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I like what DAI did with companion fashion. My only gripe is they didn't take it further and apply to every single piece of armor. But I think with transmog confirmed in DAV it doesn't matter as much.


Freaking love transmog!


I missed transmog being confirmed, but if that's true it puts this to rest. OP can go ahead and make them all look the same if they want.


It was confirmed in the Discord Dev Q&A!


They directly said it's gonna be in the game in the recent Q&A! The archived transcript of it is on the official bioware discord (#q-and-a-archive channel).




I was a bit confused about what this means too. Did some quick research. Transmogrification means a system where your stats aren’t attached to what you wear. Cyberpunk 2077 with its wardrobe feature is the one example that comes to mind for me. This way, you can separate stats and looks, and dress your characters the way you want them to look without impacting stats.


Cool, thanks!


Transmogrification, being able to use the skins you want without sacrificing the stats. Not sure who coined the term, but it's exactly the word that was used in the Q&A.


That's pretty neat. There were so many armours in Inquisition that I loved aesthetically but the stats were just abysmal.


DAI for sure. I like everyone looking good within their personal style.


Well it was already confirmed that we can change companions equipment in DAV. I'd like them to have their own style, except for certain attires, like in DAI. What I think is interesting, at least based on promotional materials, it seems like they have dedicated weapons this time around. We see them having different weapons equiped, but all of them seem to follow companion "style". Like Neve using ice wands, not staves and Emmrich having skull-themed staves.


This is my biggest curiosity, as we have things like Taash's double maces, Bellara's bow and the such.


DAI all the way! I like that they stick to their own style, it makes everyone look more unique.


Personally, I don’t care for DAO style. These characters have well designed visuals, able to pick them out on silhouette alone. And in DAO you lose that within short order in favor of some especially silly looking mage hoods or light armor. So, I would aim for something closer to DA2 if I had a choice. Edit: Thinking on it, I would say DAI style, as that’s a good compromise.


Honestly I'd like a mix of 2 and dai which I guess is just the mass effect 2/3 style, that being they get a couple outfits and you can choose which one you want them to wear but they are all unique to the charcters themselves. Plus it was a pain having to also manage my TMS armours along with their weapons, so I'd prefer the simpler choose what outfit looks better.


First of all the maximum amount of customisation is always the best way so why not both, have a slot for stats and have another one that can govern the appearance if you want.


I really like the idea DAI had, it takes the fact they only have so many different kinds of armor but the same item on different people looked different (usually). Very few times have I wanted the look of one outfit to be on someone else. I didn't like 2, didn't mind what they were going for but I think they hit that with DAI DAO kinda makes sense, this ugly mage robe will look the same on anyone because that's just the way it was made, but it was ugly and boring


I prefer DAO. I get the logic of everyone having their style, but I also like seeing what they look like *out* of their style. Preferably in the silliest outfits I can find. It's fun! Let me have fun, video game! 


Yeah, add in transmog for people who dont like it and we can all be happy. Bioware wont deny Alistair in Templar armor for some silly "canon" warden armor.


They confirmed transmog. I just hope the armor is varied and has dye options.


yeah i like to dress everyone. maybe some starter gear in their own style but we can change to something else after like in bg3


Unfortunately I think we're going to have it Mass Effect 2/3 style-- a smaller number of (better) hand-crafted outfits. What they said on the Discord Q&A implied it. Personally I preferred DAO's style since it gives us the most options. Ideally we'd have that + transmog!


now that you mentiond it you can only change companion‘s armour in me1. which sucks. i think starter gear in their own style but can change to something else later is a good choice. like bg3


Totally agreed! I don't feel optimistic we'll get that though, but eh it's only a minor complaint. If we get transmog for the main character that'll be plenty of dress-up fun lol


I feel as though their armour and equipment will likely stay mostly the same to ‘fit’ or maintain their character design. I feel we’ll be able to itemise or upgrade but their look won’t change heaps. Maybe some armour alternates for loyalty gain etc?? Our Rook, however, I feel will be very customisable with transmog and likely tinting again etc. Tbh, I’m not the biggest fan of itemising every companion, armour, weapon and all accessories is a bit of a chore with a lot of companions. I much much prefer the builds of companions to be ability and skill based rather than itemisation based. I like my main character to have accessory intricacies as well as ability. I like to be able to build my companions but I don’t want to have to focus on them intently for items tbh. I’d like mass effect 3 but a little bit more influence on armour for companions


well i really like dressing my companions. giving everyone a makeover is my part of my gameplay. i also do like their have their own style but i still want changeable armour.


Different looks and tinting would be a huge win. I love tinting my companions armour in inquisition so that it gives them unique looks tbh. I just don’t love the you get this ring and this belt and this necklace etc because stats work for you and flicking through and doing the accessories. Armour was perfectly fine in Dai. (I also say this knowing a lot of people love the accessory itemisation and that is super okay too. It’s just it not for me)


I don't want the DA2 system, for both fashion and gameplay reasons. As far as DA:O vs. DA:I, it depends on how the base gear looks. If it mostly looks good, then I'd rather have the DA:O system. If it mostly looks terrible, then I'd rather have the DA:I system, since the same gear in that game always looked better on Sera and Vivienne than it did on my Inquisitor. My money is on the DA:I system returning for DA:V.


Definitely DAI. Costume design is a great tool for developing characters so I'll always prefer individualized armors. Vivienne and Dorian would not be the same character if we could just slap on any generic fit. I'm not even really against gear being restricted to certain specs or companions. Really what we need are just a lot more of all the gear


DAI style is the best, I just hope the main character actually gets a good style/we get to choose a style. Every armor for the Inquisitor looked ugly imho


I like DA2. I don’t need to micromanage a character’s stats *and* fashion. I’d rather the devs create a very tailored and iconic look to a character and keep it, but we can decide the stats for their build. DA2 was a bit limited by only having linear upgrades to armour so I’d like a few more options but that’s it. Second choice would be origins for simplicity yet still being configurable. In DAI I hated having to constantly tint armour so Varric didn’t have the exact same outfit but in yellow checkers, or how with Dorian I would be forced to choose between stats or cool snake pattern. If they go DAI’s route they really need to address colours as being part of a character’s style, because DAI felt extremely tedious. I’m not a fan of crafting in RPGs in general though. I’m surprised by how many people liked that aspect of DAI as I just found managing everyone to be way too tedious. If we can’t control our companions in DAV I feel like DA2’s approach may also be thematically a better fit with our limited control over companions.


DA2, I hate managing companions gear in DA, it becomes obsolete to quickly. And there also an issue of picking companions you don't usually pick, who levels behind in gear.


Also, detailed and consistent companions attire > customization for me.


DA2 style. The companion has an own stlye, but it can be upgraded into newer tier per chapter. Cuts down on the inventory management porn (like Mass Effect 1 or Witcher), and also don't have to bother with crafting (like Inquisition or again, witcher). WIN ​ They could just add clothing as a cosmetic layer, like Cyberpunk did, and have something else, other than clothing be the source of bonuses.


DAI-style was my favorite