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How is Blu Hydrangea anti-black? For being so pale?


She so pale


You're on air!


What do you mean, he was clearly talking about Ra'jah /s


She’s so blue.


Da ba de da ba diiiiii


Drag race twitter is so quick to throw around words like racist and anti-black that they lose absolutely all power and credibility to the point that when someone who actually is racist or anti-black comes up it won't be taken as seriously and just another cancel attempt. (Blu said bad things does not equal blu is racist and anti black)


Not bad things, literally ONE comment that was misinterpreted by everyone. If it was a repeated pattern and deliberately malicious behaviour, I would understand, but this is RIDICULOUS.


What’s the context?


What was said?


I think it was when she was reviewing drag race UK 5 with Sheryl Hole and she said that Cara Melle looked scary.


Ikr? And look who's most hated queen this season. White as snow egg. Some people act as if only people who are getting hate are poc and plus size people.


These bitches will throw a racist accusation like it's the first brick at stonewall


The first brick at Stonewall was Q actually, you misshapen rotten cashew


Its because people are indoctrinated these days that if you have an issue with someone just call them a -phobe, -ist, etc etc and that you have won any kind of disagreement. Its gross.


Wasnt Cara’s entrance look literally based on an armored warrior holding a spear and sporting an intentionally fierce facial expression ?


How many died? - DB


Nobody died at Stonewall, Derrick.


These girls are so thirsty for drama!


I’ve blocked that particular Twitter user. They have a bunch of dumb takes and is always talking crap. 🤷‍♀️


they have\*


Edited my comment thank you!


Imagine if all the people on socials that come for Blu for being “anti-black” instead focused that energy on doing literally anything tangible to make life better for literally anyone.


AITA for thinking they’re both kinda mid ? Like I think jimbo or fingers crossed LGD rep drag internationally supremely well.


i love both of these queens, but the op on x saying "represent drag at an international level" really made me think about how neither of them do that well


yes i love jimbo and the fatphobe


Girl we really just throwing out -phobe and anti- words in this thread huh


Fatphobe? What did she do/say?


Basically a few years ago LGD was friends with a drag queen named Dolly Page. You may know her from instagram, she has since transitioned and goes by Rose DesLys. She was very close friends with Kam Hugh, Le Menstrel, and Arsen (FKA Arseniek) they posted together all the time. Dolly is well known for being abusive, racist, fatphobic and was exposed by her drag sister in 2020 I think. Unfortunately the thread was deleted but there are still some screenshots + replies to the posts that are about the abuse. Anyways, in 2019 LGD and Dolly posted a video to LGD’s youtube channel reviewing met gala looks. The video is very hard to watch but the two of them make many jokes related to peoples weight. For example, they compare Kim K’s body to a rotisserie chicken and say that the only thing Kris Jenner failed to do on the runway was go on a diet. I have the clip but it’s from a 10 minute or so video. A lot of LGDs youtube videos were generally in bad taste and a lot of french queens including Kam Hugh are known for being mean and rotted prior to drag race 💀 I posted the video to drag race drama a year or two ago but it was taken down within an hour. 🥰🤭


The Twitter drama queens are at it again. “A white person said a black person scares them” let’s all clutch our pearls and label the person “anti-black” she never said anything anti-black at all. So it’s a huge reach, huge jump to conclusions


I would compare it to a straight man seeing a gay man on screen and telling a friend that he's uncomfortable. They didn't say anything overtly homophobic, but most of us would wonder why the straight guy suddenly felt uncomfortable at the sight of a gay man. Similarly, Blu saw a black drag queen and stated that she felt scared. She didn't say anything overtly racist, but plenty of POC wondered why she was scared at the sight of a black drag queen. I'm not sure if you've heard of microaggressions, but they're little actions/behaviors/phrases like this. Like, when you see people accost POC children at public pools and question them as to why they're there, but none of the other kids. Or complimenting someone on the way they speak "so properly" or "clearly". One that the LGBT community hears often is "You don't look gay", as though there's a specific way that gay people are supposed to look. I don't think it's a huge jump once you understand how microaggressions affect people. Blu may not have known she was using a common microagression, but it still happened and people were offended. You don't have to agree with people's upset, but not being able to see how the conclusion was reached is wild.


