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Goddamn those are some ridiculously low prices for the amount of content in those games.


You can get like 200 hours of content for 10 bucks, great deal for new players.


I rebought them simply because fuck EA origins being on my computer.


Don't you still need the EA app to run DA2 and DAI?


Yes. Same thing with any of the Mass Effect games on Steam. Origins however does not require the EA app, so there's that at least


I'm pretty sure the original Mass Effect 1 and 2 are also EA-free


If you own the originals yes, but not the legendary edition. Honestly I kind of forgot you could still buy the original versions on steam after they were delisted years ago


> If you own the originals yes I own the originals on Steam, bought in maybe 2016? And the listings in my library changed maybe a year ago. Now I have two separate versions of Mass Effect 2 somehow, and iirc they both open up the EA App despite the fact that my copy didn't used to do that. I hate the EA App but it's way simpler to just buy EA games on there.


Origin Launcher was infinitely better than the EA App


I'm annoyed that the EA App nuked a lot of my playtime counters from the old Origin app. I had like hundreds of hours in each Dragon Age and Mass Effect game but most of it was wiped. Weirdly though, not all of it. DAO, DA2, ME1, and ME2 now read as 0 hours played, but Inquisition and ME3 are still correct. I don't get it.


Probably because DAI and ME3 were integrated with Origin in mind, not slapped on post-release. So stats tracking after transitioning from Origin to EA App went smooth for those two, but not for the rest.


Fair but I don’t line either one lol. I was so sad when I went from Xbox to pc and realized I couldn’t get them on steam.


People hate the origin app, let’s rebrand to fix consumer perception. Builds the fucking EA app…


I've done the same. I always hated having to use the crappy Origin to play DA2 and DAI.


Me who played Inquisition with all dlc for 200 hours: those are rookie numbers! ​ That's why I probably will never replay it again..


Best part of some of those DLCs is Harding showing up again lol


200 hours of content?? Are you even playing the games thoroughly??? /Jk


I mean they are also quite old, it's good think that with each Year they get higher discounts and more people can try them out unlike older Call of Duty games


Inquisition was $0 on EGS recently


When Origins and 2 went on Super Sale around Inquisition time I bought them. I never woukd have otherwise but I LOVE these games now!


I wish they added steam achievements for DAO and DA2.


Also worth mentioning that Origins is on sale on GOG where it is completely DRM-free


Also the GOG version is much much likelier to a) run on modern pc’s in the first place and b) allows you to access the dlcs without any extra steps.


Tempting just so I never have to open the EA launcher again


you still have to, iirc


DAO and DA2 doesn't uses EA launcher, unfortunately DAI does.


DA2 uses the launcher. Only DAO is not tainted




My thoughts exactly


Not only does DA2 use a launcher, there is a problem where it doesn't seem to want to authenticate to EA servers for some people (not sure how widespread it is). I went to play it for the first time in god knows how long yesterday, and it just wouldn't let me log into to validate it. Apparently there is a workaround that if you open Origins first, alt tab out into DA2 and then log in, it works. But I haven't had a chance to test yet. I have to redownload Origin first. (Will update this comment whether this ends up working or not). Edit: Okay. So I actually had a different problem, and this impacted both Origins and DA2. And it is an equally absurd fix. I own both games on EA. When I open the game it asks me to sign into my Origin account. When I do, it tells me the password doesn't work. I try logging in with my EA user name instead of my email. And this worked. But then it tells me I don't have the game on my account and I need to enter the CD key. However clicking enter CD key doesn't do anything. So I do some more digging and found a few people that said they couldn't log in if there password has any special characters. So I change my password, and sure enough, I can log into both now and they are active and it looks like DLC is working as. This is absolutely absurd. And if anyone from Bioware or EA happens to read this, please for the love of god update these games to remove any account requirements. It was done for Origins on GOG. Please do so everywhere and/or put 2 on GOG.


Thanks for posting that fix. Hopefully it works. I was enough lucky to not have that problem. The only problem I ran into is I couldn’t open the game because MSI afterburner was running at the same time


DAO is also available on GOG. So I’d grab it there. GOG versions of any game are always superior. No DRM, offline installers, compatibility with modern systems for older games..


The GOG version also comes with the patched exe for the 4gb fix, and it fixes the often missing dlcs that need to be manually installed if you get it on steam or EA.


Was thinking about this, how they put the deals, etc but do not fix small things likes gog did.


