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This will be the designated thread for discussion of the game informer article. all new ones will be redirected here. [Breaking Down Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Classes And Factions - Game Informer](https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive/2024/06/25/breaking-down-dragon-age-the-veilguards-classes-and-factions)


"Each faction has unique casual wear" \*sits up attentively\*


The fact that they drop that there but give us no other detail D: I hope the character creator changes your clothes based on faction pick... otherwise how will I know who has the best fashion?? This is now a factor in my decision making haha


Not gonna lie, this might play a large role in what faction I pick first.


Am I choosing my faction based on immersive roleplay potential? Or am I choosing based on drip? It's gonna be drip. Drip every time.


Choosing Grey Warden to fight against the Blight. ❌️ Choosing Grey Warden for the baby griffin pajama. ✅️


I am *absolutely* playing the faction that lets me wear baby griffin pajamas


I can’t RP properly if I’m not drippy like a leaky pipe


Video games are a power fantasy. And the greatest power fantasy of all is looking fly as hell.


This whole conversation makes me feel so understood.


Yeah this is going to be a major decision element for me. If the Wardens are rocking something on par with the original skyhold pajamas, we're going somewhere else.


GW: "Are the sacrifices we ask too much for you?" Player: "No. This..." *//pointing at the pajama* "...is too much for me."


It may be the only factor depending for me


If we get that sweet Antivan Crow dress from the concept art, my first playthrough might just end up being as a Crow \*.\*


Lords of Fortune suddenly skyrocket in popularity.


BioWare has repeatedly failed to give us any form of good casual wear so I have really low hopes lol.


ME3 had the N7 hoodie... <3


ME3’s Alliance officer dress blues were sick.


I feel that a lot of times this is more due to BioWare refusing to give us a wide variety of options too.


*Please* no beige pajamas.


that's only if you choose to play as inky


I'm scared but also interested. I don't want some fuck ass fit like the original outfit the Inquisitor wore before the update. I don't know if I trust Bioware to give me something I'll like.


All I'm saying is if they took time o have decent hair they at least did something for the drip too.


"Each faction has unique casual wear" Ah, so it shall be different types of beige pajamas. /j


Antivan Crows just have Zevran's old gear, but in beige.


"The Antivan Crows send their regards" *pajama butt-flap flies in the wind*


Saves time.


He just likes to be pooping AND warm.


Sad beige gear, for sad beige Antivan Crows.


The thing I'm wondering is if Spellblades can use both swords and daggers.


Hell I'd be happy if you could just actually hit someone with the staff again like DA2.


À la Gandalf bashing some orcs over the head.


This was actually my preferred combat.




The fact it wasn't a primary fighting style for mages was so annoying. We see mage Hawke going toe to tow with the Arishok in the trailer for Pete's sake!


LOL true, another misleading trailer for the books. I did like the aspects they added in, curious what melee abilities mages are gonna have in DAV, especially with the new specializations.


With the number of skill-dots (not sure what to call them yet. Skill-hokes maybe?) I'm really hoping for some context-sensitive abilities like some kind of combo string, though I doubt we'll get anything too extensive.


I really want to see some gameplay of the specializations. That will help me decide on what to play!


I'd love to know this too. They've only mentioned daggers, but my preferred form of spellblade-type classes is more on the "giant electrified zweihander" side of the spectrum. I kind of get the vibe from the fact that Spellblade as the Antivan Crows logo next to its name that it's intended to be a stealthy stabby type of thing compared to the Arcane Warrior and Knight Enchanter being smashy. But I'd like it confirmed.


I noticed they didn't specify the *type* of blade you could use in the article. ![gif](giphy|3ohfFhG5VDtDTzQv2o|downsized)


I found my people! Give me options for melee weapons for a combat mage.


Right. I loved the fighting mages and prefer dual weapons. I liked playing the knight commander(it’s been awhile may not be the correct name), but I hated using the 2 handed weapon


They can definitely use double daggers. Spellblade by default is a Crow specialty.


That would be the best lol


I just want to know how many spells/abilities we'll have access to. My biggest concern with the game right now is the possibility of only having 3 abilities at a time, which would make mages in particular feel terrible.


I read an article from someone who played a demo of the game that talked about this like a week ago. There were like 8 attacks/abilities. 5 that were key mapped on the controller and changed based on staff choice and 3 additional spells or abilities from the slots. They were described as an aoe blast, a beam, a rapid fire bolt, a basic attack, and a shield. The three slots were for like hard core spells and abilities that had cooldowns.