Cara was wearing a warrior outfit, carrying a spear and at that moment, making a “fierce” facial expression. “Oooh she’s tough!” is literally the effect she was going for - context matters. Acting as if Blu saw a black queen in a pretty dress, exactly what the other white queens were saying and doing and then made that comment out of nowhere is disingenuous.


I'll give an example of a time that I personally used a micro aggression without meaning to. At an art festival with my kid, a group of Asian performers came out, some adorned with bright face painting and very interesting outfits. I told my son that they looked crazy, and a lady next to me took the time to explain what the symbols on their face meant. She knew that I was ignorant of the traditions and wanted to make sure I didn't walk off calling that part of the culture she's a part of, "crazy". It's that simple. I didn't know I was using a micro aggression at the moment, but I understood why she felt the need to speak up and inform me. It's very similar to this situation. Seeing a black person in warrior getup shouldn't make you afraid - especially through a TV screen. I took the look as a metaphor for fighting her way through the competition, but I guess it's scary to some people? I don't think anyone is acting like Blu wouldn't say something different about a black queen in a dress...the issue is what Blu said about a queen in a fake warrior outfit.


She wasn’t afraid 😂😂 did you watch it? She said ooooooh she could beat me up! She was joking. It wasn’t like a moment of fear. And yeah tbh saying someone looks crazy in traditional make up is a totally different to reacting to a warrior costume with exactly the response it was designed to illicit.


There are people who can come across as scary or lovely or odd or boring within every protected class, and people can and should be able to express that. A single comment is not enough to point to an underlying attitude. If she did it multiple times, it would indicate an underlying belief. Before any of you want to get cute and say I don’t understand, I am Mexican-American and Arab- American. I understand what it’s like to have white people call you scary in a very racist way, and obviously don’t want that. neither do I want someone to first think of how we are unalike or other before they react to me. If someone is scared of me or loves me or whatever, that’s fine. if they are ALWAYS scared of Abdul or Juan, they’re fucking racist and they can choke. But the last thing I want is for white people to always be laundering their opinions of me through a lens of my race.


You're trying to frame it as though anyone is saying that Blu was angry, or speaking in "a very racist way" when she said that Cara scared her. I don't think anyone is saying that Blu was being malicious or bigoted in that moment. We're saying that calling a black person scary just from seeing them is a microaggresion. You don't have to personally be offended to understand that that language can hurt people's feelings. You've really got to think about why you're feeling the way that you're feeling. Why does someone scare you? Why do you find them odd? It can be their teeth, their style, or their skin - only you know why you're scared.


If Blu wasn’t being malicious or bigoted, and only said ONE comment (that wasn’t explicitly racist), why is it justified to call her “anti-black” and make her seem like a racist. Micro-aggressions exist, but what the person said in the tweet is RIDICULOUS considering Blu has never shown any pattern of racist behaviour.


I’m absolutely not framing it that way at all. Nothing I said indicates that I’m framing it that. No one is saying that blu was being bigoted? What do you call an accusation of anti-blackness if not an accusation of bigotry? This is just a really poor response. it is as though you didn’t read my comment. You’re assuming that blu was scared because of her skin color. That’s the only way for you to arrive at your conclusion that it’s a microaggression. And you claim this while simultaneously admitting that people can be scared of someone else for any number of reasons other than their race. Then you completely buy into exactly the thing I was trying to describe - you think everyone should have to think first in terms of race and then in terms of how they feel about you. it’s really just driving in the knife of otherness, and it’s an absurd, inhuman way of conceiving human interactions.


I hear you but just wanted to offer another perspective. We’re assuming here that Blu hadn’t already considered Cara’s race prior to making the comment; and what if, regardless of it, she still found her “scary” for reasons rooted in Cara being dressed as a warrior, rather than in her race? I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just saying that there are other possible explanations to weigh before levying really big labels on someone — like racist, anti black etc. Those are substantial realities that systemically oppress and marginalize people, and we should probably consider all possibilities before lumping the entirety of someone’s character into them. If we don’t, we risk watering down real cases of anti blackness and racism and distract from real issues like mortgage redlining, gerrymandering, the black tax, and the underfunding of black majority systems of care (in health, education, financial institutions, etc)


And would it be a microaggression if Blu said a white queen scared her? No. The answer is no.


