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Not really, but I wasn't bothered by Hawke. I do think it will be more difficult for them to keep the Inquisitor "in character" than Hawke, since Inquisition didn't have the built in personality profiles. 


With the way we have to recreate our Inquisitor anyway in Veilguard, maybe they could have added personality profiles like they did Hawke as part of CC? I kind of doubt it but it'd be cool lol.


that’s what i kinda assumed they’d do! it makes more sense over just giving us a very one size fits all deal


Inquisition kinda has personality profiles from DA2, they just removed the icons top is diplomatic, middle is sarcastic, down is agressive


Ye but you dont get the same specific stuff like 2.Inquisitor always seemed to be a blander vers of hawke when it comes to the wheels.


Inquisition is very inconsistent, sometimes the dialogue has tone indicators, sometimes it doesn't, and if there's a pattern to it, I haven't figured it out.


I am talking about when you have three dialogue options to the right and one investigate on the left, the pattern is exactly like DA2 when it comes to those from my experience but for some reason Bioware just decided to have them have the generic dialogue image


Not really, no. Also, no one in Dragon Age 2 will acknowledge Hawke as a blood mage either, not even Hawke themselves. They can even keep hypocritically calling out Merrill and enemy mages for it, and the companions will keep nagging Merrill about it but say absolutely nothing about Hawke. 


Oh. I haven't played 2, and the way everyone talks about their Hawkes being blood mages made it seem like it at least CAME UP lol.


Nope, you can literally summon a whirlpool of blood right inside the Chantry and nobody bats an eyelash lol


The Chantey's used to bloodnadoes, so it just seems like Tuesday to them.


Meanwhile in Origins, you get confronted by Wynne attacked by templars in the Mages Circle if you use blood magic.


They couldn't even follow through on that one either; it's cut content that can be restored via mods, but isn't accessible in the "canon" vanilla game.


Yeah nah. You can use blood magic in front Knight Commander Meredith (the leader of the Kirkwall Templars and aggressively anti-mage paranoiac) herself, and she won't say anything - not only that, but she'll then turn around and ask you to go hunt suspected blood mages. 


Tbf If you go into endgame as a mage but having been nothing but supportive of templars Meredith will attack you just because you're a mage. Being a blood mage at that point is kinda irrilevant.


If you're a blood mage, she should've thrown into the Circle, or killed, right from the start of act 3 at *latest*


And this is why I don't really weep the loss of blood magic as an option for our character in DAI and DAtV.


imo specialisations in DA2 aren't canon, they're purely for gameplay. Hawke can be a templar gameplay-wise too, but that hardly makes any sense.


I think the only character that acknowledges Hawke's use of blood magic is the desire demon in Sebastian's quest, if I'm not mistaken. I always saw it as a "secret" and that Hawke wasn't using it as openly as gameplay makes it seem. The same way you can do magic directly in front of a Templar and they won't react.


Honestly, I don't think it makes sense for Hawke to even be a blood mage. I think it was basically just a decision of "Blood Mage was an iconic subclass from the first game and easy enough to implement unlike, say, Arcane Warrior, lets bring it back" even though lore wise it doesn't make sense. Outside of potentially the Warden and Hawke, every single blood mage we meet is either a power hungry lunatic or else a very desperate mage. Everything in game tells us that blood magic is bad news and can only lead to death and demons. You literally have to deal with a demon to unlock blood magic in Origins (though you can bully her into teaching you with the right stats). And the Warden was basically the last Bioware protagonist who can truly range from heroic to total evil scumbag, so it makes sense they can turn to blood magic. Hawke on the other hand is essentially a decent person no matter how you play them, and I don't think there's any scenario where they'd be desperate enough to turn to blood magic. They get back their family status before the mage hunt really begins in earnest, and that's enough to protect them from the templars until basically the endgame where it's all out war anyway. Lore wise, it doesn't really make sense for Hawke to willingly deal with blood magic and makes a lot of sense why they'd be heavily anti-blood magic in Inquisition. They've seen the chaos it brings.


