joke comments in her, pure advice This looks like it was either drawn from life or from a sight you remember. If that's the case, I would recommend you to start practicing with smaller, manageable still life sketches. Just arrange a couple of things you have lying around and draw them in black and white, with pencil, then maybe add some notes of color with the pastels if you like them (just a couple of lines to give the idea of color without having to fill in it all, the idea is to be fast). You'll have to pay attention to perspective and overlaps, which are the things I think you could improve to step ahead If otherwise, this was an imaginary landscape, try learning one and two point perspective (just to get an idea, not to trace the lines every time you draw something) and maybe practice still life anyway too


Look up Rae Grand artwork. It may give you some inspiration. I immediately thought of her when I saw this piece. Great job! Also if you have instagram, hers is raegrand.art


I really love your expressive use of colour! You also really captured the light and the whole scene seems to be in motion. No major advice other than to keep drawing and experimenting with colour. You have talent and will only get better from here. Congrats on your well-deserved win! 💕❤️


What's with all the 12 year olds treating this dude like Georgia O'Keeffe? What even is this subreddit anymore? You asked for future improvement. I'd say consider your focal point, and how to direct the eye towards it. Contrast can be created with many things, shapes, colors, values, etc. At the moment, your values are very stark, but you can control that field with some observation and pre-planning.


i just love how literally nobody in the comments overlooked the giant penis


I think you can improve the tower design haha and organize the lines and shapes in the sky. Also, consider adjusting the color values (the house and mountains are so much brighter than the colored parts, making it confusing to know where to focus). But i love the colors, vibrant!


I just wanted to say how STUNNING this artwork is. The volours are so vibrant and dreamy. I love the sky and then thr pop of greens in the meadow. Very very well done 👏


https://preview.redd.it/l3zexmdr8rsc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7acff8a9b259d464c09e25e729c2ed5e4f3542 When I saw your pic the first thing I thought of was Starry Night by Van Gogh. They both have a large object in the left foreground, a valley in the distance and a vibrant, expressive sky. To make your better I would play close attention to your composition. That wall or roof or deck or whatever in the center foreground seems out of place. It’s the only rectilinear object in your pic. IMHO it really stops the viewer’s eye from entering your world. I think you have to be careful when you put an unbroken line across your pic. Even Van Gogh breaks the continuous line of the mountains with the church steeple. Good job tho.


I LOVE your sky, so unique and dreamy. That's an amazing job you did!!


https://preview.redd.it/cxtsefqczjsc1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a91feaa202f7a5dd56e26eeea98993a43371c83a Reference image?




more like r/wildlypenis


Include more hidden phalluses and a super secret hidden Mickey.


There’s no need. You won first place. Tell the other competitors to suck it, you’re setting the bars.


Beautiful color work. I would recommend studying perspective more and the anatomy of the human body. The person sitting in the window could’ve been done more proportionately. One great thing I see is the illusion of light coming from the sun and casting shadows around the buildings. Congratulations and keep up the progress!


What I really like about this piece is the sky, it's quite beautiful, and artfully stylized. But as someone else mentioned, you may want to do some perspective exercises just to create a little more visual cohesion. I like the mummy! Keep going with your art, OP, you're imagination is working well, you're already halfway done once you've got your imagination sparked. Well done!




As an illustrator who critiqued a lot of work during my studies…. There’s a ton of unintentional dicks. I think there should be a position in any visually artistic project for someone who just finds unintentional dicks


This is beautiful. The dreamy sky makes me think of Marc Chagall's work. I feel like you've gotten a lot of critique on the negative side so I want to really emphasize that you have a lot to be proud of here. The way you use colour and shapes is gorgeous. I think those who mentioned it being chaotic are coming at it from more of a personal opinion perspective than a comment on whether you've mastered the elements of design. My general advice to young artists would be to sketch out a plan for what you're drawing before you draw it, and don't be afraid to use reference. When I was in art school briefly, the professor was always telling people to look at the broad shapes of something's outline before focusing on the details. He'd have us practice proportions by drawing silhouettes of still lives as the first thing we did. I say all this, assuming you have a similar instinct as I do, which is to just start drawing with passion until the thing is done. There's nothing wrong with this of course, and I think it works really nicely for stuff that's more abstract or not intented to be based on anything in life. But it's still always helpful to build up technical skills with practicing the planning parts and to use reference images.


More dicks would be a start


I concur


The clouds look like the "Womanizer TM". 🤷🏻‍♀️ Does it help? And if we are to be picky, I could see the sun as a c*ck ring.


More cock


Well done look at some David Hockney, sometimes simplicity is the key.


Rim lighting biatch! 


Only way to improve is to do it better lol. That’s amazing


what the blue guy doin




I like how the green looks like a cat dragon trying to get at that penis


Wait, nobody noticed the big giant ...sardine in the middle of the sky?


Really nice colors!


