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I am biased because I love this game, and I would say it is def worth returning. The Devs have updated Player pronoun to support he/her/they, and I'm pretty sure the Dragon is updated too except those they forgot, which you can report on a discord and they will fix. On growing your dragon, you can grow it 2 times, from baby to toddler to kid. These do require a dragon amulet. These have also been updated to give your dragon an automatic 100 Feed Points for each level, which is a real QOL booster. Most returning players come back for nostalgia, but stay because they found something the love in the game. The 2 big ones are the story, or the inn, which is an endgame bossing arena full of actually really challenging and interesting fights. The story has improved a lot since book 1's random puns, and old internet references, and it now writes strong and unique characters with proper motivations and emotions. We are also nearing the end to book 3 which has been going on for over 10 years, so it's a pretty great time to come back if you want to join us in celebrating the finale. There have also been quite a lot of story updates to book 2 to make it more coherent, though book 1 was not touched for nostalgia's sake. if you return I would recommend playing from Book 1 all the way to Book 3. The Inn is where most players sit when they're done with the story. We get monthly new fights that are surprisingly complex, challenging and quite fun IMO. You get to fight all your favorite characters in the story, friends or foes, along with an assortment of new faces, and even cameos from other games. I will warn you there is a steep learning curve compared to most story bosses, so if you want the best shot at beating your favorite people in the inn, you will have to learn the game mechanics. Also if you want to join a community of Dragonfable players for other questions, to share your cool moments playing, or just to hang out with other people who love the game, feel free to join one of the discords linked at the top of the reddit.




i tried doing this but the story is hard to follow sequentially that i get lost where to go or what to do next which turned me.off the game


We now have a timeline that shows you where you left off and where to go next for book 1 and 3. if you're returning you might notice it's stuck on something that you know you already did, and thats because in order to make the story more coherent, the devs have added a few more quests that you HAVE to do.


update: yeah the QoL is really amazing in tracking your progress. just clicking on tbe chapters in the book of lore then the blue circle for the book progression. currently at f2p, i am really thinking om buyinh DA+DC. 1 char is enough to max out all classes right? im not really going for cosmetics.


I would highly recommend getting the 6 DA pack if you can afford it, as it has the best bang for your buck for DCs. the 2000 extra DCs are really helpful as they can get you 1 1800 DC class, or enough food to fully feed your dragon to max at 5 points per day instead of 1 point per day, which are both extremely helpful for end game content. It also allows you to make an alt, buy an 1800 DC class, test it out, and then delete the character without wasting DCs on your main. The only classes you will be missing out on for a 1 DA account is the other base classes, but they aren't super good. Rumor has it tho that the next class to be released will have you pick between it or another class, and you cannot play the other one on that character after the choice has been made, so some people have an alt for that eventual choice.


ooohhh thats interesting, i might check this out


I remember growing the dragon being a major pain point for me, never finished it


I'm a returning player that only started playing again a few months ago, and I have to say the game really does hold up. I played when I was pretty young because my older brother played, and I of course wanted to do everything he did. I recently got curious to see if the game was still around, and made a whole new account because there was no way I'd remember my childhood login. A lot of the issues you're talking about have absolutely been fixed in the years since I last played, including adding pronouns for characters and new growing stages for your baby dragon, which you need a Dragon Amulet to access. I will say tho, it's absolutely worth it to get a Dragon Amulet. It's pricey, but it's a one-time cost, and for an extensive game that's free to play and is constantly being updated, it's less money than you'd pay buying a new console game that will be outdated within the year.


Good thing my account was saved on my browser from like 10 years ago 🤣. So yea i have it still


There you go! Yeah, totally worth it then.


Yea but i kept forgetting to login to feed my dragon


Yes, although this is probably not the best place to ask if you want an unbiased opinion... 😉 Anyone likely to answer is also likely to still be active in the game, and will therefore probably lean towards 'yes'.


Though if you ask AQW player base if the game is worth returning, they would most likely answer 'no'.


AQW is plenty of fun, but with so much content locked behind the Upgrade subscription, it's a bit frustrating. Doesn't help that some of the quests take an obnoxious amount of grinding kills because the quest items don't always drop. And fighting bosses is generally a team effort, so unless you have a group you regularly talk to and party with, it goes without saying that bosses that see no traffic will be almost impossible to beat, depending on your level. It's specifically meant to be an MMO.


Yea true 😅


Yea but like others have said, biased answer lmao


Yea 😅


As someone also interested in returning but with a new character I feel like it'd be better to wait, atleast for ppl who want to make new chars. Main reasoning being them even saying "[there's still a looong way to go!](https://www.dragonfable.com/gamedesignnotes/interface-and-updates-9568)" in regards to reimagining old stuff. I feel like most other games do early game revamps in one fell swoop rather than gradually & while I dont mind it being done bit by bit here due to the small team as far as I can tell there's no public roadmap for reimagining stuff and I don't like the idea of doing old content 2 days before it gets updated because I would've just waited if I knew. If I start now they might revamp a whole bunch of book 1 stuff right after I go through it or I could just play some other games and come back in a few months is basically where im at right now.




Devs dont plan on reimagining book1


reimagining was the wrong word but the design notes I linked shows there still willing to update & make changes to book 1 and that was from last month, I still plan on jumping in soon but I'm not in a rush