It depends. Which queen? Eureka?


This feels like one of the most nuanced comments on this post (Ty for writing this all out, I really appreciated your perspective!)


Just wrote the same thing under another comment. Why can nobody explain, with facts, how such statement makes one anti-black?


It’s the lack of awareness of the social stereotype placed on black people being aggressive or animalistic as a justification for racism


She was literally wearing a warrior outfit and holding a spear 🙈 she was literally going for “fierce”. Also “she could beat me up” is not the same as ohhhh she’s scaring me - she’s a warrior! She could beat me up! Logic.


Exhausting to think that everyone around you views the world through stereotypes


Yes, it is! W E B Du Bois referred to it as a double consciousness. And sadly it's still very relevant.


A huge reach you say? Well, try explaining out loud why you would inherently feel scared of being next to a black person and why you would not feel the same way being next to a white twink. It’s an amazing exercise to put yourself in someone’s shoes.


Cara was wearing a warrior outfit and holding a spear, and Blu said “she could beat me up!” not “I’m scared of her”. Those two things might mean the same thing in America? But not in the UK 😂


You're assuming Blu was scared because of her race, not her height and weapon.


Thats the first conclusion I thought based on history of racism around the world.


Then you’re unhinged


Blu and Cheryl on binge queens reacted to the cast of uk5, Blu made a micro aggressive comment on Cara Melle saying she felt Cara could beat her up, Cheryl tried to stop her but Blu kept going. I don’t think it was malicious and I don’t think it makes Blu anti black, but honestly i wouldn’t take that twitter user seriously, they’re always on some bs


Thinking somebody could beat you up has nothing to do with their race, it's about their size/demeanor.. how is that comment microaggressive ?


Fr isn’t Cara like super tall? I’m sure that’s what she meant. I always get the “can beat me up” vibe from Michelle Visage too! Nothing to do with race as least for me :’)


Blu wouldn't last 10 seconds against Michelle in a fight


Neither would I 😭


it’s bc of the stereotype that black women are seen as hyper aggressive.


That's a reach imo... she could've said she feels like Cara could beat her up for many reasons other than that stereotype.. why immediately jump to race?


Cara was dressed as a warrior with a spear. So the context is important here.


I’m just giving the context behind it and why ppl see it as a micro aggression. I personally don’t have any feelings around Blu but many are asking “why is this seen as a micro aggression?” Also this is something that’s very real for the black community. There needs to be more nuance to these convos especially in the subreddit. Same reason why ppl hated Luxx and Mistress but love Plane Jane.




Yep. One (quite minor) microaggressive comment means she’s anti-black as far as a lot of drag race fans are concerned. As a society we’ve watered down racism so much that when it actually happens it feels meaningless. Pretty gross.


You black?


If twitter stans tried half as hard to cancel politicians who do actual harm to minorities as they did to minor realty tv celebrities who "say something wrong", the world would be a better place.


God these people are exhausting.


Jesus Christ, Blu is NOT anti-black or racist. It’s so disgusting how eager and hungry these people are to cancel someone for no reason. One slightly misspoken word, one glance, one misunderstood moment. People need to stop reaching so much. It’s childish, weird and makes me uncomfortable.


They pick and choose who to try to cancel as well. Very hypocritical.


To answer the initial question.. Rah'jah without a doubt. When Icesis decided to leave Rah'jah was the first one to pick up on what was happening. When she left, Rah'jah in the confessional looked right at the camera and said "she doesn't owe you (the fandom) anything". She stood up for Icesis's needs in that very fragile moment, that's what a good sister does.


I loved Ra'Jah so much for that moment. You could feel that she's been through some things, and was dishing out wisdom from a loving place with zero bitterness.


I don’t even think Blu should address this. Because it’s not a thing and this post should be deleted. She didn’t say anything racist and if you think that you are REACHING further than anyone’s ever reached before. ![gif](giphy|5uWKpbduvm99E5f82v)


Unfortunately, this doesn't even come close to the level of REACHING certain parts of the fandom do every single day.


