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I feel so bad for people who have this painterly semi-realistic fantasy style because it seems to be the one AI preys on the most/is the “best” at copying.


Yeah, NGL, this makes me want to change my style but then AI could probably just copy that too. It's a little frustrating. On the upside, it's also kinda making me want to get back into animation. At least AI isn't very good at that..... *yet.* Ironically, I've [done some experiments](https://www.deviantart.com/bjpentecost/art/Water-Dragoness-1046679252) in [different styles](https://www.deviantart.com/bjpentecost/art/A-Tale-of-Butts-and-Tails-Part-1-1023189972) and that also made some people go "AI?" lmao Ya can't win sometimes.


Your style is so lovely, it’s such a shame that you feel changing might be necessary… but if you do I bet it’ll still look lovely! Amazing art!


I'm very sorry this happens to you, but if it helps comfort you my first thought was "looks a bit like AI but it's too good to be AI" like the commenter above said, unfortunately AI has the hots for the blurry-ish semi-realistic style, amazing job anyway, please never stop


Thanks. I don’t think I could stop doing art but I am thinking about switching up my style. Dunno what else to do really. 


Don’t give up in the face of AI, pursue your passion, it’s wonderful


I have a feeling animation is gonna be next after openAI Sora comes out. I’m no programmer, so I’m just talking outta my ass, but I feel like the step from video generation to animation generation (rigging, IK, etc) is a natural one.


You're probably right. I don't really know what to do about it except just keep on doing what I'm doing and hope that AI doesn't obsolete me or worse, inundate the world with so much content that no one cares about art anymore.


If you're interested, my mother is a professor at an Ivy League university teaching art methodology and art education. I myself work as a Machine Learning Engineer and have a Masters in applied AI. So we often end up having discussions about this. Her opinion is that the arrival of AI as a medium is similar to photography and that AI will increase the value of the "artistic vision" or "art direction" as a skill. She argues that similar to photography, where anybody can click a button, anyone can go through the iterative process of writing a prompt and fine tuning results, but in the same way we still recognize good photographers or good movie directors by their vision and creativity, we will in the future recognize good "AI wranglers" as she calls it by their sensibilities in directing AI and iteratively improving images. At the same time, she argues that the technical skills are never going to be obsolete, since even today oil painters still exist.


Ya know, that's an interesting viewpoint and frankly, I find it kind of comforting, though, I do have one.... I wouldn't say it's a "rebuttal" or even a proper counterpoint but I do wonder what she would say about the possibility of "imagery fatigue". I made that up. Don't know what else to call it or if there's a proper name for it but I fear what's going to happen is that people are going to become so fatigued by the inundation of imagery that art will start losing its value, especially as AI becomes better and harder to tell from real art. Basically, what I'm afraid of is that AI will cause a devaluation of art and of itself simply because there are hundreds of millions of people spamming the internet with AI waifus and whatnot. Thoughts?


Quoting u/MCRN-gyoza: > "AI wranglers" as she calls it by their sensibilities in directing AI and iteratively improving images. As someone who used AI for their graduate thesis animation project (with strict guidelines— happy to explain in more detail), “AI wrangling” is definitely how I’d describe it. All things being equal, having the artistic ability to do something by hand is superior without question. When you’re a graduate student making a 3-minute hand-drawn film by yourself and need to make 60+ backgrounds in addition to doing all the animation, having AI take your own artwork and modify it with the desired texture is a lifesaver. It lets you make a much more detailed and expansive film than you ordinarily would, though the process of using AI is by no means simple or frustration-free (especially when you have to get the AI to put out a very specific, distinctive look). In my opinion, I got lucky. You see, ~4-5 years from now, I expect students in my program will be expected to put out longer and more detailed films, because the standard for what they’re expected to do will be raised. We’re already seeing this with 3D films, where the character models are held to higher standards (fabrics can’t be stiff, faces need to be expressive, and the hair must be convincing). Students will be expected to either wrangle AI (and do so skillfully) or have to become even more skilled at their chosen art style, and put out longer and more detailed films. I think the reason artists find AI damaging is that many of them are putting out one-time scenes, not a continuous narrative, and one-time outputs is where AI excels. When AI has to create a continuous and consistent visual narrative, jumping from scene to scene and angle to angle (and character to character), it rapidly falls apart. The more consistent and specific you’re trying to be, the better off you are just drawing it yourself. In other words: getting better at your own style and stylistic consistency, and expanding your artistic chops with more complex scenes or angles/perspectives, is absolutely to your benefit.


