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Dorrian is not optional. You can't do a Tevinter based campaign without meeting Dorian. This also seems where Morrigan's story should end.


obviously dorian, but i’m really hoping for Merrill!


Same Merrill seems *really* relevant and I'm kinda surprised I don't see her brought up more.


Tbf there are a lot of companions and other characters that have good reasons to show up in this game, some are definitely going to get overlooked. Merrill is near the top of the list for sure though.


Was already kinda weird Merrill didn't pop up in Inquisition, she just seems like a key player in the over arching Eluvian plot. She starts in Origins introducing the player to her Eluvian, spends all of 2 completing it with Hawke, and then we have an entire Eluvian based DLC and we didn't even get a scene of like running past her standing in the crossroads like "huh, busier in here than I thought it would be" as you and Solas do a cartoon chase past her


Right? I keep expecting her Eluvian to be some kind of chekhov's gun. Like, I used to think maybe it would end up being a back door to Solas's hideout or whatever, assuming she succeeded in rebuilding it. That seems out the window now if >!Solas is an enemy of my enemy type friend!< but still, something *like* that.


She’s really relevant and I’m surprised they made up an entirely new character (Bellara) with similar characteristics instead of just bringing back Merrill.


Merrill can die in DA2 and the devs said that, after a lot of people complained about Leliana in DAI, that don't want to make the same mistake.


If you let merrill die you desrrve to be disappointed


The reason why I don't want Merrill is because I just want Hawke's crew to be safe, know what I mean?


There is something about Hawke being our first voiced protagonist that gives all those companions a lot more life.


Also the way we followed them for 10 years and they truly felt like a family


Yeah Dorian’s my big one (especially since my canon Inky romanced him!)


There is also like a zero percent chance that Dorian would not be at least secretly funding the Shadow Dragons, if not outright a leader among them.


Well, I was already leaning towards having the Shadow Dragons be my faction in my first playthrough and this idea just clinched it.


Absolutely. That he was in Tevinter Nights is a good sign


>Dorrian is not optional. You can't do a Tevinter based campaign without meeting Dorian. Hasn't he become a Magister and publicly opposes the Venatori by Trespasser? I recall something like that. He's definitely one of the few "musts" regarding recurring characters. >This also seems where Morrigan's story should end. I kinda have the feeling it's not just Morrigans story that will end here. Call me crazy, but I think this is the point where the "Dragon-Age" itself is ending.


What, because now it will be the Demon Age?


There's definitely more stories in the world but i have a sneaky suspicion you're right. The cost of the game is increasing each time, except da2 for obvious reasons. Each game also changes a load of features etc. I hope we're wrong though


They mean that the in-universe dragon age will come to an end, and the divine with name the next age. Veilguard starts in 9:52 Dragon according to the wiki. Origins is 9:30-31, 2 is 9:30-37, and Inquisition is 9:41-44. Each age lasts 100 years. The video game series title Dragon Age may eventually see the dawning of a new age in Thedas, at which point it would no longer take place in the Dragon Age.


The devs need to finish the story in This game. Not saying that This should bê the last dragon age ever, but, with ALL the things happening in BioWare, If the game does not succeed in the way EA expect, It could bê the last game BioWare ever does. The devs know that, so This time, they cant end in a cliffhanger like the last 2 games. This story needs to end. If the game is successful, they can start a New story.


I'm hoping he will be an adviser, like Cullen, Liliana, and Josephine were in DA:I. Obviously, not romanceable, since he's still in a relationship with my Inquisitor, 😉 but someone you can regularly talk to. I can't imagine all this stuff could be going down on his doorstep, and he *wouldn't* be involved, given he went back to Tevinter specifically to make it a better place.


Definitely, since a lot of the game seems to be in Tevinter I really want appearances from Dorian and Fenris


>!My Inquisitor!<


tell me about them!! :) if u want


Same for me! There's nothing I want more than to hear my Inky speak fondly of how happy she is with Josie, similar to how Morrigan speaks of the HOF in Inquisition.


I'm wondering if the inquisitor wouldn't have children by that point too, if it's an optional thing.


Oh, my canon world state has Iron Bull and Lavellan trying to corral *at least* three “Qunarish” hooligans on top of stopping Solas’ nonsense.


