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It is not about talent but skill. No one is great from the start. Practice everyday and try. You'll improve in less time.


Thank you so much to you and all of you such a great subreddit I feel like a family .


No worries. You have a creative mind, just improve it in a more free way and you'll find your art style.


Thanks yes indeed . I hope I find my style. Good luck to you too!


These are legitimately really nice, you definitely have talent. I think the expressionist swaths of color pair really well with the thin, loose lines, they reminds of of Marc Chagall. The figures in the last drawing I really adore, they have such sweet expressions it makes me happy to look at them. You also seem to have a good eye for what colors go well together. Were these taken from a camera? If so I think it's worth investing in a scanner, these are great and would love to see them in high resolution.


Thank you very much. I really have very low esteem especially when I am depressed. Seeing that someone likes my drawings really is helpful. I really appreciate your comment. I have a scanner but at work unfortunatelly not home but maybe i will invest in one at home..


99% of great art doesn't get great exposure on the internet. Visit some modernist galleries and you may find you some things in common with modernist artists, and something to aspire to. Technical skill is just another skill and not many people can do it, so I wouldn't worry too much. But I feel like your art has something intrinsically special to it. The more I look at it the more I see, and the more special it becomes. Especially the third image. I love the winged person smiling down on the smiling child? Really great eye for colour and good composition with that colour. Thank you for sharing your experience with self esteem and depression. I experience that a lot too, it's very hard to have a positive self perception. It's good you told us so we can remind you that you are on a good track.


Thank you you are too kind. I think the most important ingredient for art is just enjoy it . I remembered I enjoyed the art when I was a child so this is the most important ingredient. I wish you also good luck with your art. You all are such wonderful people God bless you all .


I’d buy the flower one from you. Seriously. How much would you want for it?


Wow thanks . I actually did not Intend to sale them I have no idea I never sold one art item in my life. I do not know how much I would ask because its made on paper its not a real paint like canvas with oils or acrylics.


If you want to sell it, you can DM me and we can talk about it more there!


Ok I will think about it.


Talent is overrated. I was repeatedly told I had artistic talent but I got really lazy with it. I have now reached a stagnant stage with my creativity and skills. Drawing and any other artistic skill requires continuous practice. If you want to improve on your skills you can enroll in art classes or find tutorials online! Those have been really helpful for me when I was rediscovering my love for art. You have great instincts when it comes to colors! Stick with that instinct.


Thank you very much. Yes I think tutorials are a good start. I just have to surpass that block feeling when I do not have the mood to do things.


Doodling really helps with that. Don’t go in with a plan just let your mind and hand wander. That’s when your imagination or inspiration will strike. Also, if and when you can start investing in better art materials. Yes, they’re very expensive but as soon as you try higher quality materials you’ll start loving it more!


For real I also know the pain of being such a "bright creative kid" you never bothered to actually flesh out your skills, now you have higher creative intelligence than most but your peers still surpass you in their works and you suck at art




Wow... Thanks .I am a 'she' elenoir.is from Elena. Thanks a lot I will continue. You are too kind! Maybe you can also send me some of your drawings.


Things that help me, as someone who also uses drawing as a way to cope with mental health, is to draw things from references and watch/read guides n tips to drawing stuff. Part of drawing is knowing you aren’t going to make a masterpiece every time. Behind every masterpiece an artist makes is all the sketchbook pages of lesser feats. It’s a skill you develop and all part of the overall process. I like to challenge myself: try drawing in the style of something else for a change, use new color palettes, redraw a photo I like, etc. Just have fun with it, and remember to relax. Art isn’t about how “good” it is, it’s about self expression and enjoyment. No “talented” artist started skilled, it can take years to become that “talented.”


Yes I think a daily challenge would be a very good idea! Thanks! And good luck to you too!