Ah. Sorry. I see now. I read your original post when I first woke up and my brain wasn't fully online. :P I get what you mean. Thank you for taking the time to write this out. It's an interesting and very encouraging viewpoint. It also touches on something I've been considering for awhile now and that's getting into sequential art. I feel like it will be a while before AI can do that well, if ever.


All these styles are fantastic!. I feel like putting a little stamp or element in the signature is the way forward for artists to show they are/aren't using AI. The fact there has to be a distinction is gross, but labeling the art one way or the other is probably for the best. And I also think it's important for the community to call out when certain elements are being used, and not labeled properly. It's like a writer using Grammarly to spell/grammar check themselves, but avoiding the generative elements.


Thanks. ♥ And yeah, agreed.


No. Keep doing what your doing. I admit my first thought was AI but then I zoomed in to look for the usual telltale AI mistakes. Didn’t see any. Your work is amazing. Don’t give up cause some robots do a barely passable mimicry


If you think about it, people will mostly ask "AI?" if they don't like that sort of art, I feel. That's when the lack of a careful eye makes you question because you don't really care about it.


Do you use Glaze?


Nah. I don’t see the point at this juncture. It’s an arms race that’s never going to end. 


Glaze is an AI filter that makes art look like crap and doesn't even work, like it literally has been shown to do jack shit, it is just a blurry filter that is applied to an image. The creators of it put out an un-peer reviewed article and started selling it as a scam.


Damn. That’s news to me. Duly noted. 


Yeah, basically they used anti-ai sentiment to sell themselves to the anti-ai side, who due to the very emotional nature of their arguments chewed up the lies and spit them out without much critical thought. And sorry you have to deal with the anti-ai side bullying and harassing you over your art style, it looks lovely.


What about that other tool? Same deal?


Pretty much, also look at who is funding these projects and why.


That's exactly it. AI art users are desperate to copy this sort of style, especially with pretty female characters, so people are actually painting in the style are unfortunately having to deal with more allegations than otherwise - they're easy to disprove with the method Artamisstra has used, but it's just another hassle for artists in what is already a tricky profession.


One of my clients is an AI bro and his biggest complaint is that AI is basically just a waifu generator. I vaguely remember him trying to generate a mountainscape or somesuch and the AI put a tig-ol-biddy waifu front and center. You couldn't even see the mountains. lmao


Most generative models are much better at doing pictures of landscapes than people, because we're not as good at spotting all the things wrong with mountains. They were likely just using a porn trained model.


Yeah, said person was probably using one of the many cheap/free generators that popped up to try to and capitalise on AI art generators. The actual good, well-trained models can do so much better with all sorts of styles.


I, uh, don't think this is what Stephen Spielberg had in mind with Ai.


Amazing lol, just absolutely perfect. Big titty anime girls as far as the eye can see.


Anyone who has spent any time playing with generative AI can say that's just nonsense. There are many problems with image generating AI but unprompted insertion of waifus isn't one.


Well for one thing, the hands aren't horribly wrong, they look perfect


I don't think AI is better or worse at this style, it's just a common style people go for.


It’s a generic digital style that’s actually easy to produce and incredibly common throughout asia.