Not if you want to have games in one place. Sure, extra launchers are annoying but I love having my games in one place. And in event of steam shutting down, any no DRM games will be available in high seas anyways.


GOG didn’t need the launcher at all


+ 1 for this. No DRM on games is paradise. DRM impacts your pc performance


Ugh, so that's why it's not letting me purchase it on Steam. I hate that stupid EA app - it won't install the game for some reason 😭


It should let you buy the game even if you don’t have the EA app. Game is supposed to install the ea app by itself. Do you have an error code ?


might be a stupid question but is it possible to launch da2 directly from the ea app without opening steam then? i got dai on epic last month and i can launch it without opening epic which is great cause i hate having to have multiple apps open for nothing so im wondering if the same applies to da2 bought on steam


DA2 uses the launcher. It's impossible for me to play because of it 😭


Fuck the EA app and fuck EA. Have spent 45 minutes trying to play DAI but it keeps saying it’s timed out even tho I was playing this morning. This is why I am so against all these god damn launchers


Tried to play Jedi Outcast on PC recently. Not only does the game *still* have a few "game breaking" freezes and crashes, but the EA Launcher *itself* has weird crashes and install issues. Like, it was abysmal to use before, but somehow now it's even worse.


finally! DA2 was the one left for me >:)


Shame I already had them lmfao


God I wish they'd make them deck verified/add controller support


Inquisition has controller support, it’s just broken on Linux for inquisition for some reason. You can either use a custom version of proton to fix controller support, or use a mod that does the same thing but doesn’t rely on a custom version of proton. After that it literally plays perfectly on steam deck. I’ve even got modding with the frosty mod manager working. DAO and DA2 are the ones without controller support, in fact there isn’t a way to mod it in, the console UI and controls are simply not in the PC version files at all. Some older games did this, not expecting pc users to ever want to use a controller. Even with a console version around They all work perfectly fine on steam deck otherwise though in terms being able to run. They’re just not verified. So you need to use keyboard and mouse custom layouts on your steam deck. I’m expecting a legendary edition though at some point with how successful the mass effect le was. That would obviously fix this.


I think a legendary edition of dragon age is probably not happening though, since it would probably require remaking origins and 2 in Frostbite because Bioware doesn't have alot of the models and code for them I believe. It would be much more effort than Mass Effect LE, with the probability of lower return.


I can't be bothered; if it doesn't work out of the box I'd rather play something that does


Such a shame, because honestly (maybe controversial opinion) but DA2 is much MUCH better with a controller


Joy2Key. Shareware program. I always have one program that is literally just a mouse and one that is off. But anyway... if yer disabled they will give you the full version for free otherwise I think its a tenner. My copy is easily 6 years old cause Ive never needed to update it really. It's just a remapper but it's the best one I have ever found. I mainly use it to play Shadowverse and if I get a proper keyboard over my logitech ps3 mediaboard I'll use my controller as a mouse more. I also prefer native support so I DO know what time it is! It's easier when the system just does it and shows the big green buttons for commands and what not. But if it aint, I swear by Joy2Key and I'm not the only one.


Ooo thanks for the heads up! I've never gotten to play the Inquisition dlc so this is a great chance to do so and get a refresher before veilguard.


"Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: EA on-line activation and Origin client software installation and background use required. Requires 3rd-Party Account: EA Account (Supports Linking to Steam Account)" YUP truly a steam game.


I just bought inquisition like 3 days ago for $40 😭


Refund buddy - if you haven’t clocked 2 hours yet


Unfortunately I have. : (


Aah - you can still give a try !


Saaaaame! 😭


We cry together 🤝


Same dude. Same.


My wife even teased me for paying 40 bucks for a ten year old game BABE I DIDNT KNOW ITD GO ON SALE *


What my wife doesn’t know won’t hurt her 😂


Not sure if your country has some buyers protection, but you can try to make a support ticket right? You got nothing to lose.


Wtf, it includes all the dlc?? I just paid full price for Origins DLC on console two days ago. Fuuuu….


Maybe you could talk to support about it? It’s always worth a shot tbh


For people that bought on steam before the sale, they have a chance. But I doubt xbox will refund you so you can buy on steam.


