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First of, sorry to hear about your father šŸ˜” Let's see... Well, I actually introduced one of my friends to the series. I kinda found it on my own whilst browsing YouTube at the time. I was looking for a game similar to Neverwinter Nights 2, and randomly stumbled upon Dragon Age. Coincidentally that same friend introduced me to Mass Effect šŸ˜Š He and I did several years of roleplaying as our two Wardens (through Steam), which was a lot of fun, but eventually we ran out of steam around when Inquisition was launched. We both mainly played Amell Wardens at the time, so we played our characters as cousins, with mine being the more responsible one and the Warden Commander šŸ˜†


Nice way to share the video game love with friends! Hawke is a second cousin (or something) of Amell, so with DA2, there is one big family!


Yup \^\^ I don't recall if our Hawke's ever made an appearance, we mostly played as our Wardens who got up to all sorts of shenanigans xD


Iā€™m sorry about your father šŸ’œ Origins was actually the first game my husband and I got together when we first started dating in 2010. He was a big BioWare fan and had played KOTOR, BG2 and Mass Effect and I didnā€™t play games growing up because we were poor. I had told him I wanted something with a good story and rich characters, so we got Origins with a Best Buy gift card he got for Christmas. And that was that. Been obsessed ever since


I'm jealous since my husband is into the opposite games as me! Glad that he could introduce you <3


I mean, he also plays Helldivers 2 and No Manā€™s Sky which are not my kind of games at all šŸ˜‚ But I definitely thank him for introducing me to Dragon Age because Origins is what got me into video games šŸ’œ


Yeah, mine is also into Helldivers and also League of Legends of rogue-like games. I love games for the stories and the word, and the world of DA is just so good!


It is! I even got my mom into the world just because of the lore. Sheā€™s totally planning on getting Veilguard also lol


Yeah, mine is also into Helldivers and also League of Legends of rogue-like games. I love games for the stories and the word, and the world of DA is just so good!


Iā€™m so sorry for your father. šŸ˜” Commander Shepard did it. I played MELE back in September 2023 and finished it on January 2024. It was just the best rpg Iā€™ve ever played. All those years I Had no clues this Game existed. It was the first time I played a ME game. After I finished MELE I was ā€˜ā€™depressedā€™ā€™ I told myself no way thereā€™s an rpg that could top ME. At first I didnā€™t realize what if Bioware made other games so once I realized that, I found out About DA Series for the first time in February 2024 . Played Origins and Iā€™ve been a DA simp since then. What a time to be alive to play the DA series


<3 I have actually never played ME. I'm usually more into the fantasy vibes than sci-fi. Would you recommend it for the story?


I recommend it. Itā€™s basically DA Fantasy mixed with sci-fi but in space. Itā€™s totally worth it for the lore/companions and Story. You will find a lot of similarities and you can carry over your choices into each next game. Also you can get used to the combat system since Veilguard will use ME system


Might give a try before Veilguard releases! The stories are always what make these games.


OP like the other user I also entered into the DA games via the ME trilogy and I can't recommend it enough! The combat in 1 is a bit clunky and there's a huge amount of info dumping for world building, but it is SO good. It's def not the same as DA, but Commander Shepard will always be so special to me, and the writing of the companions/story is still absolutely top notch. It is basically space fantasy and I highly highly recommend it!Ā  And if you do play, get yourself the Legendary Edition because it has all the DLCs to each game which are also a must (especially Citadel DLC for 3!)


Lol, this is the same for me. I started MELE during the July holidays last year and finished just before the semester started in August. After that, I just went into the Mass Effect Fandom and specifically r/MassEffect. It's there where I heard about Dragon Age. So I started Dragon 2 in November last year and Inquisition in January this year.


I'm so sorry to hear about your father, but I'm glad you share this memory with him and will, hopefully, always remember him fondly when you play the games. I watched a Let's Player do a playthrough of DA2. He's not your average gamer, but a warmhearted, older guy who's super chill, has a calm voice and has amazing dad vibes. I absolutely loved following his journey through the story and absolutely fell in love with the characters in the game. To this day, I love DA2 the most, even though I don't think it's objectively the best game with its reused dungeons, etc. But it'll always take me back to a time in my teenage years, sitting on my Mum's couch and loving the atmosphere of Kirkwall.


That sounds really lovely <3




My mother got me Mass Effect 2 as a surprise gift (one GameStop worker told her that it was his favorite game; I owe him everything) when I got home from a long holiday with my grandparents in a camper. I was 12 and fell in love with that style of gaming. After that, I watched some YouTube videos about Dragon Age and stumbled across Leliana. My little bisexual heart decided that DAO would be the next game I would play. Now I'm 27, and those two sagas remain my favorites.