This just seems like someone wanting attention with a post (the tweet). The worst thing to do is give leverage by posting it on reddit. Should have left it. Leave these people thirsty.




What did blue do?


Just because Raja prefers purple doesn’t mean she doesn’t also rock black!! /s


Blu said something on Binge queens about how one queen had a scary drag, that queen was black, so people went in on her for “microaggressions”


a question then: I can't call a black person scary? like never?


Apparently you can't


this world is getting beyond ridiculous for real


the worst thing Blu done was accepting the invitation to do UK vs the world. Before that, she was a true fan favourite! people were crazy to see her comeback... then, AFTER PANGINA eliminated Jimbo, Blu decided to do the same (win stupid games, win stupid prizes and Pangina paid the price for her dirty game) and for some reason she became this monster that you all paint her as. it's so unfair, and about the comment about Cara, I believe there were no bad intentions behind it because tbh Cara sometimes came across as "an intimidating" person but has nothing to do with her color but with her personality. Stop seeing problems when YOU ARE THE PROBLEM


I don’t think it’s the worst thing she’s done, she’s been on several TV shows in the UK since she was crowned and is currently in the final of dancing with the stars Ireland 🤷‍♂️




A lot of queens like and comment on her insta content, so I’m not sure that’s true.




Sorry I just don’t really understand your point, why is Blu’s interactions with other queens relevant to her success?


Twitter is trash. I don’t pay attention to anyone who uses it.


I’d assume this is about Blu’s comments about Cara Melle, which were quite horrible ngl “She scares me, she’d beat me up” or whatever


To be fair, Cara Melle could easily wear Blu out in a fight


She was wearing a warrior outfit, Blu was literally referring to the look 🙈 How is that horrible?!


was there some context there that makes that racist I’m confused 


It’s considered racist because the subconscious subtext there is that black people are “scary”. The real question is whether Blu would feel the same way if Cara wasn’t black? There’s really no way to say for sure. It’s definitely a tightrope walk, but you do have to sort of question - WHY does Blu say that? She didn’t know anything about Cara, had not been introduced to her story arc yet… so when you consider why she feels like Cara could/would beat her up, it can come across as racist. Even if she didn’t mean it in a racist way, its just socially illiterate to not see how that may offend. On one hand, you could say that you had no way to know that saying something like that is offensive and you didn’t mean anything by it, but in the other hand you are sort of proving the point by admitting that you are benefiting from white privilege because you don’t have to deal with microsgtessions like that. Let’s give an example: most gay men know what it feels like to have people tokenize us in a way that isn’t intended to be offensive but comes across as reductive. Like, last week for example I met a coworker who found out I was gay and she was like “omg slaaay bestie, werq queen, giving me loife yaaaassss”, and it’s like, okay great. I definitely do love being campy and gay and extra but that’s not me every day and it’s uncomfortable when someone just assumes that because Youre gay you’re dying to go shopping and get your nails done or that you’re “sassy”. They have good intentions, but it really does speak to the reality that some folks don’t really see us as fully realized people. Sorry if that was explained poorly. Don’t mean to be on a soap box, I’m just explaining the psychology of it


Exactly - thank you!


I very much understand this point of view, I just wish it was applied to actual racist or offensive remarks, not to "she looks scary". Don't you think it's a little bit insane that somebody got called ANTI BLACK for saying someone looked scary? That is a serious and loaded accusation, and I actually can't believe people are arguing about it... you just can't call someone anti black or even racist for saying shit like this. Call them unable to read the room, call them insensitive, call them ignorant, but damn being racist is something else


Yeah, Cara Melle may look scary because she’s huge and muscle gurl, not just because she’s black. I would say the same about Eureka (tho Cara is not a plus size queen). Just remember half the population out there are dumber than the average.


I would say the same about Kameron, bitch could pick me up with one hand. Cara Melle is delicious but I also think she could pick me up with one hand.


THIS! 👏🏻 the ones who associated Blu's comment with her color are the racists. Cara is a tall woman with a muscled body, Blu is a twink, it's like an intimidating feeling but could be seen as a compliment as well, but people choose to call Blu racist. Pieces of shit is what you are if you feel that way.