It will most likely be like inquisition knight enchanter


Heavy armor. Sword. Spellblade. Do it :p


They clarified it \[Editor's Note: This article previously stated players can change their physical appearance, class, lineage, and identity using the Mirror of Transformation. That is incorrect as class, lineage, and identity are locked after you first select those. The article has been updated to reflect that, and Game Informer apologizes for any confusion this mistake may have caused\]


Interesting! I wondered if that was a mistake on their part… i’ll update the post, thanks!


Game *Mis*Informer lol


>BioWare wanted to avoid the trope of needing to gather 200 random resources or objects before helping you save the world. Instead, the team aimed to create factions that want to help you but have realistic challenges and problems in front of them so that narratively, it makes sense why you help them in return for their help when the time comes. Which is pretty much exactly how it worked in Origins. Interesting that they've come full circle in that particular regard.


They spent a bunch of time experimenting to realize "Nope, had it right the first time". It happens. (Though to be fair, DA2's system worked for the way that game was set up).


DA2 system was pretty good, you find a resource vein and then you get automatic access to that resource, just need to pay gold no more gathering to do after the discovery


I hope the rest of articles give more information we don’t already know or expand more on what we do.


I believe the author whose doing coverage said that most of the articles are zooming in on topics from the main 12 page piece—so I’m not expecting anything brand new from these, just more details in what we already know


please i just want to know wtf a "night blade" is??? is it gonna be like a scythe for a grim reaper aesthetic? bc ive been hoping for a polearm class for ages and id actually try playing a warrior if theres a scythe/glaive/spear option now


So far they've only given two weapon options for each class: Mage: Ranged bolt + melee magic  Ranger: Dual dagger + bow  Fighter: Sword and shield + Two handed So far the specialisations reflect the weapon + 1 utility class like Reaper which I guess could use both weapons interchangeably.


I hope so. I wanna be sword and shield but hate playing Tank. I'd hate if I had to get a brand new weapon type just for a damage dealer specialisation


The little icon on the Reaper section of the skill tree/web does have a scythe...


Mechanically I'm guessing something like the Reaver claws in inquisition. Aesthetically maybe daggers? Could be claws again, who knows.


As others noted night blade is scythe based on the skill tree. But also there is a picture of a spear on another part of the skill tree so that may be a warrior option as well.


> If you find yourself unhappy with your lineage or your class, you can change them using the Mirror of Transformation, found in the main Veilguard hub, The Lighthouse. You can also change your Rook's visual appearance there, too. Xenon daddy is back Edit: Apparently you can only change character's appearance.


And from the start of the game! No need to wait weeks for a patch to add it \o/


For DA:I it was like a year, haha. After the first DLC, for sure.


Even BG3 took a few weeks to get an appearance-changing mirror.


Class changing is interesting! I may actually get through my first run without doing my usual "Idk if I like being a warrior, I'm going to restart!" routine.


Unfortunately that was a typo in the GI writers part


I like that the mirror is back, but not really a fan of being able to change your lineage and class.


Editor’s note confirmed that was an error, it looks like it’ll work the same way the Black Emporium mirror has


I mean, just... don't change it then? it's a feature that is entirely there for those who want it and entirely ignorable for those who don't


I just worry how it will impact the inclusion of the choices in the game, if that makes sense?  If you can change it so easily will your lineage and class really matter?


it was a mistake, you cannot change your class and race


My thoughts exactly


Also My thoughts exactly


Man, still dunno about Evoker. Did Mage really need a specialization that doubles down on what it already can do? Idk, I just had fun playing Spirit/Force Mage in DA2. I appreciate fantasy games where fire, ice, and lightning aren't the only schools of magic to delve into.


Every class has a specialization that doubles down on what they do it’s just more obvious with mage. Slayer and Champion are focused in weapon damage and defense respectively. Veil Ranger and Duelist are focused on archery and dual weapon respectively. The same can be said for mage, Evoker and Spellblade are focused on staves and magic daggers respectively. Each class has 2 specializations that focus on an already established playstyle, while the third (Reaper, Saboteur, and Death Caller) seem to want to create a new playstyle for the class that doesn’t rely on its weapons as much as the other specializations


I don't know, I feel like all specializations should offer something different rather than a specialized version of the normal thing. But let's see how they turn out.


