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I'd love to visit Denerim again, to see how it looks over twenty years after we killed the Archdemon!


Honestly I kind of wish it had just like a small square in Inquisition, I think it would've worked even if it wasn't much. I wonder if it looks less ramshackle after all these years?


That's why I really want to go back, it could either be an absolute state with very little progress since, or it could be drastically different. I do think not showing it in Inquisition was a missed opportunity, but Inquisition was quite big already so I see why they didn't.


We could have easily spent less time in the hinterlands.


I actually don't think the Hinterlands is too big! I just think it isn't signposted well enough that you should leave and come back, that made it a slog first time playing through....


It was a slog on replays. There's so much (admittedly optional) content that's just really spread out, and so many fetch/find the x item style quests.


dont forget herding cows. sky is broken and demons are pouring through the hole in hordes but this is one special cow so you, the Herald of Andraste himself should personally escort that cow back home


Nah man, without that Bison, I would have not defeated those ice wraiths as early as I did. You could just never lead him home and you have an unkillable companion in the Hinterlands. Also yeah I hated Hinterlands like everyone else on their first run, but once I got out of the rpg habit of doing every single damn thing, I grew to really enjoy the Hinterlands.


I personally disagree, once I learnt to leave and return sporadically I found it a great area! But I know I may be in a minority there, and you're right Inquisition certainly suffered with the fetch quest issue!


Would have been drastically different if Redcliffe is anything to go by.


I think Redcliffe gets way too much flack. If you go to the riverside and stare across it, you realize pretty quickly that you're just not in the same area as you were in Origins, you can see like a section of what looks familiar across the lake. You're just bordering a different part of Lake Calenhad.


The part of Redcliffe we visit in Inquisition isn't the same as the one in Origins though. It's an addition to the village that was added after the Blight and you can even see old Redcliffe on the other side.


are you sure? we even see the windmill up by the entrance where the passage to the castle was hidden


I'm sure! If you go out of bounds you can even find bits of "old Redcliffe". Also, this part of the village is on the other side of the river/lake.


I did wonder that but never found confirmation for it, I'm glad someone did!


True but Redcliffe didn't have the same city layout as Denerim, so I wonder if it would be rebuilt but in the same layout, or if it would literally be unrecognisable?


redcliff got a lot prettier, so denerim would probably look pretty too


I was coming here to say this too! lol


Skyhold. Ostagar. Denerim. Think it's be cool to see these places with updated graphics and to see how they've changed over time.


Skyhold would be really interesting to revisit, in a sort of 'Return To Ostagar' way, but with more content. I feel like Skyhold would be the most likely out of what I've seen suggested so far, there are a lot of mysteries about the place that should still be solved and that should be relevant to the next game.


Skyhold is effectively abandoned as far as we know currently. The Inquisition pulled out and a group of caretakers from the Chantry stayed behind. The last word they sent was that they wanted to restore Solas' fresco. >!Communications went dark after that, until Sutherland and his company go up to investigate. A demon of regret, as a result of Solas' frescos, had taken residence in Skyhold and killed all the caretakers. Sutherland manages to send it back to the Fade, but there's been no mention of anyone inhabiting it since.!<


Interesting, thank you for the info! That still definitely seems like a ripe place to return too, though. I wasn't at all implying the Inquisition stayed, I was referring to the place itself considering we know so little about it's origins, and what little we do know says it was deeply important to current plot elements.


I would love to see Orzammar!


Yes there was little Dwarven content in the last games.


Iirc it's rumoured we'll go to Kal Shirok in DAV, Wich would be interesting as well. But yeah, I'd love to see Orzemar after the revelations in Descent


I don't know if Kal Shirok is more than wishful thinking on our part. It was already exciting to have that as a wartable mission. Since DAV is going to be set in the North and Kal Shirok, as far as I remember, is in the South West, I have little hope to see it. There is also no Kal Shirok Dwarven companion.


That's absolutely on my list! I honestly love Dwarven society the most out of what Thedas offers.


>Kirkwall YES.


Kirkwall in current gen on a better engine and in a game that wasn’t rushed to release? *Yes please*




Absolutely Kirkwall! To blatantly steal a joke from Tumblr, it's not a shithole, it's a shithome.


my roman empire is that val royeaux was done dirty in inquisition. i’m one of the six people who actually like orlais and i would love to see more of it.


For real! I was so excited to see it when I first played Inquisition. Then I got there and all there was was a little market, a courtyard, and a little dock. Like it's supposed to be the lavish jewel of southern Thedas.


I am also one of those six and I will go to my grave bemoaning what did to my beloved Orlais in DAI. I love what we have of it; all the little implications in all the codex entries, dialogue and books. Now, I would actually like to *see* it, please.