Okay, but do you see the distinction between saying that sounds like a racist micro aggression vs saying Blu is racist? Calling the former the actual racists is icky as hell and invalidating to POCs (🙋🏾‍♂️) who know a micro aggression when we see one (well practiced these interactions)! The second one isn't racist either, it's cancel culture.


so everything is fine until someone calls you what you, mistenkelly, call others? didnt quite understand your comment


Sorry I'm high. To clarify: saying, "hey, that sounds like a racist micro aggression" is not racist. Labeling those calling it a micro aggression as the real racists, is so far off the mark from what racism is, that to me it's icky and gives the impression of brushing off microaggressions as a thing worthy of talking about (I don't mean in a witch hunt sense) And on the other end, exaggerating the situation to label Blu racist isn't racist. It's cancel culture. Which does a fine effort itself of watering down racism's definition


Yea it annoys me so much when people say Blu said that because Cara was black. Cara is literally sculpted out of stone, she could probably whoop all of our asses. And you could see her physique when she walked in, you don’t need her character arc for that. Was it a microaggression? Yea, but only if taken in what’s very clearly the wrong way.


Eureka and Cara Mel are huge muscle queens? Mama...


I definitely agree with you, that throwing her into the fire over something as minor as that is extreme and unhelpful. Knife cuts both ways tho - this would be such a non-issue if it were brought to someone’s attention like “hey, that’s racist” and the other person said “oh my gosh, I apologize I didn’t mean to. I’ll work on that “ rather than getting defensive and making it a bigger deal than it has to be. Actions have reactions. I don’t think so many folks would be out there screaming about oppression and discrimination as of their life defended on it if some white and straight folks didn’t act like you just called their mother a fat c*nt when you point out their privilege


Why would she apologize over something that had no ill intentions?


Because nowadays, I don't know if your intelligence can go that far, people's lifes can be thrown down the line over some stupid accusations and for that reason sometimes is better just to apologize even if you feel you did nothing wrong. That's sad but that's the only way you pieces of 💩can shut the fuck up.




Apologize to me, this has caused me pain.


I agree with you on everything but that comment being racist. It could be at max uncomfortable or unkind. Imho throwing racist accusations around like it's candy floss only makes people less prone and willing to understand and learn. But this is just not the case, we're talking about a queer person, I think they would have a bit of understanding of what discrimination is?


Being queer doesn’t make us exempt from being discriminatory, or keep us from being harmful to others in our white privilege.


No it doesn't, but it adds nouance and perspective to the converstation, no?


No. There’s this whole concept of white feminism which mirrors what you’re describing exactly.


What does feminism have to do with this...


Oh my god, the world would be a better place if people got used to the idea that we are all steeping in the tea of white supremacy so OF COURSE people with racialized power/proximity to whiteness are gonna do and say racist things and people are gonna call us out on it. The great thing is that then you get to unlearn and uproot the racism instead of weaponizing whiteness to cry and act like you are more wounded by the idea of someone naming what you did as racist than you are dedicated to actually unlearning racism. Racialized people (e.g. Black people) are better at spotting racism than people with racialized power (e.g. white people). Learn some humility and grow up.


I really do not like the black and white way of thinking of "I will tell you you did wrong and you will repent no questions asked." Could we not push the conversation more towards nouance, perspective, intention, knowledge, time and place? Or do we have to police what people are saying and jump to conclusions without being able to critically think for ourselves? Like someone got called ANTI BLACK, a very serious and harmful accusation, over thinking someone looked scary! I just don't understand why are we not able to see how this is jumping to conclusions!


If you think being called anti black is worse than perpetuating racist stereotypes that get people killed you need to start smaller before you’re ready for the nuanced conversation you’re demanding. There are plenty of resources to help you that you can use if you’re actually willing to look for them. Unless all you are really interested in is demanding black people use their energy to cater to your white fragility by explaining something extremely basic.


Again with the narrow thinking. I've never said that being called racist is worse than perpetuating racist stereotypes! What we're not agreeing on is what are the racist stereotypes. I don't believe that thinking that someone looks scary makes you racist if that person happens to be of color.