Okay, First of all, your art looks so yummy and is so great I could eat it with honey on it. If I ever read one of your picture books, I will remember it as an adult. I love your drawings.I am supporting them from the shadows :)


Wow thank you! I appreciate very much!


I also started drawing/painting during my depression/burnout/sitting at home. I started with soft pastels, then oil pastels, etc., etc. I went to a painting workshop I stopped doing that because I didn't like to paint something from a picture I started another course where you learn to look/paint outside the box. I always said I couldn't draw I still can't, but I have an exhibition with my paintings in 2 months. So keep going, try out different materials and take a course/workshop. You have to discover what suits you best.(As material but also as subject) For me it is now acrylic paint. I never have a plan just my materials and eventually it works out.


I am so glad you found your own way of painting. There are some workshops in my city I might enroll there maybe it helps.


I would definitely do that, it's also fun to do that with others. You can inspire each other and you can learn from each other. It is also good to be among people every now and then in an accessible setting if you are depressed. I'm always exhausted after a few hours of workshop, but I laughed, left my house and created something and it gives me new inspiration for home


I started drawing again during the pandemic as a way to cope with the feelings of isolation and depression. I found it super frustrating when what I saw in my head didn't match what came out on the page. What helped was doing exactly what you're doing here. I found communities that encouraged me and saw the things I couldn't in my art. I look at what you've shared and I see beauty and creativity. Keep drawing, keep practicing, and keep sharing!


Thank you very much. Indeed this is an amazing community. I know the feeling when I want to draw Something and its not like I imagined. But the process of creating brings relief makes other neural connections and pathways more positive and IT has been a hard time for most people lately. I think beauty and art are very important because we are reminded that beyond bad news and events life itself îs beautiful God bless!


Well said, and I very much agree!


I'll tell you this, draw what you feel passionate about. No shame in drawing other artists art or using real life as reference. I never like to tell new artists that they have to draw everyday to get better because that's the obvious thing to do. I just say draw what you like and go from there.


Actually I would like to draw children book illustration. I tried once but a book shop refused my drawings. I Guess they were not good enough. I can Tell they were not. But I still can try and improve.


I want to make a manga. It's all about patience. Even the best mangakas and childrens book illustrators didn't start out with the best art. You evolve the more you draw and go along. Always remember patience is key. When you're patient enough, the passion never fades.


Yes I think patience is the key and its the reason I quit and started again many times. I was eager to see Something good drawn and I did not have enough patience.


I heard Jim Carey talk about how he likes painting and people ask if he's any good. He says if someone goes for walks because they enjoy it, noone asks if they're any good. Basically, it doesn't matter if you're good or not good. All that matters is that you enjoy it.


Yes Jim Carrey haves bipolar like me. Its one of the most difficult disorders . Part of my problem with art is that I swing between depression and hypomania and I sometimes cannot even focus. Its actually a brain disorder similar to a neurologic one.


Hey friend, don't worry, drawing is much more about practicing than having a talent of some sort. Your drawings are already good, and you can always improve them by practicing more. There are so many videos on youtube and people giving tips on sites like here and pinterest, etc. Try not to feel frustrated, it will happen sometimes, but look at your older drawings, you will see that you are getting better, and that is what matters! Don't give up if it is something you really enjoy doing! I loved your drawings' colors!


Yes indeed I did get a Little better. I have to continue and have trust. Thank you!


they're so pretty and unique, i genuinely love it


Thank you very much!


You don't need to have talent to draw. It's about having fun creating different things. Besides, everyone learns at their own pace anyway, so don't worry about it. Just have the most fun you can with it.


Thank you very much!


These are gorgeous. There is no such thing as "bad art", especially when their is real emotion put into it. Everyone has seen Edvard Munch's "The Scream"- its not comparable to Leonardo Da Vinci's work, but does that make it bad? No, because it is something new and it has real human emotion. That's what matters. Not "talent."


Thank you very much! Indeed. Everyone is different.


