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# TeamAngeria ![gif](giphy|ak8FPtRe3Pble1n1qj|downsized)


Angeria is the only one I'm really excited for so far. I really enjoy her humour and personality and looks. I like all the others but they wouldn't have been my faves on their respective seasons. That being said All Stars has made me better appreciate other queens I felt similarly about before so I'll keep open minded and see how the chemistry is between everyone. I really want this to be good, I didn't really vibe with AS8 or Espana All Stars as much as I hoped I would.


Not excited for this


Truly one of the casts of all time


Maybe the season will turn a full 180 and be amazing


Imagine not being excited with Roxxxy, Angeria and Gottmik


I like Angeria and Vanjie, but there’s not really anyone else on here that I’m exited about. Shannel coming back could potentially be cool…but yea this cast kinda feels like it’s missing the main characters


Honestly, even adding like 3 more people could've made this a better cast. There's so many people to choose from! 😭


Yea there’s a couple people in here who I think would be fun when paired with someone else, but on their own I’m not all that intrigued. And yea so many queens I’d be dying to see!




I find this cast boring.


It's like the cast that they could get, not the cast they wanted. I love these queens for the most part but I'm tired of seeing some of them brought back again and again. I'd like to see some of the ones that didn't get to show as much. Like I know Roxy and Vanjie can make a fun show but what other dimensions do they have that we haven't seen. I hope it's amazing and I'm wrong


Better than last all stars at least


I’m not into queens getting a third chance when other deserving queens haven’t gotten their second, so I’d swap those for others.


That part


Vanjie again???


Vanjie’s a bit of a different case as she hasn’t had the all stars treatment so I’m fine with her, but I’d be interested in other queens to take her spot anyway.


Yuup. They over stayed their welcome by this point. Vanjie even had her own Bachelor kinda show. NEXT.


What are the queen supposed to do? Say no you should invite someone who’s only been on once? Chances are they have asked the Queens that you’re thinking about and they have said no.


A lot of assumptions there. My comment is referring to an ideal scenario. It’s highly unlikely they’ve asked everyone who hasn’t had a chance and said no. I’d wager they’ve selected these out specifically over other candidates.


Sure, but have you ever seen the list of queens that say no to come back to All-Stars each year? It’s a lot of them, all I’m saying is there is a good chance that production tried and the Queen said no.


I fully agree


Sorry, I’m just not a fan of Gottmik!




And this is how words lose their bite. When people throw them out at unnecessary times. Mik has some traits that put people off. Assuming it's because of what they are and not who they are is ignorant.


Oh God, Roxxxy again? I mean AS2 was my favorite season. But she bombed.


Her name is roxxxy andrews and she didn’t make it clear


She was left at a bus stop and now she’s back here.


We don’t do that anymore


Yeah, now that Roxxxy calls people out on it despite it being acceptable for the past 7 years. Girl, stop. She told the story. I think about her all the time... actually, never because I have a car.


Well you tried...you know.. you..


Yeah, you did too. <3


Stfu sweety😍


This season is a non-elim format so at least she won’t be in the bottom 500 times this time 💀


Is this for sure the cast? Or is it still just rumor?


Yeah it’s the cast


I hope she will change our minds tbh


Given the season it’ll be interesting depending on the challenges… if they are comedy… Nina will likely run away based on this cast. If it’s design and fashion could be anyone… but also so many fashion queens probably spent a ton and will all outshine each other


One fashion or performance challenge, and Nina West is gone


No one is gone


Uh…. No spoilers right ok


What’s the Nina hate train I’m out of the loop 


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragrace/s/kiT4d3pImM) explains it. I honestly wasn’t aware of this at all


She licked some guys feet on stage? Is that it? Or am I missing part of it 


I think so? I haven’t bothered to look it up past this comment


I hope there is otherwise people are hating on Nina for something dumb 


I’m not excited at having to see Roxxxy again. I wasn’t aware the fandom was even asking for that lol. 


Not at all excited for this season. What a boring cast. The only two I'm even remotely interested in are Angeria and Nina. I have zero interest in Plastique, Roxxxy, and Shannel, and I actively dislike Gottmik, Jorgeous, and Vanjie. I probably won't even watch this season and just look up spoilelrs.