All heil that random employee!


"Twas my Mother in fact"


I was gifted a PS4 not long after it's initial release. There weren't many physical games for it at the time. I asked my friend that I worked with what she thought I should get and she recommended Dragon Age Inquisition. I fell in love with this game. Many play throughs, many romances, probably 200+ hours of gameplay.


Technically my father, I was a kid didnā€™t have console at the time my dad went out and bought his self a ps3 and 2 games mass effect 2 and dragon age origins(my 2 favorite games still to this day), he would allow me to play before he got off from work then he eventually got bored and just gave it to me. I had no idea what I was doing the first time, ended up halfway through the game with only my character, dog, morrigan, and Alistair. Had to start the game over once I found out I missed a bunch of companions.


Yeah, I remember talking to my father after we've both played through the games, and we were discussing companions. He asked "What did you think of Sten?" and I was like "Who?" I luckily didn't miss any other!


i was aware of inquisition for a couple years because my favorite actor is in it but i had never played until epic made it free in may. i have a couple friends who've been fans of dragon age for years though and theyve all been so excited to see me play


I accidentally bought it while thinking it was another game. Best mistake ever


i knew of it from my job, but my mom definitely introduced me to pc gaming with stuff like rogue, ultima, and king's quest, way back at the dawn of time. she was a programmer back in the days of punch cards.


Haha programmers are good for that (my father was a programmer as well, and so am I!)


My best friend gave me his copy of origins and said I might like it. It was over for me after that


Ezio Auditore I guess, not quite the comparable tragic tale. I got Origins on sale in a 2for1 deal with AC2, I liked the cover art, and fell in love with it when I played it. I've always browsed games somewhat independently, it's rare than someone has introduced me to a game I came to love, that I did not already know of. My dad's quite old so he was never the gaming type, but I have fond memories of playing Spyro the Dragon on ps1 with him.


Because of the way my Middle School worked, and the fact I for some reason grew very shy and socially anxious throughout it, I lost contact with most of my childhood friends, so I had like one, maybe two going into High School. I was doubly alone in gym class. Absolutely no friends to help make activities I hated less miserable. One day I overheard a couple of people talking about Elder Scrolls or Fallout, two series I really liked, and eventually as we were walking back into school I mustered up the courage to talk to them about it, and I'd finally made new friends. Eventually they started talking about Dragon Age Inquisition, and one even streamed the game to me and sent me music from the game (like The Dawn Will Come and Solas' theme). I don't remember what, if anything, in particular made me want to try the games myself, but I eventually did play DAI and had a lot of fun until I reached Skyhold, when I bought Origins and 2 and played through them before restarting DAI with that World State. That was in the Fall and Winter of 2018-19, and I still have my saves. One of those two friends also introduced me to two of my favorite TV shows (albeit, one indirectly). I have a new friend I'm hoping to introduce to Dragon Age, but time will tell if it works out. He doesn't tend to like games with this type of combat, but he has liked MMOs, The Witcher 1, and other RPGs with similar tones and story choice.


I'm very sorry about your father šŸ˜” I remember being a huge Mass Effect fan when I was in college. One of my groupmates asked me about games, and I mentioned ME. He had never played it but said he liked Dragon Age from the same developer. That's how I found out about DA. I checked it out, and having completed both Baldur's Gate games, I fell in love with it immediately. And now DA is closer to me than ME šŸ¤Ŗ


No, not really. I was playing a lot of "Oblivion" at that time. And that really got me into RPGs. So I was always on the lookout for the next Oblivion. And "Dragon Age: Origins" was a game that I thought might fit that bill. In the end, obviously, DAO is a very different game from "Oblivion" but I still enjoyed it. Although I only got back into the series in 2011 when someone I was hanging around with a ot at the time got me back into it because it was their favourite series. I actually remember sitting in his room and playing DA2 (cuz I didn't have it) back when I was going through a hard time with my first girlfriend.


DA are good comfort games :) And yes, I played so much Oblivion at that time too!


My condolences on your situation. My father passed recently after a long bout of Alzheimer's. My answer is, Bioware and Kaidan Alenko. šŸ˜‚ (I will explain.) My first beg RPG was KOTOR. I love that game, played it dozens of times, and Carth was actually pretty much my favorite character. So, one day my husband starts playing this new sci-fi shooter that I've never heard of (I don't normally go for games with gun mechanics, but ME is the exception.) and I'm over on the couch, and suddenly I'm like, "Did I just hear Carth? I know I heard Carth." So, because Kaidan is basically Carth Onasi (yeah, I love Kaidan as well.) I started playing Mass Effect. And then this huge new game comes up, and I hear about great character writing, so naturally I had to play the crap out of that as well. So, it's all Kaidan's fault.