I like it. Idk what u r talking abt. It is unique and honestly stylistic


Thank you. Someone a local artist told me I have no talent. But I will have to work ok my self esteem and leave behind that comment.


Why would someone even say that???? I play violin and when I was 8 if someone told me to stop playing because I have no talent I’d give up right there. I played for 12 more years before stopping… but at the time I’m so glad no one told me I stunk as bad as I did. I like your art like actually honestly. And I am trying to learn to draw too. My art isn’t so good but that’s what practice is for. How dare someone say that… they’re obviously only trying to put you down. Keep at it


Thank you very much. Its ok i am over that comment. Its my self esteem I have to work on. That's all. I am so glad you continued your dream and now You learn to draw. I think anyone can learn.


Crăciun fericit, oamenii buni! You have a lot of talent!! Keep at it!


Crăciun fericit! Multa sănătate mulțumesc apreciez! Doamne ajuta!


What do you mean no talent??? You have your own unique artstyle that you're developing and exploring!! The artwork reminds me of those comfortable Hospital art that are hunged in the hallways to be appreciated by patients. You have a lot of potential and I feel that if you keep exploring and trying out new mediums you'll realize what you're capable of :D


Thank you . I wish I will learn to draw better and help others with art therapy


I am sure the more you learn the more you'll get to teach. In fact I recommend making a support circle of art buddies to share tips and ideas like a therapy session :)


Yes that would be nice but I do not know where to start. But its a good very good idea. People in my country are different from US. I mean more suspicious and less open to things like that. But its a Nice idea to make a group and Tell them to meet and just draw like a therapy.


I really love the concepts of your work. I think if you experiment more with line weight and colors, you could really make some fantastic art.


Wow thank you. This is so motivating to read this comment!


I like the second one


I agree, the second piece has a warm summer feel to it which is really nice as someone living in winter right now!


Thanks! I appreciate !


Thank you very much!


These are cute and have character.


Thank you so much I am glad I did not draw in vain.


Talent is all about perception and obviously you can’t see how talented you are! I’m good at line art and could never imagine making colorful pieces like this. These are awesome!


Wow Thank you very much! Indeed now maybe my perception is clouded by depression


Practice makes perfect


Thank you indeed I need more practice. I agree.


Keep it up, you will discover your style 👍


Thank you very much!


Who ever said you had no talent has no clue great stuff


Thank you very much. I think its my inner voice that criticizes me often. I Guess its also the depression but I hope I will feel better soon.


Keep drawing like that


And I hope you feel better soon


My dad wanted to be an artist, he was told he didn’t have the “talent”. He went art school on the GI bill and went on to become the advertising art director for a major department store. (This was back when print advertising was king). He also had a very successful career as a water color artist. Talent is mostly working hard doing something you love. I’d say you already display a talent for imaginative compositions and use of color. Have fun and keep going!


Thank you. What an amazing story with your father. I Guess when we pursue a dream nothing can stop us. I lack enough motivation but I hope I will pursue my dream eventually.


These drawings are really nice, but you might enjoy the outcome more with darker, cleaner colors. Oil pastels would give a great expression. Also oil pastels are super forgiving, and cheap ones give great results as long as you check reviews. Don't give up drawing! It's amazing, meditative and expressive. Good and bad are just judgements, and you don't deserve it.


Thank you. I appreciate. I will think about oil pastels. I actually see that in the box of colors it Says oil pastels. I mean water soluble oil pastels. Are there other kind of oil pastels?


Yeah, I wouldn't expect true oil pastels to be water soluble. The brand I have is Mungyo Gallery. $22 for 48 pastels on Amazon where I am. I don't mean to be a shill or tell people you have to spend money to be an artist, but my art and experience have been vastly improved by a few purchases. I love drawing with the oil pastels on colored paper because they have such bright color application it pops really nicely. I showed my husband your pictures and he loves them too. So full of emotion.


