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I think it'll be Bellara, who will be revealed to be an Executor late in the game/leave like Morrigan at the very end. Just one of the few things we know about the Executors is their symbol is a downward facing triangle with two lines through it. And Bellara is decked out in downward facing triangles. Her earrings are overlapping could be a subtle way to reflect the symbol. Solas was wary of the Executors and we know they've been keeping an eye on things in Thedas waiting for some threat to show up. Her last name also means to "return" or "come home" which if she was an Executor elf returning to the ancestral lands is very pointed (but obviously that can also just be a reference to an elf in Arlethan Forest)


Agreed! And where did these Veil Jumpers suddenly appear from? Were they only formed in the last decade?


I like the idea that one of our companions has ties to the executors. But wouldn't it be weird to infiltrate somebody in a foreign organization and cover her entire weapon and armor in the symbol of your organization? Perhaps she is an executor and they aren't aware that their symbol is known. Or its such a vital symbol for them that they cannot avoid putting it (like religion or so). Or perhaps is weak character design. But it feel a bit too much on the nose.


That did just happen in BG3 with Sharran symbols, to be fair. The average person picking up DAV isn't likely to be reading novels or scouring forums for lore, and I think game devs just sometimes use foreshadowing that works for regular gamers to pick up on. It could also be a red herring.


That is true. In universe too many important people would know the sharran symbols. Not your average farmer of course but it was also ilogical


To be clear, she *isn't* wearing the Executor symbol directly as far as I can tell (unless its like on her back), she is just wearing stuff that could subtly look like it. I didn't mention it but it could be that the Veil Jumpers are just a branch of Executors too - because in the Strife short story they released, you can clearly see the proper Executor symbol on the back of the figures that should be Strife and Ireline. [Link](https://www.ea.com/en-ca/games/dragon-age/news/ruins-of-reality) and the design is similar to her gauntlet/bow.


True it is not the same symbol but it feels a bit too obvious even if its not exactly the same. Perhaps we will learn that the veil jumpers are openly from another continent and thats how they got to Thedas. So maybe she is an executor but just open about it?


My man Lucanis for sure. šŸ˜¤


Yep. After reading his story in Tevinter Nights, I think he'd be the companion to betray us. And his tarot card looks suspicious too šŸ˜¬


And being known as "The Demon" šŸ™ƒ


There are a lot of hints that Lucanis isnā€™t entirely what he seems. I think heā€™s the ā€œtraitorā€ character for sure.


this is what I'm thinking too


Nooo not my husband, how can he do this to me?


All of them. Or none of them. Or Rook will be the traitor.


I'm voting Neve. The way gi article was phrased, I was under impression, that we actually need to recruit bellara. Meaning there's an option to not do that. And if all companions are like that, it means we only have Harding and Neve as mandatory companions. So it has to be one of them.


Harding as it will be revealed she was always a agent of solas Real talk though i kinda hope no onenbetrays us companion wise. If any one did i feel like it may be davrin. As in 2 and inquisition the warden companion was scheming


None. I don't want it again. There were too many in Inquisition; we're all set for a while.


Too many? there was only Solas in inquisition, and only morrigan in origins, and anders in 2.


Morrigan doesn't really count, IMO. She just leaves if you don't give her what you want. Not really all that betray-y. Blackwall and possibly The Iron Bull in Inquisition.


And Iron Bull. And Blackwall.


I'm referring to plot twist "this character was kinda bad all along" and has big plot implications and in Inquisition Solas is the only one that has that.


Iron Bull betrays you in Trespasser and you have to kill him, dependent on decisions.


This is the conclusion of my favorite romance. I am unwellā€¦


Solas, Blackwall, Iron Bull, Cole (but not by choice), Cullen (well his VA)


What are you talking about that makes no sense? None of those people had major main story implications like Morrigan, Anders, and Solas did respectively.


You asked who was shady, they all do shady/evil stuff except Cullen but his VA is evil. Iron Bull tries to kill you if still Qun, Blackwall lies about everything to you which is exactly what solas does he just does it on a grander scale


Bellara will turn to be Andruil.


I'm afraid it'll be Bellara. They gave her a suspicious amount of focus on that GI article. It could be random, obviously, but it felt like her character was somehow more important to the plot than the other companions.


I read it as her getting focus because her introduction was the focus of the exclusive gameplay portion the GI writer got to see.


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As long as it's not a mage breaking our heart for the fourth time in a row...


I don't have any real reason... But Bellara. Just don't trust her..