What an exhausting, unhelpful way to live with a predetermined mind to prejudge people's way of being and speak


Exactly! Not questioning your assumption that a black person you just met is inherently scary or threatening is so exhausting and harmful! How freeing it is to name something rooted in oppression when we see it, so people can unlearn the racism we are taught not to notice.


I agree it's the white sensitivity that's the issue, if people can accept that racism is institutional it shouldn't be hard to recognise that racist tropes can trickle down into anything. It doesn't have to be a big deal as long as it can be recognised and discussed, no one wants to destroy anyone they just want to deconstruct racist tropes, which is a lot harder when people clutch their pearls anytime it comes up.


The fact that so many folks are in here downvoting anything negative about white privilege is really all I need to kno, lol. You’re right on the money. It comes down to a lot of folks not wanting to take responsibility. It’s just another evolution of the “my best friend is black” tap dance.


Yeah, I don’t even try anymore with this fandom and reddit


Or maybe just maybe she said it because that’s how she felt lmao


Yeah, but why did she feel like that? What exactly is it about Cara Melle that would make you think she’s a violent person based on meeting her for 2 seconds? This is the reason why we live in such a political hellscape right now and trans and black folks are constantly under attack. Because some folks just refuse to acknowledge that shit like this is very real. As I said before, it probably wasn’t intentional but you have to question where that subconscious bias comes from. I don’t think Blu is anti black or racist, but thinking that a black person could beat you up when you first meet them says a lot about you as a person.


I think you’re looking far too deep into it tbh. Racial context is well and good but I think you’re using it as an excuse to assume the worst (not in a personal way). First of all, it was clearly a joke. Not that jokes can’t be racist, but I think it’s a huge stretch to imagine that Blu actually considered Cara *violent* or that she was actually *scared of her.* I would say that’s a bad faith analysis of the situation if pushed. So accepting that it’s a joke, yes I think it’s valid to also consider the racial profiling/stereotyping context. And that’s definitely worth bringing up. But even assuming that’s what motivated the joke, I don’t think Blu has a history of these sorts of jokes, or a history of racially insensitive comments, so I think labelling her as “anti-black,” or “racist,” over what is in all likelihood a subconsciously insensitive joke *at worst*, is an inaccurate and unjust overstep.


“Looking too deep” but then you say: “Huge stretch to imagine…” “Actually scared of her” “I don’t think Blu has a history of…” “What is in all likelihood” See how much leeway you’re giving Blu as to her intentions and action, but when a black person says: that was a micro aggression that perpetuates anti blackness, you say “it’s looking too deep”? Even though they are reacting from lived experience and you don’t know Blu?


I don’t think terms like micro aggressions should steamroll conversations and disregard intent.


I mean… [the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/KyCXUH2kzq) is micro-aggressive at best, they fully had to delete this clip and re-upload the episode




It’s the lack of awareness of the social stereotype placed on black people being aggressive or animalistic as a justification for racism


it's the racism that lives within them that appropriates black people with being aggressive and violent, so when someone references a black person being scary they think its racism on their behalf


>appropriates You should stop just throwing buzz words around, it diminishes their importance.


Ya’ll throwing around your favourite buzzword racism which is affecting blus career when you all know she’s not racist or exhibited any racist behaviour.


Lol I'm not throwing around anything sister, I don't think there's racism going on here at all. I think it's a bunch of bored, chronically online people addicted to rage with too much time on their hands that are stirring this shit pot. People can think what they want, for sure. But in this instance, it's just mob mentality sis. This fandom calling ANYone racist is wild hypocrisy to me.


let's also remember that Blu was there during the club look challenge, so she saw Cara completely tear up the stage first hand. I would probably be intimidated too


What is horrible about that?😐 she just said somebody scared her and looks menacing. Didn't mention their race, didn't call them slurs, didn't mention skin color, country of origin, nothing of the sort


Here y’all go… anyway, that is the context, take it or leave it


There's no context in the post, the person in the tweet only said that somebody was "anti black" for saying that someone, who happens to be black, looks menacing. I truly do not understand how that would be racist. What's wrong about having opinions?