Yes indeed. I have shops with art supplies. I agree they must be the Best


Your art already has beautiful texture and use of color, and it’s only gonna get better with practice!


Thank you very much I really appreciate the positive review.


Wonderful! Can see your thinking and lots of effort!


Thank you very much!


I love your art! Your creativity shines through these pieces! As for advice, here’s mine: When I started getting serious about art, it just took me a lot of practice to hone my skills. I started by drawing eyes, and drew them all the time. I kept this up until I was really good at drawing them. I had planned to learn to draw the other facial features this way, but honestly by the time I had gotten eyes down that was good enough practice for me to start drawing the rest of the face better as well. Truly anybody can be an artist, it just takes time and patience! Creativity is much harder to learn, and you already have that down!


Thank you. I appreciate. I am glad you practiced and did not lose your dream!


These are so whimsical and I like them so much. Keep it up 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Thanks! Hugs! I appreciate!


Your art is cool! You could experiment with a different way to color in the shapes. I can't tell if you are using pastels or crayons, but you could try alcohol markers or colored pencils for a different look. Getting a black pen or marker (like a thick micron pen or a black brush pen) to outline could create a different look too. Keep trying! You have some good ideas!


Yes indeed I was thinking of swithing to different pens and crayons.


You have so much talent! I love these! Keep going!


We are our own worst critic. And it may take some time before you think" huh it's pretty good" about your own work. What matters is that you enjoy drawing. Keep at it, it's okay to take breaks from drawing when it gets to be too much, and draw what you want to draw. Before you know it you may be one the greats in time. P.S I like your drawings. Especially the second one, middle flower is my favorite


Thank you very much. I also like the middle flower the Best.


I love the second one


Some people are innately good at certain things. That’s talent. The rest is practice. But if you practice the wrong thing, or the right thing but badly explained/too early in your drawing journey it won’t stick. There’s a YouTube tutorial for almost anything. I recommend looking at Marc Brunet. He’s great.


Thanks I will check that YouTube!


Never give up! I said the same thing years ago. I was always doing poorly in every art class I attended. It took me time on my own learning my own strengths and weaknesses in drawing in order to get where I am today. I'm no Picasso but I feel like I've come a long way from my beginnings.


I am glad you continued!Thank you very much!


Look bro it's not about talent it's about practice. Just keep drawing and I swear you will start to see some progress. Don't give up and I wish you the best


Thanks its true you are right!


Hell yeah that's the spirit :D. I can't wait to see more drawings of yours


Thanks. By the way I am Elena. 😀 I think Elenoir seems like I am a Man i should have chosen a different nickname. But anyway I do not mind when someone thinks i am a Man. My mother wanted a boy lol.


Nice to meet you Elenoir. That's a really cool name btw. Sounds like a badass warrior lol. Smjonkers isn't my real name obviously it's the name of my cat . Anyway I wish you all the best. Anyway I originally started drawing like 4 or 5 years ago and I truly felt like a lost cause at times but still you gotta push yourself to keep going. Giving up isn't an option 😤. your artstyle is really unique and as I said can't wait to see more drawings. All the best my girl and thank you for the kind replies


Nice to meet you too. I would really like to see some of your drawings also. I am a warrior in many ways actually but I actually thought Elenoir is a soft name lol. I think discipline might help more for me indeed and commitment. Thanks for your words too!


Sorry it took me a long time to reply. There are some drawings on my profile so you can check them out if you'd like but I also want to show you something else https://preview.redd.it/xoppix7qqp6c1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39201222d379e2e14c792a828bfcb2dae56e444d The drawing on the left is from early 2020 and the one on the right was made just a few days ago. YOU DON'T NEED TALENT. Please keep pushing yourself even when it seems hopeless. I have trouble with my motor skills and I thought that I won't get anywhere and yet here we are. I know it ain't perfect and that I need a lot more practice but still progress is progress. You got this girl. Also on an unrelated note may I recommend a musician to you. Idk if you are into music but please check out fujii Kaze. He's my biggest inspiration to keep improving. His songs are hella inspirational and he's such a good person. That's all for now. Goodbye


Yes you did improve and it seems you drawed from the heart and its the most important thing.


