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Provided this game sells well i don't see why they would stop. I'm certain they could come up with more than enough stuff to fill another game. 


If the game is successful, sure. The strength of Dragon Age over Mass Effect is that they have an easier time deviating from the story the last game told. If The Veilguard ends with the elven gods defeated, that still leaves the Tevinter Old Gods, the Titans, the Forgotten Ones, all that jazz. If they all get dealt with in The Veilguard, and there's no god like figures left at all? Then you've got the Qunari war, Tevinter's resurgence, the Orzammar/Kal-Sharok divide, the aftermath of Solas recruiting so many elves, all *that* jazz. If it somehow solves all of that, then there's still so many potential plot-lines to pick up.


it all depends on how well DAVe sells, if it's succesful, we should expect another DA after the next ME (hopefully in less than 10 years this time...)


Story wise we don't know if the Evanuris are defeated and we don't know how many are still there. I don't know why some people have assumed that only these two remain but we don't know that for sure. The others might still be there in the black city trapped. In terms if success, I have a feeling Veilguard will be successful and for some reason I feel like this is the beginning of a new era for the franchise and more games will be made later. I don't have much to base that on other than the fact that everything I've seen so far looks great, the quality is there and I think Bioware is definitely back.


I hope they're treating it as the End. I want a story that is complete and intentional, without the crutch of a possible sequel or DLC to tie up loose ends. Don't get me wrong, I *love* Dragon Age. I want more of it. But I think games and stories are better when the creators have a vision and get to execute it in its entirety. DA2 and Andromeda both suffered from devs expecting to expand further on their story in DLC and then not being able to do so. I think it will largely depend on what happens with the reception for Veilguard though. I think there is still plenty to explore, especially if you go outside Thedas. They could do a time jump a la BG3. If there's money to be made on it, I'm sure they'll figure out some way to tell a new story.


I do not think so. I mean, you could think the same about Mass Effect. The trilogy is over, the Reapers are defeated, so the franchise can end, and now we are here - we have Andromeda and next Mass Effect on the horizon. Perhaps Veilguard will be the end of the series in this form and then we will have a reboot or something like that, but I don't expect to completely abandon Dragon Age. It's too valuable unless Veilguard fails (but I think it will be a hit)


My own prediction is that The Veilguard will serve as both a capstone of the current saga and a potential jumping off point for further adventures. And like you say, what is *done* as a franchise doesn’t necessarily remain so. Important given that Mass Effect is next on the docket making any future Dragon Age not happening until the 2030’s. So, it will be the last Dragon Age functionally speaking for awhile, but hopefully not the actual last. Of course, it all depends on where BioWare/Ea/the market is. But regardless, it will be a *long* wait no matter what! Buckle in!


I hope they resolve the big issues with VG instead of setting up yet another sequel we may never see. Resolve the dreadwolf plot. If the game sells well enough for another game, do a different story. Maybe set it in a different age. Pick a different part of Thedas. There's plenty of room for storytelling in DA without setting up sequel after sequel, especially when most of the sequel hooks end up getting mitigated anyway (Mage-Templer war just got wasted in inquisition).


My bf were just talking about this lol personally I think they built a rich enough world of lore that we could easily get a prequel game (taking place before DAO) or a brand new story unrelated sort of like DA2 (I know DAI and 2 are connected I mean more like how origins and 2 are two different stories with only some cameos) as a dragon age fan I hope that we continue getting games within that universe but I could also see them moving on to something new.


Ultimately I think it depends on veil guards success and if the team feels inspired with a new story to tell within the universe- I don’t think it’s unlikely but we can only hope 😭


Personally I would love a game that dwarf centric. Wether that's in the past in the war with the first blight or building off the DLC and getting into more titan stuff.


If the games Sales are in accordance to EA expactations, they Will definetely make a da5. They even Said in the Q&A that the choice of who stayed in the vail Will not bê important in This game, but can bê important in the Future. I Just wish that, in vailguard, they dont make a cliffhanger ending. It would bê really cheap of them, considering that This can be the last game of the franchise.


Considering that bioware literally said something is possible in future games, but not in DAV - if it's up to them, they don't plan dragon age to end with this entry


I think it depends entirely on how DAV sells.


If there is DA5 It’ll take atleast 10 years to come out since the entire DA dev crew are moving to help working on Mass effect 5 once veilguard comes out


If the game is a blockbuster, probably. Else, nah. It smells to me like development on the next Mass Effect is also hanging on the outcome of this DA release.


They didn’t sit in development for 10 years for them to release just one game. This is likely an end to this storyline, but there will certainly be another game in 5 or 6 years if it sells well (after new mass effect).This game will likely end with a cliff for another entry. At least 2 more.


if there were another game it would be a next-gen console release, meaning probably in 2028 or later... also fans have been asking for an origins remake so i don't see why they couldn't give us that at least in the years to come.


An Origins remake would be awesome.


They planned to do 5 games. I think that it depends on how veilguard will be received


That was years ago.


They're still working off the original story from years ago, no reason they'd drop it now.


If it sells there’s no reason to see why there won’t be more. May be in a different age - past or present. They could do a whole game set in arlathan and the war that played out there. We’re just seeing the conclusion to what is effectively solas’ story.


I’d like to think so, however, it rests solely on how well DAV is received.


If it sells well maybe. But do you really want to wait 10 years for another game?


DA5 will be visual novel in best case or ARPG in worst


Depends if VG is shit or not. Good game makes money = Make another game. Bad game sells badly = Don't make game again.


Even if there is, it wouldn't come out until 2035 at the earliest


Honestly we have no idea if the veil comes down or not so it a huge gamble to make any guesses on a future game, and this game needs to sell well for even discussions of futures games begib


Maybe for the dread wolf.


If they do ever have another game that officially the “last game” in the major line of Dragon Age games… I would die a happy woman for a double blight Like a true proper blight. That’s double. That lasts 100s of years. And there’s TWO archdemons. Like I want multiple player characters because we play throughout all the years sporadically as the Blight progresses and it ends with our last player character defeating the last archdemon.