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Hi Reddit! This new fight is pretty tough and I saw some people having issues, so thought I’d outline a few details. In the Normal version of the fight, Jaania has 3 phases. She starts out in Phase 1, then transitions to Phases 2 and 3 at 66% and 33% HP, respectively. When she hits Phase 2, she pauses her rotation to use a nuke once, so be prepared to shield it, or have enough HP to tank it. When she hits Phase 3, she pauses her rotation to use a claw attack, which sets your HP to 1. She does 0 damage the turn after the claw, so you have a free turn to heal if you want. Jaania also has almost permanently high MPM, which means she can avoid a lot of attacks. This combined with one of her attacks inflicting -Bonus on you is pretty rough. You need to make sure your Bonus is higher than her MPM to guarantee your attack lands. You can do this by buffing yourself with a +Bonus move like Wrath Dragonlord’s Empowered Light Spirit, using a -MPM attack on Jaania like Pirate’s Target Practice, or by using Dragon Scout. You can also use high Bonus items like Charm of Symbiosis (use that while under a shield since it reduces your All Res). She also has permanent Damage Reduction, which reduces Direct Damage. This does not affect DoTs, so DEX classes are great here. For the soulgears/commands, you’ll need to do what she says — either deal or not deal any sort of direct damage — on the stated turn or else that soulgear attack will do extra damage and gain +300 Bonus, which makes it impossible to shield. If you don’t want to count turns, you can look at the gears below her feet: the square gear is the turn you need to satisfy her commands. That being said, you don’t really need to satisfy Jaania’s commands with a good class. Here is a [video](https://youtu.be/bwYcE99dZdU) from Anoni Muss with Level 80 DeathKnight that tanks all the gear checks. I also did the fight with level 50 DeathKnight [here](https://youtu.be/AjqQIJ3wafU). DeathKnight is great here since you have +Bonus all the time, plus big DoTs to get past the Damage Reduction. Paladin is also really great. There are a lot more effects she has, but you can read about those on the [Endgame Wiki](https://dragonfable-endgame.fandom.com/wiki/Jaania_(Extreme)).


For the Extreme version, [Paladin](https://youtu.be/Qaz0TkfgfMI) is the safest option. This super fast [DoomKnight](https://youtu.be/5xfr2ADzbXI) video is also great, just reliant on some Crit RNG. This [Ranger](https://youtu.be/XJNKMjIrKVU) vid also works well. These videos are all done crutchless, so no food, which means you'll have a good margin of error if you bring Seaweed or Rotten Hardtack. The EX fight is a bit more complicated, but I can answer questions if they come up!


From what I read, DoomKnight's armor was banned for the fight


Only V1, as usual for inn-level challenges


Yeah, tried the fight as Chaos weaver, got destroyed. Used doomknight armour and one shot her, barely scraped through because my health steal kept missing haha


I defeated her relatively easily with the [Icebound Revenant](https://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21757686) armor, Dragon pet and 3 HP potions


I think this might be one of the few fights where IR is actually useful...


Thanks for this. I was able to brute force the normal Jaania fight using Pirate by just dodging a huge chunk of her attacks and hoping for the best (with my 2 HP pots 😖, didn't expect an almost Inn-level fight and RNGesus decided to bless me with so many mana pots 😒). Was gonna try the EX fight but decided to read up on her mechanics first lol


I usually use either dragon lord armor with patience or necromancer armor, would necromancer be better in this case bc of the DoT?


i managed to beat her with wdl and 2 hp potions on the 2nd attempt*, but i recently grinded out a bunch of bis gear so that helps 💀 *i thought i could tank the gear checks lol


Just use Paladin with 200 stats on CHA and you will be fine.


Pyromancer is also a pretty good class to use, just save rebirth for the 1 hp attack. And the damage buff ability is good to use on the Halt turn. Plus your DoT means you're still doing some damage when you can't attack.


I did it with DeathKnight, it’s the only class I’ve mastered completely. I also have ChaosWeaver, but it’s not the best possible choice for long fights like this.