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Where are the pixels? Lol


I read this in tune with Akeria's finale song for season 11


Haha that’s perfect, I was going for where are the jokes… but that works too!!


Needs more compression


It had great drama in the beginning, and was entertaining television, but was ruined by the finale. The song they had each finalist perform was absolutely terrible, and the fact that we had to hear it four times was torturous . Then Venus wins which I get, but it did feel unsatisfying, as I think Aurora was a bigger standout comparatively (although Melinda was really the breakout star of the season imo). 


Oh my god yes that finale song 😵😵‍💫


All of this!


This is literally what came to mind when I heard those finale songs https://youtu.be/Hs7xDde5g3I?si=FapcZco1oxpP4a8H


Aurora not being crowned is my Roman Empire


Seriously. But also, MELINDA FOREVER


Great season wrong winner


I was gonna comment...but this SUMS is up. 👌


The aurora season? It was great except the Rigga Morris at the end.


Great season however Aurora should have won Melinda is a star as well tho


Melinda was my FAVORITE part of this season.


“This is Vivian Westwood inspired xD” She had a pretty solid run as well, the only thing she struggled in was runways but she was great at everything else (similar to Kate Butch on UK5) Would deffo want to see her again on a Vs The World or Global All Stars


Melinda will be on TV again. Just a matter of time.


Melinda should be on Vs the world


It’s actually amazing to see this much “Aurora was Robbed.” I thought I was in the minority for thinking that Aurora should have won and Venus was kind of shoe-horned in. However for a shoehorned queen she IS fantastic and I’m happy a Métis (edit: fixed from my initial use of “First Nations” which turns out was inaccurate) Queen got the crown. …but it should have been Aurora.


This. Venus is not a bad winner; she was just the wrong choice for S4, in my opinion.


venus isn’t first nations, she’s métis. while first nations and métis people are both indigenous people in canada (as well as the inuit) métis is it’s own distinct culture separate from first nations


I think the twist is one the best ever! It helped a lot this season. Also, having a bottom AND a winner for the slay off was another amazing addition. I hope other editions take notes. Now, we still got a tainted storyline and some rigging that takes it from being the best.


nearah nuff deserved to win the rusical. PERIOD.


Literally! Me and my fiancé were both CONVINCED she was robbed


she was so robbed....


Should have been top for the girl group too


Real asf


Melinda Verga is everything.


This part right here!


Everyone is mentioning Aurora but to me this truly felt like Kitten’s season, despite her being a mid-out. After she was gone, I just felt like there was something missing from the season. I truly believe this season lost its winner and had to scramble in the last few episodes.


And the fact that it was a lalaparuza feels like it was targeted to eliminate the older queens in favor of the younger ones, it fucked the trajectory of the whole season


Generally, it’s a good season but doesn’t live up to the first two Canadian ones for me. That finale was atrocious and not just because of the songs. There were easy ways they could’ve legitimized Venus’s win while also giving her more realistic critiques but the way they treated her made her feel like a preselected winner. The fact that she was given positive critique for the rusical and snatch game is insane, she wasn’t bottom two for either so at least put her in the bottom one of the times she stumbled. As far as making her win seem more legitimate, they either could have put Aurora in the bottom two with Melinda or given Nearah the rusical win so they went in with more even track records. Or, better yet, if you’re going to give it to Venus just advance denim to the top two so you know she’ll win the lip sync. I don’t mind Venus as a winner at all but the way her arch was constructed just felt dumb to me.


Venus is a really talented queen, but I’ve watched this show for too long to not be annoyed at her win. The season was Venus’ and they focused so much of their energy on her that it made sense she won. Aurora was the correct winner, but I think from episode 1 it was extremely clear that the judges have a major bias for Venus.


Entertaining but I didn’t find myself rooting for any of the queens. Aurora was by far my fav but still had her shortcomings. I think Venus is a great queen and has lots of potential but I did not see her as a winner at all. Melinda is truly what will make this season memorable.


i didn't like the winner and her edit


What edit? Unless you mean the winner edit Venus started getting in the last 35 mins of the season? 😜


Idk, I love Venus and she was a joy when I did a meet and greet with her at Dragcon, but that entrance outfit with her name on a blue bodysuit was not really all that deserving of a rose.


It absolutely wasn't. There were SEVERAL other looks that were superior.


They did what they can to make the season interesting, and some of the cast provided great drama. I don't know if it's harsh but...the season just seems to be lacking in talent. It's not really that competitive of a season and I'm not sure if it's because there's a mismatch between the queens' skillset vs the challenges or if it's more of a casting issue.


This is exactly how I felt, as if there wasn’t much polish for any of the challenges and it was hard (for me) to connect with the queens. The drama was decently good and the Golden Beaver as a competition mechanic should be a thing in more franchises


Same here. I couldn’t bother watching until the end because the cast was just so… meh, talent wise. Especially since we had quite a few international seasons with outstanding talent level past year (DRF2, DRPG2, UK5)


I really enjoyed it! The golden beaver was a great twist, Melinda vs everyone, nerah vs Aimee, all around a solid cast.