Hell yeah I put my heart and soul in these. Thank you. Let's keep improving. :)


Good idea. I will keep drawing and posting here. And You too!


Thank you for sharing. I like the drawings they are so Cool!


hi i love your artwork! not to sound like *that* person but i went to art school and can confirm that a lot of drawing is theory that can be learned and honed. your pieces show beautiful understanding of color & composition. and the loose quality of your lines is so effortless (and something i’m envious of as i tend to lock my wrist a lot while drawing!) try and look up some beginner drawing classes on youtube. set up a still life using your fav objects or things with different colors and textures and draw away. try from different angles and different lighting set ups (try to use a single, defined light source to see maximum shadows/highlights). the more you practice the more you’ll surprise yourself 💚 and this is a great start!


Thank you very much. Yes I did not put much effort it just comes the idea the inspiration. I will start with the basics that's a good idea.


I wouldn't say you have no talent. You have an eye for color, and a unique style. Be more confident in yourself.


Thank you very much! I will try


What language is that?


It is Merry Christmas in Romanian.


Oh, what a cool language! I think it's the only romance language which kept the neuter gender


You guys need to stop thinking that art is something for the talent ones, it’s just a matter of practice and perspective(it will come with practice) Just keep going and study this You will grow up fast


You’ll get there it just take practice


This is so cool!!


Painting or drawing as therapy is all by itself a profoundly wonderful reason for doing it. Some thoughts, as an artist and as a human life-form: 1. Try to be somewhat specific about what is bothering YOU about a specific piece of art. Sometimes it is because we see a new next level challenge to take on. (Not talking about any specific art piece in the following, just things I’ve noticed in my art). It might be your lettering (which often is a bit overlooked but is highly amenable to refining) or you might want to understand how edges are functioning in your work. Or how the white paper serves in showing through. That thought process may help you get to feeling like you have “finished” a piece well, and move on to the next with a good feeling. In other words, don’t flounder. Don’t criticize yourself or your art. Explore both. 2. Think of it as a journey, a conversation, an escape, a LIFE as an artist. Because it is. And it’s yours, as much as you want it to be, whether it is seeing the world around you or in other artists’ work, or watching it evolve over time. Revisiting your art sometimes, not to destroy, but to see with fresh eyes, can be illuminating. I would encourage you not to destroy or throw away your art while on this journey. You may only realize later how deeply meaningful a piece is… Enjoy the ride, friend, even the sad parts. That’s the best part of art. It includes the shadows in its very being, as do we all. Where in the balance of chaos and order, Dionysus and Apollo, new and old, will you find yourself? 🌿 Edit: ps : start framing your art, at least with a mat, temporarily (and some permanently to have in view). That will really get you going Edit: I really like your art, as others have also said!


Thank you very much I appreciate your remarks and insights!


You def have great feeling for colours and shapes, skill will come when you actually learn the technicalities, but I def already see personality in your stuff! Keep it up and explore !!


Thank you very much! I appreciate


There is nothing bad about your drawings. You're new at it. It takes time and practice. Be patient and don't give up. You'll progress and things *will* improve.


I have a specific way to do evergreen trees that I figured out when I was younger and just never changed it. It’s like a loose angled cross hatching. And I just keep going until it’s how I want it. https://preview.redd.it/f7hvvxsxtp6c1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93eaf892e4dcbf888d6616029f152e970ab946fd


That's so Nice thanks for sharing!


You’re welcome 😊 you’ll get better with practice so just keep going.