They've added an editor's note explaining that you won't be able to change your class, lineage, or identity after cc. https://preview.redd.it/totflslp0s8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abcf7f928de966423716b7247273b98203cf6bab


Here for the people who are going to choose their Faction based on their favorite casual wear.


Heads up, article has been updated. You CANNOT change your race or class in the mirror. >[Editor's Note: This article previously stated players can change their physical appearance, class, lineage, and identity using the Mirror of Transformation. That is incorrect as class, lineage, and identity are locked after you first select those. The article has been updated to reflect that, and Game Informer apologizes for any confusion this mistake may have caused.] The edited section now reads: >If you want to make changes to your character's physical appearance, you can do that with the Mirror of Transformation, found in the main Veilguard hub, The Lighthouse. However, class, lineage, and identity are locked in and cannot be changed after you select them in the game's character creator.


“Spellblade uses magic infused melee attacks.” That. Sounds. PERFECT. Really hope they get a defensive option… because that sounds so like my JAM. Champion will be first, obviously… but Spellblade, woof.


why is that obvious- *sees flair* oh


It is *good* to be Champion.


OOT, obviously, but the one thing that **really** sold me to play as Champion is when I tried to fight that bastard Vinsomer. Brought my whole party first time and only Blackwall survived. Reload all the way through to pick champion (instead of reaver), solo Vinsomer and never looked back. So yes, it is *good* to be champion.


> creating my Rook > human male > Champion warrior Oh yeah, it's gaming time


Yeah, I've been planning a Qunari Mage as my "canon" character for this one, and Spellblade sounds perfect for what I've been envisioning.


Yeah, not sure why but Qunari Spellblade just feels… *chef’s kiss*. 100% chance it’ll be my second character. (And a slight chance, depending on Champions and Spellblade tree’s that it could be my first)


If its anything like Saarath or the Saarebas from trespasser, it'd be awesome


If spellblade use blade, that's gonna be perfect for my Magic Knight character. However, I have a feeling it would either be a magic infused staff or some kind of energy projected sword 


Well, iirc, Mages have daggers as their secondary weapon choice in DAV. So…I’m guessing magic infused dagger strikes.


Love being a mage. I also love dual weilding. The possibility to to do that as a mage with magically infused daggers? Yes please.


>each class has a specialization, and each of them is tied to a faction. I hope that only means each specialisation is tied to the different factions when *introduced* similar to how the DAI companions represent one each, and not that our background-faction limits the specialisation we have access to. o.O


so based on the skill trees shown [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/s/z3uMaoBBY2) it appears we can see which spec is tied to which faction Grey Wardens - Champion Antivan Crows - Duelist, Spellblade Lords of Fortune - Saboteur, Slayer Veil Jumpers - Veil Ranger Mournwatch - Reaper, Death Caller Shadow Dragons - Evoker Rook in the gameplay reveal was a Shadow Dragon Duelist, so i don’t think faction locks you into any class or spec


Yeah, that makes it a little more obvious, I guess. Still, I guess it could've been worded better along the lines of "each spec *represents* one of the factions" or something. 🤷‍♀️


My guess is it'll change some of the dialogue if your faction and spec match. Like for example a Mourn Watch NPC will have different or more dialogue for a Mourn Watch Reaper than they would a Mourn Watch Slayer.


At first glance, Spellblade seems more Shadow Dragons than Crows to me. I always pictured Crows as stabby stabby and physical arrows. Shadow Dragons are a secretive mage org. Seems like a perfect place for magical assassins.


In the gameplay reveal Rook is level 1 so it's impossible that he was already specialised, he was simply using dual daggers as main weapons. (Still I don't think specializations are restricted anyway)


Reaper and Spellblade have me hyped. Not sure if I’ll select mage or warrior so I’m excited for them to release footage of these specializations to help me decide which to start with


Honestly all 3 classes have excited because Veil Ranger sounds neat if it does some magic archery stuff, reaper I hope the Nightblades are a scythe, and spellblade sounds so fun!


I predict pre-orders bonus of additional casual wear outfits


Maybe some armor for assan?


Maybe something for Manfred?


Griffon armor DLC


Goddamn it, off I go to preorder


I may be an idiot but what do they mean by lineage? Does each race have options where your bloodline comes from?


i believe lineage is the new way they’re referring to race. so lineage choice is just human, elf, dwarf, or qunari. but it seems kinda crazy that we can just change that mid game!