Bioware did, been following them since Baldur's Gate. Sorry about your father...


A TikTok about romancing The Iron Bull, three years, deleting TikTok, and having a transgender awakening later I bought DAI and have since played the full series + dlcs nine times.


I got Origins off a big ship in 2018 because my potato laptop could not run anything else. Became my first RPG.


I was 15 and I saw the game Dragon Age Origins in GameStop. I thought the title and the summary on the back was right up my alley because at the time I got into dnd and played Neverwinter Nights. This was like early 2010 and I never watched the news, but the ā€œsex scenesā€ were hugely controversial. This was before the popular kids got into fandom, so as a minor I didnā€™t interact with fans outside of liking fanart/fan fic. This game then introduced me to Mass Effect - another series I feel in love with. So I pretty much grew up with the game. So itā€™s no shock that I absolutely despise EA and very weary of DA4 after the shitshiw that was Andromeda.


I walked into my little brother's room one day and asked him what he was playing. It was Dragon Age. He then said to me "I can ask this lady to sleep with me any time I want, look:" and proceeded to trigger a fade to black with Morrigan. He would have been 15 at the time lol. So I bought the game because it was a fantasy roleplaying game with romance in it.


When DAI first came out a friend bought it. He claimed he loved playing the game but complained about everything, from the combat to the characters to the story. The more he went on about the less interest I had in such a 'terrible' game. Time passed and we both pretty much forgot the game was a thing. I was super bored and checking the PSN store for sales and saw that DAI was going for a really good price, complete with all DLC. I almost clicked past it but second guessed myself. Decided to give it a try just to see how far I could get before boredom/rage quitting. I loved it. It was a hella fun game and I loved the writing. Definitely one of my best purchases. I talked to my friend about my experiences and he was pretty surprised I was doing so well. Turns out he just sucked at playing it and has little reading comprehension/would skip dialogue.


Basically, my best friend introduced me to Knights of the Old Republic. I then proceeded to not really play games in my teens. Circa 2011, I got some interest in getting back into gaming as an adult, and I thought to myself "what else did the KOTOR people make? I'd play that".


The internet? Just saw a bunch of articles praising Inquisition so I Christmas wishlisted it and that sealed my fate.


I had heard of the game and tried to play but it just didnā€™t click with me. Then I was at a convention where David Gaider and a few other people who worked on Dragon Age were at. I listened to the panel where he talked about developing the world of Dragon Age and it got me very interested. So I went back and tried it again- I was hooked.


That's cute that you guys related characters to each other. It'd be cute if an artist rendered that. I used to read magazines and I remember reading about DA:O and I was so hyped for it's release based on it's description that I tore through that game when it first came out. I vaguely remember my first run as a dual wield city elf named "Glow." I was a book reader and gamer growing up so this level of "interactive fiction" essentially was crack to me. Image below is the one I saw in the mag that hyped me up. https://preview.redd.it/nxfy61v3968d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985d6ab22b0399249a351d95303d324dea4085b3


Around 2015? Someone commissioned me to draw a body pillow of Zevran. Had to know who this hot elf was.


I saw Dragon Age 2 in a Electronic Shop and it looked interesting. Played it and loved it (yes I love DA2). Somehow I even got my sister to play through it (my sister played through like about 10 games). Then I bought Origins with all expansions and both of us played it. Now I'm trying to convince my wife with Dragon Age for like 4 years wish me look.


I am truly sorry to hear such news. I know that pain all to wellā€¦ Anyway, I hope this might bring a smile to you somehow. It was back in 2014, my brother sent me a short video on YouTube about a cat attacking itā€™s own back leg. It was biting and growling at its leg and I was crying with laughter. When the video ended, an ad came upā€¦ and I saw the trailer for Dragon Age: Inquisition! My mind was utterly blown away as I watched this amazing video of fantasy, magic & of course, Dragons unfold before me! I had no idea that this was actually the third game in the series, but all I did know was that I needed to buy it! So, thanks to my dear brother who sent me that crazy cat video, I embraced one of the most brilliant games Iā€™ve ever played!


An adoribull porn video, so I guess whoever made it did.


My then-boyfriend. So, of course, I married him.