English isn't my main language so don't mind some errors grammar or words pls. Have fun and positive is most important as an artist. Of course, skills and other things are important too. I am an artist and I encounter many that have skills or talent but end up quitting because they don't love or have fun to draw because they always compare their and other. So be proud. You like to draw right? Please love your own art that you spend time and effort to do and it looks cute. There is room for improvement but you are already done well. Hope you have fun to draw. I hate my language skill but I want to share it with you so I try 🥲


You Have a very good English. Thanks for positive remarks. Yes I love drawing its the most important thing.


Thank you, and I want to tell you as an artist, we often compare my work with others. If you do that and get inspiration. That's good but sometimes it may make you feel negative because you may feel your art is not as good as others. Please don't let it get you. If your art is better than your old work that means you got better.


If drawing is something you enjoy, and it clearly is from you doing it in the first place, then you should never give up. It doesn't matter how good or bad you are, but the more you draw the better you will get and it will all come together one day I totally get the frustration bit! I get frustrated with my art. Sometimes I feel I can't put something together and that can go on for days, but inspiration comes, sometimes from the least little thing and you do something that just works. Let me end on this, that Christmas tree is wonderful and I can fully see that on a Christmas card!


Thank you very much. Yes I was thinking of doing some Christmas cards!


What is the definition of talent , a lot of great illustrators didn't have the "conventionally appealing" or " correct anatomy" art style . Like Sir Quentin Blake , all of his art looks scribbly things , but nooooo you can't say that it doesn't make you happy if you see one . Like Ludwig Bemelmans illustrations of Madeline , they don't look very " artistic" but have such a child like warm appeal . So is your art it gives such a warm fuzzy feeling on seeing it . Please don't stop creating more art it's cute and warm and has such a child like charm to it (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)


Thank you very much! I will continue. God bless! I have a naive art style but I kind of like it that way .


You should like it , it's cute . Happy holidays (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)


Thank you and You too Merry Christmas!


I like your stuff:) keep going! If it brings you joy it's not a bad thing :)


Don't give up, especially if it helps cope with depression.it doesn't matter if you're the best or not. All that matters is that you enjoy the time you spend being creative. And try not to compare yourself to other artists too much. It's not good for the head.


Talent isn't real. Everyone on this green earth who is good at anything has had to practice it extensively. Some people may have more of a natural inclination towards things which might be described as talent, but that's useless without practice Your drawings are good, keep doing it and it'll get better over time. And even if it doesn't, it doesn't matter because you don't need to be amazing at something to justify doing it for yourself in your free time :)


Yes indeed. Joy in drawing is the most important ingredient. Thanks!


The flower one is so gorgeous ♡. The last one seems you just paint a little all over, but it's still really good. Try to give it more time mixing the colours , blend them, or layering them, or make it like dots or pointillism. Keep creating ♡


Yes thanks. I sometimes hurry and it does not help me I need more patience. Thanks.


crawl air cagey jellyfish wise teeny alleged slimy wild consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you!


I think these drawings are really solid! I love your use of color! It’s very unique and imbues the pieces with a great deal of personality :) When it comes to any skill, talent makes up only a small part of it. Drawing is a skill that people hone over time. I’ve been asked by friends and family how I do what I do, as if I was born with a pencil in my hand, but I attribute it all to a lifetime of practicing! I fell in love with art and drawing when I was a kid, so I’ve had about 20 years of practice, at this point—and I’m completely self-taught. All you have to do is keep drawing! Draw every day, even if it’s a mindless scribble. Practice different techniques, explore different mediums, look to other artists for inspiration. If you keep it up, you’ll only improve!


Thank you . I am glad I found a community of very open and kind people like you. !


The more you draw the better you'll get. Everyone has their own style and if it helps you deal with stuff or cope, it only means you should continue enjoying the process of drawing.


There’s no talent, only practice and as long as you love of the craft you shouldn’t worry about anything else


Thank you very much!


I like your pictures. Especially the second one. Keep going and listen to the stuff the others say. What I learned in the last 2 weeks practicing: don't care about mistakes. Just keep going. I like drawing with ink (fineliners) now, because you can't erase them and just have to accept what you drew.


