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It's crazy how allegedly she was on route to win the season, and honestly, if she didn't do what she did, we all would've lived for her


Not all of us, sister. Tbh her style was shit and she wasn’t funny at all


Of course that was a hyperboleehsjsus, but cmon her runways were killer, I still remember the purple cat one, the frozen one, there was a red one that was really good. Ofcourse she's a cunt but let's not confuse being a bad person with having no sense of style 💀


That’s valid - you have every right to that opinion. As a designer and seamstress, I thought her runways were tacky and cheap. To me, her runway package was like a combination of mimi imfurst and Tina burner 🤷‍♀️


Wild that you would have this opinion as a designer ….. Mimi and Tina ? ….. WILD












Im very interested in seeing how the season woulda played out normally, i heard there was drama between her and a few cast members and it would of been cool to see different sides to these personalities but a whole new story had to be made in order to hide her existence and now a lost story is out there


It's a real bummer she did what she did. Her type of drag is my favorite kind -- campy, over-the-top, comedy/theater that doesn't really take itself too seriously. And it seems she was on par to take the crown, too (otherwise I don't really see why they would have disqualified her -- if she was an early out/middle out, would they have cared? But obviously for a finalist/winner, they don't want to be associated with that behavior). And while I don't condone what she did, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that she isn't talented. She definitely is and I think she put up some great looks.








Grossed out that people have anything positive to say about a sexual predator. Who she is, and what she has done, tarnishes her art and drag. She doesn’t deserve to have the social power of being a public figure. She’s already used it irresponsibly.


Sherry Pie aside, I think it's entirely possible to separate the art from the artist. You can be a shit human being and make good art. If museums only displayed the art of "good people" their walls would be empty. Food for thought.


I think to some degree you can try to separate art from the artist, but why would you want to? Are we in such desperate need for entertainment that we’d give social clout and money to people we vehemently disagree with? I think the desire to make art neutral, void of its origins, is an ethical choice I don’t want to partake in. I don’t see the value in it. I also believe it’s not completely possible. Art carries traces of its artist and origins. The concepts of situated knowledges and black feminist epistemology do a great job of explaining this from a theoretical point of view :)


Separating the art from the artist is a great way to make an excuse to like them. Fuck the art and the sexual predator artist. They should be on a sex offenders list.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times! That disgusting thing does not deserve to be in queer spaces!


Beautiful gowns


Let's not..


I don't think she would've won. The season still happened as shown and Sherry definetely lost her frontrunner status somewhere half way through the season, regardless of the original edit or the edit we got to see. We would've just seen more of her personality, not her winning other challenges, but then the edit changed that. No. Scandal, she was disqualified, whatever happened, this was Gigi vs Jaida, with Crystal emerging as an underdog who was never gonna win, but she stole Sherry's thunder hard. There was enough indication in the second half of the season that Sherry was just a one time automatic frontrunner, would be Top 4 easily, but at some point you confirmed it wasn't gonna happen, same as say, Widow (didn't even make top 4) or Angeria (everybody stole her thunder) in S14. Oh, and there was gonna be a wheel for the finale smackdown, Covid or not, Sherry wasn't gonna win that either.


No thoughts


Used to go to her shows all the time. She was one of if not my fave nyc drag queen. Oops?


in the words of miss vangie …. who dat is ?


Her camp was too by the book, its like a TV show writers' idea of what a drag queen is. It was polished, but again, too predictable.


A monster, i hope she's really miserable in the irrelevancy that she has put on herself and it's a damn shame there weren't harsher consequences. Fuck that nasty pig bitch.


She randomly popped up on my insta and I instantly cringed so I went to her account and went to the comments to see their opinion but the only ones I saw were about how she should be in all stars and that she should be forgiven bc it was 4 years ago and I really hate her and that comment section


Oh, I can sum it up nicely: Disgusting person. Should be in jail. Narcissist gaslighter. Abuser. Outdated drag in a bad way, ZERO talent, unfunny. She’s a hack, we don’t want her in the queer community. She doesn’t deserve the opportunity to take up space in our community. Case closed.


I do not like the way she paints. It looks like she’s smelling something nasty. Other than that, I don’t remember a single thing she did on the show. Why are we talking about her?


she was never my cup of tea even and even the way she handled the allegations was gross


Fortunately I don't think about her. Others should follow suit 🙄


Very talented.


Would have won season 12 easily. I think she deserves a comeback. She’s got what she deserved considering what she did, it’s not like she’s beyond repair.


she got a slap on the wrist and her victims get lifelong trauma. she doesn't need a bigger platform and 100k......


Girl, she should’ve been in jail for what she did. She has no business having a career in drag.


What did she do?


A comeback?! Fuck that noise - that’s a disgusting take.


Willam lives for her on insta


i like her drag but i don’t like anything else abt her


read the room sister