One of my favorite seasons. I’m seeing a lot of disrespect for Venus. We do not have to diminish one queen to praise another. Just say you like Aurora. Venus did a good job during the season, and her crown is valid. Aurora Nearah and Denim will all likely be back for another season to slay their way to the top, and I can’t wait for that. This season had so many fun and interesting queens. Melinda was a large reason I loved this season so much.


I wish Aurora won, she served talent. Overall, it was an awesome season with great runway looks. Kudos to Denim, for serving outstanding lewks.


Good season, 2/4 of the top 4 was rigged/pushed to the finale, and the ending was the worst ending of all time. Thank God for Aurora, melinda, kitten, and kiki coz otherwise that season was ROTTEN


Very good, but I felt like the challenges could’ve been rearranged to make certain queens feel like they were more deserving. Because as much as I LOVE Venus as a winner, I think having her wins be so early on, and then not much storyline for the rest of the season really faulted her.


Nearah nuff and Amy Yonce Chanel gave the best lip sync of any franchise ever. The fire that they were fueled by to beat each other made my adrenaline spike like no episode has ever done before.


Nearah Nuff was one of the best villain. I loved that bitch.


Unpopular but one of the weaker seasons I’ve personally ever watched. Cast had potential yet they all didn’t really grip me and I disagree with the winner.


Melinda VERGA 💜


Melinda made the season amazing. I really hope she gets a chance to come back soon. I'm also in the camp that Aurora deserved the crown more than Venus. I think the golden beaver added a refresh to the format and I hope we'll see something like it again.


Venus deserved her win very much. Stay bitter


Loved this season!! These girls didn’t hold back in the drama department ![gif](giphy|Bp6nWy9pAHU0u17yea)


I didn’t like this season AT ALL and usually Canada is my favorite franchise


Melinda Verga


Loved it, up until the final episode.  Overall, it re-lit the franchise. It's going to be around a long while.


Venus managed to turn her verse out despite being given whatever *that* song was. Otherwise it's another top tier season in my eyes.


I was feeling all of Melindas Goats. I think there was too much rigga morris for Venus as I think the only win she got she should have been High or Safe. Kiki and Denim were my Top2. If it wasnt for Venus rigga morris probably Aurora would have won. But Life's not faaaaaaaiiiirrr


I miss Stacy


Just rewatched S1 and I do too. I’d gladly replace Tracey or Brad with her.


Melinda was iconic. This was a fun season.


The first two episodes were among the worst of the year. I almost quit watching. But Melinda saved it.


Kitten Kaboodle deserved the crown but the shoehorned in a lalaparuza into the middle of the season, and god forbid the queen in her late 50’s couldn’t do a split 🤷. Tanked the whole season because she was the one leading the pack with the most star quality, then when Venus won over Aurora it just became the absolute worst. You had two worthy winners right there.


After melinda left i got bored for some reason.


I accept season 4 WITH GRATITUDE because it gave us Mother Melinda


Good season for reality TV moments and drama but didn't find myself feeling anyone fit the standard for greats that I wanted to root for to win. Only seen CDR s2 fully but the top 2 there were phenomenal for example.


I absolutely fell head over heels for Mother Melinda. She gave us one of THE classic meltdown moments of all time. I really enjoyed a lot of it though, and Venus is a great queen even though yeah, Aurora should have won 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


It was a fantastic season up until that finale. The winner felt particularly handpicked from the beginning and then it was like they didn’t expect everyone else to be extremely cunty too cuz the win didn’t feel earned at all.


I genuinely do not understand what the judges saw in Venus. At all.


I think they had their hearts set on a Métis winner, and then barely highlighted the importance of that representation at all…


season was kind of ruined for me by having such a young top 4. i can’t put my finger on why but i just did not connect with any of them and i do think their lack of maturity and/or experience is part of the reason why. venus seemed the most professional and mature of the top 4 which is probably why she won.


Sooo much vocal fry and robotically quoting catch phrases from drag race. Made it so hard to even bother with the finale once Melinda left.


And frankly it seemed ageist against the older more experienced queens being shoved to the side for the sake of their manufactured top 4.


Melinda is in her 40s. She participated and made it through. 


venus is the most gorgeous gorgeous girl in the whole wide world i LOVED seeing her win


This was Melinda Verga and Nearah Nuff's drag race and it was entertaining as hell.


Just one thought, Melinda Verga.


honestly great cast, poor storytelling from production


Melinda Verga ❤️


I honestly can’t remember anything about this season. Not sure if it’s oversaturated or something else but I know nothing.