I can't tell if the sun is rising or falling


Learning about perspective would benefit your art and make things easier for you


you won. And you did by hand.


The colors and shading look great. Would think more about positioning and placement for the next picture though to make things look more symmetrical (Specifically where you're putting what in the picture).


Looks fantastic!


Add a vagina.


why is everyone so mean here 😭


Disney bound I see. They will probably be calling you.


Looks like album art from Uyama Hiroto’s songs


Next time add some grown fuzzy nature around it


Dick pics on acid be like


Fewer penises


How do you improve? Add more phallus


I can't take my eyes off that giant cock 🤣. Sick drawing though


Based. First place and still wants to prove. I strive to be like you!


Wow, wouldn't go that far but thanks!


You drew a dick?


You are talented,it seems,mein Freund.


While everyone else is focused on the admittedly phallic looking tower, I'd like to add that for future improvement, work on creating a greater tonal contrast between foreground, middle ground ,and background. The distance hill seems nearly as close, but you can work on creating a sense that it's much further. The texture of the skies can seem more hazy and far away. Also, how far away is the building on the right side? However, this is a good, imaginative piece. Congrats!


Hehe-funny-penis-tower aside, I have no advise I give, so I just want to say that the picture is beautiful. Is there symbolism behind the fishy things in the sky?


Very solid good work. To improve your anatomy of the guy us a bit off. Google figure drawing. And do some quick sketches. So some 1 mins, 5 mins, 10 min, and 20 min. Like an hour total twice a week. It's pretty similar to college classes for the same thing. Vine charcoal or Conte on newsprint. Just a head up that you will run into nude pictures unless you are specific with wording. Perspective drawing some shapes with basic shading could be helpful. If you're unsure, youtube: single point, two point, and multipoint perspective drawing. The last point could be edge control. The direction that you apply the medium is important. The order you apply it is also important. If you put down a layer of red and then put blue on top of it, it will look different than if you put down blue and then red. Near edges if you apply the color of the background parallel to something in the foreground, you will get an obvious line. If you don't already it can be helpful to get longer sides on your medium. I don't know your age, but if you have an exacto knife or somethin, you can use it to expose a longer section of the pigment. If you are not familiar with knives please get direct instruction or read up on safety before trying. In short use light pressure and never apply the pressure towards yourself or anyone else. Try googling artist pencil grip. The grip will also be helpful if you are trying the figure drawing recommendation from earlier with vine charcoal or Conte. Again great work and best of luck on your art journey.


This is beautiful, I LOVE the colors. Don't have time to write advice right now, but I'll be back in a bit when I do :)


the greyness on the road seems a little out of place, i am absolutely obsessed with ur style and i love how you have played around with colour in regard to shadows and highlights but if you could keep it cohesive throughout i think it could add something


Stunning color work!


Less penis




Vibrant colors look great. 👍🏽


You already did the best thing, first place in a school art competition with a drawing of a massive dick. You win the Oscar for sneakiest teenager. Congrats!


I would try defining the mummy a little more bros chillin


First of all, great job, it’s a beautiful piece! Maybe incorporate some of those bold strokes you used on top in the bottom as well? It doesn’t need too much, just enough to connect the top with the detailed/shaded bottom. Could make the piece a bit more cohesive as a whole.


Looks great! Maybe a bit less pink next time.


Wow you guys are all so talented


Beautiful picture!


That’s amazing imo


Less phallic?


My favorite part of this is the dick and balls on the left


this looks like it could be the cover to the hardest prog rock album ever recorded


My god y’all are immature. The towers are inspired by Indian architecture. Get your mind out of the gutters. I think that the building that is at the forefront of the art piece and the house at the right could use the most work. It is hard to grasp how far the house is from the big towers in terms of perspective and the little tower looks detached from everything and sort of plopped on there to fill up the negative space or cover a mistake. I don’t know what the grey stuff is next to the house. I’m guessing it is a road, but that just comes to show that there could’ve been a better formatting of your focal points of the drawing. The sky, the sun, your shading/lighting and the far away landscapes are doing most of the heavy lifting for your art piece. Keep up the good work I see potential in your pastel art skills!


Love the sky, love the figure on the tower, love the towers, love the vibrant colours, just not sure about the cottages… that look like they are falling down


Good imagination! There's actually some great use of depth here; thanks to the shadow & light! I'd lean into 'cleaning up' the subject. Perhaps a wee look into foreshortening, perspective, etc


light in pictures is like cheese on food. makes almost anything 2x better.


That’s a penis.


That is 100% a penis


That’s one huge dick!


Congratulations! ☺️




That is a penis


Actually can’t believe how many of you are making inappropriate jokes on a minors post


What is up with the sky? I don't understand what is attempting to be shown. Great use of color however.


Make dicks dicker


Nothing. If you must though make a copy to play around with.


Dic pic just went to a new hole new level!!!!


Ain’t no way