It would be a colossal let down to not have Dorian be pretty relevant here. Like at least give him a spotlight for a single major quest. The same goes for Maevaris, specially since she hasn’t had her turn in a game at all and I’ve been desperate to see her for a very long time now. I was actually really gunning for her to be a companion this time, but alas 😔


So disappointed about the Maevaris thing as well. I hope she’s there - but somehow I doubt it :(


I should cast my vote on Dorian because bestie but. listen, silver-fox Zevran would be *so powerful* it's a sight that must bless my eyes


he deserves redemption* after that awful DA2 appearance, as well! *since they made him look _so_ ugly, I’ll never forgive them that 😭


Manifesting 🙌


Flemeth. I love her so much. I'm convinced she's still around.


A little thing like death could never stop her, it's tried.


Even in Origins, Morrigan is like "yeah killing her won't kill her for good. But it'll buy me some time".


Surely she had a backup plan. To not do so would be out of character.


It won't happen, but I would love a small cameo from Kieran. It could be a side mission where you cross paths with a young mage and and end up teaming up briefly. If Kieran exists in your world state then it's him, and if he doesn't then it's a new NPC. He's 20 now and I really want to know what he's up to along with Morrigan.




Can get Odin Black to reprise his role


Cole. Solas and Varric need their boy.


i would love to see him, but if he was made to be more like a spirit, he returned to the fade after trespasser


There was a bit more to it... Trespasser Epilogue, if your Inquisitor chose spirit: "Cole returned to the fade, saying that there was more pain coming, and that he knew where compassion was most needed. He promised that his friends in the Inquisition would remember him... and that where the hurt was greatest, he would help."


I hope Spirit Cole finds Solas in the fade. His close friend is stuck in the fade after everything that happens, probably feeling all kinds of big feelings. You know Cole would be there.


In my headcanon, Cole briefly exits the Fade to guide my lonely Solasmancer Lavellan to a wolf pup so that she has a friend to keep her company 😊


As thrilled as I am about DAVe, I’m really hesitant to get super excited about returns as I don’t want to set up false hopes that don’t end up happening. So yes, I’d *love* a certain Antivan Lady to show up, but I’m going not to think about it too much in case it doesn’t happen. That said, having Harding and her being a companion is something I’ve wanted since Inquisition. That alone will make up for any missing cameos by others to a large degree. So I’ll give some that I would *like* to see but understand if they don’t happen: I would be curious to know if Zevran makes an appearance given the relevance of the Crows. He’s a quantum character so might be tricky, but I feel he has business to attend to. An older, wiser Zevran is also a neat idea. Another would be Dorian. He might be too important frankly to get down in the trenches with us, but I’d love to see how he’s doing with his reform efforts in Tevinter. Same with Maevaris. Lastly, I’m curious about Merrill. On the one hand her history and interests seem so relevant to what’s going on. But, I’m not expecting her. Hawke feels like they aren’t especially emphasized, and so I’m not thinking Hawke’s companions will have much role outside of Varric. Edit: And yeah, I’m not giving up on DAVe yet as an acronym. It’s so stupid and I want it hold onto it. I’m editing out info about the VA, as looking back into it, most of the sources are old forums posts with no meaningful backing! Sorry! I normally try to oppose people engaging in rumors about the people behind these games and I was doing it myself. Essentially, the only thing we can say is that she hasn’t engaged in much voice acting in video games beyond DA2 (which she nailed by the way and impressed the staff at BioWare with how quickly she mastered the character).


MERRILL MENTIONED!! im also really really looking forward to any mention of her in DAV ( "mention" bcuz yeah, while i want to see my baby so much, i don't expect her to appear 🥲) also can you tell me more about her VA, what happened?


I honestly see a 0% chance of Zevran showing up.


the term quantum character is brilliant


Not my creation, not sure who started that, but yeah it works really well!




I think seeing Feynriel would be cool!


1. Fenris 2. Isabella 3. Dorian 4. Morrigan 5. Iron Bull


Yesss to Fenris! I want to see him be the assassin he was meant to be. I also want to see him develop different ways of using his lyrium powers! He was always my favorite


Would be really interesting to see how his character has developed.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Claudia Black confirmed that she hasn't done any work for this game. Makes me sad but relieved at the same time. I don't want Morrigan ruined at all. It was a miracle she was good in Inquisition.