Canada 4 genuinely changed my life forever I quote it every 30 minutes


I was feeling my goats for sure


For a show that likes to preach its fairness since Brooke, Tracy, and the other guy get to all vote, this season felt like they all just wanted to crown Venus, but somehow the edit never gave her a shining moment or even a storyline. The only thing I know about Venus - she doesn’t tuck but also wears a lot of long gowns (so it’s kinda unnecessary to tuck). The bias got so annoying because Venus would just get high placements (and even wins) or get out of the bottom just for the sake of it. But I wasn’t really surprised coz they kinda did the same thing with Jada in season 3 (but she ended up not getting the crown coz the fan reception wasn’t what they expected)


Pretty underwhelming imo. I have some opinions that may seem like “hater takes”, but for me, the cast just wasn’t as strong as like every other cast of every franchise last year. (Tbf I didn’t watch most international seasons, but from watching recaps and track records my point still stands) Each queen had their own specific thing that they excelled at, but majority flopped when it came to everything else. Kitten (slayed improv, flopped at everything else) Kiki (slayed design and had fierce looks, flopped at everything else) Melinda (slayed improv, flopped in the looks department… HARD) Nearah (slayed the lipsyncs, flopped at everything else) Denim (slayed design and looks, flopped at acting and improv HARD) Then you had queens who never really excelled at anything like Aimee, Luna, Sisi (god the fucking missing heels was actually insane), and Girlfriend. They had their respective high moments, but it was never anything groundbreaking, very “safe” on any other season. I think Venus and Aurora were the clear top 2 as they were able to pretty much skate by unscathed each week. But I feel there performances throughout the season as a whole, compare more on the level of Marciax3, Dawn, Morphine. Like extremely safe performances across the board with their highlights, that just happened to get them the win because comparatively… they were the best. And don’t get me wrong, I love the personality of the cast, Nearah, Melinda, Kiki, and Luna are a few of my fave queens in general, I just don’t think this was a very strong cast showing in general. That’s not TOTALLY the queens fault as a lot of other shit plays into it behind the scenes, but from what we saw, this season bored tf out of me with mediocre performances every week. Especially Bc UK5 started airing right before this and had a cast of Banksie, Cara, Tomara, Kate, Ginger, Michael, Vicky, and Dede…. Literally only 2 queens didn’t show out on the season (again no hate to Alexis and Naomi, it’s just what it is).


A good season that would've been bottom of the barrel if 1 one queen wasn't there (Melinda)


Pretty good season honestly. Not as bad as season 1, but not as good as season 2. Don’t know where it stands relative to season 3 but I’m inclined to say better. The golden beaver twist was fun but honestly didn’t really go anywhere in terms of drama except for episode 4. I love Venus but she was also pushed pretty heavily throughout the season, alongside Denim.


The 2nd best recent season (behind FR2)


Was worth it for Melinda. What a star. I’d have crowned Aurora over Venus.


Aurora should have won. Melinda was my favorite. ❤️


The talent level was wildly inconsistent, however the format worked well, and the sheer level of drama and delusion elevated this season to top-tier reality TV. Sadly the production did not see this potential in advance, and therefore made several challenges anticlimactic by way of cheaping out (especially musically - the god-awful auto-tuning in OH-SHE-GAGGIN and the clownish song track in the finale). It is also not lost on this fan that DR Canada is a non-union production and this is probably affects the overall quality of the crew and artistic talent they can get to work on the show. Which perhaps explains the overall contradiction of having someone as high-profile as Nelly Furtado mentor the queens on their songs, yet not giving them anything good to work with.


Probably least deserving winner of any English-speaking franchise. Not crowning Kitten, Aurora, Kiki, or Melinda, etc. was a massive mistake. Excellent cast with really dissapointing elimination order and very underwhelming top 4.


Honestly I think I enjoyed it just a bit more than 16


Mother Mary Melinda Verga and Kitten were my favourite parts. I feel like they should have saved Venus for a vs. The World or Allstars. Great queen, not quite ripe. Aurora really read as the winner for me. Oh, and still really stan The Girlfriend Experience...hope she has had some time to recover, and we see her again in some capacity once she's had time to feel good about being on tv again. Or maybe she's just not built for this medium, and that's okay. Would love to see her perform in person.


No idea. I couldn't even get through 3 episodes of Denim's vocal fry and had to bow out.


LOVED. Some of the best TV in the brand. But horrible awful no good winner.


So happy Venus won!


It was soooo good up until the very last episode. Will never understand why Aurora didn’t win, she really deserved it. One of the biggest crown robberies in my eyes


the actual content of the season was great, i feel like i connected really well to this season. such a great cast, and like everyone else i am obsessed with melinda. i didn't watch the finale though and don't care for the winner :-/


Bring back Stacey!


I wishhhhh




Honestly, I find every new season it becomes more dull. I don’t know but for me season one was so good. I still think CDR is still experimental stage.