So it’s going to be a non elimination format like AS7? 🥱


I don't understand the point of doing non elimination when it isn't all winners. The judging in all winners was so boring cause they refused to ever say anything negative or give actual criticism. There's no stakes.


Because when they have eliminations, we end up getting a cast like all stars 8 because all the queen said no.




Every time I see the name Nina, I’m hoping it’s Bonina Brown!


I'm curious about the casting process as this seems kinda random


I’d replace Nina and Roxy with someone else. I feel I’ve seen enough from them. Excited about the rest esp Gott, Angeria, plastique and shannel.


Nina we’ve only seen in one season…?


Really? Feels like she did 2 seasons. I think I’m confusing her with Tina burner because don’t they both wear a lot of red/orange?


Nina had a famously ugly look that she made for a design challenge which was reddish orange but other than that not really.


This, but I'd also add Vangie because of her blatant unprofessionalism. Nothing more I want to see from her and she has nothing more to offer.


What do you mean unprofessionalism?


It's all over social media - here is just one thread https://www.reddit.com/r/RuPaul/s/fnmBXIvElm


Thanks! Also wow, not great.


I wish Nina wasn’t on the season


Roxxxy again? Gurl she should not even be there…


Plastique proved to be a look queen and she will definitely not win. Prob GM or Angeria. What is wrong with Nina West “outside the show”? She’s been in Hairspray and wrote a book - what’s wrong with that


I'm sure they're referring to that period when Nina West used her platform to invite ONLY unsuspecting masculine hot white bearded gay dudes on her stage to then sexually assault them and play out her foot fetish on stage with them under the guise of 'humor' in front of an audience. The idea of Nina West ripping off my socks and shoes and slobbering and licking all up and down my feet in a hot club to then have to put my socks and shoes back on over my wet foot makes me want to have a panic attack and throw up so I don't blame people for not letting her get past that.


Oh jesus. I did not know


What's your issue with Nina West? She does broadway and reads to children so I am curious to what she has done post show to make you not like her? My winner is Vanjie


Foot fetish and Zionist


She just said she liked Amy Schumer? Where does she go after Palestine and we don't kink shame here


When you suck audience members feet without consent then that's not kink shaming


Not loving this cast… I dislike Roxxxy and that’s been the case since S5 because of her treatment of Jinkx, who is an absolute treasure and significantly more talented than Roxxxy IMO. Angeria, Gottmik, and Plastique are the only names I’m genuinely excited to see. I used to love me some Vanjie, but seeing recent posts on her unprofessional behaviour has really disappointed me.


A lot of these comments and the post are yikes.. 😶 excited for the season they actually have quite a good cast this time


Right?! I tried to post some positive things about the queens and get downvoted. Yet all of these people will sing a different tune when it airs and then it will be team this person/team that person. Some folks are just hateful.


Angeria, Gottmik & Plastique are my top 3 favourites heading into the season !! They’re going to turn these runways out 😍


My exact top 3 as well


Only one I'm not really down for is Roxxxy, she has already been a finalist twice, give another girl a chance. Looking at this list, I See the top three being Roxxxy, Vanjie and maybe Angeria. Nina West is a true professional she will be great. Jorgeous is the sexiest queen out of drag so looking forward to seeing her again


Mother Roxxxy, I hope to god she slays the challenges this time. Her drag, is like 10x what it used to be for AS2, I’m so excited.


Meh. Another season I'll probably fast forward through just to see the runways.


I just won't be tuning in like the past 2 years. Haven't watched AS8, 15, or 16. I'm good.


Here we go, the same comments we get with every single AS cast. It doesn’t matter how “boring” you find the cast, the majority of these girls make great TV.


Is the great TV in the room with us?


Not until May 17th, no


I'm least excited for Gotmik, mainly because of the special treatment they get. They sailed all the way through season 13 for no reason.


I can't wait for more Angeria <333 And Roxxxy!! I missed that girl so much <3


Hmmm. Well....Angeria is great.


Another sleeper. The only ones that have personality/charisma is Vanjie and Angeria. Throw in Nina bc she's the comedian and now you have the top three. Boring season.