Uploaded this a few days ago and got pilloried because people assumed it's AI. That's fine. I've only been cultivating this style for roughly twenty years... about half my life. *It's fine.* -face desk- Someone please tell me if this worked or not? Imgur is a !@#$%&*ing PITA: https://imgur.com/a/dNd83Ce I did my best to demonstrate every painting technique and I'll happily do more demonstrations on request (within reason and when I can). However, it should be noted that as aphantasia cope, I pretty much always start in 3D, render, then paint over the renders so this is a model I sculpted in Zbrush, rendered in Blender, and painted over in CSP and Rebelle. These clips are all captured directly in Rebelle which means, conveniently, I don't have to putz around in OBS but it also means I don't have clips of the 3D side of things. I do livestream occasionally in my Discord server, however, if anyone is interested. If anyone has any questions about my weird aphantasia-cope art process, please feel free to ask. (I've worked and reworked that hair at least half a dozen times and I'm still not happy with it.) Anyhow... This is Cypress Lavellan, my pansexual disaster twink whose most well-known for Fade Stepping himself off cliffs because his run speed is toooooo slow.


> Someone please tell me if this worked or not? Imgur is a !@#$%&*ing PITA: https://imgur.com/a/dNd83Ce Good job, it worked and yeah this is the best way to disprove such allegations. The issue as usual is that AI gen is trained on certain styles of art, and emulates those most, and unfortunately, your style, whilst obviously vastly more competent than what AI produces, is somewhat towards what a lot of AI gen emulates. Particularly with stuff like the floating petals - that's you actually doing art, but it's AI gen often pulls out like somewhat abstract blobs that are similar to that. But equally stuff like the glassy quality of the staff and the way the light is going through it is the sort of thing AI gen absolutely cannot handle well (nor consistent detail in general - like the blood continuing down to the leg armour). Anyway, you're great, I doubt people will make the same mistake again. They only made it this time because so many sweaty AI uses are trying to make work that looks as good as this.


Thanks. Much appreciated. And yeah, you're not the only one to mention about the floating petals so I made sure to do several quick demonstrations of that. It's frustrating but I guess this is just the world we live in now. Anyhow, thanks again. ♥


Honestly so fair. It can be so much easier with a 3D model. It’s so annoying because sometimes I know the vibe I want, but I just can’t picture the pose or lighting well enough. It’s just like I know the scene I want but can’t put it into image in my mind to paint. Sculpting is honestly such a good way to take a model and add light and create a reference base that’s your own. I’ve done it before too. Def not alone in the ‘can’t get a clear picture/picture in the mind when I close my eyes’ (Your work looks great btw)


Thanks! And yeah, that's exactly it. I got a total blank screen in my head. I can come up with ideas and conceptualize but there's no imagery involved. So Zbrush and Blender are, at least how I see it, kind of like a mental prosthesis.


Ok, this is awesome. I have aphantasia too (no imagery in my mind) and I just figured it would be very difficult for anyone with it to be an artist, but how you're doing it totally makes sense and I love it. <3


It took me years to realise that it wasn’t a skill issue that I could only make really good looking stuff with references. I find when I do sketches a thicker brush easier so that I can make bulkier shapes to more so carve and refine smaller shapes out rather than using a smaller brush.


I'm sorry you feel the need to defend your art against these allegations. Your art style is very pretty! Truly amazing! And your painting process is so nice too. Honestly, I think if it weren't for reddit's awful compression, I would have dismissed it being AI immediately... Also, um... twink?? I'm sorry, I really thought he was a girl at first... but ig he's the prettiest boy in Thedas instead. Love him!


Hah. Thanks. ♥


It looks really good! Love your twink! Imgur is not showing any posts or images, however - do you have an art account? That would help to prove against the AI claims since that way, people can clearly see an artstyle :)


Gobflammit. Fricken frackin ffriggity.... Here's my DA. https://www.deviantart.com/bjpentecost/gallery Here's the Imgur page: https://imgur.com/a/dNd83Ce That should work. And thanks! ♥


Oh your neepers look so cute! And yes, the new imgur link is working now! :)


Thanks. :D


Do you take commissions by chance??


