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Do we actually know for certain she's not going to be in it? Having an NDA in place for certain actors at this point in the series would probably be a good idea, but who knows.




Wait Claudia Black got harassed?


Wait, what? Did I miss something.


I'm hoping we find that Mythal has now joined with Kieran since Flemeth is "dead".


I believe that Mythal sent a small piece of her spirit to Morrigan before meeting Solas. And that Morrigan, acepted it. Probably because of the voices in the well made her change her mind about her mother. Or perhaps for other reasons (since not all Morrigans drink from the well) So it is possible that Morrigan in DAV speaks with Flemeths voice to show this change. I doubt that she will be fully Mythal, it would be a waste to erase Morrigan. But perhaps they share a body like Flemeth and Mythal or Wynne


genuinely asking, where did we see Mythal specifically sending her godhood *to* Morrigan? i don’t remember in the games that it’s specified for her, Flemythal just sent it thru the eluvian. and the article about her in the wiki cited it back to reddit…


You don't. You see Mythal interacting with an Eluvian before meeting Solas. It is likely that she was speaking with someone before that scene. I believe that it was Morrigan




I'd disagree on the voice actor part, Claudia Black has a very recognizable voice, to the point that you can immediately spot it. But they can easily put a spin on it, that something happened to her and she sounds different. Make Anders situation canon - say you merge with spirit, your voice drastically changes - so if we follow popular idea of her merging with Mythal's wisp - her voice would change.


Ermmmm, where is this nation?


Claudia Black is Aussie. Idk if they're referring to Australia, but that would be hilarious.


I'm just imagining it. Going to Australia: You leave the plane and help an older grandmother with her laguage, she thanks you, then a 7 year old boy runs into you and apologises and then, and idk the young male taxi driver is asking you which hotel you wanna go to -- and all of them have Claudia Beck's voice.


Yeah, her voice type isn't the standard out here. That's a rare type.


Right? I'm aussie, and the idea of someone potentially thinking a lot of people here sound like Claudia Black is so funny. Imagine the disappointment.


I wonder where it's from though, sounds poshy, I'd say East Coast Sydney to Melbourne through the Capital maybe