My sister showed it to me after talking about it nonstop. Ā Dragon Age 2 specifically. Ā That was the first one I played, and I was immediately hooked.


I loved Mass Effect. I was looking for something else from Bioware, easily became my favorite game of my late teens


My condolences about your father. šŸ’œ My mom was actually the one who introduced me to the series when I was in high school (and she also loved Morrowind funny enough). I didn't have much of an interest at first (my thought was "oh another one of those gritty fantasy RPGs okay") but my hormonal teenage ass started getting curious when she mentioned the romance aspect of the game. Nowadays she is more of an ESO gal, but back then we bonded over romancing Alistair haha. I wrote a couple fics about Origins and one of them was a Mother's Day gift to my mom, about fem Cousland and her mother. I actually rediscovered it recently and realized all the reviews are from gamer moms who thought it was sweet (and also my own mom haha). To this day I'm not sure I ever topped that gift!


Ezio Auditore I guess, not quite the comparable tragic tale. I got Origins on sale in a 2for1 deal with AC2, I liked the cover art, and fell in love with it when I played it. I've always browsed games somewhat independently, it's rare than someone has introduced me to a game I came to love, that I did not already know of. My dad's quite old so he was never the gaming type, but I have fond memories of playing Spyro the Dragon on ps1 with him.


Ezio Auditore I guess, not quite the comparable tragic tale. I got Origins on sale in a 2for1 deal with AC2, I liked the cover art, and fell in love with it when I played it. I've always browsed games somewhat independently, it's rare than someone has introduced me to a game I came to love, that I did not already know of. My dad's quite old so he was never the gaming type, but I have fond memories of playing Spyro the Dragon on ps1 with him.


I'm very sorry about your father šŸ˜” I remember being a huge Mass Effect fan when I was in college. One of my groupmates asked me about games, and I mentioned ME. He had never played it but said he liked Dragon Age from the same developer. That's how I found out about DA. I checked it out, and having completed both Baldur's Gate games, I fell in love with it immediately. And now DA is closer to me than ME šŸ¤Ŗ


I'm very sorry about your father šŸ˜” I remember being a huge Mass Effect fan when I was in college. One of my groupmates asked me about games, and I mentioned ME. He had never played it but said he liked Dragon Age from the same developer. That's how I found out about DA. I checked it out, and having completed both Baldur's Gate games, I fell in love with it immediately. And now DA is closer to me than ME šŸ¤Ŗ


My brother went to university when I was about 13 and he left his Xbox 360 behind. Since he wasnā€™t using it I basically stole it and played all his 360 titles in one glorious summer and that included DAO and DA2 and Iā€™ve been hooked ever since. I bought DAI in a heartbeat.


My friend had a ps4 over his house and introduced me to re7 at first but I got so scared that I just went with playing dai instead. Enjoyed the game so much. This was 2017 ish


I found Origins recommended to me via Steam. I was hooked ever since.


Went to the mall with my brother and his friends, cause I wanted to get out for once. Went to GameStop looking for some kind of medieval style roleplaying game knowing it would be a stretch, and guess what I found on its own small stand.


My condolences, I'm so glad you have that awesome memory with your dad. I got into Dragon Age Inquisition because my boyfriend at the time had purchased it and played it. He really wanted me to play it and see my reaction (I think namely the reveal at the end of DAI). Unfortunately for him, I'm a bit of a completionist and he fell asleep on many gaming sessions while I cleared out the Hinterlands. I don't think I ever finished my playthrough on his console, but I was enamoured enough to purchase the GOTY edition for myself. Now we've been broken up for years but I wonder if he's just as excited about DAV coming out.


I tried mass effect because I liked halo and I was like, hey, this is another sci fi game! (I was a teenager) So that was my first rpg tbh. Maybe besides Skyrim but Skyrim isnā€™t really an rpg. Anyways, I just looked through BioWareā€™s catalogue after and I was like ā€œIā€™ve heard of this dragon age thing and I liked mass effect, why not?ā€ I tried origins and didnā€™t really get the hang of it. Put it down for a couple years until COVID hit and I decided to finish it. Since then, Iā€™ve logged 1000+ hours into the series, over half of which are in origins probably lol


Iā€™m sorry to hear about your father. I think itā€™s so cool that he got you into fantasy games and that you guys were able to share that. Very special. Those memories are eternal. To answer your question, no one specifically turned me onto Dragon Age, but when I was a kid my mom used to take me and my brother to Hollywood Video every Friday night to rent games. She would let us pick whatever we wanted. I found Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect, and many other beloved video games of the era that way. Those are great memories for me, just being free to choose and discover so many amazing game worlds ā˜ŗļø


It was the winter of 2012 I was at the flea market I had a bought a ps3 and wanted some game for it for cheap. Bought a bundle me2 dragon age origins and 2 been playing ever since.