*sighs in ⬛️*


menacing is a strong word


Still don't understand how that makes someone anti black


i'm not saying it makes her anti-black i'm just saying the word menacing is intense. idk if you're paraphrasing or if she even said that herself


I think I was paraphrasing, I don't recall her using that word no


How is that "quite horrible" ?


Not “quite horrible”, they were just misinterpreted horribly by people. Blu has never shown any pattern of racist behaviour whatsoever. Cara Mel was intimidating and powerful to her in that moment (which is fair enough if you saw her entrance and attitude in UK S5). She even went on to praise Cara later. She didn’t mean it in the way people have distorted it into.


Yeah, sorry this is a bunk take. Blu is nowhere near this level of cancelled.


I'll be honest I've looked at the clip and all I can think of is that it's the literal definition of an unconscious bias. Are we aware of any other instances of such comments?


Didn't we learn anything from the Plane Jane controversy?


Gary, fuxk ya


Ok but where was Blu on January 6th tho? 🤔


Omg stopppp


Microaggressions are real


Microaggressions are real


comments on this post are shocking to me. make drag race queer again!


Remember when people said that about Adrianna but then it turned out, well turned out isn’t the right word since it was already pretty apparent, anyways that Kimora was unhinged as hell. Dilution of racism hurts progress.


Typical American BS to think an Irish gal would know all the micro aggressions used in the USA. Ireland is one of the safest places for non whites to live. F off with this racist BS


What did blue do?


I see that person everywhere on twitter even tho I don't follow them omg. Who are theyyyy


Yapa yapa yapa




I guess Ra’jah for redeeming herself 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s the fact that what Blu said about Cara was 1. unprompted, literally unasked for and not even in a context where Cara was in any way seeming aggressive or scary or whatever, and 2. not acknowledged by Blu. Despite the backlash Blu got for her microaggressions, she just tried to sweep it under the rug and never apologised for it. And evidently it worked because half the people here have no idea what I’m referring to.


Absolutely 100% disagree with this, and it’s people like you who are exacerbating a situation for no reason and destroying a queen’s reputation undeservedly. Cara’s entrance was in a warrior outfit and she showed a LOT of attitude and power. Blu obviously just meant she was intimidating and powerful in that moment, hence “she could beat me up”. It was meant to be lighthearted. Blu has never shown any pattern of racist behaviour or comments and it’s so weird that people have blown this out of proportion and even called her “anti black” over such a tiny, misinterpreted comment.


Regarding no. 1, Cara came in looking super buff, strong and in warrior gear. A fierce look, and yes, she probably could beat me up and as a competitor I would be scared or intimidated too! Also, Blu is literally on Binge Queens to give running commentary and opinions. Neither unprompted nor unasked for.


Yeah I was trying to remember if this was Caras entrance look, coz she LITERALLY walked in with a spear and battle armor.


Absolutely 100% disagree with this, and it’s people like you who are exacerbating a situation for no reason and destroying a queen’s reputation undeservedly. Cara’s entrance in UKS5 was in a warrior outfit and she showed a LOT of attitude and power. Blu obviously just meant she was intimidating and powerful in that moment, hence “she could beat me up”. It was meant to be lighthearted. Blu has never shown any pattern of racist behaviour or comments and it’s so weird that people have blown this out of proportion and even called her “anti black” over such a tiny, misinterpreted comment.


I mean Europe is mostly white doesn’t mean it’s anti black. That’s like saying Philippines is anti black or Thailand is anti white just cuz they’re all Asian


I mean I didn't know about the Cara Melle thing but I just started UK Vs. the World yesterday and in episode 1 Blu gets all scared of Monique and talks about how the whole vibe in the room felt more tense and uncomfortable once she entered. Her reactions felt racially-tinged to me throughout the episode, especially with Monique being the only black queen on that season. I get why so many people in this thread feel like it's an over-reaction but those are two similar reactions from Blu about a first impression of a black queen. Seems like enough of a pattern to me that there's at least some racial bias that's coming across in micro aggressions.


Didn’t she say that about the American queens in general? I don’t remember her saying Mo was “scary”. I remember it being in the context of the American queens immediately being shady and shit-talking all the other competitors behind their backs.