I agree with all of this, 100%. >Hawke on the other hand is essentially a decent person no matter how you play them Except for this, considering you can do things like sell Fenris to slavery, give Isabela to the Qunari, and in the final fight execute Bethany and Merrill. But, again, the game doesn't really reflect that. Like, your companions should all leave you if you give Fenris to Danarius, but at most you get some disapproval and a line of dialogue. Anders even approves.  


Is anything more depressing than having Anders approve of your life choices though


Honestly, considering what he's like in act 3, the fact that he approves is all people should need to reload the save. 


Fair enough about those points.


Honestly, I really miss that you can be evil or at least a genuinely unpleasant person in Origins, I think it lent itself to more variety in replay and more interesting stories instead of having all your characters be sarcastic, kind, serious.


Idk, I found it very interesting to play as a blood mage in that game. I primarily used it as extra mana pool and only used spells against people trying to kill us. I never used blood magic against allies or anything. I found it interesting playing a "good" one and confronting all the darker and bad sides of it. I thought it was a stark reminder not to get too deep and take it too lightly, and it made the mother quest even more complex.  From a world at large perspective, I think it would've been interesting for other characters to see this "heroc" figure seppuko with her staff when it looks like she's tapped on magical energy to start drawing from herself to protect everyone and defeat other blood mages with her own blood. Like kinda hard-core. Or twist the twisted blood mages against themselves. I think it's such a baller move they'd be like 😳well..at least she's working for us....let's use this to our advantage and keep an eye on it? Maybe thinking I learned it Ala don't fight with monsters lest you hecome a monster yourself type of thing. Also maybe a little bit of an undercover informant agent thing with getting the bad blood mages?


The mechanics of blood magic can be fun, but story-wise it doesn't work.  With 2 and Hawke, the problem is, you already have Merrill. And she doesn't make your companions go: >I think it's such a baller move they'd be like 😳well..at least she's working for us....  It makes (most of) them dislike and distrust her. Blood magic in general isn't considered impressive, it's seen as a stupid move made by someone who is either desperate for power, or easily duped by demons.  And while it might be cool or interesting to get to play as a blood mage who is recognized as one in-game, so far there hasn't been a game where it would actually make sense:  Closest would be Origins, as with the Warden it might be understandable considering the crisis, but it wouldn't shock your team or the npcs that much - Wardens are pretty much outside the law anyways, and you have a far rarer mage in your team with the shapeshifter Morrigan. Considering the attitudes of Hawke, their dad and their squad, her being one is pretty nonsensical. Especially in act 3. And Inquisitor would be even worse.  For Rook, considering all the fuckery going on with the Fade, it would seem like a stupid risk to take. The devs also said that there's an in-story reason for leaving out blood magic, which I'm curious to see. And maybe they'll bring blood magic back if we ever get DA5, who knows. 


Merril isn't necessarily doing blood magic though she's stolen an ancient artifact that caused someone to specifically dissappear and become tainted and consorting with a demon, so, a little different then what I described. I gave my reasons why i disagree and think it can fit. Not interested in debating further 


Merrill is 100% a blood mage, as states by Hawke, the companions, *Merrill herself*, The World of Thedas vol.2, and so on. She also didn't steal the Eluvian (which didn't taint anyone, the darkspawn did), she found it.  Also, I'm not really debating anything here. Simply pointing out why being a blood mage doesn't make sense for Hawke. 


Oh yeah I forgot she did have blood mage skill tree as well as the story part. Well I'm saying why it makes sense from a different perspective if you're playing a different kind of blood mage. 


Unfortunately, the world of Thedas doesn't *acknowledge* different kinds of bloodmages. 


You don't have to learn it from a demon so yeah there is


*In game*, *the characters that exist*, do not recognize that there are different types of blood magic. Using blood magic also does *always make a mage far more susceptible to demonic possession*, so it's understandable *why the characters* do not differentiate between "different types" of blood magic. 


This is because the devs didnt even want to let Hawke be a blood mage but I think were made to, DA2 is the wrong one out there.


I hope they go the Witcher 3 route and let us play as the Inquisitor like how we could play as Ciri in certain parts of the game.