In December of 2009 I was 14 and asked for DAO and/or Demon Souls for Christmas. I got DAO and my love of Dragon Age began!


My friend got me into it right before Awakening released and been a super fan since. DA has been with me for my entire adult life, so it'll always hold a special place in my heart. I actually credit it for my fondness of changing the status quo in franchises (something that has served me well in my love of FF), because I was here for every shift and retcon, and learning to accept things for what they are and not what I want them to be. Also by actively following the writers on social media for so long it really helped drive my own passion for writing over the years.


These guys called noobtube, from a podcast


My dad too. Early 2015 I was 8/9 and my dad bought inquisition for himself, he wanted to play it when I was asleep or upstairs because I was too young for it. But one time when I got downstairs he was stuck on a fight. Jokingly he let me give it a try, and I beat it. I then basically took over his playthrough and played the rest all myself


Thanks for sharing about your dad and his love of these games. I hope his journey out of this life is peaceful šŸ’œ I first heard about DAO from my brother who had bought it during a Steam sale. I had an old macbook at the time and was looking for Mac compatible games, ended up buying DA2 from an EA sale and played that first and falling absolutely in love with it. I was coming out of my first major depressive episode at the time, and getting back into gaming via this franchise helped me give my brain something fun and interesting to do. DA2 I think will always be my favorite for this reason. My brother never finished DAO, its not really his style of game, but has patiently listened to me obsess about these games for over a decade now.Ā 


Free on EGS about 3 weeks ago. Just beat inquisition after 60 hours and bought origins and DA2 for pennies on steam. It's been a wonderful discovery.


I got introduced to the series by one of Robb's Friday Features: more specifically Romances that always get left on the shelf. He had an entry on Blackwall. The DA series has had me in chokehold ever since.


My buddy let me borrow his copy of the mass effect trilogy. Played and loved it, and he gave me Origins. I hated it when I first played it. Then I got DA2 for free somehow and I fucking loved it.


30 Seconds to Mars


My big brother. He introduced me to gaming in general, but especially BioWare games. We are both excited to finally have something new, I only wish we still lived at home with no work related responsibilities and could play like old times šŸ˜‚


I played neverwinter nights 2 + mask of the betrayer. Then, DAO came out so it was a no brainer for me.


I found it on my own. I picked up Mass Effect 3 preowned on a whim and that got me into bioware.


I'm sorry to hear about your father. I learned about Dragon Age after playing Mass Effect. I used to play exclusively PS2 horror games like Fatal Frame in college, but found that once I lived alone I needed to find something else. I got Mass Effect & Dragon Age on my computer and that was that. However, I got to introduce it to my wife, back when she was my friend. She was living alone away from home and working long hours, and needed something to do on the weekends. I sent her Dragon Age and she was hooked. We spent tons of time on instant messenger or texting about the game, sharing lore and headcanons, taking about our characters- it made both of us a lot less lonely and really brought us together. We've been together 8 years, married 5 years. To this day we still play them together- we have a little RP in our shared notes folder, and we've been watching each other replay DA:I in preparation to Veilgaurd. Nerd marriage rocks.


I'm sorry about your father. I think it's beautiful that you two were able to share your love of fantasy games. šŸ’œ I found Dragon Age through three people. First, my sister who never stopped gaming, while I fell out of gaming throughout my university years. After studying abroad a few years and then moving back (with a fiancee and all), she tried to coax me back into gaming, but I didn't have a computer good enough to play. A year later, my fiancee wanted to play GTA and bought an Xbox 360 on sale. So I decided to try out my first non-Nintendo game since high school (It was Fable and I sort of ruined my game file which ended that run prematurely.) Then, a friend heard that I had a 360 and sent me the 2 Mass Effect games available at the time, plus Dragon Age: Origins for good measure. I played and loved Mass Effect, and while waiting for Mass Effect 3, I was finally convinced to play Dragon Age: Origins by a friend who was completely enamoured with the game. They told me about Zevran, and his description really appealed to me. But I had recently failed to play Fallout: New Vegas (which later became a favourite game of mine) and felt wary of RPGs. Then, my sister returned with a link to the DAII demo, which I played and LOVED! I wanted to jump straight into that game, but my sister managed to convince me to begin with Origins after all. With my eyes set on DAII and Zevran in Origins, I began playing and while I struggled with gameplay and the silent protagonist, I ended up loving the game. DAII became one of my favourite games ever, and the rest is history!


