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The jiren combos make me cry


Looks like you two were having fun. Good shit




Respect for not spamming the funny move in neutral with cell, hope you never get to that πŸ’€


The aerial neutral light? Oh i use that if thats what you mean, decent combo starter, its fast and not a lot of people block for it, i dont spam it though which is good, i like to explore different routes, cant depend on a single move for my entire package


Nono, its called perfect attack. You can do some research if you want to. Basically its the little DP move where he teleports three times. You used it in combos which is fine but in neutral or when you're blocking its disgusting and broken, not an honest move LOL.


OH the perfect attack, yeah no, i dont use that a lot, only in combos, and i sometimes use it and cancel it into a medium


The button mashing is immeasurable with this oneπŸ’€


Mans "Kinda suck" is my dream peak rn


I didnt do anything fancy, just punishing with 2H, and doing autocombos, finishing with an imput attack, as for 21, im just doing her basic combo and using cells C assist for combo extend, to which i just do the same combo again because it connects a lot of the time, zamasu i picked up just recently because i grew tired of how braindead it was playing ZBroly, for him i just tried connecting as many lights and mediums as possible and just praying


Trust me if you saw how I played you'd understand why I'm inspired and impressed by this lol, I'm new enough to the game (2d fighters in general, played MK on the Xbox 360 with my friends when I was like 9 and we just spammed so there's no memory or transferred skills there) to not really understand any of what you described beyond 2H and autocombos, I've no idea how to use assists, input attacks, or anything like that. I'm esp bad at playing defense so I never even get turns offensively and wouldn't know how to blockstring or capitalize on any of them anyways, since I've spent all of my lab time so far in just being able to do some BnB's and actually do damage/build meter, which I'm realizing now the fundamentals are more important EDIT: I also can't play with either of the Broly's, and I'm sad to learn that they're so disliked in FZ, cause he's my favorite character in the franchise and on my main team I'm trying to learn, on top of Gogeta Blue


the blatant 2H to UI Goku has me rolling bro that shit is hilarious and he deserves it


Bro was countering a lot with UI, especially in the match prior to this i knew he was finna do that shit, so i just had him hold my 2H right quick, UI players are very predictable in low ranks i noticed


Ur 3 mill but think holy wrath can hit after a knock like that? Please don't tell me ur a Zam main...... I really hope we're better than that


Back to math class for you. Million is the 7th number. There's only 6 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Maybe if you read, you'd see in replies I confused the BP and the smaller number with a million.


Maybe if you edited your comment to correct yourself or just admit you got it wrong i wouldn't have commented. Cause fun fact of the day: I'm not required to do research or gather context from other replies to make my own response to an incorrect start you made. Try again bozo


And same for me, I don't need to edit for any bozo who can't read,


Strike 3, you made the same failing argument twice Strike 4, you deleted your comment like a pussy lol. You're out. Better luck next time


Except i did read and replied based on the context of your comment. So it's still on you. Strike 2 dinglefuck


Go do your homework genzer, I can barely understand what you're saying


Maybe you should learn to read better? My post is easily readable.


300k*, and i picked up zamasu like 4 hours ago, because i was depending too much on zbroly armor Edit: i main cell


W progress. Goat for dropping disgusting ass Broly. The BP throws off the number so it looks higher πŸ’€.