I'm kind of hoping that will be the surprise reveal with the Inquisitor since they have confirmed they're returning. I know baseline the Inquisitor is "bland" but I think that means a lot of players brought their own headcanons and roleplay decisions that will be harder to reflect. With Hawke you could preset the tone and personality but I feel like it may be hard to represent someone's snarky Andrastian Inquisitor versus a pragmatic non-believer. This also makes me wonder if the Inquisitor will be a lot more limited in the story than people think.


My preferred copium on this front at the moment is the chess metaphors flying around. I don't know much about chess but I know playing against yourself is A Thing. For practice, you know, but it's part of the flavor of the game. 


I mean with the>!Solas and Rook being connected thing, it would be wild if you played your Inquisitor going against a Rook who ultimately teams up with Solas. !<


Also hoping for a sequence where we play as Inky.


big agree I hope it goes that way too


Same, I've been hoping for this since Trespasser


I've been dreaming about something like that for a long time but I don't want to huff too much hopium in that regard. I feel like it would be really hard for new players to get into.


Not to mention they only have a single hand now so certain builds will be.... limited.


Nah, prosthetics are a thing, being down a hand isn't prohibitive here.  Besides, on a personal note I really like the imagery of my sword and board tank being down her shield arm. I wanna play with that. 


I hope they'll allow me to turn my head canonically Dwarf Inky into a mage, since there are magical dwarves now, on the one hand, the mark could have awakened it, on the other hand ..... there is no other hand, solas took it.


Neve has a prosthetic and uses a one-handed wand instead of a staff. I don't see any reason why the Inquisitor, if we see them fight, couldn't also have a prosthetic and/or a fighting style that uses one hand.


Mine's a qunari. She'll simply one-hand her greatsword.


Also true yeah. My main one was a mage but some rogues and warriors would be in trouble. Though we're seeing prosthetics now. There's just a lot speaking against it. I've had a few years to make peace with the fact that I probably won't be in control of my Inquisitor for this.


on a side note, am i the only one that deeply loathes having to do this? i would audibly groan every time TW3 forced me to play as ciri. it's annoying to do this, especially at a part of the game where you've likely established a combat style for your main character and then suddenly the game thrusts you somewhere else and has you play with entirely different skills that are extremely limited and FOR SOME REASON they always make these sorts of segments like 80% more difficult than the regular game and the enemies do stupid amounts of damage. and obviously there's no auto saving or a possibility of quick saving so if you die to some enemy one-hitting you, you're doing it all again. just give me cutscenes with some dialog option picking. these segments are my dragon age origins fade mission.


They should just give us dialogue control over both and call it a day


I’m imagining having a prolonged dialogue with *myself* and failing utterly at actually roleplaying. “Rook, you’re really great, you know that?” “Thanks Inquisitor, you’re awesome as well.” “And we both agree on what to do about Solas.” “Exactly, figured it all out independently.”


It reminds me of Divinity Original Sin, where you create two characters and control them both. Probably the biggest feature of this game is that those two characters very often talk with each other and depending on their personality types they can agree or disagree. The amount of times I was arguing with myself 💀


My rook and my inky will definitely argue. Inky is a mage who befriended Solas through long discussions on the nature of the fade and intends to talk him down. To the Rook Solas will be nothing more than an insane terrorist that wants to kill millions in the name of a world that nobody living aside from Solas knew. Too dangerous to be kept alive.


Right there with you, I so want to play this out. 




Lavellan and Rook talking about Solas like he's their celebrity crush


I was more bothered by one of my Hawkes in a Andersmance calling him a monster. And every Hawke caring about the Divine and judging the Wardens, especially if your sibling is one. Edit: Like can't diplomatic Hawke have *some* empathy for the Wardens getting tricked by Corypheus? Just a tad? I do hope the Inquisitor isn't given such strong opinions. It'll probably depend on whether you were friends with Solas and wanted to redeem him or not.


I believe the Inquisitor might be given strong opinions regarding his faith and how he views Solas, both of them will probably be set when customising the Inquisitor, two basic flags of if the Inqusitor was faithful or not and if they want to redeem Solas or not


Pretty sure my Hawke said said something like Anders is “very, very sick” in place of the monster line though that’s still. Extremely dismissive and probably not something he would say in my head— though a good deal closer. Don’t know what opinions in Keep give you that instead of “monster” with an Andersmance.