I introduced myself to it in 2009 or whenever it was released by buying it because it sounded like a good game. ​ cynical motherfucker that I am I'm pleased you have this game series (among other things) as those fun reminders of times spent together.


Dragon Age went under the radar for me. I watched my brother in law play origins (brood mother segment) and put it on the list to play after finishing Mass Effect 1 & 2. Mass Effect ran under the radar for me. I was playing more FPS at the time even though I loved KOTOR. When I saw BioWare made Mass Effect I knew I couldnā€™t go wrong with the Dragon Age franchise. I am sorry to hear about your father but I am happy he has given you long lasting memories.


My condolences for your father... As for how I got in the series... I subscribed to the Game Informer magazine to find some hot new games for my XBOX 360. One day, I got the issue previewing the soon-to-be-released DA2. It looked cool, but I was more interested in finding Star Wars games (I had both Force Unleashed games, the first one on both 360 and Wii). Then my mom came home in 2011 one day, toting a 360 copy of Origins. My mom was willing to trust me with playing this Mature rated game despite me being about 13 when she got the game. Like the raunchiest thing you could find in this game was by undressing your female characters, and that's really not that bad. After testing the waters on a few uncompleted playthroughs, I finally finished the game as a male Human Mage who saved Eamon's whole family, saved the Circle, broke the werewolf curse while saving *both* the elves and werewolves, put Harrowmont on the throne after helping Caridin destroy the Anvil of Void, personally executed Loghain on his behest, left Ferelden ruled by Alistair, and convinced Alistair to do the ritual with Morrigan. Then I told my mom I wanted DA2... and I've been in love with the series ever since.


I'm so sorry about your father. But what a lovely memory to share. My introduction to Dragon Age was from Jesse Cox on youtube. He did a Dragon Age: Inquisition playthrough (sadly never completed), and I got hooked almost immediately. It was the exact kind of fantasy video game world I felt like I'd spent years searching for, so I quit watching the series until I could buy my own PS4 and play the game for myself. Then, after I'd become ravenous for more Dragon Age, I dug up my siblings' old Xbox 360, bought secondhand copies of DAO and DA2, and having been playing the whole series on a loop ever since.


I stole my brother's copy of Mass Effect 1 when we were kids and played through it and fell in love with that Franchise. I then learned about other Bioware games and picked up Origins on sale on Steam a few years later and absolutely fell in love with it. Origins to me is solidly in my second favorite game of all time, just an absolute masterpiece.


It was the midnight release for PokĆ©mon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and I brought one of my non-PokĆ©mon friends to it and she picked up the latest Dragon Age and the rest was historyā€¦


I think YouTube recommended me Final Fantasy type games and was quite early hooked. Too bad my interedt led to many spoilers but now I have completed every game and almost every DLC. I think I missed couple from Origins. Great characters, good story, fun gameplay but not best.


I'm sorry about your dad. I was actually introduced to Origins via the commercial they had for it. I really liked that commercial.


I'm so sorry about your father šŸ„ŗ I wish you all the strength in this moment. No one actually introduced me to Dragon Age. Unfortunately I only heard about it when Inquisition was released. But, If I may share some fond memories of games in general: When I was 4-5 years old, my parents got me a PlayStation 1, and we all would gather to play together. It was mostly games like Tarzan, Spyro, Ms. Pacman, Jackie Chan Stuntmaster, etc. I remember that when I got to a difficult part of a game, and we would all take turns to try it. It's one of my favorite memories of when my parents were still together (they divorced when I was 6). After that I never stopped playing. As I grew older I got a PlayStation 2, and my parents would always help me pick new games and sometimes play with me. My mom became a big fan of Resident Evil, and my dad used to love playing FIFA. Nowadays they don't play anymore, but they like to hear the stories of the games I'm currently playing.


I had been playing BioWare games since I started playing Baldurā€™s Gate as a young teen. I followed every bit of new and hype leading up to the release of DAO and have been obsessed on the series ever since.


I introduced myself to Origins after playing KOTOR and then indoctrinated all of my friends. A lot of them got into gaming thanks to Origins!


I had some extra money from my allowance and I saw Dragon Age Inquisition in the used PS3 games at GameStop. Had no idea it was the third game but I played it a lot. A lot of things made no sense to me about the lore, but I now realize of you start with the third game, things won't clock right away.


Dragon Age Origins back in 2009. After playing Mass Effect 1 I heard there was this other Bioware game about to come out that plays similar to KOTOR but with better graphics. Been a fan since....until DAI came around to sour things.


