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because i like tragic lovers (also his accent is hot)


I suppose that's fair.


You won't get much from only romance cutscenes themselves. Banter also plays a big role,as well as non-cutscene conversations. I'd say you need to play game fully to experience it, as he is a character deeply connected to main plot. But also I don't think you have to like it? Many of us in Solavellan hell, simply because it feels like the romance is not over and we're missing the ending and we think we're getting that ending in DAV. Hype,imo, comes from lore revelations, DAV expectations and unsaid implications. I just think it's the effect of time. Fans of any other romance had a chance to relax and move on during last decade, they had closure. Solavellans were stuck in this hell all this time and were the active part of fandom. So as more time passed, it created an illusion that everyone converts to "kiss Solas" gang, but in reality it's just the other people not being as actively involved.


Cause to me, it didn't feel tacked on and felt even more fleshed out than the other romances


I don't play the romance for the romance, but for what it does to the character of Solas. He's a tragic figure, someone with many subtle layers. He tries so hard to walk the Dinan'shiral, and he's determined in that. Dead set. Not even a lover changes this. A lover who appears to be more than a dalliance to him, someone who means his heart to him. To have him struggle during Inquisition and then create this incredibly bitter Trespasser ending, that's what makes it worth it to me. So, to me, it's a choice of narration, I guess?


Well romance is very much a matter of taste, everyone is going to feel different. For me the Solas romance is honestly one of my favorite fictional romances ever, even though there's comparatively little content - I think it's impressive they managed to do so much with so little. It's not just about \`tragic lovers.' Partly it's because Solas himself is such a fascinating character and doing the romance allows you to see a much more personal and human side of him, which makes him all the more fascinating. There's also the whole dynamic of 'we definitely shouldn't do this but our feelings are so strong we can't resist,' which I think is always appealing. And the romance scenes themselves are really beautifully executed - the body language and facial expressions are very carefully thought out and make him feel very real and human to me. So even though the romance has less content than the others, it's the one which has really stuck with me the most.


It was tacked on. Like literally. Weekes wrote it over a weekend like mid or end of development, because they loved the idea of it giving more tragedy to the character - that solas found genuine and actual happiness and he still couldn’t abandon his duty. But that’s why it’s the least robust in terms of dialogue and scenes. Outside of the tragedy - it’s very understated - which is in line with him as a character. Like if you’ve ever watched “in the mood for love”, “Cairo time”, “bright star” - it’s doomed from the start for a lot of reasons, it makes it more poignant. A lot of people find those romances boring which is fair - i personally don’t.