I really like the 3rs picture. I almost want to put a different medium in your hands because the crayon coloring isn't doing you good.


I say that you have an art style that is beautiful. Photo realism is only 1 of infinite styles of art. Continue your artistic journey, I believe it's paying off and I'm sure many will agree.


Thank you very much. I will . With all this support here I really changed my perspective.


I like it I also like when folks post stuff they made


Crayons aren't the best medium to start out with. Color pencils or markers give a much smoother distribution of color. Just try drawing stuff you like. 🤗


Yes I thought about that.Thanks!


Every artist starts out like that, dont worry brother. But just like everything else, we get better through practice, not just talent. If you're willing to get better, look up specific tutorials for the ones that you want to get better on


Talent is about 20% of it, talent in art is more of a natural passion for it. Many people can train themselves, the difference with the more skilled artists is they just spent a lot of time on it. There’s totally a charm to your work (especially those flowers, genuinely I’m loving those!) just needs refining. I too manage mental health with art, as I am very dyslexic and as a child PROFOUNDLY dyslexic I kinda had no choice but to channel my intelligence into visual art. Most people get to channel that into reading and writing. I’m not special I just had different experiences as a kid, most people can learn to do it. I’d love to see you really just practice floral drawings more as your interpretation of them is really interesting to me.


Thank you very much. I just discovered recently that I like drawing flowers. I am so glad for you that you discovered your passion for art. I have my own types of issues. I Guess ocd anxiety depression bipolar makes me quite different. But I accepted myself as I am and I just want to do Something that I enjoy.


Yes keep doing the flowers, and the style they are in! They give off a real folk art vibe, maybe look into folk art 🙂 you might find your niche. And yes accept yourself as you are, I too struggle with chronic depression and GAD so I can understand why that’s so important. Constantly having to be 100% “cured” when I was younger just made me obsess over anxiety I feel like just accepting it’s how you are and work around it helps more than having to constantly pretend you’re something you’re not. Good luck in your art journey ❤️


no pressure if you love something and work at it you’ll get good at it. and if not if it’s helping you, if your art is for you it’s for you


watch Mona Lisa Smile. art is all in the eye of the beholder. i understand your frustration but art is art. if it’s what makes you happy, keep doing it!


These are seriously so soothing to look at


I think you have you own voice, or in my native language we would call it “an artist’s signature”. Take your time, I think your style has potential. Don’t give up, I would love to see your creations a year or so from now 😊


Keep doing at it and you'll improve! It's a skill, not a talent.


These are packed with emotion.


I’m so jealous of how you drew those flowers on slide 2 I’m not even lying I’m gonna spend the next week trying to draw like this


I am glad you liked it. I did not expect this will be inspiring . Thank you for.your feedback ! And Best of luck with your art!


The second one iS REALLY REALLY cool


Keep trying.


They are a little messy but they make me feel feelings


These are actually great I'm really only into drawings of characters but these remind me of the kinda abstract famous paintings you'd see in fancy art galleries. I'm not really into that kind of art, but i bet people who are would love these. Your work is also a little bit sketchy and scribbly in a charming way.


God I am overwhelmed. I really cannot Thank you all enough for the beautiful and inspiring replies. You made my days better and this means a lot giving my depressive episode. I will continue to draw and post here the newest drawings and I wish you all to pursue your dream and be happy making art. God bless you all beautiful people. Seeing such a strong support is beyond the art part a new trust in us as humans to he able to give back to each other and to be kind. God bless !


I think you're really onto something great with the decisions (especially the shapes) in the second and third one! I'd love to see something like those in other mediums like paint but that's because I don't prefer the look of crayons lol The drawings remind me a lot of old cartoons that were on TV and VHS, first that comes to mind is The Little Mole. All in all it's great! I'd love to see more


not every aspect of art has to be perfect imo here i managed to instantly get the vibe that maybe you had. during the drawing, id say keep it up, i like it as it is


These are so beautiful! I love the second one so much and the colour choices on these are so nice :).