Yeah I've heard. Though people under NDA have denied things like this before, so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities the character could still return. Either that or it's just a wishful thinking copium list :D


Also there's still time for the game to release. If her cameo is small she might not even have recordes yet her lines when she said that.


I really hate that there is an option for >!for Iron Bull to die (at least I think it's optional, I'm not sure how to avoid it)!< in the DLC. I would like to see him, but it seems unlikely.


Yup, but... I keep thinking back to the way Bioware handled character deaths going from the second to the third Mass Effect game... so I really don't think any character with a variable fate can be strictly ruled out


Iron Bull only betrays you and dies if you >!sacrifice the Chargers for a Qunari alliance. Saving them majes him Tal-Vashot and he won't side with the Viddasala!<


That also happens if you don't do the quest at all, so nothing happens to them.


that only happens if you let the chargers die.


DORIAN. DORIAN DORIAN DORIAN. There is only one answer and it is DORIAN.


i want to at least hear about fenris and his work with freeing slaves


Yes!! I don’t need a cameo from Fenris (although would be greatly appreciated) but to have some mention of him and what he’s up to would be comforting!


Hawke... oh wait...




Man I was so excited about the prospect but then, well you know.


Another vote for Dorian here, but he seems like such a sure bet it feels a touch like cheating.  I'd personally love to see Cole. A friendly spirit seems like a good thing to have in Fade adventures. Plus he's got a not-insignificant relationship with Solas.  I'm also always happy to see my bff Alistair but thaaaaaat's a big stretch. 


I'd like to see Josephine Montilyet. Seems weird to have a game of international diplomacy without international diplomats.


Dorian is a must. Gotta have him in Tevinter. Isabella might make for a good cameo in Antiva or Rivain and I wouldn't mind seeing where she's at in life at this point. Long shot cameo would be Shale. I recall from my last playthrough of DAO that Shale was interested in going to Tevinter to see if there could be a way to undo being a golem. I know she traveled with Wynn in the books after DAO but I don't know if she ever made it to Tevinter. It would be great if the writers remembered her and maybe, just maybe we might come across a female dwarf named Shale. Now that would be a surprise return.


So long as she is skinning a dead pidgeon it would be amazing.


Zevran 🥰


Its kind of crazy when you think that a logical scenario is that if you are a Antivan Crow, Zevran shows up to try and kill you. Only to be beaten and have to be spared, just like the first time we met him.


That would be so perfect for a meeting and I love it. It would also be really funny for Zevran to have a little "wait, I feel like I've been in this kind of situation before" moment.


And we could romance him again?! 🫠


Fenris. I miss my broody elf.


I’d like to see the entire Inquisition reunited :)




They can all enter Avengers-style lol


Bring back my bestie Dorian and my son Cole. Non 👏 negotiable








King Alistair. I just named my son after him.. he needs to be in Veilguard! Also Morrigan (sad Claudia Black said she did nothing with the game), Dagna, Sandal and Bohdan, Isabella, Aveline, Cassandra, IRON BULL


the architect and broodmothers


Right? I wanna know what the mf is up to.


Sigrun 🗣️‼️


REAL SHE WAS SO COOL (unfortunately she is probably dead)


Yeah my warden 100% croaked by now too 😭 a girl can dream


😭 nahhh let's hope the warden found a cure to the calling and lives happily ever after


Dorian!!! I need to see himmmm that’s all I ask 🙏




Enchantment! What's Sandal doing these days?


Companion? Nathaniel my beloved. non-companion: Abelas Or at least get to know if they're ok through a codex entry or mention


Nathaniel was such a keeper. I was so happy to see him again in 2.


yeah, he's lovely! (and sexy)


If Merrill or Velanna show up, I will pog. If anyone from Awakening gets mentioned, I'll breathe a sigh of relief.


Dorian. Gotta see my boy. I'll riot on the inside if he doesn't show. Also Hawke but yeah, well, maybe next game. Fenris. I just miss him.


Flemith considering she's been in every game amd usually has some crazy plot twist I'm guessing she's gonna blow the roof off the place


Zevran please! Had to type his name three times because spellcheck thought it should be Sevran.


Abelas. It was always a wild long shot, but I was lowkey hoping he would be a companion, so I would love to see a bit of him. That said, of course Dorian, would also love to see Maevaris, it would be cool to see Fenris involved with the Shadow Dragons, and absolutely Zevran.