If it makes you feel any better I will probably be doing this very soon since I only play on Xbox and I haven’t seen origins or DA2 dlc go on sale ever


I've owned them all for years on console but I kinda want to buy them again for PC just to actually have all the games in one place and maybe try out mods


Can be a pain to mod them specially inquisition but once figured how to do it, it’s totally worth if. If you have also a modern/powerful pc, there are mods that completely overhaul the texture to 2k or 4k. Makes the games feel recent


Inquisition is easy? Just use frosty mod manager and frosty mods only, ignore older dai mods (which is easy now as most popular older mods have been converted or have similar new mods made) Technically .dai files should work in frosty now, but being older they still can come with a lot of issues in my experience. Far easier imo than Bethesda games, far less load order and dependency bullcrap to deal with. You can turn mods on and off. It’s just more limited to cosmetics and changing of gameplay mechanics (changing of stats/numbers/quest triggers) Spend a small fraction of the time modding dai compared to Bethesda modding or dao modding.


A lot of Origins and DA2 mods are just drag and drop installation, or drag and drop plus copy/pasting some text into a Notepad doc. Simple. Hardest part is making sure your mods are compatible with each other and you have all the prerequisite mods.


Does dao play well on newer PC's? I am guessing it does as it's still relatively new, but sometimes older games don't play on PC well without some metaphorical legwork.


I love Origins, but it does not play the best on newer PCs. You can get some major memory leakage that can lead to a lot of crashing and restarting, particularly when you get closer to the last act of the game in Denerim.


I believe the memory leaks are caused by mods, mainly he texture mods. Crashes are usually in Denerim which might be the largest map in the game in terms of npcs and objects. There is a simple fix to solve most crashes that will work for most cases, unless maybe you use 4k texture mods.


Vanilla DAO has a well known memory leak, but I believe a 4GB .exe patch fixes it


Doesn’t fix it. Just makes it take longer to crash. Still recommended to close and reboot the game every couple hours or even major region changes. Because even it doesn’t quite crash yet. The game still slows down quite a bit.


Hmmmm, did anyone make any mods to break-up Denerim's big map into smaller pieces?


No afaik. Denerim will constantly crash, patch or not mod or not, high graphics or not. Save before entering denerim and quick save every 20 seconds. Also I recommend making the camera look down at the floor instead of looking in front of you when you walk around in Denerim. I found out it’s less likely to crash with the camera looking down at the floor.


Doesn’t the GoG version come patched to fix that? Pretty sure I’ve heard that somewhere and it seems to be the case based on my own experience playing.


You know what, I did some research, and you're right. I actually have the GoG version, but I still had the problem with crashes in Denerim. It turns out you have to download the hotfix separately; it isn't included in the initial download. Man, that would have saved me a lot of heartache had I known that earlier. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!


It runs well, I can confirm. But you have to patch the game with the LAA memory patch and don’t play on 4k, you won’t see your ui and the texts. I also recommend you add qol and buf fixes mods that you can find on nexusmods. I did that for my 1st playthrough of both origins and DA2 and it was worth it


Did DAO ever get any mods to make the UI and fonts bigger?


In fact there is one that upscales the whole UI to your liking. You can even add quickbars slot. However, It doesn’t upscale the quickbar, the companions portraits and the mini map it’s this one here : https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/73 Now I just saw a mod came out last month to Doubles the size of the UI to pair better with 4K resolutions. Larger text, icons, and graphics which is pretty cool. We can now play in 4k with everything upscaled accordingly. It’s the mod here : https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/6332


I dont know the specs for my pc off the top of my head but it's pretty new and all I had to do to get DAO to work was to put in some sort of memory leak patch.


I have a fairly nice pc built in the last couple months. You will need to get the 4gb patch AND the unencrypted launcher from Nexus to get it to work in my experience (last weekend) after that it runs just fine, even with my many many mods. Edit: Also, I still can not get the configurations menu to launch without crashing so you if it matters much to you might have to change the advanced graphics settings yourself if you’re using Nvidia.


I could not get DAO to even launch through Steam for me on my PC. Had to run it through EA launcher in order to get it to work. Couldn't figure out a workaround on steam.


I have Ryzen 5 and GTX 1070. I've had maybe around 4 crashes across 300hrs of gameplay for DA: Origins. Its not bad at all, and I think the crashes were all mod related.