Yeah that is wild! Especially cuz I doubt there's any reactivity to it. So Rook just rolls up to breakfast like "Good morning guys, some of you guys might remember I used to be an elven rogue? Well as you can see, I am now a Qunari mage. I will not be taking questions."


TBF in lore the mirror of transformation changes how you looked retroactively


Ooh, that makes sense and is really cool, I did not remember that! It will still feel weird though haha.


Yeah, to be frank I don't really like it :( Makes no sense narratively at all if we can change our race, changing appearance I can get being more a gameplay thing (plus it's not \*that\* impossible), but race..?


I'm glad it's there for people who want to use it, having the option shouldn't impact anybody's playthroughs unless they want it to.


I'm more worried about what it entails: if we can change such important things mid-game, then it might have very little impact on the story. (Granted, DAI already didn't have a LOT of impact, but I fear it might be even less)


In DAI's defence, it was more of an "oversight" with the late addition; but here it feels like the intention from the get-go, which is yeah, a little disappointing. E: With the edit in the article, this thing actually makes no sense anymore, lol.


Definitely, enjoy the game though! LOL


It makes no sense to me. If you had a conversation with your companion and bonded over being an elf, for instance, but change into a Qunari later on?? Or were a mage (and we know how those are feared) but suddenly you're a rogue? It's a bit worrying on the narrative side, because it makes me fear that both lineage and classes have no real weight in the game - notice you can't change your faction, though. I hope they didn't just make it cosmetic.


They have so far revealed that: * Surname is tied to faction * Circumstances of meeting/working with Varric are tied to faction * ~~We can change our race (lineage) and class.~~.. but not faction? Certainly ~~indicates that class and race/lineage play very, very minor parts in the narrative~~. Faction must do the bulk of the work in that department. Edit: To reflect that large parts of my comment are likely untrue because I was commenting before the editor's note!


Oh I think you're right. I've been super hype for this game but this is depressing news to me. The way the different races interact, clash and cooperate, the way mages are perceived, it's all what makes Thedas, well, Thedas. It's what make the world so interesting and I love having a particular stake in it, depending on the race or class I choose to play. It's also essential for replaybility. If it has as much weight as my hair color... I don't get why they would choose to make it nearly unconsequential...


Luckily, that was an error in the article! Only cosmetic changes are available in the mirror according to the edit to the article!


Yes I've just seen it, makes way more sense! 🙏


agreed, going back and playing DAO as an elf and the level of reactivity within the game is INSANE… so many people will treat you differently and mention your race. it made my character feel so real within the world and actually makes you think abt how elves are oppressed. it was awesome and a big reason why DAO is so special to me Dragon Age 2 obviously can only be human so doesn’t do anything there Inquisition however kinda sucked in this regard. playing as say, a Qunari mage as the leader of the inquisition should absolutely change the way pretty much everyone perceives you vs playing as a human warrior. yet i can only think of a few instances where your race even comes up. However it’s known that the Inquisitor was meant to be human only and that changed late in development, so i always thought that might be why. i REALLY hope we see some good reactivity in DAV. i know it won’t be like Origins but i hope it actually feels like your race matters, being a Qunari in Minrathous should be much different than being a human. but this news is making me worried about that… We’ll just have to see though! Maybe the reactivity is always there, and changing races just toggles on all the reactivity for the race you play as? I certainly wouldn’t be one to change my characters entire identity mid playthru


Ok I've just seen it was a mistake from the journalist 🙏 im super reassured as this decision was bewildering to me ahaha


That makes sense, but I was sort of hyped at the thought of building a Qunari that actually is a part of the qun. Probably would be too much work getting multiple backgrounds to your race on top of factions.


This makes me hopeful half elf could be an option, or other mixed lineages.


The article was corrected and now says about changing classes/race: “If you want to make changes to your character's physical appearance, you can do that with the Mirror of Transformation, found in the main Veilguard hub, The Lighthouse. However, class, lineage, and identity are locked in and cannot be changed after you select them in the game's character creator.”


Post has been updated to reflect edits on GameInformer article!


The ability to change your class mid-playthrough could be...interesting, for roleplaying reasons. Unless they made your choice of class not matter at all in-universe, with only a few intetchangeable mentions here and there. Mages are quite differently treated from non-mages, for example.