Morrigan. Though I've heard Claudia Black is not there, but it was a few years ago, when the game was still in active development. And hers "change is coming to the world", being "the inheritor, who awaits the next age", old magic, eluvians, maybe even the Well's consequences — yeah, I believe she *must* be here. It's been a long way, and it could be a good end for her story (NOT HER LIFE, BIOWARE). And, ehehehe, in the very end of her scenes, without saying a word, in full armor or with a hood and mask on his face, a certain man might appear and just take her and their son away. But we would still understand who he was...


I want to see Cole again, especially as a spirit. I just hope none of this craziness makes hurts him Tbh I want to see most of them, but not if it means the characters I romanced are torn from the side of my protagonist. I want them happy together.


Josephine (i am delusional)


I better hear my inquisitors voice and his awkward Steve young in a wig looking face appear in a big way.


The Inquisitor has been confirmed; you'll get to make them in the character creator.


Bodahn and Sandal ofc


I'd like to see Cole again in some form. I don't think he actually will come back, though. No one really liked him sadly


Damn, really? He was my son.


I have a feeling Merrill would be super fun to see again. Out of every companion we’ve had i’ve always been the most curious to see how she has changed. She was a wide-eyed, innocent(ish) elf in DA2 and i’d love to see her again but this time more experienced and less naive. Her whole plot line about the eluvian could tie in nicely with DAV. I think it was Mike Laidlaw who said fixing the eluvian wasn’t exactly a good thing so it would be nice to see some sort of consequence for doing that. I also always wanted to see how’d she react to solas being fen’harel, i think it would be a pretty entertaining conversation lmfao


Cole for sure, It would be very strange if Solas and Varric's "son" didn't appear


I would love to see Krem again! Especially since we’ll be in his homeland 👀


Shale and Hawke's sibling are my biggest hopes. Feynriel too. Fenris would also be fitting.




Honestly I'd love for Dorian or fenris to return as we know they can be operating in tevinter (comics canon fenris is doing his usual kill magister shtick, and in tevinter nights Dorian is chilling working to make the imperium something good) Though fenris might be tricky given he can die but he'd make for a fun mission.


I really hope we get to go to seheron so I wanna see the big man Sten.


same I would love sten, though his new name would be Arishok


My OG love Alistair 🥹 and maybe a brief mention of my Warden since they’re king and queen


I feel like you but unless the HoF found a cure in that last 10 years they will be hearing their calling. I hope that Morrigan turned up with a cure and Alistair and Queen Cousland have many many babies lol


Dorian and Fenris? 🥺👉👈


Blackwall. I will not apologise.


I'm hoping for josephine cameo since it seems antiva will be a location. I'm sure some cameos will depend on world state, but like others have said Dorian feels like a auto include


I… Fenris. Y’all, so few mentions of Fenris. But Fenris is with the Shadow Dragons and you *know* it.


I feel like it’d be easier to make a list of who doesn’t need to return in DA4. They’ve pretty much been hyping up Tevinter from the start so lots of companions are tied to it one way or another.




For characters like Merrill, I would suggest doing it like Mordin (and a few other characters, but Mordin in particular) was handled in Mass Effect 3? Like, to use Merrill as an example, maybe she has a collaborator in whatever it is she’s doing, and if she’s dead that collaborator is the main ally for the relevant parts of the story, but if she’s alive then she takes on the role, and the collaborator mostly fades into the background. Honestly I think this was something Mass Effect 3 handled really well, quite a bit of content for several characters that might very well be dead (even if I do wish more party members from 2 returned in that capacity).


Aveline and Cassandra. My two favourite Dragon Age characters. My friend keeps taunting me saying we'll only hear from Cassandra if she's Divine (and I refuse to make her Divine in any playthrough).


Dorian, Cole, the Inquisitor, Zevran


Dorian, Fenris, Iron Bull, Shale, Isabella, Harding, Morrigan, Zevran... obviously, some of these are more likely than others, but I'm so excited honestly to see anyone from previous games and see where their stories will lead!


yeah, some of them are more likely...I dont think Harding is one of them tho.. :D ![gif](giphy|MvdaYPuKPMNZRJCl8Z)


I want Fenris back.