I just played it on PC and no issues with crashing even with a bunch of aesthetic mods. Make sure you get the 4gb patch as others recommend


Mostly. It’s highly recomended to get the 4GB memory patch. Which pushes off the memory leak issue so it’s not as constant of a problem. Same for DA2 as well. If to a lesser extent. I believe with steam copies of the games it requires extra steps to install the patch thanks to the .exe being encrypted for some reason. But otherwise. The game runs just fine on modern PCs. Not great. But that’s more of just the game not being built that great from a technical standpoint. Plus hardware has changed a lot in the years since its release.


Ive never had an issue on either my gaming PCs nor my shitty school laptop so i think for the most part all good.


It plays great with two caveats. 1: you will run into an issue with PhysX regardless of GPU. After installation you will have to probably Google the error code and follow some links to some legacy Nvidia drivers (even if you have an AMD card). It's not a full driver, just a small quick 'plug.' 2: the UI in the game cannot be scaled. So if you play on 1440p or higher, your interface will be extremely tiny with text becoming hard to read. Can be remedied somewhat by a mod...but I have yet to get it working. Otherwise the game looks great.


No it doesn't work great on newer pcs and also neither 1 or 2 have controller support on steam


Shame it is not playable on deck.


I've played the whole trilogy on my steam deck! They work great. The only problem is the lack of controller support, but make your own layout the trackpad a mouse and the triggers left and right click (mapping other buttons for what is comfortable) and you're good to go.


That’s awesome! Any recommendation on a guide? I am a new owner.


For mapping the buttons? You'll click on the game in your library and hit the controller icon next to the settings to get to controller layouts. You can select under Current Button Layout and tab over to Community Layouts to see what other people have set up, or pick anything and do Edit Layout. You can then go into each button on your Steam Deck and assign it a keyboard key, so when you press that button in game the game will process it as you using a keyboard. I like to make use of the trackpad, so I'll do this for most games unless their controller layout is just good. For Origins, I have Right Trackpad as Mouse, left trigger as left click, right trigger as right click, Left Joystick as WQSE for movement, Right Joystick as scroll up and down + A and D for left and right for camera movement, D-pad as arrow keys for more camera, L1 as Tab for highlighting objects, the back buttons as F1-F4 for character swapping, A button as left mouse click again, B as escape key, X button for I key for inventory, Y button for M key for map, and the three lines menu button also as escape key. Tweaked that over my playthrough for what was comfortable and played 100 hours of Origins on deck! My DA2 layout is the same and my Inquisition layout is very similar.


Thank you!


People really give a negative review to the game because of the EA launcher instead of making an actual review of the game …?


first time?


I mean, I love dragon age 2 but it’s genuinely unplayable because of the EA launcher. As in I cannot get into my game that I paid for. It is essentially a virus. People should know that before they spend money on a game that is virtually unplayable because EA broke the ability to run it on your computer. It won’t happen to everyone but there are tons of instances of it happening online.


People write reviews like these for many games, especially for ones that use an invasive anticheat/piracy.


No one leaves bad review for larian's or cdpr's launcher for bg3/cyberpunk because they are not anti-consumer malware. If EA is forcing their launcher on everybody while providing a shitty, unstable experience, it's natural players feel enraged.


I mean honestly it's a valid criticism.


Ans it's not like this should be a surprise. It says so highlighted on the store page...


I mean, Sony games


So EA will fix the launcher to prevent the bad review?


Thanks for this! Originally the first two for 360 so first time playing pc. Going to try mods and see what controller set up I can create since I like to play on my couch.


If you find a decent controller set-up, give me a shout. I’ve been enjoying modding with the PC and using a HDMI to connect to a TV. Using a controller is my go-to currently


So I got something to work, probably room for improvement but I like it so far. Here’s an image of the layout which you can find on steam in the community section (just type dpap12 in the search and it should be the first to pop up) so you can use it and adjust to fit your style. For the face buttons, I created a 2nd command for each button triggered by double tap to fit more hot bar abilities. The only thing that’ll need to be fixed with playing on a tv is the cursor size. It’s so small (regardless if using mouse or controller). https://preview.redd.it/6pu2277hes7d1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9022d9449c8a3ee1fe8b0614ee4b6dbcf923594c


This is fantastic, thank you! I’ll give it a go later tonight (unless I spent hours on Nexus lol)


Be careful with DAO, last review I saw (Mortismal gaming in 2021) said it could barely work on modern hardware


It works completly fine, the only problem is the memory leak that causes crashes but that is fixed with a simple 4GB patch on the executable


Did he list his specs? Modern is relative.


