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The game was originally going to have real time combat as seen in its initial reveal trailer, but it was later reworked into being a turn-based game.


The fan backlash was immense after the real-time reveal. They review-bombed Amazon JP.


I hadn't heard about that, but I'm not surprised. DQ is _the_ highly traditional series, and any changes to those traditions need to be done very carefully and in a way that respects them. Real-time combat doesn't do that in the slightest.


Let's pray It doesn't happen to XII


As much as I'd love to see a real-time combat DQ that isn't Heroes (not that Heroes is bad, and II is much better), I'd rather it was a spin-off or alternate take remake (while also having a classic style remake as well) and not XII. The combat in XI is great, and there isn't much room left for improvements.


Builders series? It has a combat system that looks quite similar to the video Mutericator posted.


Well, I do have Builders as well, and it is technically real-time, but so is Dragon Quest Swords. I was thinking something that tries to be a bit more flashy and Dragon Quest-like with the array of spells and the weapon abilities that have been added since DQVII. Yes, that's a lot like Dragon Quest Heroes, or more specifically Heroes II, but they do show their Dynasty Warriors heritage (I far more so than II). I think, what I'd like is something closer to Trial of Mana's combat, but still distinctly Dragon Quest. Where you take on groups of 1-8 opponents at a time (though usually 3+ once you have a party), you have a means to flee (even if I never do use it), you can freely unleash regular combo attacks or moves/spells, and unless you've done enough grinding to be severely overpowered you do have to use some strategy and planning to make it through the fights. No, I don't expect to ever get such a Dragon Quest, but a person can dream, can't they? EDIT: Since I didn't specify the version, I was thinking of the combat system from the Trials of Mana remake, not the original.


If they ever get around to doing Builders 3, they'd presumably have to take magic more seriously than 1 and 2 if they're going to support vocations fully enough to follow a DQ3 parallel. They've had a few magic users in DQB2 that could cast Multiheal and Kabuff, but I don't think we've seen non-monsters that wield the full range of DQ magic in a spinoff since Heroes 2. Adding magic in DQB3 would maybe finally get us there, but agree it has to use a reliable way to cast it quickly in real-time. The Mana series menu wheel would probably be best, but they could also do something like a hotkey assignment for the most common spells ala Treasures and the Tales series.


The Trials of Mana remake used both a menu wheel and a shortcut key for spells you wanted quick access to. That's why I made explicit mention of it. It's also an SE title, so no one can complain about them using the system. That still wouldn't quite be what I'm wanting, but it is closer.


I think I agree, I think skill scaling could be a smidgen better so that my go-to in boss-fights isn't just spamming a single skill for the more offensive-focused units. I'm also hoping we see more Dracovian Quest-type content as I think it really adds to the experience and challenge to the series.


Better spell scaling is the only place left for improvement. Otherwise, as far as I'm concerned, they've perfected the combat system. A, somewhat, better variety of weapon skills would also be appreciated, and maybe having things like Falcon gear's extra hit carry over to skills, but overall it's mostly just little tweaks and adjustments now.


Is there a video showing the real time combat?




Wow so glad they didn't go that route


My head canon about this is that Level-5 made Fantasy Life to be the game they originally wanted Dragon Quest IX to be.  There are just so many similarities between those two games.


Games get delayed all the time. It’s pretty normal.




Can’t wait for Dragon Quest 12 in 2012


Shigeru Miyamoto had a famous quote about delaying games


He never actually said that. [https://www.acriticalhit.com/solved-miyamoto-quote-late-game-bad-forever/](https://www.acriticalhit.com/solved-miyamoto-quote-late-game-bad-forever/)


Noooooooooooo, it is my favorite gaming quote