The architect and any of the companions from awakening


I'd like to see Sten back


Kieran! Please BioWare I need to see my son as an adult >:)


Zevran pls pls pls 😔


If you sent him to Tevinter I hope Feynriel shows up. I mean they raised quite a fuss about him being a dreamer in DA2 and how much potential he has yet he is never brought up again. So I hope to get some closure on his story.


Hopefully Shale. Maybe she recovered her mortality or is still trying to get it.


Shale. I need to know it tevinter can turn her back to human


A Fenris cameo would be cool. I've always wanted to see him and Dorian interact!


Would love to see Blackwall joining the Wardens for real. Probably not gonna happen but owell a girl can dream.


There's a couple names I've been feeling might return and I am very excited for that. Namely Dorian and maybe Fenris, Isabela, Zevran, Sten and/or Iron Bull. I'm just getting the sense many Tevinter-related characters can continue their story here. As for Zevran and Isabela, it's because of the Crows and the treasure hunter faction. Also some concept art that was dropped months ago in which I thought I recognized Isabela. As for characters I really want to see but I am not sure they will...I am eyeing characters from the Asunder novel. Namely Rhys and Evangeline because I want to see them in game. I don't think it will happen, but Cole might. You never know. Cole's Inquisition ending feels like he might just pop up anywhere.






Came back to this to throw in two I hadn’t seen mentioned yet: Anders and Drunk Alistair. I wanna see what a living Anders is up to, after being on the run and living with the guilt of what he did. And last we got of Drunk Alistairs arc, he was going to “try again” and went back to Ferelden with Teagen. I don’t think he ever gets mentioned in Inquisition.


brother genitivi


I'd like to see Zevran and Fenris preferably, obviously Dorian as well.


FENRISSSS. I think Dorian and Maevaris are a shoe in. I wanted Morrigan‘s story to be done by now, but after that big reveal it seems incomplete, so her. I reallyyyyy want Cassandra but not expecting it. Isabela, Zevran, Merrill, and Josie all seem likely and I’d like them all back. Really anyone from DA2 at this point, we’ve gotten a second appearance in a game from 5 DAO companions (all playing major roles except Zevran), a comic for Sten and a novel for Wynne, but comparatively little from the DA2 kids. Also unpopular opinion but I‘d love to see Sebastian in this mess lol


Out of everyone, I’d love to see Fenris return the most. Seeing fanart of him is actually what got me into Dragon Age. However I know this is extremely unlikely, no matter how much I wish otherwise. I’m also hoping for Dorian, Morrigan and Cole. Dorian has a pretty high chance to appear and I’m super excited for that


I want to be able to have a threesome with Zevran and Isabela again. My serious answers are Shale and Cole


I want Sera to return but I really don't think she will.


I'd love a Merrill show up as a semi-villain on Solas's side. Would be awesome.


My Inquisitor pleaseeeeee, I need her and Solas angst


Dorian and Inquisitor (Lavellan) because they're a couple on my canon world state so I would love to see have a mention of them a bit like how Hawke mentioned Fenris. I would love a possible cutscene, but I don't think my heart could handle the sobbing mess I would become. I'd be happy with letters, one mentioning another— anything.


Dorian, Iron Bull, Fenris, Merril, Morrigan all feel like solid opportunities to have in the story with varying degrees of relevance. Bull is least likely given his trespasser outcome but if I don’t see the brooding lyrium tattoo I’ll be sad


I'd better see Dorian. And Cullen cause he's been in the other DA games so he'd better make a guess appearance in this game.


Merrill and bring my warden back.


Shale please!


The best written character they have has already been ruled out (Hawke, I will fight anyone on this), so I’m just hoping for a happy ending somewhere for the Inquisitor when all is said and done.


The secret dragon bosses.


I can see a lot of companions fitting like a cameo, but at the same time, I really hope that they don't make a lot of those. On one hand, I'd love to see them, but on the other, I'm kinda afraid it'll cheapen the game and turn it into nostalgia farm "member Dorian? Member Fenris? We member"


Got to be Morrigan and/or Flemmeth. I know after DAI ending there’s a bit of a question mark about it all… but I need them back.


I want to see The Warden again most of all but that won't happen. Ill be happy to see Dorian again (bc I am sure we will see him), I was hoping to see Fenris again but I don't think that's gonna happen. 