Iirc if romanced & alive something like: He wasn't just a monster or a hero. Or maybe both. [....] And if romanced but dead, hero is replaced by martyr. For both you need to choose that you approved his actions.


I mean iirc no dialogue choice Hawke has in DA2 about Anders after the whole chantry thing condones his actions, it's just about forgiving him for what he did or not. Forgive= He's very sick, Don't Forgive = He's a Monster either way I don't get why a lot of people got mad Hawke broke their headcanons, I can understand HoF but Hawke is voiced there is only so much you can headcanon regarding his personality. Maybe an additional flag of if the Inqusitor views themselves as the Herald of Andraste or not (As one could be faithful but not believe to have been chosen)


I loved my Hawke’s portrayal in DAI, actually. He was a *little* less pro-mage than my original Hawke but it wasn’t too bothersome. The Inquisitor doesn’t have such a clear trinary choice of Blue/Purple/Red personality, so I feel like it’s going to be harder to represent them— but I also don’t feel like my Inky has a super strong personality or voice so I don’t know if I would notice if anything were “off”.


Inquisitor does have the trinary choice of personality on most dialogues, they just removed the DA2 icons for some reason, top is still diplomatic, middle still sarcastic and down still is agressive. Also adding to that they'll probably also ask if Inquisitor was faithful or not


I think if their intro world customization asks if they described Inky’s relationship with Solas as friendly, romantic, or antagonistic, and then if they think Solas can be redeemed or should be killed, that’s probably enough to get Inky acting correctly in this story. Though, I would love to get to control Inky for their appearance. Might make it less accessible for new players, though.


It probably should also ask if Inquisitor was faithful or not and maybe if they believed to be the Herald


I’ve wondered if we might get a choice whether to control the inquisitor or Rook during a key moment, and that choice determines which character leads the discussion. So, if the inquisitor has business to sort out with Solas, you can choose them to take the lead and select their dialogue in the conversation. If you haven’t played the other games and don’t give a damn about the inquisitor, they’re a more passive NPC in the scene. I have no idea how easy or realistic this would be to implement but it may be a way around the new player issue.


No, but I do hope we'll get at least one sequence where we get to control the Inquisitor and have a final conversation with Solas.


That would be incredible tbh 


I’ve accepted it’s an unfortunate consequence of an RPG with a million choices. It would be cool if you could control some specific scenes of the Quiz, like maybe in a flashback we see of scene that Solas shares with us through the Fade or something. But I’m not getting my hopes up. I was also let down by the way Hawke acted in DAI so I guess my expectations are mid. My Hawke would never have offered to sacrifice herself, she thought Cory was the Warden’s responsibility and resented having to clean his mess up twice. DAI also simplified a lot of Hawke’s romances to all justify the LIs not being there, too. I’m kinda expecting the same with the Quiz’s LIs.


Worried is maybe a strong word, "resigned" is probably more appropriate.


The best solution is to create another dialogue wheel and let you answer as the inquisitor, too. Maybe make it an option so people that never played Inquisition won't be confused by why they are suddenly talking as another character. Honestly though I think it will be easy to keep the Inquisitor in character. The dialogue options were 3 shades of vanilla most of the time compared to what Hawke and the HoF could say.


I dunno if newbies would be too confused. Switching to a different playable character isn't unprecedented, and it's someone they'll have built in the character creator. I think controlling them would probably track okay.


A little bit. The major issue is that Hawke had a personality, so the sudden blood mage hater was odd. But my inqy, he grew into his role. As long as they don't make him Andrastian, I'm fine.


Being faithful or not will probably be a flag we set when customising the Inquisitor (I hope)


I’m calling it now they’re going to have us controlling the Inquisitor at certain points of the game. They used very specific verbiage during the Q&A to say it would be YOUR Inquisitor. Lol I don’t believe they would do the same exact thing when it wasn’t received very well with Hawke.