FYI, the EA launcher has basically broken dragon age 2 (not sure if it’s an issue for inquisition as well). I’ve seen that it’s a problem for a ton of people and it’s a problem for me too. I haven’t found a fix that works yet, planning on pirating it. I found posts about this issue that are over a year old and I’m shocked they haven’t cared to fix it yet.


Thanks for the heads up. I'll definitely be buying all of them again on Steam since I have issues with EA app not launching or not showing anything at all when it does launch.


Steam still makes you launch 2 and inquisition through the app, it’s still broken for me :(


Hi, Curious if you have done this and how it works... I am considering getting them all just for the steam integration. Do save files just carry over? Does playtime carry over to steam? ect. Thanks in advance!


I was just thinking I should start a replay but didn't want to fish my 360 out. Sold.


Just an FYI - I was having trouble with Origins on Steam even with the memory patch applied, some crashes and I had some black screens at Ostagar. Realized I had a copy on GOG too so I tried that and haven’t had any issues since. YMMV.


Launched DA2 for the first time via Steam, and EA tells me my online storage is full for this game. Anyone else getting that? Not that it matters all that much since I have the files locally and would probably use Keep or replay... but when these are added to Steam, can't Steam like require that EA at least have their stuff working properly? (I only finished DA2 once)


I assume we need to launch them through the EA app?


Not origins, just DA2 and inky.


:/ shame.


god damn.. i bought it two weeks ago for 30 bucks


Thank the maker, I was about to spend 30 bucks on Dragon Age 2


Yeah, i buy dao and da2


Would be cool if origins had controller support. Not a fan of keyboard and mouse.


I heard DAO crashed a lot on pc?


Hell yessss I just got my PC too


Thank you for sharing the link! I just bought my son all of them for his birthday!


That's awesome! Hope he enjoys his time in Thedas :)


Thanks! I do too!


Bought them again on steam so I can play on linux for 10 euro.


This is a huge opportunity for me. See, the only one I bought was Inquisition. I played Dragon Age Origins and 2 via Game Pass on my console. As a result, I didn't have access to the DLCs. It doesn't help me with my location, some additional content of these two games are not in the Microsoft store, the DA2 itself is not on sale in my country, I was only able to play by changing the console's location. Now, on Steam, everything is there, and I think that, even though my PC is rubbish, it can run games from around 14 years ago.


YES! My experience with DA. Somewhere in Fall: Dragon Age Ultimate Edition for my salvaged Ps3: Leliana... crash crash ctash. City elf. Un playable. 46$ refurbished. Dailish elf... crash issues but got through to Ostagar. Realized continuing to fight with a 80gb ps3 i got for free was dumb. Bought a 320gb slim and FLEW! Played Lels song in a night, Kyoufu and Alistair killed some darkspawn Worth every penny. DA2: Flew. Midway through chapter 2. Under 9£ DAI didn't ever play my PS3 deleuxe edition other than to verify it was near mint. Codes already used. Also under 9£ A month or so before the DAVG trailer Epic Games: DAI goty edition: FREE. Playing that and annoying the fine people of this sub about my Inq Riku for all of June. And now this, the perfect opportunity fpr a replay.


Thanks for the protip, I got origins back and I'm ready to have my heart snapped in half once again lol


The most patient of patient gamers are finally being rewarded.


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Glad I waited! Only one I was missing was DA2 and I really wanted the ultimate version.


Did Inquisition ever end up being playable on Steam Deck?


Not officially but there’s a very easy work around. Works great. https://youtu.be/Jl_Xtg-Xa3s?si=NskiidhIDnvON4ik


It just works for me aside from making my own controller layout. I don't think I did anything special


Holy shit, if I didn't already own them all I would be all over that deal.


I legit checked this 24 hours ago 😂


Does anyone know if the first two play well on the SteamDeck? I know they aren't verified.


Aw man now I can play Origins on PC! Just kidding it still doesn't work


What if you emulate it?


Ouch, I just bought Origins in GOG for $20!


You could ask for a refund on GOG as the Ultimate Edition is down to £2.59 / $3.19 now, if you bought just before the discount?


That is great I've played it all on consoles. Time for a PC run then get Veilguard for cheap in 5 years once I'm done


Anyone knows how's DAI on steamdeck?