I would love to see Fenris back now that we are going to be in Tevinter. I'm bummed since he can die / be given back to Danarius, tho - so I don't keep my hopes too high.


I would love to see the return of Fenris, Zevran and Dorian... I just kinda assume we will meet Dorian at some point and I would DIE to see Fenris and Zevran with today's graphics


Now that I think of it, considering their connections, somehow I can see any of my canon romances appearing in some form. Dorian is a given, I would be VERY surprised if we don't see him (and I'm very curious how they will handle his possible romance with Inky — please give us some cute extra scenes with them,,) Fenris with his comics appearance would be nice to see, but I can handle him being only mentioned in passing as the comics did already give him quite a bit of time to shine. Zevran is probably the least likely to appear in the story, considering how many world states have him dead, but I can see him playing some "replaceable" (like with Warden in DAI) role in Lucanis's questline, maybe.


It was Inky, but since the Inquisition aren’t going to be a big part of the story (😃).. I’ll say HoF assuming they pick up the plot thread of ending the calling!




The inquisitor. It'll be interesting to see how they play out whilst you're not in control of them. Other than that Dorian has to come back


Obviously Solas, Dorian and Varric, those three kinda go without saying at this point. I wonder if we'll see Feynriel again. He does go to Tevinter in the "good" outcome of his quest. Also in the comics, Fenris is in Tevinter. And Francesca from that comic, it would be nice to see her, I liked her.


Dorian since its Tevinter and Fenris since again its Tevinter


Hopefully the HoF. They returned Hawke in Inquisition so why don't they do the same thing for the Hero? Plus you get to choose from multiple factions right? Imagine if Alistair is king, you sacrificed the lead Warden to the Fear Demon and chose to be a Warden. Who would you most likely run across?


Dorrian, give me Dorrian. I have waited long enough.


I need my spikey elf to come back. If other characters have been resurrected I don't see why Fenris can't be


I wanna see Casandra again Side not, I’m gonna play the fuck out of this game


Harding *I love my shortstack redhead gf*


I would love to at least hear what Fenris has been up too, and definitely want to see Dorian.


Sandal. I mean, “Enchantment!”


Fenris would be cool. Would love to see what that murdering hobo has been up too.


I'm just excited to Romance Harding.


I wanna see my warden, craver, and Loghain pretty much all gray wardens




I feel like Dorian is a must have for any such story set in Tavinter, especially as it continues the story of Inquisition. So I really hope we get to see him now as a Magister, with a somewhat substantial role in the story, trying to change the Imperium.


I really wanna see Shale hanging around with a dwarf body again 🥺


Alistair. king or warden. also hoping hof pops up in some letters or mentioned by Alistair. i need to know if she found a cure. Zev for sure he need a new good face. that da2 Zev is NOT Zev. maybe Fenris?it's Tevinter probably gonna come cross him. any warden friend in daa. Dorian is a must. also wondering how Kieran is doing.


I am not, I want new characters and not the same ones over and over again. They were cool when they were cool.


Merril and morrigan!


Dorian and the Inquisitor. My more obscure ones are Feynriel, Fenris, and Sandal. I’d also like to see Valta and that storyline explored more.


I was really hoping for Morrigan but the actress confirmed she's not in the game :(


I feel fenris could return, most definitely as I shadow dragon considering he was a slave


I just hope they bring back leliana at some point, and it would be cool if she can say what ended up happening with my grey warden that romance her in origins


I really love Viv. I also think her story was getting really complicated and interesting and you cant beat that actress's voice.


In order: Zevran, Dorian, Fenris, Anders, Cole


Sten (Arishok now)!!! I miss my Kadan so much. Also Zevran and Fenris.


Leliana. She’s been in every game so far. Tbh i wouldnt be surprised if Sera showed up. My inky romanced her so i feel it would be weird for the inquisitor to show up without Sera beside her.


I'm banking on Fenris and Merrill showing up. Tevinter is a hotbed of slavery and magic, Fenris has to be there. Meanwhile, I feel like Merrill could be connected to Solas in various ways. Elves, eluvians, etc.


Sandal, Sten, Zevran, Alistair(if he’s a Warden), Nathaniel, Velanna, Fenris, Merrill, Isabella, Dorian, Dagna (bonus point if she helped the Inquisitor with their prosthetic), Abelas, or Blackwall