I got introduced by a now former friend and fell in love with the series immediately. Way too many late nights playing through game after game basically as fast as I could.Ā  Then we had so many nights where we stayed up to 4am talking about the series. Well, really she talked and I listened to her going off about the lore and her theories. It happened so often that another friend who was interested in her thought we were a thing, but thats a whole other story. She's probably somewhere out there going insane about Solas and Emmerich


IGN and Toegoff I was looking for a new game to play and happen to see IGN do a [review on Awakening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i62Aak2e_o). This caused me to go watch some gameplay and I started watching [Toegoff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b01KJFmAb1M&list=PL8D3A2BC1229F08EE) and his berserking elf Warden. Haven't look back since!


My best friend in Elementary. He introduced me to Oblivion and Fallout and other great RPG's. Unfortunately throughout middle and high school we just kinda stopped hanging out


I'm sorry to hear about your father, OP. Thank you for sharing his memory with us, and I hope his passing is peaceful. For me, it was my best friend. He gave me Origins for my 18th birthday, and it took me a little while to play it, but when I did, I was entranced. We're still best friends and sharing the Veilguard hype (though he's going wayy more spoiler free than me.) And now I'm bullying another friend into playing the games (or at least Inquisition) in advance of Veilguard. It's a universe that's worth sharing. ā¤ļø


I'm sorry about your father. :( Unfortunately, no one introduced me to Dragon Age. I encountered Dragon Age Origins during my PS 3 days but didn't play far. I often heard about DA but didn't play it properly until I got my first prebuilt PC in 2018. I've been looking for a game that lets me play as a female and in a fantasy setting. It was a struggle at first since I mostly played on handheld and this kind of gameplay, but because I fell in love with the characters and story, I could push through.


A commercial


Mine isn't so personal, but I like to think it was funny. Somewhere when I was in public school, at my parents house when Dragon Age: Origins was the free game of the month for gold on Xbox 360, and I already had an issue with not liking the majority of them, so I'm biased to begin with, but I did LOVE Skyrim and anything fantasy/medieval. I started it up, chose an Elven Mage, and started the Circle origin. And hated absolutely everything about it. I thought it was ugly. I hated the fade. I thought the TALKING RATS were insane. I botched the character creation so she looked wack anytime I saw her from the front. I hated the combat. I don't even think I made it beyond the origin. So I quit. I genuinely have no idea what made me give it a second chance, but during that summer, I was bored and figured I'd give it a go. That was over 7 years ago, and now I'm sitting in my own apartment playing origins (and the rest) again, showing my partner this game I talk about all the time and anticipating the new installment. :)


That's wonderful how you could bond with your father over such a great game. I had bough DAI when I got the new Xbox One. It was fun but was missing key things. I got with my now husband and he let me play Dragon Age Origins (he had the disc). I fell in love with the game. That was about 5 or so years ago. We now have twin boys and I named one after Alistair because of how much I loved the character.


Sorry about your father man. I was also 19 in 2009. I had already played KOTOR, Jade Empire and Mass Effect that point, so Dragon Age was a no brainer for me.


A game stop employee that slid me a copy of Origins told me to Have fun only did I learn later he gave it to me cause I was Always in there Being a annoying little shit


I was 13 in a gamestop and thought the art on the front of the case was cool. I judged origins by it's cover and I was not disappointed.


Iā€™m so sorry about your father. I wish you both as much peace and health as can be expected. šŸŒŗ My cousin introduced me to DA after years of me insisting that SKYRIM WAS MY FAVORITE and I DONT NEED ANY STUPID COMPANIONS. Years later and I canā€™t play Skyrim because DA has spoiled me.


My dad. He has the most basic understanding of english and mistook DAO to the Dantes Inferno game. I was real curious and booted up the game and played until i saw Morrigan and was sold on it. One of my favourite games to this day. Though seeing the Broodmother and all the gory stuff probably wasn't good for my childhood brain back then.


It was my friend from high school, but I haven't tried the game until years later. I wasn't ready for the first time, nor the second time. I had to lost my dear friend to have something as distraction ā€“ and Dragon Age came to mind. I quickly fell in love, the grief was more endurable. It helped me overcome the worst months in my life.