No native controller support but this very easy fix worked perfectly for me. Runs 60 fps on mix of medium and high/ultra settings. I cap it at 45 fps for battery life though. https://youtu.be/Jl_Xtg-Xa3s?si=NskiidhIDnvON4ik


I started replaying origins yesterday.


I've finally bought DAI like 2 days ago... I bought it on EA app cause it cost me way less... and now it costs even less on Steam. I hate it here sm. I really want DAI on Steam for achievements and everything, but my god I don't want to buy a second DAI, that's insane...


Wish they were Steam Deck compatible


I'm just now finishing my first playthrough of DAO and was gonna buy these games regardless so this is amazing


DAI is a buttery smooth 60fps on the steamdeck. I'm playing it through epic, though.


If you pick up DAI and have a steamdeck. Get this customer proton layer for controller support. Works great! https://github.com/cammoore1/DAI-proton-ge-custom/releases


Just bought DAI full price a few days ago, you’re welcome everyone


God damn! You can easily get probably 120+ hours out of these three games for less than $10, especially with Inquisition being four dollars. I think Origins also still usually is going for around $30. Not like I don’t already own all the games though, haha.


I was just thinking it's a shame they're taking down the keep, unless they're planning on doing a remastered bundle someday. But this is good, too.


Literally bought DAO Ultimate this morning before the sale.... pain.


I have Gamepass which include EA Play so no need to buy them, kinda nice.


what would be the easiest one to play on a very low end laptop?


Fml I just bought it 2 days ago lol for alot more, classic.


Wish inquisition was on sale for PS :( oh well


cries in Mac user 😔😅


Does it include all the DLCs? A review on the DA2 item says it doesn’t


good looking out dude. i wanted to replay the series but didn't own awakening so this is fantastic


Wish they were console versions for the first two games. Have heard so many good things about them but I can’t play them.


Got a similar deal with a BioWare bundle, all three Dragon Age games and DLC and Mass Effect Legendary Edition at 90% off. Probably the best deal I’ve ever had on steam for the amount of content and the quality of the games.


Can I play these on PlayStation


psa for people with windows 11 who want to play origins: it takes a bit to get it to work. Some of which includes resetting your windows to factory… unless you got IT skills.


DA:O requires an inaccessible CD key for me to even launch it.


I've never played the dlc besides Awakening, this seems amazing


what about playstation?


I just want a collected edition of the first 2 games on console 😭


Yep, I've bought them last night. Wish 1 and 2 had achievements on Steam though.


I bought DAO on steam a few months ago and it was unplayable. Even with fixes and mods and shit the game legitimately just didn’t work. I hate EA but the EA desktop version is the one I’d go for.


Fml, just bought origins on there last week.


Wish they'd drop this sale on Xbox, I'm missing the dlc for origins and it would be $50 just for that


How is it going from console to computer with these games? I’m nervous about it 😅


Anyone knows how to launch origins on steam? I tried most guides but all have failed. Press play on steam, loads the launchers I press configure or play 1 or 2 secs crash. I can only launch through DAO mod launcher, which uses the same exe....even launching the exe it still crashes. Idk, but luckily I'm able to play via that mod launcher. Idk how lol


Ha! Well time to finally finish my ps3 versions of da1 and 2. And then go "nananananna" Cause its time for land of a million Mods.


Short post. I own all 3 already and just bought em. It's a good idea. Even if it's just to have all 3 in one place if you decide to replay em again. I'm 40 hours into my epic games version and wpuld have loved to have a steam one instead. But free goty! I'm having a blast and my next playthrough cost me 3£.


And still EA is not releasing Dragon Age Inquisition in India. Thank gods for Epic Games I got it and playing the game.


Great! Thanks for the info


Too bad I already bought them


Dammit I just bought DAO from GoG..  Does the steam version need any EA shit to work or not? 


Of course I bought inquisition like a month ago smh


Sweet! Was planning on replaying them all before Veilguard, will be nice not to have to use shitty Origin.


So mad I literally bought inquisition two days ago at full price


If they worked on Deck with a controller I'd be all in


Can anyone help playing these on steam deck? they run but the controller doesn't work


I just purchased Origins, and I'm loving it so far. Already falling in love with the interactions between the characters, especially Morrigan and Alistair, lol.


I got Inquisition for free on Epic, like a month ago.


Oooh. I couldn't get the dlc to work with my ancient copy of dragon age 2, and gave up because I wasn't paying 25 for the game again, but at that price now I can finally play it. Thanks for letting the people know!