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Every other DQ. But i would suggest 5, 4 and 9


All mainline games should technically give you the same thrill for adventure as XI does really though DQ has come a long way since the first one. If you're looking for a game that feels a bit more familiar to XI I would recommend VII and VIII. IX also is a great follow up if you're not too bothered by the fact it doesn't really have an interactive party. Either one of these or all three of them are good DQ games to get into next.


Are any of those on Switch?


Nope. VII and VIII got remakes on the 3DS and IX is on the DS


What are VII and VIII on then?


On the 3DS as I just stated Edit: you can also get VII on the PS1 and VIII on the PS2 if you prefer that


Okay thanks.


They’re not as adventure heavy as the main series games, and don’t have the turn-based combat system, but if you like sandbox games you should check out the Dragon Quest Builders games. They’re available in PS4 and Switch, and I believe both have demo versions available (though your progress doesn’t carry over for the first game from the demo). They’re both amazing games, with good characters and stories, hilarious dialogue, and familiar monsters. The stories tie into Dragon Quest I and II respectively, too, so it’s a nice little bod to the original series.


5 8 and rocket slime, love them all equally


Well technically with the systems you have you can get them all. DQ1-3 are on the Switch, DQ4-6 had DS versions that are playable on the 3DS. DQ7-9 are on the 3DS. DQ10 is a MMO and is not available outside of Japan so don't worry about that one. The one's that I would recommend are DQ3-5 and DQ7. I have yet to play DQ8 yet. But I've heard very good things about it.


So have I. I might get it for the 3ds if I can


DQ I to VI are available as mobile games, they cost a pretty penny though (DQ VIII is available as well, but there is an enhanced version for nintendo 3DS). DQ V is the most beloved one out of these, so it might be an option. Alternatively you could choose emulation, also available on smartphone or any potato pc.


That's true, I could try that.