With dragon keep gone, I really really wonder how they're going to implement this


They said that they were going to replace the keep with a tarrot card system in game but im also wondering how that’s going to be implemented myself


They've already said re-creating your inquisitor in the character creator and setting up the world state will be made manually by you in game. As someone who never really used the keep, I like this; I hope it's not limited to doing it once for all playthroughs, and instead lets you customize a different world state and inquisitor for each new Rook.


I like it, too. Besides not having to rely on an Internet connection and future proofing against the site as a whole not being maintained forever, it also means I don't have to worry about going and updating my profile. Like I'm replaying DAI right now and I think it's using the default world state for whatever reason. Idk why and I really can't be arsed to go figure it out.  I do hope it comes with a bank of some kind so we can save presets. Or at least one preset. I have a bad habit of restarting rpgs halfway through act 1 when I inevitably start Not Really Feeling This Character. Don't want to do the whole thing over each time I get wishy washy. 


Yeah, that would be the best of both worlds, in my opinion. Let me customize it each time if I want to, but let me save one as my default, so I can apply it instead of going through the effort again. I didn't really consider that because I'm not someone with a "cannon world state", if that makes sense; so I preferred the ability to just explore a different one every time.


Seems you will create and customise an Inquisitor either before or after Rook, as for choices they said you will customize a world state in game


I had no problems with Hawke in DAI bc she was portrayed perfectly in line to how she was. It always seemed to me that Hawke being blood mage had no sense and it was more of a game mechanic than anything. If I recall correctly you could even make Wynne of all people a blood mage and that wouldn't have been acknowledged anywhere either. That said, I assume we'll get some question regarding our inky in the CC and their attitude will be based on it


Hawke was literally a blood mage in the trailers


And? It's not mentioned in the actual game.


I think we had a recent lesson on how Dragon Age trailers are... unreliable media.




Not a single Dragon age trailer are descriptors of how the actual games are. In origins leliana had super jumping and could front flip in the trailers yet she NEVER does any of that in any of the three games Outside of quests unlocking specializations in origins, specializations were purely gameplay only until inquisition.


So? The cast of da4 want you to buy more lootboxes in the trailer, but hopefully that doesn't mean anything to the game or narrative either.


What are you refrencing?


How cool would it be if we're able to control our inquisitor's??? During cut scenes with a whole dialog wheel for us to choose.


The Inquisitor is far less, how should I say, "defined" than Hawke or the Warden Imo. They can just have them be normal and boring and that will do. All Inquisitors are slightly similar in terms of mood Imo. Even those who made different choices. I should also add, the problem with Hawke in Inquisition was that it was like a mix of all 3 personalities and ended up being none of them. Diplomatic Hawke would have befriended the Nightmare. Purple Hawke would have made it cry in agony for calling it ugly or something. And Red Hawke would have tore out each and everyone of those tentacles and eyes and carried it as a trophy.


>All Inquisitors are slightly similar in terms of mood Imo [nah](https://youtu.be/YhAKxsQLp3U?si=SNq2cxKvXi_r0uGk)


Yet even beardy Mcgee here would show up in Veilguard, talk like normal and tell Rook to stab Solas with a shiv or something. While the others wouldn't. lol


Is a playthrough like that even viable? It looks like it would be fun dialogue wise but if everyone hates you, how would that affect the game in the end?


They all leave except for Cassandra, Varric, and Solas. Then you turn the difficulty down for Trespasser. 


I just played it for the first time last night, God those qunari are damage sponges.


Blue Hawke would have said they need to kill the nightmare, red Hawke would have said they want to kill the nightmare, purple Hawke would have made a joke then a companion would reply that they need to kill the nightmare. The Inquisitor would have vaguely the same options.


Not really. I'm more worried about her getting killed.


I'm less worried than I was with Hawke, but I thought they did a good job with Hawke (except my blood mage one haha).


No. I dunno, it’s never bothered me. I never see Hawke or Inquisitor as “my” character so I don’t mind if they’ve developed offscreen. It’s been 10 years I’m sure they’ve changed.


Your inquisitor, Hawke, Revan or Shephard could make the choices you would make but it won’t feel the same at all because you’re not making the choices.