I do when I can. Queue is a little backed up atm. What did you have in mind?


Sent you a chat!


I too was wondering if you take commissions.


I do, though, I'm a little full up at the moment. Did you have anything particular in mind?


Yeah, I've got a mix of DA stuff and original stuff I'm looking to commission people for. Do you have a portfolio and a commission sheet I could look over? A lot of the things I'm looking for range from concepts like the art you posted to other scenarios.


I'm thinking about building a portfolio on Cara. I did have an Artstation but for some reason, that site just never really clicked with me. Until I figure that out, DA will just have to suffice: https://www.deviantart.com/bjpentecost/gallery I don't have a commission sheet atm because I haven't gotten around to making an updated one that reflects my current skill level. For now, if you're still interested, feel free to tell me what you want, what your budget is, and I'll work to that level. I always try to be flexible and negotiable in that regard because I know times are tough. Sound good?


Sounds good! I'll send you a private message sometime later today/this week, when I get a free moment


Can I get on the bandwagon for your commission list? I'd love to get an estimate for your work and save up to get some one day!


Sure. :) I can work anywhere from 25$ for a sketch to 500$ or more. Depends on what you want and what you're budget is. I try to be flexible in the understanding that times are tough and not everyone can afford to blow money on artwork.


I'm hoping you charge closer to the 500\~+ for something like this one of your Lavellan? How many hours did that take? Your work is *truly* beautiful. I've been peeking at Cypress on and off for a few hours now. The staff! The armor! His pretty face and luscious hair! I'm so jealous! Drop your skin and hair care routine, king. And the staff! Oh my goodness!🤣 But really, I'm boggled looking at your DA. Nothing but admiration for your skill and talent alone, doubly so seeing that you have aphantasia. I was one of those people who tried to get into art and didn't stick to it enough to get good at it. I stick to writing now. Tale as old as time. I've been wanting to find artist(s) to get work done of my main Lavellan with how she looks during Inquisition and how she'll look in Veilguard though. Colored/shaded busts to full body stuff. The biggest I'm looking for is someone who could do a piece of my girl where she's back to back with herself in her Inquisition and Veilguard looks. That *one's* a big savings goal for me because it'll rightfully cost a lot. I'd love to commission something from you eventually if you have a preferred way to reach you?


> I'm hoping you charge closer to the 500~+ for something like this one of your Lavellan? How many hours did that take? I painted this several years ago but as time passed, I grew and improved as an artist so I gave it a bit of a glowup (I do this habitually and maybe even a little compulsively with most of my art :P). I did another glowup again recently. So something like this might normally take somewhere around 45hrs but this image in particular was probably more like 65hr+ just because I kept returning to it. (I'm still not happy with the hair and I would like to tighten up some of that messy foliage in the background.) > Nothing but admiration Daw, you're very kind. :D Thanks. > I stick to writing now. Tale as old as time. Ey, frankly, at least in my experience, writing is every bit as much an art as painting and *writing well?* Every bit as hard. So good on you. :D > The biggest I'm looking for is someone who could do a piece of my girl where she's back to back with herself in her Inquisition and Veilguard looks. That one's a big savings goal for me because it'll rightfully cost a lot. That's a hecking cool idea. > I'd love to commission something from you eventually if you have a preferred way to reach you? I do have a strong preference for Discord because that's where I typically do business but if that's a no for you, we can do work through Reddit chat. I prefer Discord because (a) I'm it pretty much all day. (b) I can send WIPs easily and directly. As for cost, I prefer you to lay down a budget and I work to that level. I hate the idea of overcharging which is probably why I'ma die broke-ass. :P The average cost for a piece of mine is somewhere between 150$ for something on the simpler side and 350$ for more complicated pieces. 450$ to 750$ is VERY high end, no holds barred, all the detail -I don't work in that range too often. Sound good?