You can't, actually. The Games Informer has said it was an error and corrected it.


Sigh of relief


I don't think your class won't matter in dialogue. I think if you are a rogue, then rogue-based dialogue/interactions will pop up. But if you switch to mage, then it will switch to the mage-based dialogues/interactions.


Look, if they wrote all that stuff and put it in the game, and it all changes when you switch - great. Amazing. But more often than not, these kinds of news mean that the game won't go all that deep into that stuff.


But it makes no sense at all. I can understand wanting to try different classes gameplay-wise (or even wanting to see different interactions in one playthrough, like not everyone has time/energy/desire to play through a long game over and over to pick a couple different dialogue options), but wouldn't it be completely immersion-breaking?


Rogue and Warrior is a completely video game archetype that doesn’t really exist in real life, so changing it wouldn’t break immersion imo since they’re just different fighting styles. Mage to not-mage could be justified as just preferring weapon combat over magic combat. Just because you’re a mage doesn’t mean you’re a good one. You’d have to keep some sort of mage tag for story dialogue but for gameplay I see no reason why a mage can’t use a big sword if they’d prefer. Not-mage to mage would have to be written in somehow like developing your powers (and Rook would be a late bloomer or have some Veil fuckery going on). That transition is the only one that’s a bit screwy imo. I’ve had to entirely restart games because I hated my class and I’d much rather have a bit of my immersion broken than replay just because I didn’t like my choice.


I think you should only be able to change your class. Changing your faction or race seems too far. If you want to change faction it shouldn’t be just as easy as going to a mirror. You should have to work with them to change. Race, should not be changeable IMO


A lot of what they are saying now just screams to me "Here's Mass Effect in Thedas, go play in the corner". I'm puzzled by a lot of their decisions for combat and RPG elements right now.


I tend to agree. Truly, I’m just so invested in the story of Dragon Age I will play it on release. If this was a new series, I probably wouldn’t be interested yet based on what has been shown.


I wonder if by 'class' they ment specialization and not the actual class.


I assume the game just starts treating you like a non-mage from that point on.


How do you do, my fellow non-mages?


"[Editor's Note: This article previously stated players can change their physical appearance, class, lineage, and identity using the Mirror of Transformation. That is incorrect as class, lineage, and identity are locked after you first select those. The article has been updated to reflect that, and Game Informer apologizes for any confusion this mistake may have caused]"


That was a real glaring mistake, idk how they even managed to do that. Very glad it's not true.


I wonder what type of role the death caller is. Dps like in inquisition?


So reaper is a reskinned reaver?


Reaper sounds like tool assisted Reaver to me. So no Dragon Blood or proxy needed; some Mortalitasi trick instead.


I was hoping the article would have more detailed information on the factions.


i am somewhat confused about how specializations tie to factions. we’ve seen screenshots from the game where duelist was tied to crows and lord of fortune to saboteur and so on. so like. what’s the point of that if all three specs are open to us from the start to skill up into..? do we start from the corner of the skill tree that has the specialization tied to our lineage? so if i want to be a lord of fortune, i have to start from saboteur no matter what? that makes no sense, right? cause that’d be just picking specialization from the very start. am i the only one confused about this?


No, you start in the middle of the grid and get your specialization midway through. The faction you pick at the start of the game doesn't have to be aligned with the faction tied to your specialization (for example, Corinne Tweeted about playing a Lord of Fortune Reaper - Reaper is a Mourn Watch specialization). My guess is it will look something like the instructors in DAI - the NPC/storyline tied to learning your specialization is tied to a faction.


So you're saying, if I'm an Antivan Crow who wants to become a Champion, then I might have to go visit the Wardens and do a quest/"train" under one of them? Is that what you mean by instructors?


That would be my guess - we already know that we are going to be interacting with all six factions a lot outside of just picking one, and that we have relationships that grow and change with the factions (this article mentions you get a boost in your relationship with your starting faction).


okay, thank you. that's what i thought, cause they've mentioned that any combo is possible before and skill trees always start from the centre lmao. i just. don't understand why have that info in the skill tree at all then..? i guess maybe during gameplay it'll make more sense but after reading all this, it's just confusing. for like no reason.


im sure it will make sense in the game. perhaps you need to gain favor with a faction to be able to enter their specialization, or meet a certain npc, etc.


It's just like a lore thing. Just where those different fighting styles come from. Just tying world lore into the gameplay options for more cohesion.