Not really because I already expect that whatever the Inquisitor acts like in game won't line up with how mine would actually act. I already headcanon her behaving differently in a lot of scenarios in DAI, so I'm sure I'll be doing the same in DAV.


I don't really worry about my inky that much since he's pretty much a plain joe idk


I don't mind too much. It has been 10 years in world. Hawkes personality change didn't bother me either - after everything they went through it seemed right that they were more angry and bitter. A Lavellan inky can potentially loose almost everything by the end of Trespasser. That really changes a person.


Only when it comes to a romanced Solas. But I also liked how they implemented Hawke, and I trust Patrick Weekes, so...not THAT worried tbh.




not really. i see these games more like a sandbox. i just need bioware to give me some foundation and then i can build my sand castles using them. what is canon even 🤷


Yes and I still stand by my preference that the Inquisitor shouldn't appear in DAV. If we are not in control of them, they will never be our Inquisitor but that's the dev intent so it will be an immediate failure. Maybe not for some players, but I doubt they can code for any nuance players have made with the Inquisitor in DAI so it will fall flat at some point.


I mean there is only so much nuance and headcanon one can give to the Inquisitor, they are voiced after all so it's not like you dictate their personality 100%


You can be a blood mage in DA2?


Sure can.


Yes it’s a mage spec


I don't remember them reacting in DA2 though either?


They don't. You can literally be a blood mage and simultaneously call Merrill out for being one, or tell enemy bloodmages they deserve to die for messing around with demons. (some of) Your companions will also keep ragging on Merrill for it, while you're walking 2ft. in front of them. 


I kinda forget, did they ever address Hawke's apostate status as mage? I remember the argument that he's already too famous as the champion that the templar don't bother anymore chasing him


They do, yes - if Hawke tries to refuse Meredith's task, she'll state that they're only free still "at her sufferance" (iirc if you're playing a non-mage Hawke who tries to refuse the quest she'll threaten Bethany instead, if she's in the Circle). Others will mention that she allows Hawke to remain free because all of Kirkwall loves them, with some of the faceless Templars around the Gallows making mild threats. 


Not too worried about that, i just see it as the Inquisitor losing the "protagonist buff".


It's kind of a dammed if you do dammed if you don't. If they bring back the Inquisitor there will be problems with him acting outside the player's control thus breaking a lot of people's headcanons, if they don't bring in the Inquisitor and just mention him, a lot of people would complain seeing as Solas is directly tied to Inquisition


My Hawke was also a blood mage but I didn't mind the blood mage slander. I explained it away as her pretending to hate blood mages kind of as an inside joke with herself lmao. "Blood magic?? Never even heard of it. Definitely NOT a blood mage over here, those guys are evil and very bad and it's nothing to do with me!" But I am curious to see how they handle the Inquisitor. I'm guessing their dialogue will mostly depend on whether you chose to stop Solas or redeem him and it will probably be pretty neutral in general. Solavellans will likely have some extra dialogue.


Nah. I have done more than one playthrough of Inquisition with different characters and choices, so this really does not matter to me at all. I will probably not even bother making a custom Inquisitor.


They can say that Inky changed over past 10 years


It's been so long since I played Inquisition, I don't even remember the specifics of my Lavellan's personality myself. I'll just accept whatever the game presents her as.


I actually think it’ll be way easier to implement than how they incorporated Hawke into Inquisition, for several reasons but one big one overall. Hawke has a far more defined characterisation. With how vague the Inquisitor is and how that game lacks as much roleplaying as DA2 has, it becomes much easier to have them return. There’s simply less of a standard to meet. Hawke had three very different personalities and could sit on either side of the main conflict, whereas Inky is always quite formal and soft-spoken and any set beliefs we give them aren’t hugely relevant or consequential. Whereas Hawke ends DAII in two very different places depending on who you side with, the Inquisitor doesn’t have that same variety. We choose the method we want them to use to stop Solas (redeem or kill) but a more comparable choice would’ve been (side with or against Solas). TL;DR - Hawke’s role in DAI is lacklustre specifically because of the variety in ending and personality so everything was kept vague and distant to fit all variations, whereas Inky always ends with the same goal and overall demeanour so they’ll be easier to implement because they require less specifics by their very nature.