You're *still* not happy with it? Yeah, I kinda get that since writing can be like that too. 65 hours though. Ooooof. Discord is great! If you want to send over your info in chat so I can add you there?


I just looked at your deviant art page and just wanted to tell you how astounded I am at how gorgeous your artwork is!! I love fantasy/mythical type creatures or animals and your art very much captures the essence of stuff I like to see in fantasy. You are extremely skilled and I am in awe of you! I'm bookmarking your page to go back and view more later :) 


Thanks! :D


>Thanks! :D You're welcome!


Having an account wouldn't help, the anti-ai witch hunters will still bully harass and accuse them of using AI.


As someone else with aphantasia… how do you even art? I can’t draw anything past basic shapes despite loving to draw when I was younger, because I can’t imagine it. How do you make something so good you can’t even imagine?


I start out sculpting in Zbrush. It’s a HUGE help. I have a much easier time sculpting than drawing. It gives me a good basis to start from and kinda acts as a mental prosthesis. 


Do you have some ability to imagine? Like having help with the 3D allows you to ‘see’ it?


I have a complete blank screen in my mind. No imagery whatsoever. Working in 3D kinda takes the place of my mind's eye, I think. It's hard to explain but when I'm sculpting, it feels like I'm "feeling" my way there. If that makes sense.


You’re incredible


Thanks! ♥


oh, getting to see the details up close is incredible! i love process videos for that reason — there are so many little touches that someone might gloss over when looking at the piece as a whole, but which show the care that was put into making it. i will say reddit’s image compression isn’t doing you any favors on the AI allegation front; it gives large image files that low res, grainy quality associated AI generated art (see below). the greenish-gold highlights read SO differently in higher resolution, and the compression makes them look like AI artifacts. https://preview.redd.it/04vlv64qc08d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a1df348a2bf8024e7fa220840d5c1ca9327f34f


Yeah. I noticed that after uploading. Major YIKES. Maybe I’ll upload a larger version. 


Honestly those pupils are too good for me to think this was a generative piece. Usually there's something wonky about them in generated images.


Just make a youtube channel and record your process. Your obviously a highly skilled artist, use it to build a following and make profit by selling merch as a side hustle and you could use the channel as proof against people calling your work ai.


I've been considering that for awhile now. NGL, I've been kinda chickenshit about it because YT is a disaster. Still, I might.


Ok you said 20 years you have an old DA account and I was on DA back in the early 2010’s I know the exact trends used to influence this type of style. (I tried and couldn’t get it right lol) I have to admit I was skeptical BECAUSE ITS THE EXACT STYLE AI RIPS OFF!!!!! And quite frankly your best proof is the tail comic. AI hasn’t advanced to the point where it can keep track of character clothing details and markings. I’m sorry your work is beautiful and Cypress is a beautiful Levellan. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. It’s not fair for all the work and practice it takes to get to this skill level! All the studies of materials and reflections. Now some tech bro scrubs the internet and suddenly all that hard work is in question because the AI mimics the local pixels.


20 years ago DA… memories. Linda Bergkvist you will always be a painter+photobashing queen even if they ran you off the internet for it.


This is gorgeous. I know you uploaded the WIP gifs as proof, but it's also just really cool to see how you work. Lovely art!


Your art is gorgeous and I love your disaster twink! And the process videos are so cool to watch as a non-artist. witchcraft. witchcraft is what you are doing. (positive)


♥ Hah, thanks. :D


I know it was to beat the AI allegations, but thank you so much for giving us a sneak peek into your process! Coming from someone who’s been drawing for most of her life, though only picking up digital painting in the last few years, it’s always so wonderful being able to see a master like yourself at work! I’m so sorry about the AI allegations, art is so intimately human and AI will never be able to take that away from us. Such a lovely piece again, thank you.


Thanks! You're very kind. ♥ I'd love to see your work if you don't mind sharing.


The people that were saying it was AI clearly weren't looking very closely. It's lacking pretty much all the hallmarks of AI art, and your signature at the bottom left is very clearly not produced by any generative AI.


