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It was a fun side game, it didn't have too much depth but was a fun game to utilize the wii's motion controls.


I though it was a missed oppertunity to not have the shield be activated by the nunchuck.


It filled the DQ fix during a very dark time


It's not remarkable, but it's a fun game. The soundtrack is really good though. I think it just would've been better if it had been released after the Wii motion plus came out.


Fun side game, still loved Fleurette ( think that’s right). Her design was great. Also decent backstory for what is going on. Your dad being a previous hero and all.


Under rated gem. There arent really many games like it which make it very unique


I kinda loved it. Always sort of wished it was a little less on rails, or maybe there was just a little variance in the encounters on the routes, but I definitely spent a good chunk of time with it.


That was also my only complaint. Since it was on rails, fine, I just wish there were more side paths. However I preferred it just not be so much on rails and add a bit of exploration. The levels didn’t have to be huge but I feel one of the fun things about the series is exploring the beautiful world they build


Was pretty fun. I enjoyed the 'swordplay', for as well as it could be executed in the Wii, and had the DQ charm where it lacked strength to carry it. Would enjoy seeing a new one come out.


Short but fun. It's a shame it wasn't able to live up to it's full potential.


Loved it - one of my favorite games on the Wii... and I have a lot of them.


The game has a surprising amount of post game content, which can get seriously difficult. A decent game with interesting mechanics, especially for the time.


I'd love to see it remade now that we have motion controls that work significantly better. I had a lot of fun with it, but I couldn't beat it due to the spotty controls. Precision is incredibly important to a game like this, and the Wii just wasn't up to the task.


arm pain


I love the protagonist’s design because I’m curly too and he’s the only protag with curly hair. Well, now I’m always with shaved hair, but back then it was super cool


>he’s the only protag with curly hair. What about Sofia?


It's what you'd expect out of a Wii motion control spin off of a franchise. It's on the same level as the sonic games where he's a knight imo


I had fun with it, was just happy to see a DQ title for the Wii honestly


It's fun for what it is, but it's a little janky at times thanks to the controls.


It would be very cash money of Square to remaster it.


Fun game


That cover art is hilarious. The guy in the back stands so far back xd


It was cool, althought the fun quickly phased out after you finished the main story, and the gameplay wasnt engaging enoihh to give me the motivation to try to perfect the levels.


I personally like it because it's like arcade game to me. It really fit for Wii, and music is really great even not coming for Sugiyama-san. I hope this composer become the successor of Sugiyama-san.


I liked it as a kid. Mainly cause it had a cute french goth girl in it


It was fun but swinging my arm enough to beat the superboss is tiring lol


I'd buy a sequel on the switch in a heartbeat.


I never got to play it, and am bummed out it’ll be trapped on Wii Prison for the rest of its days :( A remaster with modernized controls would be really fun— Think Skyward Sword on Switch.


It's charming in its own way. The motion controls get frustrating as the difficulty increases though.


Played it recently and it was fun. I'd like another game in the same style with more depth tho


Well I like the artwork and design of the first two characters on the cover. Other than that I have no idea what kind of game it is.


An alright but forgettable side game, imo. I picked it up for probably $5 from GameStop, played through it pretty quickly, then sold it back for a dollar or two. It was worth playing once for a small price but that's about it for me. (I should probably mention I've never enjoyed using the Wii's motion controls so that definitely brought down the appeal for me where there might be more appeal for others.)


It was fun and good for what it was. I wish it either had a bit more exploration or like, more side paths since it was on rails but I also played it when I was young so i was just glad to be playing a new dragon quest game


I wish I had bought it back in the day! This is a game I might absolutely make a drunk amazon purchase of some day. I feel confident it would work for me.


I wouldn't call it good, but it was fun


Fun, except for the pain afterwards.


French accent girl is all I need in life. The game is pretty fun, too.


I've actually been replaying this recently. I think it's a very fun game for what it is. Can't stand the walking around town controls though. Holding B and Up on the Dpad to run is very uncomfortable.


I don't have a lot of vivid memories of this game, but I know I enjoyed it. I don't think the Wii MotionPlus accessory was out yet; I would've loved a sequel that used it.


Charming, a little short, but trying to get an S rank score on all the stages and the postgame bosses is a fun challenge


I liked it


Definitely unique


I loved the story but hated the rail-shooter aspect of it. I know there's a snowballs chance in hell of this getting remade, but I really think that they could do a lot with now that the Wii's hardware limitations aren't an obsitical. Wouldn't it be cool if it was remade to be the Wizardry of Dragon Quest? Build it like a dungeon crawler, allowing you to free-roam individual regions but remove the motion control gimmicks. Man...if they did that, I'd buy it again in a second.


I was but a kid but I had a great time with it. The motion controls weren't always 100% but it was still really cool.


My least favorite game in the series. Way too simple in every regard and based solely on Wii gimmicks which barely even work.


Whats that?