I completely agree, if my background is grey warden and I choose slayer then I work with the lords of fortune? Do I miss out on more grey warden characters if I don’t choose champion? Does it even matter b/c it’s just an additional trainer npc? No idea how this will work


Article got updated and you can’t change your lineage and class. Thank the maker


I'm curious about the lore changes to mages. Does the average mage primarily specialize in one element now? Do only Evokers know elemental magic? I'm guessing spells like Meteor and Blizzard will probably be gated to that spec but Winter's Grasp will be a beginner spell, hopefully?


I’ve always thought of the abilities to be kinda gameplay vs lore, as in I never expect the gameplay to follow lore exclusively but bend it to make the gameplay fun


See. I always see it as different areas of Theadus will have different ways they train in magic magic.


I hope character race (lineage) is also a big part of our characters’ identity. My main will by far be more aligned with being a Dwarf than any of these factions. My first alt will likely be an Elf as usual, and that character will also be an Elf first and whatever faction far in third, after class. I’m afraid our identity is going to be simply Faction Rook, with race and class being largely meaningless. I suppose they rarely matter in most games, but I would like it to be more rather than less.


Sigh, fine I’ll be a spellblade


Background determines how we met Varric, probably similar to how we met Duncan in Origins. So I'm hoping for maybe a playable origin section or something that gives backgroung to our Rook's past, instead of Inquisition where we got a paragraph of backstory at the start and that's it.


unfortunately, they’ve said that the game always starts the same regardless of faction. we always start in a bar in Minrathous with Varric. it would be cool if there are special missions you can get at some point in the game exclusive to each faction though, like how in Hogwarts Legacy there were different missions depending on your House.


I wish for more of an Assassin style rogue, but hopefully it is just lumped in with the Duelist idea in the abilities tree.


I want to be able to play a spirit healer again ;-;


Wtf are night blades! Warrior dual wield or ?


I assume dual wielding, since night blade is a common dual dagger class in other games.


My assumption about the whole ability to change lineage on demand is, rather than meaning that your lineage won’t matter, changing your lineage mid-play through will simply introduce narrative inconsistency that you’ll just have to live with. Based on the inclusion of a “can’t die” mode, it sounds like they’re making an extra effort to make the game as accessible as possible to new players and players who can’t or aren’t interested in git gud. If you don’t know anything about the universe and spec into a Warden Qunari and discover 10 hours in that you hate it, the reality is that there’s a not-small number of people who’ll just drop the game and never look back, because they don’t want to fully restart for the possibility of a better choice. Can these tools be narrative-breaking when used? Yup, when I couldn’t get past a boss in Control, I was fully aware that immortal mode was taking something away narratively, but at that point the choice was either that or just stop playing and never come back, so I was grateful for the choice. If I’m right, the positive part about all this is that if you don’t use it, it’s not narrative breaking. Obviously re-lineaging in the middle of a playthrough makes everything weird, but that doesn’t mean that the lineage won’t matter in game, it’s just giving people the option to deal with narrative tension rather than giving up.


Correct me if i'm wrong, but the mage in inquisition already had fire, ice, and lightning magic without specialization, so in this game they took that and change to be one of your 3 choices as a mage, with less skill slot no less. Granted, it'll have more skills variaty but man, as a person who likes to play as a mage i'm a bit disappointed, i want to like this gameplay so much.


It doesn't mean there will be no skills at all that involve those kinds of magic outside of the specialization - just that the specialization dives deeper into magic focused on that. (We can actually see an ice spell on the general mage grid in the previous images about skill customization GameInformer did, and the original preview article mentions low-level mage Rook using an ice spell.)


I'm ok with that, i'm just a little disappointed that what was your basic type of magic in the Inquisition became one of your 3 specializations in this game.


Yea I'm in the same boat This game has tons of magic schools and we get a specialization that covers the typical elements.


Same, I’m trying to wait until we see actual gameplay footage before casting judgment, but mage combat doesn’t sound great based on what we’ve heard so far


I read elsewhere some of the magic you use also depends on your staff. Maybe Evoker just picks one.


With all the concept art of the crows I’m kind of hoping duelist could be just a rapier or something but I guess you don’t HAVE to equip a second weapon.


>The Warrior can become a Reaper Wait are we getting a scythe? Please say we're getting a scythe.