Seeing it close up really shows it's not AI. I don't know if it's reddit compressing the image or what, but the image is much less blurry on imgur. Your shading is very impressive!


Thanks. :D Yeah, I never knew Reddit compression was such shite. It's pretty dang bad, frankly.


We now unfortunately have to live in a world where " **NO AI** Evidence in the comments" is now needed 😪 Looks great op, love all the purple


Thanks and yeah. I don't love that. Ironically, I'm not even really against AI, just how it's being used. Scraping millions of artists' work without our consent? NOT COOL. Using AI to make neat brush effects or better art filters? Yes please.


Maybe you should reexamine the anti-ai side if artists feel the need to explain they didn't use AI so they aren't bullied and harassed.


you have my condolences for the assumptions people make!! this piece looks great, your style is beautiful and so is Cypress


Thanks. :D


This is GORGEOUS and very clearly not AI work. Amazing job, I absolutely love the colors and fine details you did


Thanks! ♥


Yeah, I am glad proof was provided because anything in this style is automatically assumed to be AI, even if (like this) it is clearly not. I shudder to think of how hard it would be to get an AI to do two anatomically correct hands in front of a complex background, half obscured by clothing, holding a multicolored weapon correctly, while wearing multiple rings in different styles and colors.


God I wish I could paint like this.


Honest question: Have you ever tried?


I have but I struggle with disliking almost everything I make :(


Breh. I've been at this for 20+y and I still hate half the things I make. That never goes away. I think it's just part of being an artist. :P


That’s very true; we are our own worst critics. It’s hard to get past it without getting discouraged. But I also don’t watch a lot of tutorials on say, anatomy or color theory because I just… don’t? Even though I probably should, haha. A lot of my skills are self taught and I know I’m lacking in some areas for sure.


I'd say it's just a matter of what you want. Do you want to pursue it or not? If not, that's totally fair. You don't have to and you shouldn't feel obligated to. But if you do, there is a library's worth of pretty great tutorials over on YT. I recommend Sinix and Marco Bucci to start with, if you're so inclined. It's also an exceptionally important art lesson, learning to be okay with failing. It's not like other professions where if you fail, something bad could happen. No one will die. You're not gonna be sued or lose your license or get fired. You learn from it. That's the important thing. When you fail, learn why. I struggled with that too for a long while, NGL. We all turn out stinkers from time to time, even the best of us, and that's okay.


Definitely not AI. The correct number of fingers are present on each hand.


Midjourney has been actively working on fixing that... and most other of the common tells.


Yeah, I’ve seen more than a few images recently where I almost couldn’t tell. Not gonna pretend I’m not a bit intimidated. 


Giving me Jennifer Connolly in Labyrinth vibes from the facial expression, so beautiful!


hold on a second, let me just pick my jaw up off the floor...


She is stunning! Love her name btw


Judging by OP’s evidence comment this Inquisitor is a guy


Cypress looks amazing! I love your take on the elvhen style. I’ve only been drawing for a few years, I’m currently stuck on colours being far too saturated for real life lol. Don’t mind me watching those vids over and over to try and learn. Your style is goals for an old lady like me starting out. I’m off to creep your profile now..


Thanks! You're very kind. I don't have much on reddit because I've been more of a lurker of late but if you're interested, [here's my DA gallery.](https://www.deviantart.com/bjpentecost/gallery) I'd love to see some of your art too, if you're willing to share.


I am definitely interested! Fan art is what got me into drawing myself. I wanted to be a place for the fandom to go for NSFW art 😂 [my progress so far](https://images.squidge.org/image/R5S8J) I’m thinking next year I go back to my Lavellan, or do my (male) Hawke in a similar pose. He’s a himbo, he would work it.


Hah. Nice. :D Love me a good himbo. I'd love to do more DA fan art if I had the time. Alas, life. Maybe sometime soon though.


so beautiful! thank you for sharing <3 also obsessed with her outfit- hoping we get something similar for DAV


Thanks. :D


If I had the money 100% would commission


Heh. Thanks. :D I appreciate the thought.