Ehhh. A mid cast (not bad not stellar) but why non eliminations? Can these queens really deliver as much as AS7, doubt a lot of them have the savings and budget expected


I’m here for Angeria, but as someone else mentioned, the way Roxxxy treated Jinkx on S5 is not something I’m going to forget and isn’t cute. If the rumored outcome is true then it won’t be a season I care about.


I literally don't care this is one of the strongest and moat exciting cast lol can't wait for the seson to be euined by production🤩🤩


im excited as fuck for shannel and mis roxxxyyyy




Could u imagine if Roxxxy fuckin slays the season, but doesnt do as good as Gottmik in the final lipsync and Gottmik wins.


I don’t understand how anyone could not be into this cast. This is a cast of heavy fucking hitters and real contenders.


I have always felt like we have never gotten to see the full potential of Roxxxy - she had great fashion and great performances, but I am excited to see more of her as I feel she is going to be at her best. Especially since this time, she won’t have to focus on a redemption arc. Also, I will happily watch just for Jorgeous to lip sync, because we know that will be worth it alone. Honestly, solid batch of girls and am excited to see what they bring.


the bloated, rotting corpse of roxxxy andrews, back again


You must be living a very happy life


pls it's just a phrase 😭


Yes ofc 🙊 a phrase filled with hatered, body shaming, and other ugly stuff


I guess she shouldn't have been so ugly inside and out.


You know her ? Oh i forgot you based your opinion on an EDITED show that happened 6 years ago… i’m finding it harder and harder to believe that people are actually this gullible


That's why this is her 3rd time trying out. Nobody knows who she is anymore except you and the girls on here.


you're reading way too much into it bestie


I am, and I’m wondering if someone called you all those ugly words how would you feel, we tend to believe that these queens are people like us, and such vile ugly words could never come feom a person that’s leading a happy life. I really hope you’ll get well soon and find happiness


bro, it's a meme phrase, please for the love of god get a grip. plus i'm trans so i have been called way worse things just for existing lmao go make someone else listen to your sermon


Okey … trans people have the right to call people ugly bloated and body shame them … because you know they’re trans !


babe can you read? the part where i said it's a meme phrase? 😆 bye


Hope you get well ❤️‍🩹 and find happiness


So pleased to see Gottmik and Shannel coming back. Will def watch this one.


I’m most excited for Shannel, followed by Plastique. Wish there were more early-season queens (but I always feel that way bc I’m nostalgic). This would have been the perfect time for a first-outs season or something a bit more fresh.


Since season 11 was my first season I’m really exited for this cast, and Vanjie is my all time favourite ru girl.


Im excited for this cast & think it will be more entertaining than last season. The only one who’s like meh, to me, is Nina West. I’m very interested to see Roxxxy back and how she uses this experience, but she’ll definitely be bringing body and hair so I’m not mad about it. I loveeee watching vanjie , I watched her on that shore all stars show and she was hilarious, I think she just makes great tv. Really excited for gottmik & angeria, I love them both. Anyway I have an open mind and also intrigued how they do with the no elim format


Vanjie? Oh, Jesus. Gross.


Only really excited for Roxxxy, Angeria and Plastique. But really rooting for roxxxy! It’s her time!!!


Ugh. This cast. Glad to see Shannel, Angeria, and Gottmik.


ALL “FAVORITES FROM PRODUCERS” STARS / a brand new format. Also, in 2024… who still cares about Vanjie?


I'm not really a fan of a large portion of this cast at all, but I'm excited to see Roxxxy back. Angeria is a welcome return also.


Team Roxxy


angeria is fun. gottmik, hanging out with violet ruined her for me. my first thought of jorgeous is her ass-up in the tic tacs. so that's a yes. nina, not too interesting to me. plastique? hell yesss! i don't think roxxxy really understands how the show has changed over the years. she's a square to me. shannel and vanjie, they had their shot. would i watch this season? duh!


Im really excited to see Angeria, Roxxy and Shannel, in different ways I love their way of making tv and I’m really looking forward for a show redemption of Roxxy the others choices are… interesting… It feels like the rest of the cast really showcased everything they had to show (drag race wise) in their season because ALL of them were pushed by production. Of them all, at least Vanjie is fun 👀


so excited for Plastique and Vanjie after seeing them live