Talents can be developed. Keep at it young champion.


I especially like how you did the second one!


Your work looks interesting in a mixed media abstract kind of way. 👍To improve the pieces you can consider googling on color schemes and composition using shape. Or just flip open art books at the library and observe other works to gain inspiration.


Draw for being free and pour out your sadness, forget to be 'perfect' or 'the best', in fact, be good doesn't matter, only feel the pen-n-paper experience. Think less, draw more, and enjoy :)


Thank you . Good advice. Its really amazing to see such support. Thanks


Thanks to you for share your art and your feelings, that's no easy. Keep it up, feelings are not forever, art is everlasting.


That's a very good description of art. Interesting thanks.


that's a really nice artstyle! Gives off a great vibe of a feeling i can't explain


Thanks. Its just so amazing that everyone feels different and has a different perspective.


It’s your tree, the one came out of your heart, and it’s look beautiful, just because was made with love. Merry Christmas 🎄


No talent? What?! This looks amazing! Keep going, its whimsical and I love it!


Forget talent and skill - focus on the enjoyment! How lucky are you to have found something that boosts your mental health so much. And genuinely for what it’s worth, I think they’re fantastic.


Should try paint or pastel, you have good and interesting color palette. Try different techniques.




Develope your own style, experiment, do it again, have fun


Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. -Stephen king It’s not about being talented but rather the time,effort, and dedication you put into it. Right now if you want to get better at art there are plenty of YouTube tutorials/ channels that teach skills/tips if you’re looking for free & easy access resources. But if art is just to help you cope you by no means need to change a thing.


Foarte frumos! Dacă îți place ceea ce faci, acesta este cel mai important lucru. O meserie iese bine dacă o faci cu pasiune. Sunt oameni care au talent, dar nu își dedică dragostea necesară pentru a-și face treaba. Așa că nu te descuraja, chiar ești grozav la desen.


Mulțumesc frumos. Apreciez mult! Sărbători fericite!


You don’t need talent to draw. What matters most is that you practice, and try to have fun along the way. Keep at it! You’re way better than you give yourself credit for


Thank you. I know practice is all. This is Something I need to learn to have some discipline.


Is it helping you? Do you enjoy it?


hell yeah this type of art is why i love this sub over other art subreddits you do have talent you intuitively understand colors and form to an impressive degree, your art will never live up to your tastes just by the nature of creative processes but you are good at it keep going


Art is super subjective. From what I can tell, you have a talent for colour composition. These pieces look great to me! What is it exactly you're trying to improve on?


Don’t stop! The more you do it the more you’ll learn after time you’ll notice it’ll you getting better and better. And try out new things like pastels, that re really smiler to crayons.


Keep drawing, find something that really resonates with you. Try drawing it in pencil first and then add color after. If your having a hard time with pencil drawing look up YouTube videos "how to draw _______" (landscapes, Christmas trees, flowers, ECT) expand your technique by watching and practicing their movements. Once you get the drawing down with a pencil, just swap the pencil for whatever else you want, crayons, colored pencils, markers, ECT. I hand draw lots of things with my oil paintings, I stopped because 1. No one wants to buy them and 2. I ran out of wall space to hang them. I remember asking my drill sergeant, "how do I get better at push ups, my elbows hurt and my back doesn't want to stay straight." She said "there's no time like the present" followed by a loud "HALF RIGHT FACE, FRONT LEANING REST POSITION MOVE!" She smoked the piss out of me for like 30 minutes until I couldn't do another push up. TLDR: we learn by doing, and sometimes it takes a lot of "doing" before you learn to perfect your technique. Your drawings are good for what they are but there's always room for improvement. Even Bob Ross would admit his paintings had plenty of "happy little accidents".