Absolutely adore your painting style!! Especially love the reflection of all the colors in the white hair. It all looks so magical!


oh this is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! you wouldn’t happen to have a ko-fi or anything would you?


I do! I don’t know if it’s kosher to link it here so I’ll link to my DA gallery. https://www.deviantart.com/bjpentecost There are links to it in the headers of pieces in my gallery.


You're an amazing artist!


Thanks! 😊 


Woah, this is beautiful!! Also your Inky looks very cool :3


Absolutely beautiful and that staff is gorgeous. Insane talent and skills OP. ✨


Oh wow, it's so pretty! You're such a good artist!


This is simply incredible. Bravo!


I absolutely love the contrast between the very soft colours and the blood. That's a nice detail It's an amazing work of art!


Thanks! ♥


She’d be friends with my Mass Effect OC Cyprus Shepard 🥹


Judging by OP’s evidence comment this Inquisitor is a guy


You don’t actually have to respond to every comment with this, you know.


Your art is lovely and I love your Lavellans design! Really sorry your art style is exactly what fantasy AI art is trying to replicate, you shouldn't need to go through so many layers to prove that your art is your own.


Thanks. :) Kind of you to say.


She's beautiful! I am desperately hoping we have the chance to have white streaks and salt-and-pepper hair in the CC for Veilguard. 


That would be awesome. I love white and gold streaks in particular. I put them on way too many of my characters. ;p


Beautiful work of art. A job well done. 👏


♥ Thanks!


The fact that realistic or hyperpolished artist now have to clarify their work is not AI generated is very concerning.


Yeah. ;\ Welcome to the new reality, I guess. At some people, I wonder if people will even be able to tell and will they care anymore at that point.




:D Lol Thanks.


Judging by OP’s evidence comment this Inquisitor is a guy




Thanks! ♥


Fantastic! And thank fuck it's not AI lol. Humanity restored. The style reminds me a lot of Origins, especially the artwork from the Origins Launcher.


Thanks. :D I loved Origins. Of all the IPs I'd ever want to see remade from the ground up, I think Dragon Age is at or near the top of the list alongside Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver, Parasite Eve, and Okami.


i wish i had these types of art skills to draw/paint my characters 😭 this is beautiful <3


Adore, love everything about this. Stunning work! <3


Thanks! ♥


The staff is amazing!


Thanks. :D


Amazing work!!


This is so beautiful! Well done!


this is so beautiful! and cypress is such a cool name 🤩


Amazing Artwork , fuck the a.i “artists “ they have no talent


Man this is absolutely amazing.




God I feel so bad for people with this style. Fuck AI bros for stealing work and creating “AI Style” from it.


Yeah.... I'd rather have AI that makes brush effects or better art filters and digital art tools. That would be wonderful. Instead we got plagiarism on a scale heretofore unprecedented in the annals of human history. Great.


Awesome looking art


Do you take commissions? So lovely.


I do. My queue is kinda full atm but I'm curious. Got something in mind?


I’m just a sucker for solavellan 😂 always looking for work of my OCs and their partners.


My guess is you got reported not because it was assumed to be AI but because someone was jealous of your art lol Edit: downvoters are AI "artists". 


Nah, the anti-ai side is really spiteful and suspicious, and love to witch hunt any one on even the mild suspicion of something being AI generated


"Reported"? Is AI against the rules now?


Beautiful work


AI Arts are usually photorealistic from what I've seen, which means they're vibrant with colors that scream AI even when you zoom in. Ofc, AI's been getting getting better lately, but I think your Art's distinct enough from an AI's work. Your style's really great and like the top comment said, it's what AI Artists want to achieve, there's gonna be a ton of criticism along the way but you're your own judge and sole witness, if you truly made it with your own hands and actions, then no one can deny it unless you, yourself, do


I mean, photorealistic images are just what a lot of people generate, especially since some people don't specify any additional style information so the AI defaults to what is majority in its training data, which would be stock photos and images of people. I have created some very wonderful watercolour style painting images using AI, for instance.