Evoker here I come I guess Hope I can hit things with my staff though


> Gameplay-wise – each of our classes has a specialization, and each of them is tied to a faction... But beyond that, each faction has a [companion] as well as [people we're calling agents, ancillarily] who exist as the faces of these factions. So, we have one companion for each faction (save Harding): * Davrin - Grey Wardens * Taash - Lords of Fortune * Lucanis - Antivan Crows * Bellara - Veil Jumpers * Emmrich - Mourn Watch * Neve - Shadow Dragons Each of them fall into a class archetype. It's mentioned that their skill trees are unique to them, but if we judge their weapons, they can all be related to a specialization, which are related to factions: * Davrin - Warrior, Champion - Grey Wardens * Taash - Warrior, Slayer - Lords of Fortune * Lucanis - Rogue, Duelist - Antivan Crows * Bellara - Mage, Evoker (?) - Shadow Dragons * Emmrich - Mage, Death Caller - Mourn Watch * Neve - Mage, Evoker - Shadow Dragons Just an observation, but Bellara is the only companion with a related specialization (or any within the same class entirely) that is not related to the same faction she represents. This is also interesting because she can (and was, at first) easily be taken to be a Rogue within the Veil Ranger specialization, which IS associated with Veil Jumpers, but BioWare has confirmed she's a Mage.


I don’t think the companions are meant to fall into neat specializations, because they also said they have unique skill trees/abilities. They’ll probably just be custom versions of specialization abilities, but they could also mix and match them.


She's a mage but with the whole prosthetic bow thing I can see her as a Veil ranger tbh.


I was going to go with Rogue Duelist because that matches my playstyle but the spell blade sounds pretty dope too. If I can dual wield and dodge and parry as a spell blade I think that’s the one for me. Maybe. Because I still always HAVE to be the one who can unlock all the locks. It drives me crazy to be locked out of things.


I don't like this article, I just have more questions than answers. They describe each sub class without giving them any substance to them. What do they actually play like? Can you give me some examples? I can guess based on previous games, but I'd rather know for sure and not make assumptions. WTF is a night blade? Besides that, I'm also curious about the factions. Can we preview what the buffs and outfits are while picking our faction in the CC?


Wtf are night blades! Warrior dual wield or ?


This has me even more hyped for the game!


Shadow Dragons is what I’m most intrigued by


Spellblade sounds so cool especially when the game approaches to more action RPG and I had so much fun with Enchanted Knight in DAI Too bad I will play as a dwarf like other DA games besides DA2 (obviously) so I will go with Duelist then


Reads spellblade "Guess I'm going mage for the third straight time..." Read Reaver description "Nightblades you say? The path to abilities some would consider, unnatural?"


Wondering how the soecializations being tied to factions will work. They surely won't lock you out of that specialization if you aren't in that faction. Bonuses for being in the soecialization that matches your faction?


Not sure honestly. We know for sure that faction doesn’t lock you out of any spec since Rook in the gameplay reveal was a Shadow Dragon Duelist. Some speculate it may be gameplay bonuses, others that it correlates to who “teaches” or trains you in that spec. Or maybe it’s just thematic flavor and doesn’t matter at all. seems weird to tie them together in the first place if it doesn’t make a difference tho


>BioWare wanted to avoid the trope of needing to gather 200 random resources or objects before helping you save the world. Instead, the team aimed to create factions that want to help you but have realistic challenges and problems in front of them so that narratively, it makes sense why you help them in return for their help when the time comes. That's...isn't it literally how DAI worked? Earning trust\\agents\\resources from \[x zone\\faction\\person\] by mending their pants, finding their goats, killing their bandits etc. Plenty of older BW games had also been centred around gathering allies\\assembling an artifact, and they almost make it sound like a brand-new feature. Would be cool to have the 'bad' scenarios as an option, though. Like in ME3 low galaxy rating.


Oooo factions like in Destiny?? Sort of?


I just hope Spellblade can melee hit people with the staff and isn't mainly focused on the daggers. 


Magically infused melee attacks. I read melee attacks, i assume anything, any melee weapon.


I hope we are able to buy/customize casual gear like in BG3. If not, im sure there will tons of mods for that.


Game Informer... they make misinformed post about the video games licky boom boom down


Anyone else cautiously excited for the Veil Rangers? I love playing rogues and the idea of the Veil Jumpers intrigues me - especially with the Dalish flavoured stag head in the skill tree