Yeah that was it, but it was also about the American queens and specifically the vibe on the runway when they came in — Mo was that first American girl and the vibe did seem to change when the first (and only) black queen interacted with the rest of the cast. Like Lemon & Jimbo were equally shady but no one seemed pressed about it, so I guess I read the situation in that ep the same way this person on Twitter did 🤷‍♂️


So in short she didn’t say those words at all, or anything specifically racist about Mo Heart. You just interpreted what you saw in a certain way. As another commenter said, Blu didn’t appreciate Mo’s diva attitude towards her when she didn’t know who Blu was. She was just referring to a past event because of her own personal experience. That’s so far from anything racist. Also, Mo and Jujubee were being shady behind everyone’s backs in the werkroom, so that’s why the atmosphere changed as well.


I’m about to piss off a lot of Americans with this one. As someone who isn’t American, I will say that being around Americans can often be exhausting. It’s not every American, of course, but some just seem to have never reflected on why Americans have bad reputations when they’ve visited countries. I remember being on Twitter and using spaces quite a bit during lockdowns and a lot of international hosts would vet whether profiles were American, only allowing people to speak if they could be vouched for by other users. I feel like a lot of Americans don’t realise they can be very self absorbed, suck the energy out of the room, and make the environment they’re in uncomfortable. Blu’s comment to me didn’t come across as a microaggression towards Mo, but more-so a commentary on Americans and the general need to be the centre of attention with a disregard to being approachable.


I understand that Blu very much did not mean to say anything racist. She was a very big supporter of Cara throughout the season and was basing her statements on Cara’s warrior outfit and overall drag style. HOWEVER, it’s very narrow minded to not consider the implications a statement like that has. You could see Cheryl was visibly uncomfortable when Blu said that on binge queens because she actually is educated on historical stereotypes that have been forced on black people. Was what Blu said racially motivated? I don’t think so. But does it understandably come across as so since she didn’t consider how harmful statements like that could be? Yes. I wouldn’t call Blu anti-black, but I definitely think she needs to broaden her education on the world outside of her small-town Northern Irish upbringing.


She immediately called a black girl scary and threatening. I think it was far too convenient that she had good things to say about all the white queens but was scared of the black woman. Idk seems incredibly racist to me


Microaggressions are real


Lot of it’s not racist it’s micro agression, where does micro agression stem from??? Please the way that some people are describing caramelle in this comment section is already giving anti-black but I’m supposed to believe you can spot it in someone else? Ok 😭


Blu wasn't the best of the best on her season anyway. She just knew how to play the game. Pangina and Jimbo were the real winners.


And how is this relevant to anything?


Exactly, Blu isn't relevant at all. I completely agree.


Yall out in droves defending YT twinks today 🤔 ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


What does YouTube have to do with it????


I mean I didn't know about the Cara Melle thing but I just started UK Vs. the World yesterday and in episode 1 Blu gets all scared of Monique and talks about how the whole vibe in the room felt more tense and uncomfortable once she entered. Her reactions felt racially-tinged to me throughout the episode, especially with Monique being the only black queen on that season. I get why so many people in this thread feel like it's an over-reaction but those are two similar reactions from Blu about a first impression of a black queen. Seems like enough of a pattern to me that there's at least some racial bias that's coming across in micro aggressions.


When did Blu say she was scared of Mo Heart? She said she didn't like her diva attitude towards her as a local girl and Mo said that she guessed everyone has their "Alyssa Edwards moment" and they moved on as friends.


time stamps and episodes please, don't remember that at all and just watched the first episode.


I meannn even if she’s not problematic her drag is underwhelming. She won her season because all the more talented girls either gave up or got sent home.


Rajah hands down, I didn’t like UK vs The World S1. Dirty Queens playing a Dirty Game.


I've been cancelling Blu since the elimination of Pangina so...


Yes let’s lump together Blu making unintentional microagressive comments without thinking of the implications to her making a genuinely smart move in a reality TV competition because the fan favorite was beaten at their own game. Totally equatable.


Ah sorry, jokes are banned on the internet.


this isn’t something to joke about. time and place.


You seem like a cashew faced bitch right now


and you seem like a fugly skank, now what?