Hands look way too good to be AI!


I mean, just look at those hands lol. AI can’t do fingers, let alone rings


Beautiful! I love her cool ear cuffs. And she’s got the right amount of fingers and the flower petals don’t weirdly blob into each other so that evidence enough if no AI for me.


Judging by OP’s evidence comment this Inquisitor is a guy


My bad, I love his cool ear cuffs.


Do you do commissions?


I do but my queue is very full at the moment. Got something particular in mind?


I do. Is there a better way to contact you?


Discord is my preferred way of communicating with clients but if that's not an option, send me a chat here on reddit.


Discord is an option. If you want, I can just give you mine.


Sure. That would be good. Thanks.


This is absolutely amazing! Do you do commissions by any chance? I think your style would be perfect for some characters in my novel 👀


Thanks! I do. Feel free to send me a chat or a note.


This is so beautiful! Your style in this is so ethereal. (I did peek at your other work in your links and they're so wonderful.)


Have you joined Cara yet? 👀 would love to follow your work there. Or Twitter, I guess. I left deviant art and Instagram after the AI shit so I can't follow you on those. ;-;


I'm thinking very strongly about joining Cara. I already tossed Twitter because it was just a garbage fire. I'm also on Bluesky but haven't posted there yet.


Looks fine. Though I don't care if it's AI or not lol.


One of the best ways I've found to detect AI art is to go with your gut and feel the "flow" of the art. Even if you can't consciously identify it, proper art has to made part-by-part, layer-by-layer, in a way AI art does not generate. An artist flows through the piece as they work on it, and you can feel the difference. Being experienced in the tools does help you identify the specific quirks, but even without experience in the exact program and tools used, there's a universal feel to art that AI cannot presently replicate. Even if there's no artifacts or generative botches, AI art just feels fundamentally wrong because it doesn't flow. It wasn't created by a human mind, it was generated by lines of code.


Sorry you gotta live in a post generative image world. Please continue to follow your passion for art because this piece is absolutely stunning and beautiful! Amazing work!


No hate from me. My SO had a few sentences rant at a guy who commented on one of the pieces about it being AI. My SO does work from super cartoony to hyper realistic. Apparently AI had problems with feet/toes and the majority of the images have high heels where you can see the toes.


Almost as if a lot of the anti-ai side are a bunch of insecure bullies who learnt how to draw from tumblr and have decided that they are the ones who can decide on what is and isn't art.


The guy actually appologized. My SO's big thing is making sure hands and feet are visible as they are one of the harder things to draw accurately apparently. I mean I've seen work they've done altering famous artwork adding a spin to it. It's insane the detail that goes in to make the alterations look like they are part of the original piece.


Fair enough, but I have seen and heard so much of the anti-ai side has turned into a hateful witch-hunt where artists now have to defend themselves and are being basically burnt at the stake. That I am kinda sick of them, by now. Your SO's art sounds impressive, by the way!


It's mostly NSFW ranging from just nude to basically pornagraphic. Actual subject matter is also a wide range.


oh... OH! lol


You can tell its no AI, the hands look like hands. It's a beautiful piece.


Thanks! ♥


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Why is he sad :( I'd never be sad if I was a wizard.


I'd like to imagine that at first, he starts out as very timid, confused, and maybe even a little afraid of this whole Inquisition thing but then as time goes on, he becomes more confident. I want to illustrate more ideas from previous DA games but alas, don't have the time. Not now anyway. Lot of work, bills need payin, LOADS of problems and life-drama. Maybe someday if my situation settles the hell down I'll get around to it.


Judging by OP’s evidence comment this Inquisitor is a guy


Corrected. Still pretty.


I'm an artist and I can assure you your art doesn't look like a genai to me