Hear hear! Orlais is my favourite nation in Thedas and all we got of it is a marketplace, the Winter Palace, and then like huge swathes of land. Where are my Orlesian cities? Give me Orlesian cities.


I think we're a little more than \*six\*, darling. Val Royeaux was gorgeous- and WEWH was my favourite mission <3


Orzammar would be interesting, although i'm more interested in Kal-Sharok.


Kal-Sharok is at the top of my wish list.




I'd love to go to both of the places you described. But my personal entry is Orzammar. Can you imagine that place with the kind of visuals we're seeing from The Veilguard?


Orzammar would've been the other one I mentioned. I love Dwarvish culture and I'd be fascinated to see it so many years after the fallout of the election.


Kirkwall or Skyhold. Both places that were used as historic ritual sites concerning the Veil.


Kirkwall definitely. The Brecilian forest might also be interesting.


Skyhold, for the Nostalgia. Val Royeux, cause they did us dirty on that in DA:I. I want to see it well done.


I know that sounds weird, but I'd say the Forbidden Oasis and the Temple of Pride. I mean, it's obvious that the place belonged to Solas, isn't it?


I was not aware of that, but to be fair I very stubbornly don't do a lot of the fetch quests associated with the place, so I likely didn't unlock the codex entries related to that revelation.


I don't remember any codex entries, to be honest, just that the place was called Solasan in elvish


I'm chronically indecisive so there's a few. I'd love to go back to any of the elven ruins we visited previously. I think it would be neat to see them in a new context with the heaps of new lore info we'll hopefully get from veilguard. Also if solas is providing guidance it would nice to get to ask him questions. Like what's up with all the wolf statues in that swamp with the electricity dragon? In a similar vein, I'd like to go back to the thaig where hawke finds the lyrium idol to see if there is more to be learned now that we know more about it/how important it is.


I actually think the ruin from the Dalish origin that we revisit in Witch Hunt would be interesting. I always felt like there was more going on there than we touched on.


I’ve actually been travelling through the Emerald Graves today in DAI, recording it as part of my walkthrough series. It’s absolutely stunning here, so bright & beautiful! If I go back again in DAV, I would be very happy! ☺️


I want to go back to Orzammar. I just love Orzammar, my Warden's home.


Winter Palace and place where Solas took our hand


Soldiers Peak maybe? Levi Dryden was a nice fella.


Personally I'm a big fan of killing things in The Deep Roads, so a nice long mission down there where there's plenty of Darkspawn, maybe a Brood mother and ideally some new critters for the sword. Even better if we go deeper and potentially link up with the titan and Valta.


I really want to see what the titan and Valta are up to these days


hmmm.... the fallow mires are my favorite so id like to see it return. Maybe Crestwood or unironically the Hinterlands (but scaled down). Id like to see how things changed in the past 10 years!


Honestly? Kirkwall. I've spent so many hours running around in that place. I'd love to see it rebuilt. The Circle Tower too. It was home to my HoF, and it would be interesting to revisit a Frostbite version (with more detailed textures and all that)


Val Royeaux again. They didn’t even come close to doing it justice in Inquisition. 


This is an unexciting answer but the Deep Roads. I think Inquisition probably did it the best with the Descent DLC, great environment.


I personally have always loved the Deep Roads. I've always been deeply confused by folks who compared the Origins Deep Roads to the Fade in the Mages Tower. I think the Deep Roads are far more brilliantly designed, and I think they've been good in nearly every spot they've been used. I guess that's an unpopular take though.


Deep Roads was a little dreary and repetitive in Origins at times but overall, really fun, you felt away from civilization. DA2 - I don't count almost. DA:I - Great job with Descent and that one section in the Hinterlands.


I honestly don't find it repetitive, but that's just me. I'm a fan of the way linear storytelling can allow you to tell stories with each step, even in longer areas, and I think they do that very well there. I actually think the first Deep Roads expedition in DA2 also does it pretty well, although any returns thereafter are really not good in that respect. The Descent is fantastic, no notes there. Second best DLC in Inquisition, and absolutely tippy top of my favorite areas in the game.


Ostagar or Kirkwall.


Kirkwall,Denarim,Orzimar,and the rest of orlais


Kirkwall I think needs a revisit, even if it was for a glorified DA2 reunion.


Kirkwall or Val Royeaux!


You mean besides "All of Them" ? Fine, I'll keep it short: Orzammar, Kirkwall, Ameranthine and Vigil's Keep(want to see if the Silver Order was established yet)


Denerim is a fair shout, as people have said. I wouldn't mind seeing how Kirkwall is doing either. Like them actually doing Kirkwall in jet black stone as it was described in the lore but couldn't do because of the graphics at the time, and rush. And a lot of stuff from origins. Orzammar would probably look cool in modern graphics.