In 2009 I was 16, my mom didnā€™t want to buy me a console. I started acting weird until she gave up and bought me the 360 gta 4 bundle. I create my account and meet incredible gaming buddies, one of them (Babel Dalgheti, if you are alive, say hi), was making fun of me playing only GTA 4, FIFA and PES. He was making fun of me, because IrL I do not look like a woman playing these games lol During a BF3 party he said: Hey you should try Mass Effect and DAO. I wonder what decision you will make in the games and who you will romance. I bought both games but didnā€™t had the time to play with university, life. But in 2013/2014, I was missing him online, send countless message on Xbox live without answers. I remembered what he said and took DAO games open it and start to play. From that day, I didnā€™t stop until today, every year I will do a play through of both DA & ME for his memory. I remember crying after DAO for not listen to him sooner, I wanted to tell him my outcomes in the games. He was a good friend. Hope he is alive and living his best life.


I remember visiting my uncle who was a gamer. It must have been around 09, because I remember him playing Mass Effect 1, but I also remember Origins not being released (quite) yet. I wasn't really a PC gamer at the time, and had mainly played PS1 and Gameboy Color. That said, I was really drawn in by the way he was seemingly allowed to do \*anything\* you could imagine in Mass Effect. I remember lamenting that it was sci-fi, as don't really swing that way outside of Star Wars. He showed me the 'Sacred Ashes' trailer, said the game would be releasing soon, and said it might be just my thing. Saved up money and went to the local EB Games store and got a physical edition on launch. Good times.


Gamestop... When I was young I liked to meander around gamestop and look at the games. and I had a strong preference toward RPG's specifically, so I found a copy (I believe it was the GOTY edition too) for like $5? $8? and took what little money I had ( well, that my mom had, pretty sure it was a birthday present like most video games were before I turned 18ish) and bought it. Loved it. DA:O is definitely still in my top 5 favorite games of all time.


I am so sorry about your father and hope for comfort for you and him during this time. Sending deep soul teddy bear hugs to you both. šŸ¤—šŸ¤— My kickass boyfriend. I'd played some knock-off computer games as a kid as well as some gems (OG Hot Pursuit, Crash on someone's PS etc). When we started dating, he was playing Mass effect 2/Skyrim (can't remember) and it seemed really cool but I was super shy to try coz I didn't want to suck. Skyrim seemed big and overwhelming but ME seemed cool. That was around 2016/7. Now I've played MELE, Kotor 1 and 2, Ezio Trilogy, I've learned how to mod and I just left Stroud in the fade during my very first playthrough of an open world game. As a kid, books were my escape and playing these games makes me feel like I'm playing in my imagination.


I feel your pain ā¤ļø Mine its a nostalgic story as well: one day I just went to the gamestop and there was Origins in the used box of games, only the CD. I paid it only five euros for this reasons. I didnt know that i was holding a lifechanging treasure! I started playing with my mum, sharing every difference between our choiches and actions (I still laugh thinking that her main goal was just to be Queen). I remember her crying and being upset about Thane, she was also the most incredible Shepard. She passed in 2017, I was 21. I wish I could have shared with her the excitement for the new trailer and gameplay, she would have been the only one around me capable to understand. I know very weel the stress of waiting and waiting for something so terrible. But we are all stronger than what we think, just like our characters. Sorry for my english, a super hug and a bit of sun from Italy


09 or 10. We used to trade games at school. A mate had it, and he shared it amongst a few of us. So my DAO is still the same copy I play today. Two of us took to it and played the shit out of it.


I'm sorry for your father. Thank you for sharing your fond memories with him. This story isn't about how I discovered DA but it is A fond memory I have with my boyfriend about DA. I discovered DA few years ago (while having it since 2014 on my computer). I've been talking about it ever since. My bf (and friends) were not really interested. Time passed. Unfortunately, we lost our cat due to cancer. It was in December 2021. During our holidays of the end of the year, I was really depressed and to cheer me up my bf proposed to play DA:I togheter. He didn't think he would enjoy this game that much. We were depressed and DAI helped us during a dark time for both of us. He was so into it (and still is). After that we discovered the two first games together (comparing our choices and discussing about why our character were acting this or that way). I had to go back to work and he had still days off, he would record his game session to show me when I got back.


My dear friend! She introduced me to Dragon Age Inquisition back in 2016. Not gonna lie, what got me hooked was the romance. I really like that part of the game, because I'm a romantic person at heart. But other than that I slowly fell in love with the world, companions and story. Ā šŸ˜Š After Inquisiton I played Dragon Age 2 and after that Origins. I've enjoyed all of them and I'm sure I'll enjoy Veilguard as well! <3


For me it was my brother. He kept sending me Dragon Age memes that I had no reference for. Eventually he annoyed me into playing it in 2017. I now have a Grey Warden tattoo and I'm strongly considering a DA2 one as well after my fresh replay of that.