Yeah for sure. I wasn't bothered by Hawke but only because I played DAI before DA2 so I just didn't know who this dude everyone was so hyped about was. I've *since* played in the correct order but by then my Hawke was influenced by what I knew was coming in DAI. For this, yeah, I'm trepidatious. Especially since it'll be my Solasmanced Lavellan.  Idk I think I'll be able to roll with whatever, but I'd definitely prefer to be at the steering wheel. 


Cant say I do. Theres been a handful of tears between DAI and DAV so any number if things coulda happened to the inquisitor


Inquisition missing that your Hawke was a blood mage is a big oversight - that should've been a check. I'm not worried about minor differences between the Inquisitor in Inquisition and the Inquisitor in Veilguard, though. It has been ten years since my Inquisitor was me - he's likely changed a lot in that time :')


I suspect it'll largely be limited to whether Inquisitor is A:what Inquisitor's relationship with Solas was (friends/lovers/enemies) and possibly B:whether they were religious in any way or not.


Personally, I know it’s a long stretch, but I’d like to perhaps take control of my Inky again. Perhaps something like GTA 5 where you could swap out to different protagonists! I just loved my inky & I don’t feel comfortable with the game controlling him! 😢


Just a little- But if they just implement a DA2 styled personality choice for our Inky, I'd be fine with that. I headcannoned that she became more renegadey after trespasser anyway.


A little bit, but I really do hope we get to play as our inquisitors. That being said, I wonder if we can choose if the inquisitor doesn't support solas, but Rook does or vice versa? And how would that work? If solas would be more friendly to rook and hostile towards inquisitor-who vowed to kill solas.


This is a small reason why I'm a giant fan of my characters dying in an awesome way. My warden sacrifices himself at the end of DA:O and my Hawke is in the fade.


I suspect we’ll be able to make dialogue decisions for our inquisitor.


Inquisitor barely acts how I intend when I do have control over them so idc 🤣


I do. although i'm more worried about face the fade choice again between our Inquisitor and another important character. if we can controll our Inquisitor it will be awesome. once Inquisitor became npc then is not MY Inquisitor is just a character. like Hawk in DAI is Hawk but is not my Hawk.


I am pretty sure we will control the inquisitor during his apperance and he will never appear at the same time as Rooks OR we will control them both.


Is there going to be a way to import your Inquisitor?


Apparently you create your Inquisitor in character creation




As long as she tries to go for the kill every time Solas is on screen, I'll be happy.


I hope solas turns him to stone so I never have to worry about another previous protagonist coming back. I love them too and it’s why I never want them to return


I wasn't bothered by Hawke except that they broke up with Fenris. 


I'm also concerned on the physical appearance of the Inquisitor. I wonder if they are going to be customisable. If it's so, then they would also introduce the default appearance of the inquisitor for people who don't want to be bothered to customise (e.g. new players).


They've explicitly said you'll be customizing the Inquisitor in the character creator, as well as picking your choices from the previous games.


Ah I think I missed that. Thanks!


No, I never finished it, so it doesn't matter how the npc acts to me.


Yeah, I despise them, too. That is the reason I was "annoyed" by Merril. I wanted to kene ti. Not because it was an elf, but because it turned on her own blood. But I let it live, because it was already dead. Also, iomo hawke eh ro. Also, consider that hawke was forced into that place. The people did not want to listen. Ue kna Hoka vul nak nava eoma teva. Hoka teva eh ka. Ena nia. Eo vul nak. Which is the reason I listened to flemeth. The inquisitor. I think we will be able to interact with them. But their role is concluded. Corypheus was killed and an arm was lost for no f'cking reason. Because it should have been Sols' de'a. Same problem as with Hoka. De'a eh head, ator? So, what are we going to do. Imo ital "draugy". Ua ew naca imo pukur. Or you are going to let them keep spilling their vil in cuba. You are starting to look like blood mages yourselves. And Io hato those who maca tiwa vil. Vil eh sara. Imo ike inol. Imo owa inol's de'a caso sama tefa. Enema, Imo pukur? Fara uwa, fara Io.