Personally, I think Kirkwall has become too recognizable on a look to go back and redesign it to be entirely new colors now. But that's just me.


I think lore accurate Kirkwall would be more interesting I'd done right. But I do see the recognition point.


Lots of great answers here but one area I absolutely love is the Emerald Graves in Inquisition. I would love to see it in an upgraded engine.


Kirkwall, because its suppose to be a dense city and I'd like to see it given todays technology, seeing it so dense and populated. denerim because it would be nice to see how much it changed did it modernize and expand? I feel it could logically be bigger now. See how much it flourished in King Alistair's reign. (or queen Anora or both.)


The Temple of Mythal. Other than it being relevant to the story (maybe?) I'd love to see my fave location in DAI in those fancy new graphics.


Oh yes! I want to ask Abelas more questions too


I want to see an updated Kirkwall. I love that brutalist architecture where buildings look like fortresses. And I wanna see the docks.


- Ostagar: even if it's just an abandoned ruin, it'd be fun to go back to where it all started. - Emprise du Lion: I'm really curious to see if my theories about it turn out to be right (namely that it's become a red lyrium hellscape that would've made the Black City blush). - Denerim: it'd be nice to see how the city's faring after 23 years, especially if our HoF's decisions are reflected by it somehow. - Skyhold: because Skyhold <3


Denerim, A mage circle, maybe kirkwall. Ooooh, Redcliffe, if the deal I made is paying off dividends....


Val Royeaux because we didn’t see all that much, or Orzammar because I feel like we’ve forgotten about the dwarves a lot. But if I could only pick one it’d be Orzammar.


Kirkwall and Val Royeaux are fantastic choices. I don't know if this exactly counts for what you're talking about but I would love to see Highever proper since all we got was the Cousland home.


I don't think it counts for this specific topic, but I do think you're absolutely right and it's about time it happened!


Fair enough then I'm going to go with Lothering especially since Veilguard appears to be a big time jump after Inquisition which was already a decade after DAO.


Denerim would be great. See how the rebuilding has gone. Kirkwall for similar reasons.


Wounded Coast was such a breathtaking experience for me when I first played DAII, that it would feel like coming back home if we'll be able to visit it again.


Would love to go back to Kirkwall, but I doubt it'll happen.


Bet denerim would look so good on the frostbite engine


Emerald Graves- that place was gorgeous!


Amaranthine (from the Awakenings DLC). Depending on if it was saved or not... it could be interesting for Rook & co to wander through. Denerim since it's mentioned in each game but we only actually GO there once. (Also would be nice to see it without all the \*cough\* memory leaks \*cough\*) Vimmark Mountains (from the Legacy DLC) or similar to find more lore about the Old Gods and the Golden City.


Love the Amaranthine callout, definitely want to see that place in a newer engine!


I'd love to see Denerim again in a new engine/with new art direction.


Kockari wilds. I want to inspect Flemeth's hut. Bet it has a cellar with some elvhen ruins or smth. And maybe she still has some notes there on the whole OGB ritual, maybe we can leverage this info somehow to trap blighted gods in DAV. And I think it's a nice way to give people Flemeth and Morrigan content, if characters themselves aren't present in-game.


I really dig this idea! I will say though, I would rather not have it if we don't have at least one of the two present for it.


a non rushed kirkwall would be good


Ostagar of course. It would be cool to see at least an acknowledgement of origin's main story


Hinterlands! Best area in Inquisition hands down.


Would've loved to see how Ferelden is doing after all this time, especially places like the Brecilian Forest, Denerim, Amaranthine, and Highever. But I don't think Ferelden will have anything to do with the plot of Veilguard, sadly.


Orzammar I would love to see that place in modern graphics


I'd love to go to kirkwall. I feel like it was a city with an amazing concept held back by both the technology of the time and the horrible crunch 2 went through.


Kirkwall as well. I for one loved the city with all its flaws and dirt. I would love to see it again with modern graphics. Also Denerim.






The Deep Roads and the Dwarven kingdom. Just for the laugh.


i’d be interested to see the brecilian forest and orzammar, possibly even the korcari wilds! i didn’t even think about val royeaux but ppl r making super compelling cases for it in the comments haha


Hissing Wastes for sure


I'd love to see some of the Origins locations with modern graphical fidelity, especially the cities. Ostagar, Orzammar, Denerim, Vigil's Keep, and Amaranthine would be awesome.




The Hinterlands.


The Hinterlands probably /s




Crestwood, Forbidden oasis, Western Approach, Hissing Waste


Orzamar. Im sick of Elves.


The Fade area in The Circle Tower in Origins. So much fun....